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36.36% DC Remastered / Chapter 4: CHAPTER 4: magic and sanity

Bab 4: CHAPTER 4: magic and sanity

I wasn't insane.

To imply insanity would be to mean that I was not in control of my mental faculties, and consequently, I was a bundle of indistinguishable instincts like some human personification of the Freudian Id. Gamer's Mind did well to prevent that I would not truly go insane, not have my mind shatter from stress or horrific realizations, and would instead, function optimally.

There would be no 'Why so serious?' questions coming anytime soon I'm afraid.

Instead, I had merely been struck with an epiphany. A realization as to the somewhat humorous situation I found myself, to the life I found myself, and to the world I found myself. It was hilarious, the level of danger inherent in it, the level of chaos and insanity –

It was just all too damned funny.

And now, I was in on the joke.

I had been trying too hard to make sense of this universe. To look at myself from the outside of it, to try and consider myself a spectator in the grand scheme of things. Except, I wasn't. As far as I knew, I had no magical plot armor in the form of a billion dollar suit or fancy alien genes that could absorb sunlight. I was in essence, the ruler and maker of my own destiny and fate in this bizarre world were gods looked on demurely at the actions of humans, like an amused parent would watch a child splatter paint all over their clothes.

Well fuck that.

Fuck it all. Everything about this entire situation and arrangement. Everything about this world that expected me to play by the rules and become subsumed under the universe, becoming nothing but background noise in the musical pitch of existence.

No. I was going to live in this world damn it. I was going to live.

This was a world where both heaven and hell were most likely real. I already knew that heaven was a pipedream, but when, if, the moment came when demons began to claw at my eternal soul and drag me to the lower depths, I would be prepared to go down laughing, I would be prepared, to give the middle finger to both the guys on top and the ones below, and I would be the one, ultimately, who would make them realize that it was a grave mistake to have allowed my existence on this god-forsaken universe.

"Zack honey… um…"

The sound of my name drew my attention, leading me to turn my gaze towards my mother. She stood, awkwardly, in her brassiere and a pair of boxer shorts, her blonde hair tied into a ponytail.

"You've been… cleaning rather… extensively."

I stared at the house, the small apartment to which I would call my residence of living from now to the nearest future. It was spotless. Tables were reflective, showing my own visage in their polished sheen. The floors shined as though someone had lathered olive oil on diamonds. The chairs produced a sheen that would easily be mistaken for the vibrant fur of a majestic animal in the wilderness. The kitchen area shone brightest, with the counter capable of imitating the squeaking noises of a mouse should one's finger be dragged atop the surface.

"Is something wrong with that?"

I needed to channel my anger and newfound determination somewhere. As it was, my body wasn't sexually mature, and hence, finding a sexual outlet was a moot point. There was no real form of physical training I could undergo for now, and considering my future plans for dabbling in magic, the physical training would be entirely redundant. Similarly, there was no napalm or Molotov Cocktails available for me to go out and blow shit up.

So, I worked with what I had. A wild, untamed frenzy of cleaning, with the goal of making every single square inch of the corporate hamster-box cubicle that was my home absolutely spotless.

"Well no, not really." She said, tentatively, before raising an eyebrow. "It's just – you go missing all day yesterday and now today you come back and start cleaning the entire apartment?"

I rose an eyebrow. I sincerely hoped she was not implying what I thought she was implying.

"I'm a year old."

"Ah – but one cannot ever be too young to start inviting girls."

Of course it was what she was implying. I rubbed my nose. Other than food, alcohol and money, the only other thing that seemed to be on my mother's mind was sex. Constantly. Repetitively. I could not count the number of times that I had heard her wake up in the middle of the night, when she thought I was fast asleep, and then make her way to the bathroom. The buzzing sound of her favorite tool and the gasps and moans would have given her away easily if her sloppy excuse for stealth hadn't. The woman would and could literally spend hours in there.

