Reviews of Free Fall (Pyramid of Gold) by Guiltythree - Webnovel



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Shameless author here, writing a review for their own book. Please indulge me a little ;) I will leave this review here in case any of the readers have questions they want to ask me. If you do, leave them in the comments: I will be sure to answer them to the best of my ability. Just don't ask me when was the last time I've slept or what on Earth compelled me to become a writer, because honestly... I hardly remember! :) As to how I would rate this book - without a doubt, this is the best book I've ever written. ... Largely because it is the only book I've written! I truly hope you'll like it. Please enjoy Free Fall :)

Lihat 34 balasan

The author has a big heart. Most books have great world building, great story, great writing. However most books still fail. The reason, they fail is in the character department. The characters are none existent, they are robots, psychopaths. This book does it differently, the characters feel human. It sounds like such a small thing. However it what differentiates an ordinary novel to a great book. So if you are an aspiring author, this book is a great study on how improve your character design.

Lihat 7 balasan
LV 15 Badge

Hello, I'll write a review for this (completed) novel because I feel like it deserves much more praise and popularity. If you hadn't noticed, it is the first work published (at least on Webnovel) by Shadow Slave's author. However, I would say it is much darker and targets a more mature audience, because even though there are some "abilities" and fantasy components, Free Fall is set in a world very close to our own, which makes the horror extremely realistic. The premise makes it easy to draw parallels and provides surprising depth to the world building, given that the novel is quite short. I have a hard time believing that this was a first work, published at a fast rate, because it is so... polished. There are a few typos here and there, but that's to be expected and editing it into an actual book would remedy it immediately (as well as making the whole novel even better probably!) so overall, yes, Free Fall is well-written. Just saying it is "well-written" though, simply doesn't do it honor. Obviously, the plot and intrigue are captivating and well thought-out, and the narration in first-person, with the MC's unique way of thinking, is perfectly natural. The Disease is terrifying to imagine, and the fate-worse-than-death that it represents for wraiths is depicted in all its horror. But really, what is most outstanding is how lifelike the characters are. Larger than life even, in Claire's case: her magnetic personality, humor and whims make her so charismatic that it's no wonder Matt fell for her. She has a strong, well-defined personality that does fit into a type - a sort of rebel, idealist but priviledged, extrovert but sensitive - but despite clearly belonging to a category of people you may or may not like (she even smokes, which doesn't bother me but is surprising for what is clearly supposed to be the ideal girl), I believe everyone will agree that she is amazing. All the good stuff about her simply outshine everything else -- the best example being her smile, that inflicts such devastating damage to our MC that I could picture it. So yes, one could say she's the ideal girl that could only exist in a novel but on the contrary, her qualities fit so naturally in the writing that I ended up asking myself if she was real -- and if people like her were out there, then where were they my whole life ? The couple of chapters about the party were particularly on point, they reminded me of my own experience lol: the sharp contrast between sober awkwardness and drunken excitment, the hints picked up but not responded to, the dance and the race for time and the misunderstandings and the frustration all around... It was bittersweet I guess ? A very unique feeling but in any case it was a masterpiece. Speaking of their relationship, Matt's infatuation with her is portrayed exquisitely ; whether it's their flirting or his internal conflict and attempts to distance himself, the author managed to make none of it awkward or required by the plot. This may be precisely what makes Free Fall so fantastic: it is a tragedy, we know it from the start (or with the title even), and usually people struggle to depict the looming catastrophe while making the story progress and the characters interact in a way that doesn't reek of foreshadowing, plot devices or forced hardships/relationships for character development. Here, the tragedy is masterfully done in that the plot twists always strike true, the plot threads that start from the very beginning of the novel slowly unravel and connect but I still couldn't help hoping for a good ending and empathizing with Matt's emotions at every step nonetheless. Perhaps this is also my biggest regret regarding Free Fall: it's so perfect, so whole, so polished that the conclusion feels all the more inevitable and final. But I don't want it to be final... I would have loved to read about the aftermath, short and long term, perhaps a change in the world order, perhaps more persecution and propaganda ? Matt's descent into madness or overcoming of the Disease ? The ending is ambiguous enough to make me hope, but even if it's a lost cause, I would read it, even pay for it just because it deserves the tribute. Most of all, I can't help wondering about Claire. An epilogue, perhaps from her POV would be enough to cleanly put a rest to my hopes (or not?) and also an occasion to revisit this story from the start, from her POV and savor it once more. I simply cannot believe that Free Fall didn't attract more readers, and I would never forgive Webnovel if the lack of popularity influenced how this novel turned out or was cut short. At least Shadow Slave is a hit (and it's well deserved, though I won't make a review about it since it's so popular already). Thank you for writing this GuiltyThree, and thanks for reading my review ! It's exceedingly long, since it also serves as a sort of farewell for me (and a way to complain a tiny bit because I hunger for more). Long story short (ha), Free Fall is head and shoulders above the competition on Webnovel ; it's an amazing journey that you can enjoy in a single afternoon if you can handle the intensity, and you and your family should read it. You won't regret it.

