" I…" Yu Dong felt a bit awkward, it wasn't that she didn't go to the Wu family, she did but the Old madam Wu was really stubborn. She wholeheartedly supported He Cheung because he would sometimes bring her a few things and food items as gifts for her 'hard work' in maintaining the peace of the village. Thus, when she went to the Wu family she received the same response as the other families though Yuehua wanted to come with her, he couldn't do anything against his mother-in-law.
"It's all right, I know that old woman is as stubborn as a horse." How can Wu Junfen not understand her mother's thought process, though she lived with her instant mother for only a few years, she understood her really well. She was prideful, vain and selfish to the core …after being taught a lesson by Yu Dong she acted carefully but once Wu Junfen left the house and let her mother become in charge of the household.
She once again started her antics!
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