The only benefit however, was the fact that she had wizened up to the knowledge that I would not tolerate her 'entertaining' guests over here. I would make it incredibly awkward for all the parties involved by walking into the room with an empty popcorn bag, sitting down, and gesturing for them to continue.

After the first three times, she got the message.

"I'm cleaning the house to level up my Housekeeping skill. It's actually at Level Ten by the way. Tons of man hours tossed into it."

She rolled her eyes at me. "I just wish your 'respect mother' skill would level up along with it."

"It's locked unfortunately. The requirement states that I'd need a mother actually worthy of respect to unlock it."

Eva made an exaggerated clutch at her chest, and I, merely shook my head and ignored her dramatics. Of course, I had bluntly told her to her face that my life was a videogame with skills and stuff. And, just exactly with the same scenario about my reincarnation, she only gave me a blank stare and a large chortle, rubbing my head and calling me adorable.

Technically, I had never lied to my mother. Even when it was for her own good, I would generally use half-truths and misdirection than telling an explicit lie. It was not my fault if she did not choose to believe the truths I told her, however exotic and far-fetched it sounded.

"You know, I am kind of worried about how morbid your imagination is getting," she moved over to the couch, plopping unto it. "I mean, getting kidnapped by a pedophile cultist who wanted to mount you and drain your soul to fuel her magical powers in worship of an interdimensional demon? That's a little out there for you Zacky."

I shrugged.

"You forgot the part where I killed her by double jumping on the back of her head."

Eva rolled her eyes. "Like the Mario Brothers."

"Exactly like that. If you know, the Mario Brothers ever got an M-Rated game."

She sighed. "Somehow, I feel your obsession with adult content is slightly my fault."

I gave her a long, piercing stare.

"Okay, maybe more than just slightly."

The stare continued.

"Fine, fine, it's entirely my fault! Jeez! Stop with the staring already." She tossed a pillow in my direction, which I effortlessly dodged anime-style with a slight tilt of my head.

"You know, this was so not what I was expecting when I became a mother. I was expecting diapers and nappy changes and crying – not someone who makes me feel like a child in comparison."

I rolled my eyes. "I could always take a crap in my pants and suck off your nipples if it'd make you feel better."

"Er – no – actually, I'm good."

I blinked, before turning to her. "That's right – your breasts should technically still be capable of producing milk."

She gave me a weird look. "Yeeees? Why?"

Should I?

Shouldn't I?

Fuck it. I wanted to do it.

A large grin came on my face as I began making groping gestures with my hands.

"Milk time."

Eva gasped, covering her chest.

"You're not coming anywhere near my babies!"

"Woman," I said, deadpan "I am your baby."


It was a match which I knew that I could not truly win, with her being larger, bigger and stronger, but it was merely the fun of it which I enjoyed. It was utterly strange how I gained satisfaction from groping her breasts – even though my body could not gain any sexual satisfaction, and my mind knew that as long as we were biologically related, anything sexual was out, but I enjoyed grabbing the soft bags of flesh anyway, and listen to her squeal.

It was… fun.

It also helped remind me of what truly mattered.

"Haha! The nipples are mine! VICTORY!"

"Zack honey, I'm off to work!"

My mother, clad in her work clothes, which most people would consider a 'lack of' work clothes, kissed me on the cheek as she sauntered in her high-heels and short skirt towards the door.

It was there, bubbling at the back of my mind, with a triumphant rage like that of a wild and territorial black bear facing a silverback gorilla. The realization, that my mother would be ogled and watched by a bunch of men with boners in their pants, all eagerly licking their lips in order to have sex with her.

Gamer's Mind helped me in forcing it down and putting on a manageable smile.

It was only a matter of time. A matter of time before I changed that.

"I'd been trying to get you a babysitter but…"

I rolled my eyes. "…but we can't afford one anyway and you feel I'm smart enough to stay home on my own."

"Or you'd probably drive the babysitter to question their existence in the grand scheme of the universe."