Lihat 3 balasan

"Free Fall: The Literary Equivalent of Jumping Out of a Plane Without a Parachute—And Loving Every Second" – 5 Stars You ever start a book thinking, "Oh, I’ll just read a few chapters before bed," and suddenly it’s 4 AM, your heart is racing, and you're questioning all your life choices? Yeah. That’s Free Fall. GuiltyThree has somehow crafted a story so intense, so gripping, and so emotionally chaotic that reading it feels like getting thrown out of a spaceship into the cold void of space—except you’re also really into it. The pacing? Breakneck. The tension? Cranked up to 11. The writing? So immersive that I forgot I had actual responsibilities. And then there’s the ending. Oh, the ending. The moment I finished, my brain basically short-circuited, and I just sat there, blinking at the last page like, "That’s it? No. I need MORE. Where’s the next chapter? The next book? The secret files? The hidden DLC??" If you like sci-fi, action, a sprinkle of existential dread, and storytelling that hijacks your brain and refuses to let go, Free Fall is an absolute must-read. Just be warned—once you reach the end, you’ll be craving more like an addict at a cliffhanger convention.

Lihat 0 balasan

I pray one day you come back to continue this novel, yeah it might not be as popular as shadow slave but myself and I’m sure many others would love to see a continuation and as your first work although extremely good I believe hasn’t seen its full potential yet both story and ratings wise. Anyway thanks for the read and I hope to one day see you pick this back up :)

Lihat 1 balasan

This novel is probably the best webnovel I’ve found on this site. It’s original and focused, something you rarely find in the great number similar isekai/system/wishfulfillment stories you find here. In a number of ways I believe it’s better than the author’s other more successful work. The world is deep and interesting, it’s characters feel like real people and it precisely knows the story it wants to tell without rushing or overstaying it’s welcome.

Lihat 1 balasan

To be honest, I have only read the free chapters of this book, And in those 49 chapters I was left with nothing but satisfaction. I came here, started reading this story, because of G3’s other, far more popular book, Shadow Slave. And I was left with the same elation I feel after reading SS in only the 49 chapters that were free. I feel satisfied with the ending of those chapters, it leaves a lot of doors unexplored, but I am content already with this story to say that it is, truly amazing! Thank you Guilty three, having atleast one of your stories not be so, so fucking slow burn, I know you love ‘em low and slow but it is like a breath of fresh air to find a story written by you that isn’t slower than a mountain eroding. It was also crazy to then find out that this was your first book and decided to get MORE into slowburn. So I suppose I’m just glad I found this gem and it didn’t get lost from the shadow it cast.

Lihat 1 balasan

The writing is incredible. So much story compacted into these few chapters. Glad I had the chance to read it.

