The entire situation was a complete nightmare for Heng Xinchen, she had been threatened, beaten and even got bitten by one of her followers when they tried to attack Yu Dong but ended up knocking into her. This … This kind of humiliation, when had she suffered? She immediately picked up a stone and threw it at Yu Dong who dodged it without any trouble at all. Heng Xinchen covered her face, sensing that she couldn't beat Yu dong, she yelled menacingly " Try hitting me one more time! I will make life difficult for you I swear! You don't want to make a living in the Big River town is that so?"
Dedicating today's chapter to dskyla, Nadine_Linter, Kacyet, chrisb13, Sweetxtc, time_less, Nerd_Next_Door, GucciCat_Keli03, cutie_mua , gripplingyeti, moondark. Thank you for sending me gifts'n
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