"That too."

She smiled.

"Stay safe!"

"Shouldn't I be the one telling you that?"

She pouted her lips at me. "Well I'm not the child in our little relationship."

"The ratio of laundry done and meals cooked would disagree with that."

She coughed slightly, her gaze turning away. "Er…"

"Just be back by eight. Anything later and you'll be skipping breakfast."

She gaped at me.

"Zaaaackyyyy-booooo –"

"You'll be late." I said, waving "Now shush and be gone – I need to go pick up your discarded stockings and make the bedroom spotless again."

There was some light-hearted grumbling about obsessively-compulsive and bossy children that didn't have any real heat to it, and the door eventually closed with a silent click. I had waited, to assure with all certainty that she was gone for the evening, before I took in a deep breath.

"Codex Library – Entry: Homo Magi."

Codex Entry – Homo Magi

The Homo Magi are a race of humans who are bestowed with the capacity and the capability to perform great magical deeds and feats. This comes from their ancestry being part Atlantean, as their ancestors possessed the mystical powers and magic of the great civilization of Atlantis, although it should be noted that not all Atlantean's had this ability. After the initial fall and collapse of this civilization before its eventual re-establishment (Required Entry: Atlantis), numerous Atlanteans moved unto the mainland, wherein they married, interbred and reproduced with normal humans who were often unaware as to the exotic heritages of their partners. Through centuries and generations of evolution, the strong capacity for magic left in these long lined descendants eventually set them apart from regular humans who possessed no real affinity for the arcane. Hence, they became known as the Homo Magi.

The Homo Magi are capable of casting spells and using magic in means that would be unavailable to normal humans. Using artefacts, tomes, or items greatly doubles the strength of the Homo Magi's base magic, and they are also capable of casting without the need of a foci, simply by drawing forth from the pool of magic within them.

So I was special? Amusing. It was amusing, the way I felt that being a Homo Magi was no different than being a white-belied ant in a sea of termites. I mused over the information presented to me with a cursory and dismissive glance. Had this been years ago, or maybe even yesterday, I would have been soaking up the lore like a dry sponge in a succubus household during mating season. As it was however –

I really didn't give a shit.

The 'lore' of this world, was no less 'lore' as it was instead, an encyclopedia of things that were dangerous and capable of bringing my mortal peril. Demons, poltergeists, myths, folktales, strange glowy rocks – all of it would be a plot element or another that would have me encounter another one of the sociopathic individuals who believed vigilantism was a valid method of attaining peace. Or worse, the psychopathic ones who were created as a result of aforementioned beliefs.

Still it was information. Information was always useful in one way or another.

"Codex Library – Entry: The Arts of Magic."

Codex Entry – The Arts of Magic

Magic exists. It is real and differentiated from science or from any form of pseudoscience. That is to say, magic is not merely some form of advanced technological process which could be deciphered by beings possessing higher technological prowess. Magic supersedes all forms of laws and conventions, it possesses no rules nor natural place within the universe and is not bound by reality. Feasibly, magic has no limitations, and is generated from outside space and time to go against the fundamental structures of the universe. Magic is unexplainable, impenetrable, arcane, and it simply – is.

Hence, it is for this reason, that there is a burden or a great cost required of those who dabble into magic. The requirement may be physical, mental, or psychological – as magic does not give freely, and in exchange for turning the fundamental laws of the universe into a lump of clay, the user must pay this price.

Ah, here it was. The bullshit factor that usually existed as a means or plot element to prevent wielders of a certain power to use their powers to the fullest and be guilt-free about it. Devil Fruits had water, Tailed Beasts had the potential of going berserk, as did Visoreds – Vizards? – or you know, the Eight Gates and death. Shit, I used two Naruto references – needed an equalizer… er… damn, there was nothing.