Lihat 1 balasan

Wow... all I can say is thank you Guilty3. I devoured Free Fall in it's entirety in a matter of two business days and that is an attest to how captivating it is. If I were to describe this novel without spoiling anything I'd say it's a paranormal romantic tragedy with a great similarity to Tokyo ghoul in terms of worldbuilding and the mentality of the mc. It also shares nuances with works like Red Rising, Edgerunners and Shadow Slave (obviously). Reading Free Fall was an emotional rollercoaster that switched between extreme happiness to utter despair and back to a strange feeling of exhilaration. It is strange how deeply connected I felt to certain characters after only a couple of chapters. An entire story has been told in only only 62 chapters and I feel that it was neither too long nor too short. Truly an Underrated gem READ FREE FALL!

Lihat 1 balasan
LV 1 Badge

So much could be said about this novel but, I don't think I can faithfully do it justice in such a small review So my only advice is rather simple! Give it a read and enjoy the story!

Lihat 1 balasan
LV 13 Badge

wow. amazing novel tbh started it just for a short lil story but ended up reading this beautiful piece. I do wish there was a bit more closure in the ending or an after scene. but still incredible. I've read SS before, but this style of writing is just a different world. I'd say it's so well written and detailed; it just fits perfectly the dark story that's being told. Still, I would like just 2 more chapters for closure (maybe even a happy post-action scene...).

Lihat 1 balasan

Well done G3, even in grey, the world you’ve built shines with color. When humans are overwhelmed with a sense of purpose they often forget the basis of what makes humanity differ from animals. Morals. Colour, race, status, it doesn’t matter in the end, and I personally think that it’s both a simple but complicated reminder to people. It’s something simple to forget, but complicated to feel and understand. So one again thank you G3, truly well written.

Lihat 1 balasan

TLDR; This book is amazing. It features real people experiencing real human emotions, written masterfully. While short, the story is perfect. Give it a read, please. It gives the thrill of Xianxia while actually allowing the protagonists to be vulnerable, which is the highest level of the genre. Every author could learn from this book. I came here because I love Shadow Slave and was curious what story G3 had written prior that prepared them to write Shadow Slave. Honestly, I was expecting a kinda trashy novel, probably long winded and overdone. Instead, I have been treated to the same incredible world-building that makes Shadow Slave incredible. I was totally immersed, to the point that when my wife asked what I was reading, I couldn't answer. There was no simple way to describe what this book encompassed in just the 40 chapters I had read at that point. And while the 62 chapters might have short to some, I totally understand G3s decision to end it. If nobody was reading, finish the currently planned story and start something anew. I hope once G3 is done with SS and it's world, he revisits this one, carefully constructing a new story, another one for the ages.

Lihat 1 balasan
LV 12 Badge

A good ratio of suspense and realization. G3 really goes above and beyond in the world building and character interactions.

Lihat 1 balasan

Masterpiece!!! Guiltythree is truly the goat🐐🫡

Lihat 1 balasan

I was really impressed with how well written this book was. The characters were fun and the story moved at a really good pace. I finish the entire story in a day and I would definitely recommend it.

Lihat 1 balasan

Writing a review for this wonderful masterpiece cause it deserves it. Free fall seems to be ur normal fantasy with abilities and shii, but what really separates it from most it not all novels we see on this platform is the realistic, almost resonating thematic theme of the novel. The horror of the disease, the lore behind it, the concept itself was woven so perfectly into something so wholesome I couldn't help but dread imagining being born into such a world. For the writing quality. All I can say is, you can only see this kind of writing style, structure and paraphrasing in published books. it by far surpasses the writing quality seen in most novels on webnovel. The story development has really been a hell of a ride. From the moments when I laughed, cried to when I tensed up. Guilty three never ceases to amaze me with all those masterfully crafted plot twist and plot development. A dark soul kinda novel and to be sincere it seems to target a more mature audience. Readers looking for a great read, not some run of the mill u can get anytime u want. And ironically enough, we have a lot of such readers on this platform and sadly, why this novel isn't that popular or receiving the attention it rightfully deserves. Ah... the characters. One of the best point of this novel. Guilty three has managed to humanize his characters in a way that makes me actually care, not just care but feel attached to them. Their emotions, they way it's realistically portrayed. From the moment of anger, to moment of frustration, despair, maddening, descending into the so-called disease, to the memory flashbacks. G3 has written it... portrayed their characters and their emotions in ways that actually humanize them and make them relatable. A feat that most novels on this platform very much fail to achieve and even among those who do achieve this. None, at least as far as I have seen and as much as so have read, none had really thrown me on such a rollercoaster of emotions. It's simply something I could have only somewhat expect from a great published book. And for the world building. All I can say about this aspect is that, guilty three has done it perfectly well, infact he did more than justice to it. The blurring between good and evil, the lovecraftian concepts, the world itself feels so realistic, harsh and dark even. It's horrifying and just thinking about it gives me the chills. All in all, this novel is really great and G3... stand proud and tall my man. Your work far surpasses the work we see on this platform. And it's really saddening to see free fall not getting the attention that it rightfully deserves. Anyway just decided to vent some of my anger and write this seemingly long epistle. And if u did read it to the end. Well, that would be for the best. Want you to know that at least there are few souls out there that actually see just how great free fall is. Ss also is, but free fall. It just hits me right on the head. All in all, thanks for such a masterpiece and most importantly G3.. Keep cooking!!!

