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85.29% Altering Skyrim / Chapter 87: Things Forgotten

Bab 87: Things Forgotten

---Reysera POV

Maybe, just maybe, she had gotten a little too caught up in what they were doing. Had she not, things would have been significantly easier. She should have created the teleport glyph as soon as they entered this Forgotten Vale, but she had gotten distracted. This place was just that amazing.

A mystical valley hidden deep within the mountains bordering Skyrim and High Rock. Vast, unscalable mountains made it completely isolated from the rest of the world. Untouched for countless years, the natural beauty of the Vale was obvious for anyone to see. Unique flora and fauna had thrived without outside intervention. Beautiful cascading waterfalls, pristine frozen lakes, snowy forests, and rich mineral veins covered the area. The sight had been so different than what Reysera had experienced before. Morrowind had its own draws, and parts of Skyrim were quite amazing, but this Forgotten Vale was just so much more that it was difficult for her to describe.

So, it was at least a little justifiable she had been distracted. At least that was what she was telling herself. It was getting more and more difficult to keep believing that though.

"Stop daydreaming and start helping!"

Miruma's shout drew her mind back to their immediate problems. The encroaching Falmer. With a wave of her hand, a wall of fire shot up and engulfed another Falmer war party. With the magic attack, the few remaining ones retreated back further into the hidden crevices of the canyon. Her group let out a sigh of relief as they quickly went over their equipment. Miruma plopped down on a rock beside her as she sharpened her dagger.

"So…what are we going to do now Rey?"

Reysera let out a sign, too tired to bother correcting her friend about her name. It wouldn't do any good anyways.

"I'm not entirely sure. If we could set up that teleport glyph, we would be in a much better position. The only problem is those cursed falmer attack in mass whenever I start carving. Normally we could hold them, but they always send some of those mages and spellsword types which are difficult for anyone else to handle. The teleport glyph needs precision or else bad things will happen."

Miruma just shrugged her shoulders.

"I've already told you that you should just focus on it. We can hold while you do it. Better to lose a couple of us than continue in this stalemate where we all eventually tire ourselves out, then die. I still don't understand why we don't just cross the bridge where Serana went and hold there. Much more defensible."

She couldn't help rolling her eyes at the rehashed argument. They had been holding their position in a canyon near the final wayshrine, which were marvels of magic she couldn't wait to investigate. A little further down was a bridge leading to the inner sanctum of Auri-El.

It was part of the reason she was so unusually scatterbrained. They had met a living breathing Snow Elf. Not one of the twisted Falmer, but a true Snow Elf from legends. It wasn't every day you met someone from a long thought extinct race. Most of the other Restored with her didn't care much about it while a couple Nords seemed a little hostile to their ancient enemy. 'At least Serana and Valerica seemed properly shocked just like me. It was nice being around some more intelligent mages, even if they were vampires.' Alucard had acted the strangest at the Snow Elf's presence in her opinion. He almost seemed disinterested and tried rushing through the whole conversation. It was almost like he expected the whole thing. She shook her head at that absurd thought. No one would have guessed something like this, except maybe Rictus.

He was the exception though in her mind. There was just something about him and the way he carried himself which hinted at untold insights into the world. Him not acting surprised would have been understandable, but not someone like Alucard. Sure, he was impressively strong and a savant with the bow, but he was a bit of a s'wit. If nor for his random insights, she would have considered him an utter fool. 'Especially the way he keeps trying to impress Serana. It is a little hard to watch at times. Although, she doesn't seem to mind it too much. To each their own I suppose.'

As Reysera applied some healing to a couple of her people, she took stock of their situation. Everyone was still in good shape, if tired. Her own mana seemed a little sluggish, but that was most likely from overuse. There were eight other Restored beside her and Miruma. Four warriors, three archers, and another mage. It had taken some persuasion for Serana to accept that many additional people to her expedition. Reysera and Ken had wanted a much larger force, but Serana had been against that many. Since she was the one in charge and not a member of the Restored, it was her decision. This group had been the compromise though.

It was a little humbling knowing the ten elite members of the Restored didn't reassure the vampires as much as just Rictus had done. Reysera knew Rictus was more powerful, but it still slightly stung her pride sometimes at how much more powerful he was at such a young age. It was easy to forget, but he really wasn't very old at all. With his unique spells and overall power, he would live for many years to come. She shuddered in anticipation at the heights he would be able to reach in the future.

A smack on the back of her head drew her back to the present. She rubbed the back of her head while glaring at Miruma.

"What is Azura's name was that for?"

"Stop zoning out like that Rey."

She started turning away but Miruma clearing her throat got her attention. Reysera raised an eyebrow as she looked at the potion in her hand.