Regardless, the point was that this 'price' I would no doubt have to pay would come at some great cost. Most people would brush it aside and say that they had nothing to lose, but I wasn't that stupid or naïve. Often times, it would ironically come back to bite me in the ass and have something to do with my mother, which, was the last thing I wanted to happen.

Bah! Enough of the warning labels!

Now, how exactly did I begin to molest reality like an unwilling schoolgirl?

I could almost picture Reality-chan with a red face, whilst black tentacles representing my magic began to encroach in on her.

I was not insane.

I wasn't.


Codex Information Updated!

Homo Magi –

As you have now unlocked the secret of your heritage, and now possess knowledge on the arcane, you can begin your journey into the world of the supernatural, by selecting the magical branch you wish to follow.

I rose my eyebrow.

Magical branches?

Codex Entry Unlocked: Magical Divisions

[You may only select one at this time.]

Ritual Magic: With the subcategories of Alchemy, Nature Magic, Blood Magic, Soul Magic and Necromancy, this branch of magic has often been outlawed, and is frowned upon by several in the magical community. Arguably amongst the strongest kind of magic available, ritual magic encompasses voodoo, blood sacrifices, and other ritualistic elements which directly draw power from the blood and souls of the creatures or people sacrificed. These can be used to greatly imbue the magician with strength, stamina, life-force, and enable greater magical power and might. The stronger the quality of the blood and/or soul of the individuals used, the more powerful this magic, and in turn, the caster.

Carnal Magic: Subcategories include Illusion Magic, Healing Magic, Pyromancy, Cryomancy and Telepathy. Fleshly consummation and sex is more than just a physical act, but can be seen as a joining of souls, bodies and energies. Hence, this branch of magic focuses on possessing numerous sexual partners willing or unwilling, from which, after intercourse, the magician drains a portion of their life-force and converts it into highly potent magical power for use. Essentially, humans, animals or any creature capable of sexual intercourse are living batteries to which Carnal Magic draws its energy. The more passionate and primal the sex, the greater the magical potency and power – however, those who the caster has copulated with, will be drained, physically, emotionally, and sexually, not unlike the unwitting prey of a vampire.

Patron Magic: Possessing as many subdivisions as there are deities, gods, beliefs and cosmic beings, Patron Magic enables the caster to gain access to far more powerful means of spellcasting by merely pledging their eternal soul to a god, deity, pantheon, religion, or cosmic being. Alternatively, making pacts with demons or angels will gain access to Patron magic, at the small price of your eternal soul and subservience to your benefactor.

Artifact Magic: A less powerful, but similarly less costly form of ritual magic, where rituals are replaced with artifacts of power or influence. Often not considered a 'true' form of magic, and often used by non-Homo Magi, this form of magic centers around the use of spell books, tomes, trinkets, and other magically imbued items in order to cast spells and perform various feats. Often considered one of the weakest forms of magic, except in rare cases where the Artifacts are (Legendary), in which, it can become the strongest.

Inverse Mantra Magic: [LOCKED] Requires: Level 25 or higher, Maxed Reputation with a member of the Zatara Magic Family.

Dimensional Magic: [LOCKED] Requires: Level 50 or higher, Knowledge and Access to alternate dimensions.

Chaos Magic: [LOCKED] Requires: Level 70 or higher, title of "Lord of Chaos"

Order Magic: [LOCKED] Requires: Level 70 or higher, title of "Lord of Order"

Cosmic Magic: [LOCKED] Requires: Level 100 or higher, title of 'Celestial Being'.

The Endless Magic: [LOCKED] Requires: ? ? ?

The Source Magic: [LOCKED] Requires: ? ? ?

The Presence Magic: [LOCKED] Requires: ? ? ?

Ignoring all of the locked options, particularly the last three which sent a shiver down my spine of which I could not tell was trepidation, excitement, or fear.

Or perhaps the phantom touches of an omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient being deciding I was worthy of amusing them.

Yeah… let it be said that I best not give the beings any reason to invest interest in me – if they already hadn't.