Lihat 1 balasan

could i get your Instagram please please please mr author i am a humongous fan and would love to have a conversation with you

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absolutely wonderful second only to shadow slave 🙇🏾

Lihat 1 balasan

very good book, author is very good at exploring different concepts

Lihat 1 balasan

I love it, g3 is the best autor. Pleas make more. I beg you. He can Catch you and its unpossible to stop reading. Why is ther only 62 chapters?

Lihat 1 balasan

Absolute short novel I just finished in 4-6 hours. Straight forward storyline but great flesh out for all main cast. Very easy to get into, the writing is just splendid. Overall 5 for me cause it did not take too much time and was enjoyable. Even the power is explained thoroughly and the antagonist force is great. Mickey Matthew Thank you for giving me such great reading materials GuiltyThree.

Lihat 1 balasan

Beautiful story it’s like three am I couldn’t find put this masterpiece down !! Only a few grammatical errors to fix here and there. It’s was full of emotions and everything that makes a story a good story. I hesitated reading this because I thought it’d be mushy romance, now I’m finding I wish there was more of that….. just one more chapter and I would have enough closure… this is leaving me with more angst than finishing the world after the fall… I had the whatever side hand of evil in my book list ig imma go read it. Tomorrow.

Lihat 1 balasan

Short to the point story. Not bad at all G3.

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This story is quite something. This book like his other book Shadow Slave brings life to characters however, this one takes a darker view to life. In a very real and beautiful way his attention to detail making things both realistic yet beautiful. We get into the beautiful mind of a person whose has to live a life on the edge in fear. It’s not a story for those looking to have a nice simple read. However it is for those who are looking to get enraptured by a different world. To see someone face things with a moral compass to his life. Although bittersweet beautifully written thank you G3!

Lihat 1 balasan
LV 14 Badge

Like a lot of people, I read this novel because of Shadow Slave. It was short but masterfully written. I'm torn whether I want a sequel or leave this alone. I saw in one of your comment that this was very heavy to write and you don't want to do it again, maybe you should reconsider Good luck to you and now I'm back waiting for more Shadow Slave chapters.

Lihat 1 balasan
LV 14 Badge

Honestly, I liked it more than shadow slave

Lihat 0 balasan
LV 14 Badge

I really like Shadow Slave so I thought I’d give this a try, but the dialogue just being ‘ instead of “ overall just doesn’t make sense and kind of just feels wrong overall. I’m sure the novel’s good, but I unfortunately won’t read it just because of that

Lihat 0 balasan

Free Fall is fast paced, gripping, and well written. The psychological aspects, action, and romance were all excellent. There is the occasional typo, but it doesn’t matter because the book is just too good. It’s a bit darker than Shadow Slave, and I enjoyed it a bit more since it’s faster paced.

Lihat 1 balasan

A good work. Author LifeDayDreams could take example for the fleshing of his characters, whether for the little gem in making, "Humans' Limits", or the new one he is writing, "Love from the ashes". But especially for the second one that is also very interesting.

