That night a strange rumour spread around the village and that was ' Qiu Bai and Old man Yu are possessed'. The field that Yu Dong built was of course only limited to the backyard of the old Yu Family, once Qiu Bai and Old man Yu stepped out of that field everyone could hear them shouting and begging for forgiveness. If Yu Dong wanted she could have asked them to state their ' good deeds' from their own mouth but she didn't want to have any additional trouble for a short while.
Dedicating todays chapter to dskyla, Evil_Momster_Flexx, gripplingyeti, Sweetxtc, Nadine_Linter , mischeng_2044, moondark , GucciCat_Keli03 , thank you for sending me gifts!! Special thanks to moondark and GucciCat_Keli03 for sending me consecutive gifts!
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