I was just… yeah… gonna ignore that.

Endless, Presence, Source… yup. Just ignoring that. There was nothing to see there. Nothing at all.

Gluing my eyes to the top of the list, I began to recount my available options as it was. Either to become an occultist serial killer, a sexual vampire, to forfeit my humanity and become a demon, or to sell my eternal soul to a god or higher being.

Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I sighed.

The 'Artifact Magic' wasn't even a consideration for me, unless I somehow stumbled upon a rare treasure box containing legendary loot like I was Jack-fucking-Sparrow with an armada of leprechauns holding lucky coins, it was something that could not truly be used. The 'Patron Magic' didn't seem like such a bad idea, but, unfortunately, I was an individual who enjoyed freedom. Choosing that would mean forever listening to voices telling me what I could and couldn't do, what I should or shouldn't do, or forcing me to do what I did or didn't want to do. I'd become a glorified puppet for some higher being or figure, dancing around to the tunes without a choice, because, without them, I'd be powerless.

Yeah – fuck no.

The thought of having to 'rely' on others for strength was something I personally abhorred. It had been one of the reasons I had gotten into fights, after I brought up the obvious fact that Naru-Jesus relied far too much on the strengths of others, and without Kurama's help, he'd have died in the first five episodes. Had a problem you can't face? Call up the big guy – he's got your back. Thankfully, Jesuto got my respect when he actually fought and beat the fox in order to use said power.

Hence, if I wanted power, I wanted it to be achieved and attained on my own terms – with my own sweat and blood, and not handed to me down like a reluctant father paying child support. The "Ritual Magic" would be magic and power I would have gained through my own means, through dulling my sense of decency and morality as I sacrificed other human beings to advance myself forward – a 'survival of the fittest' scenario where the weak where gobbled up by the strong.

The Carnal Magic also worked along that same line, whereas the Artifact Magic would make me useless and powerless the second the artifacts were taken out of my hands. It would not be 'true' strength.

So, it came down to the battle between the two.

Ritual Magic, or Carnal Magic?

Murder and Mutilation, or Sexual harassment and assault?

Reality-chan came knocking.

Hmm… Reality-chan. Someone needed to anthropomorphize that asap just so I could literally give her the middle finger and slam my cock down her arse.

The Carnal Magic was an enticing concept, but not truly. The subdivisions displayed under it, ability to control fire, ice, water and illusions – none of that was special. How many people could control fire in this world? It was pyromaniac heaven here. How many people could control ice? Captain Freeze, Killer Cold, and Mr. Frost – and those were just the popular ones.

Even the option for telepathy was neither novel nor was it seemingly worth it, considering the vast number of heroes and villains who had trained their minds to become immune to such tricks. I could just picture trying to read Batman's mind and getting the equivalent of cable advertising static. The only real benefit to the Carnlan Magic would be the healing magic, but I felt that I would find a way to get around that.

Having sex all the time sounded great – but I could do that without having carnal magic. Eventually.

I hoped.

Er – hem. Instead, the Ritual Magic drew my attention. Necromancy, Soul Magic, Blood Magic, Nature Magic, and honest-to-god Alchemy.

I didn't know if this was the same sort of Alchemy used in my favorite series featuring two blond brothers, and my first ever desire to kill the worst father in history, but I didn't need to know. All I knew, was that at one point, I would be turning rocks into diamonds, and that said diamonds would be converted into the quid I would need to get out of the hellhole that was Gotham City.

You have selected the division – Ritual Magic.

Are you certain of this choice?



I slammed my hand on the response.

Warning – You will not be able to change this choice anytime in the foreseeable future.

Warning – Selecting this division may cause certain characters to react unfavorably with you.

Warning – Selecting this division may permanently bar your access to certain missions and quests.

Are you certain you wish to proceed?



Yeah, yeah. I get it – people will be offended. Jesus. Just get over with it already.