Lihat 0 balasan

and if i have no Comments? I only feel sorry for Matt but this is a calm novel. not an emotional rollercoaster

Lihat 0 balasan

Well done but I need a follow up volume.

Lihat 1 balasan

great read. G3 knows his stuff. enjoying every chapter so far

Lihat 1 balasan

Shameless author here, writing a review for their own book. Please indulge me a little ;) I will leave this review here in case any of the readers have questions they want to ask me. If you do, leave them in the comments: I will be sure to answer them to the best of my ability. Just don't ask me when was the last time I've slept or what on Earth compelled me to become a writer, because honestly... I hardly remember! :) As to how I would rate this book - without a doubt, this is the best book I've ever written. ... Largely because it is the only book I've written! I truly hope you'll like it. Please enjoy Free Fall :)

Lihat 34 balasan

The author has a big heart. Most books have great world building, great story, great writing. However most books still fail. The reason, they fail is in the character department. The characters are none existent, they are robots, psychopaths. This book does it differently, the characters feel human. It sounds like such a small thing. However it what differentiates an ordinary novel to a great book. So if you are an aspiring author, this book is a great study on how improve your character design.

Lihat 7 balasan
LV 15 Badge

Hello, I'll write a review for this (completed) novel because I feel like it deserves much more praise and popularity. If you hadn't noticed, it is the first work published (at least on Webnovel) by Shadow Slave's author. However, I would say it is much darker and targets a more mature audience, because even though there are some "abilities" and fantasy components, Free Fall is set in a world very close to our own, which makes the horror extremely realistic. The premise makes it easy to draw parallels and provides surprising depth to the world building, given that the novel is quite short. I have a hard time believing that this was a first work, published at a fast rate, because it is so... polished. There are a few typos here and there, but that's to be expected and editing it into an actual book would remedy it immediately (as well as making the whole novel even better probably!) so overall, yes, Free Fall is well-written. Just saying it is "well-written" though, simply doesn't do it honor. Obviously, the plot and intrigue are captivating and well thought-out, and the narration in first-person, with the MC's unique way of thinking, is perfectly natural. The Disease is terrifying to imagine, and the fate-worse-than-death that it represents for wraiths is depicted in all its horror. But really, what is most outstanding is how lifelike the characters are. Larger than life even, in Claire's case: her magnetic personality, humor and whims make her so charismatic that it's no wonder Matt fell for her. She has a strong, well-defined personality that does fit into a type - a sort of rebel, idealist but priviledged, extrovert but sensitive - but despite clearly belonging to a category of people you may or may not like (she even smokes, which doesn't bother me but is surprising for what is clearly supposed to be the ideal girl), I believe everyone will agree that she is amazing. All the good stuff about her simply outshine everything else -- the best example being her smile, that inflicts such devastating damage to our MC that I could picture it. So yes, one could say she's the ideal girl that could only exist in a novel but on the contrary, her qualities fit so naturally in the writing that I ended up asking myself if she was real -- and if people like her were out there, then where were they my whole life ? The couple of chapters about the party were particularly on point, they reminded me of my own experience lol: the sharp contrast between sober awkwardness and drunken excitment, the hints picked up but not responded to, the dance and the race for time and the misunderstandings and the frustration all around... It was bittersweet I guess ? A very unique feeling but in any case it was a masterpiece. Speaking of their relationship, Matt's infatuation with her is portrayed exquisitely ; whether it's their flirting or his internal conflict and attempts to distance himself, the author managed to make none of it awkward or required by the plot. This may be precisely what makes Free Fall so fantastic: it is a tragedy, we know it from the start (or with the title even), and usually people struggle to depict the looming catastrophe while making the story progress and the characters interact in a way that doesn't reek of foreshadowing, plot devices or forced hardships/relationships for character development. Here, the tragedy is masterfully done in that the plot twists always strike true, the plot threads that start from the very beginning of the novel slowly unravel and connect but I still couldn't help hoping for a good ending and empathizing with Matt's emotions at every step nonetheless. Perhaps this is also my biggest regret regarding Free Fall: it's so perfect, so whole, so polished that the conclusion feels all the more inevitable and final. But I don't want it to be final... I would have loved to read about the aftermath, short and long term, perhaps a change in the world order, perhaps more persecution and propaganda ? Matt's descent into madness or overcoming of the Disease ? The ending is ambiguous enough to make me hope, but even if it's a lost cause, I would read it, even pay for it just because it deserves the tribute. Most of all, I can't help wondering about Claire. An epilogue, perhaps from her POV would be enough to cleanly put a rest to my hopes (or not?) and also an occasion to revisit this story from the start, from her POV and savor it once more. I simply cannot believe that Free Fall didn't attract more readers, and I would never forgive Webnovel if the lack of popularity influenced how this novel turned out or was cut short. At least Shadow Slave is a hit (and it's well deserved, though I won't make a review about it since it's so popular already). Thank you for writing this GuiltyThree, and thanks for reading my review ! It's exceedingly long, since it also serves as a sort of farewell for me (and a way to complain a tiny bit because I hunger for more). Long story short (ha), Free Fall is head and shoulders above the competition on Webnovel ; it's an amazing journey that you can enjoy in a single afternoon if you can handle the intensity, and you and your family should read it. You won't regret it.