You have selected the Magical Division – Ritual Magic!

Your Magical Cost is ?

New Skill Trees Unlocked!

Alchemy Skill Tree

Beginner Alchemic Rituals (Passive) Lv. 1!

Beginner Alteration (Active) Lv. 1!

Beginner Conjuration (Active) Lv. 1!

Beginner Enchantment (Active) Lv. 1!

Nature Magic Skill Tree

Beginner Nature Rituals (Passive) Lv. 1!

Lesser Summon Grass (Active) Lv. 1!

Lesser Summon Pebbles (Active) Lv. 1!

Lesser Summon Leaves (Active) Lv. 1!

Lesser Summon Vines (Active) Lv. 1!

Beginner Animal Discourse (Active) Lv. 1!

Beginner Animal Manipulation (Active) Lv. 1!

Blood Magic Skill Tree

Beginner Blood Rituals (Passive) Lv. 1!

Lesser Blood Drain (Active) Lv. 1!

Soul Magic Skill Tree

Beginner Soul Rituals (Passive) Lv. 1!

Lesser Astral Projection (Active) Lv. 1!

Lesser Body Possession (Active) Lv. 1!

Lesser Voodoo (Active) Lv. 1!

Necromancy Skill Tree

Beginner Necromantic Rituals (Passive) Lv. 1!

Lesser Soul Drain (Active) Lv. 1!

Lesser Create Undead (Active) Lv. 1!

Lesser Reanimate Corpse (Active) Lv. 1!

Those were a lot of skills.

A lot.

It was not the realization of my ability to now turn reality into my moaning bitch that gave me pause or made me giddy, however, instead, it was the sudden charge of energy that completely swept me up. I could feel power humming softly on the fringes of my skin, roaring and screeching and begging to be unleashed towards the outskirts.

Due to embracing your magical heritage, your available Mana Points has significantly increased!

You now have 1000 Mana Points!

Note: Although certain spells require the conduit of magic from your mana in order to cast, this can however be bypassed, and you can cast spells endlessly without using Mana, via finding alternate means of power. Alternate means could include rituals, items and artefacts, or blood, souls and people.

Note: Spells are often especially effective if there is a foci involved. Additionally, the Mana cost is greatly reduced and the effectiveness is increased tenfold if the foci is a personal belonging or artefact or even biological matter (such as hair or nail clippings) of the intended target(s).

Huh. I suppose it made sense. I could not for the life of me remember a time when any magician in this world had failed to cast a spell because they lacked the Mana to do so – that would just be honestly embarrassing, like the magical equivalent of being unable to get it up. They could be lacking the power (size) or the means (tool), but never the Mana – which meant that they relied on external sources for their magic.

Phallic symbolism for magic aside, I already had plans to work around any 'limitations' imposed by magic, so that was not necessarily going to be an issue.

Still, with so many options now available to me, the most important question was simple.

Which one do I work on first?

I was a cheater.

"She said what? Oh no she didn't! Oh – she did? Oh she better not have!"

Ignoring the urge to roll my eyes at the trite dialogue that would not be out of place in the casting requirements of an ethnic stereotype, I shuddered at the night wind, and continued to stalk my new target/test subject.

The reason why I claimed to be a cheater, was due to one simple realization –

Every single one of my magical skills/spells were Imagination Skills.

Meaning, technically, any single one of them could be maxed out instantly under the right circumstances.

I wasn't an idiot, or at least, I did not believe myself to be one. Hence, I found myself standing on the balcony of the apartment complex opposite mine, staring into a room. On the inside, a teenage girl lay, unaware of my presence, eagerly chatting away on her phone in a manner with her legs swinging in the air like it had been rehearsed for Disney-teen drama. Tamara was her name, a sixteen year old high school student of Gargoyle High, the non-posh, non-rich, non-snobby counter to the elite and fashionable Gotham Academy.

As it was, I held no judicious ill will for Judy. I just did not care about her existence in one way or another. And unfortunately, the fact that she seemed both dull-witted and dim-minded for my purposes was just an extra tick mark in my reasons as to why I had picked her as my target. Hey – social Darwinism declared that it was merely survival of the fittest for the weak to be consumed by the strong and sucky as it was, that was the unforgiving nature of Gotham.

I took a potted plant from her window. It was a foci. A weak foci, but a foci no less. With that in mind, I turned my attention to the girl inside, drawing up my Mana and focusing.

"Lesser Body Possession."

To explain the sensation of your body losing all illusions of corporeality and your soul lunging forward at break neck speeds was almost impossible. It was almost as though someone had decided to slam you with the full force of a train a few seconds before reaching sexual orgasm. Painful in so many ways, but none more so than the deprived access to finishing.

I could the very instant I slammed my soul into her body –

And this was why I was a cheater.

The rules of Body Possession were simple – the stronger the will of the person being possessed, the harder the possession, and it was a dominant battle of minds and of willpower for the control of the body.

Except –

Gamer's Mind Activated.

Yeah… you can probably see where I'm going with this. Gamer's Mind had its sole purpose being to purge out any negative influences that could damage my mind or psyche. Unfortunately for poor Tamara, her consciousness and mind was considered a damaging force.

With a pitiable screech of horror and confusion, I could feel the weak and feeble consciousness of the girl forcefully get shoved into the deepest, darkest recesses and pits of her own mind as I immediately took and assumed full control of her body.

Lesser Body Possession has gone up by 1!

Lesser Body Possession has gone up by 1!

Lesser Body Possession has gone up by 1!

Lesser Body Possession has gone up by 1!

On and on it went, until finally –

Lesser Body Possession has been Maxed Out!

Lesser Body Possession has upgraded to Intermediate Body Possession!

And then –

Intermediate Body Possession has Maxed Out!

Intermediate Body Possession has been upgraded to Greater Body Possession!

Greater Body Possession has reached level 50!


I pumped my fist into the air and resisted the urge to begin doing victory dances.

Lesser Body Possession was meant to only work failingly on some lesser animals or beasts, or at best, work on babies and infants. Except, I had skipped ahead of the evolutionary ladder, and used the skill on a fully sentient teenager, albeit with laughable levels of willpower and mental prowess.

I blinked – Oh?

The skills evolution came with some rather nifty upgrades. Motor controls of the body was now included in the possession package, and there was no feeling of awkwardness that came with the sudden height boost and increased reach. Additionally, recollection of the person's last twenty-four hours prior to possession also became available to me, which just had so many interesting uses.

Still, the girl's body was a little bit stiff for my liking, and the absence of something between my legs was somewhat discomforting, but it was not a serious hindrance.

The two puffy balloons on my chest however, were.

I gave them a slight, experimental squeeze.

Was it wrong to be aroused by that?


Did I care?

Not one bit.

Because they were boobies. And they were soft.

And… I was finally in a body that was mature enough to comprehend sexual arousal. Curiosity alongside with the blatant need to use this opportunity overcame me.

When else would I get to masturbate as a girl?

"Wait… is this gay?"

I paused.

"Fuck. Doesn't matter."

Panties to ankles. Fingers to crotch.

So that's what it feels like when women are aroused? Oh… yeah.

I am not insane.

No, really.

Believe me.

Load failed, please RETRY

Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

Membuka kunci kumpulan bab


Opsi Tampilan

Latar Belakang



Komentar pada bab

Tulis ulasan Status Membaca: C4
Gagal mengirim. Silakan coba lagi
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Stabilitas Pembaruan
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • Latar Belakang Dunia

Skor total 0.0

Ulasan berhasil diposting! Baca ulasan lebih lanjut
Pilih Power Stone
Rank NO.-- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Batu Daya
Laporkan konten yang tidak pantas
Tip kesalahan

Laporkan penyalahgunaan

Komentar paragraf