Lihat 3 balasan

"Free Fall: The Literary Equivalent of Jumping Out of a Plane Without a Parachute—And Loving Every Second" – 5 Stars You ever start a book thinking, "Oh, I’ll just read a few chapters before bed," and suddenly it’s 4 AM, your heart is racing, and you're questioning all your life choices? Yeah. That’s Free Fall. GuiltyThree has somehow crafted a story so intense, so gripping, and so emotionally chaotic that reading it feels like getting thrown out of a spaceship into the cold void of space—except you’re also really into it. The pacing? Breakneck. The tension? Cranked up to 11. The writing? So immersive that I forgot I had actual responsibilities. And then there’s the ending. Oh, the ending. The moment I finished, my brain basically short-circuited, and I just sat there, blinking at the last page like, "That’s it? No. I need MORE. Where’s the next chapter? The next book? The secret files? The hidden DLC??" If you like sci-fi, action, a sprinkle of existential dread, and storytelling that hijacks your brain and refuses to let go, Free Fall is an absolute must-read. Just be warned—once you reach the end, you’ll be craving more like an addict at a cliffhanger convention.

Lihat 0 balasan

I pray one day you come back to continue this novel, yeah it might not be as popular as shadow slave but myself and I’m sure many others would love to see a continuation and as your first work although extremely good I believe hasn’t seen its full potential yet both story and ratings wise. Anyway thanks for the read and I hope to one day see you pick this back up :)

Lihat 1 balasan

This novel is probably the best webnovel I’ve found on this site. It’s original and focused, something you rarely find in the great number similar isekai/system/wishfulfillment stories you find here. In a number of ways I believe it’s better than the author’s other more successful work. The world is deep and interesting, it’s characters feel like real people and it precisely knows the story it wants to tell without rushing or overstaying it’s welcome.

Lihat 1 balasan

To be honest, I have only read the free chapters of this book, And in those 49 chapters I was left with nothing but satisfaction. I came here, started reading this story, because of G3’s other, far more popular book, Shadow Slave. And I was left with the same elation I feel after reading SS in only the 49 chapters that were free. I feel satisfied with the ending of those chapters, it leaves a lot of doors unexplored, but I am content already with this story to say that it is, truly amazing! Thank you Guilty three, having atleast one of your stories not be so, so fucking slow burn, I know you love ‘em low and slow but it is like a breath of fresh air to find a story written by you that isn’t slower than a mountain eroding. It was also crazy to then find out that this was your first book and decided to get MORE into slowburn. So I suppose I’m just glad I found this gem and it didn’t get lost from the shadow it cast.

Lihat 1 balasan

The writing is incredible. So much story compacted into these few chapters. Glad I had the chance to read it.

Lihat 1 balasan

Wow... all I can say is thank you Guilty3. I devoured Free Fall in it's entirety in a matter of two business days and that is an attest to how captivating it is. If I were to describe this novel without spoiling anything I'd say it's a paranormal romantic tragedy with a great similarity to Tokyo ghoul in terms of worldbuilding and the mentality of the mc. It also shares nuances with works like Red Rising, Edgerunners and Shadow Slave (obviously). Reading Free Fall was an emotional rollercoaster that switched between extreme happiness to utter despair and back to a strange feeling of exhilaration. It is strange how deeply connected I felt to certain characters after only a couple of chapters. An entire story has been told in only only 62 chapters and I feel that it was neither too long nor too short. Truly an Underrated gem READ FREE FALL!

Lihat 1 balasan
LV 1 Badge

So much could be said about this novel but, I don't think I can faithfully do it justice in such a small review So my only advice is rather simple! Give it a read and enjoy the story!

Lihat 1 balasan
LV 13 Badge

wow. amazing novel tbh started it just for a short lil story but ended up reading this beautiful piece. I do wish there was a bit more closure in the ending or an after scene. but still incredible. I've read SS before, but this style of writing is just a different world. I'd say it's so well written and detailed; it just fits perfectly the dark story that's being told. Still, I would like just 2 more chapters for closure (maybe even a happy post-action scene...).

Lihat 1 balasan

Well done G3, even in grey, the world you’ve built shines with color. When humans are overwhelmed with a sense of purpose they often forget the basis of what makes humanity differ from animals. Morals. Colour, race, status, it doesn’t matter in the end, and I personally think that it’s both a simple but complicated reminder to people. It’s something simple to forget, but complicated to feel and understand. So one again thank you G3, truly well written.

Lihat 1 balasan

TLDR; This book is amazing. It features real people experiencing real human emotions, written masterfully. While short, the story is perfect. Give it a read, please. It gives the thrill of Xianxia while actually allowing the protagonists to be vulnerable, which is the highest level of the genre. Every author could learn from this book. I came here because I love Shadow Slave and was curious what story G3 had written prior that prepared them to write Shadow Slave. Honestly, I was expecting a kinda trashy novel, probably long winded and overdone. Instead, I have been treated to the same incredible world-building that makes Shadow Slave incredible. I was totally immersed, to the point that when my wife asked what I was reading, I couldn't answer. There was no simple way to describe what this book encompassed in just the 40 chapters I had read at that point. And while the 62 chapters might have short to some, I totally understand G3s decision to end it. If nobody was reading, finish the currently planned story and start something anew. I hope once G3 is done with SS and it's world, he revisits this one, carefully constructing a new story, another one for the ages.

Lihat 1 balasan
LV 12 Badge

A good ratio of suspense and realization. G3 really goes above and beyond in the world building and character interactions.

Lihat 1 balasan

Masterpiece!!! Guiltythree is truly the goat🐐🫡

Lihat 1 balasan

I was really impressed with how well written this book was. The characters were fun and the story moved at a really good pace. I finish the entire story in a day and I would definitely recommend it.

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Writing a review for this wonderful masterpiece cause it deserves it. Free fall seems to be ur normal fantasy with abilities and shii, but what really separates it from most it not all novels we see on this platform is the realistic, almost resonating thematic theme of the novel. The horror of the disease, the lore behind it, the concept itself was woven so perfectly into something so wholesome I couldn't help but dread imagining being born into such a world. For the writing quality. All I can say is, you can only see this kind of writing style, structure and paraphrasing in published books. it by far surpasses the writing quality seen in most novels on webnovel. The story development has really been a hell of a ride. From the moments when I laughed, cried to when I tensed up. Guilty three never ceases to amaze me with all those masterfully crafted plot twist and plot development. A dark soul kinda novel and to be sincere it seems to target a more mature audience. Readers looking for a great read, not some run of the mill u can get anytime u want. And ironically enough, we have a lot of such readers on this platform and sadly, why this novel isn't that popular or receiving the attention it rightfully deserves. Ah... the characters. One of the best point of this novel. Guilty three has managed to humanize his characters in a way that makes me actually care, not just care but feel attached to them. Their emotions, they way it's realistically portrayed. From the moment of anger, to moment of frustration, despair, maddening, descending into the so-called disease, to the memory flashbacks. G3 has written it... portrayed their characters and their emotions in ways that actually humanize them and make them relatable. A feat that most novels on this platform very much fail to achieve and even among those who do achieve this. None, at least as far as I have seen and as much as so have read, none had really thrown me on such a rollercoaster of emotions. It's simply something I could have only somewhat expect from a great published book. And for the world building. All I can say about this aspect is that, guilty three has done it perfectly well, infact he did more than justice to it. The blurring between good and evil, the lovecraftian concepts, the world itself feels so realistic, harsh and dark even. It's horrifying and just thinking about it gives me the chills. All in all, this novel is really great and G3... stand proud and tall my man. Your work far surpasses the work we see on this platform. And it's really saddening to see free fall not getting the attention that it rightfully deserves. Anyway just decided to vent some of my anger and write this seemingly long epistle. And if u did read it to the end. Well, that would be for the best. Want you to know that at least there are few souls out there that actually see just how great free fall is. Ss also is, but free fall. It just hits me right on the head. All in all, thanks for such a masterpiece and most importantly G3.. Keep cooking!!!

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could i get your Instagram please please please mr author i am a humongous fan and would love to have a conversation with you

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absolutely wonderful second only to shadow slave 🙇🏾

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very good book, author is very good at exploring different concepts

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I love it, g3 is the best autor. Pleas make more. I beg you. He can Catch you and its unpossible to stop reading. Why is ther only 62 chapters?

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Absolute short novel I just finished in 4-6 hours. Straight forward storyline but great flesh out for all main cast. Very easy to get into, the writing is just splendid. Overall 5 for me cause it did not take too much time and was enjoyable. Even the power is explained thoroughly and the antagonist force is great. Mickey Matthew Thank you for giving me such great reading materials GuiltyThree.

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Beautiful story it’s like three am I couldn’t find put this masterpiece down !! Only a few grammatical errors to fix here and there. It’s was full of emotions and everything that makes a story a good story. I hesitated reading this because I thought it’d be mushy romance, now I’m finding I wish there was more of that….. just one more chapter and I would have enough closure… this is leaving me with more angst than finishing the world after the fall… I had the whatever side hand of evil in my book list ig imma go read it. Tomorrow.

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Short to the point story. Not bad at all G3.

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This story is quite something. This book like his other book Shadow Slave brings life to characters however, this one takes a darker view to life. In a very real and beautiful way his attention to detail making things both realistic yet beautiful. We get into the beautiful mind of a person whose has to live a life on the edge in fear. It’s not a story for those looking to have a nice simple read. However it is for those who are looking to get enraptured by a different world. To see someone face things with a moral compass to his life. Although bittersweet beautifully written thank you G3!

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LV 14 Badge

Like a lot of people, I read this novel because of Shadow Slave. It was short but masterfully written. I'm torn whether I want a sequel or leave this alone. I saw in one of your comment that this was very heavy to write and you don't want to do it again, maybe you should reconsider Good luck to you and now I'm back waiting for more Shadow Slave chapters.

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LV 14 Badge

Honestly, I liked it more than shadow slave

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LV 14 Badge

I really like Shadow Slave so I thought I’d give this a try, but the dialogue just being ‘ instead of “ overall just doesn’t make sense and kind of just feels wrong overall. I’m sure the novel’s good, but I unfortunately won’t read it just because of that

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Free Fall is fast paced, gripping, and well written. The psychological aspects, action, and romance were all excellent. There is the occasional typo, but it doesn’t matter because the book is just too good. It’s a bit darker than Shadow Slave, and I enjoyed it a bit more since it’s faster paced.

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A good work. Author LifeDayDreams could take example for the fleshing of his characters, whether for the little gem in making, "Humans' Limits", or the new one he is writing, "Love from the ashes". But especially for the second one that is also very interesting.

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and if i have no Comments? I only feel sorry for Matt but this is a calm novel. not an emotional rollercoaster

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Well done but I need a follow up volume.

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great read. G3 knows his stuff. enjoying every chapter so far

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