"What is that for?"

Miruma sighed as she pressed the potion into her hand.

"Just drink it. Now."

Reysera stared at it a moment before shaking her head.

"I don't want to waste one of our few remaining potions on me. We should save it till we really need it."

Miruma stared at her with hardened eyes.

"Drink the potion Reysera. Now."

Seeing her drop all sense of friendliness, Reysera decided she should just comply with the unreasonable request. A warming sensation bloomed from her stomach and raced back up her nerves and caused her head to buzz for a moment. Her cheeks flushed a bit as she realized what had happened.

"Umm…thanks for that."

Miruma gave her a cheeky grin as she patted her back.

"Oh no problem, Rey. So, you caught a little Witbane disease, probably from those ice wraiths that got the jump on you earlier. Nothing to be ashamed of about that. It actually took me longer than it should to recognize it. I just thought you acting that way was from all this craziness going on, but your recent spacing out was the final straw."

Reysera took a deep breath as she centered herself. Her mind felt much clearer and her mana more responsive after taking the cure disease potion. Now that she thought about it, it was obvious she was under the effects of the Witbane disease. She couldn't help feeling embarrassed at how far she had let it progress honestly. Normally, she would have easily caught it early, but with everything going on, she had been too distracted. Waiting so long had allowed the disease to muddle her mana and thoughts. The disease really was a bane to one's wits, as the name so obviously implied.

Looking over her decisions, she couldn't help but be dissatisfied. She had gone along with the decision for a mad dash for the wayshrines and through the canyons. Then, she volunteered to stay behind and hold off the approaching falmer as the vampires hurried on. If they would have stuck together, then the falmer would have easily been kept back long enough for Reysera to complete the teleport glyph. Also, staying in this part of the canyon to hold back the waves of falmer was not nearly as good as moving across the bridge like Miruma suggested. She took another deep breath before addressing everyone.

"Sorry for how I have acted. I have been a poor commander and risked our lives needlessly. We are going to make for the bridge as fast as we can now. Once across it, I will immediately start making the teleport glyph for reinforcements. If any falmer try and attack us, you will hold them back. Now, let's get moving."

As she had been talking, everyone stood a little straighter. Once she was done talking, they all had determined looks on their faces as they ran through the canyon and across the bridge. Faintly, various yips and yells could be heard as they made their mad dash. The falmer had been watching and waiting apparently. Playing it safe, Reysera went ahead and activated her emergency totem so that Ken would know something was wrong and send a strong force through the teleporter.

The warriors made a small shield wall along the bridge as the archers and mage prepared their attacks. Miruma patted Reysera's back encouragingly.

"We will keep these damned milk drinking monsters back. So don't you worry. We won't let anything near that sweet little rump."

Miruma laughed after swatting Reysera's behind and running back to the soldiers. Reysera would have normally been outraged, but the levity had made her relax slightly. She poured her full focus on making the glyph, ignoring everything else around her. Time stood still as she focused entirely on getting every single line and curve correct. Despite the yells and screams, or burst of magic, she continued her task. She didn't even spare the fight a glance, trusting them, and worried that if she looked up, then she would feel obligated to help. Something splashed on her from someone near, but she still didn't let up.

The pressure was mounting as she could tell the falmer had come in force and were pushing the Restored back.

"Just a bit more…"

The spell suddenly snapped into place with a pulse of magic. Reysera quickly reached for one of her last remaining manastones so she could complete the connection. Her hands fumbled it and it dropped to the ground. In her dash to grab it, she couldn't help but notice the desperate battle on the bridge.

Two of the warriors were on the ground bleeding from a plethora of wounds. Another one was simply gone. Two archers had falmer arrows puncturing their bodies that they would rip out and hand to the other archer since they had all run out of their own arrows long ago. The mage was pouring every last bit of their mana into healing spells just trying to keep everyone alive, but it was obvious there was nothing left to give.

Miruma was something else though. She stood in the center of the bridge, a whirlwind of blades and blood as she kept the falmer at bay. The one warrior remaining shielded her from ranged attacks with a cracked shield. If nothing was done soon, they would all die. Reysera firmly grasped the manastone and refilled her mana. As she kneeled by the glyph and started working on the connection, she really hoped Ken would send reinforcements as soon as the connection was made.

A pulse of magic went through the glyph as she started pouring her mana into it. The hum of magic filled the air as the connection snapped into place much firmer and faster than she had ever expected, almost like someone had helped forge the connection from the other side. Before she could even blink, a strange group of people were standing before her. Despite the unusual armor being worn, she easily recognized the person leading them. Her shoulders sagged in relief at the steadying hand on her shoulder.

"Rest. We will take it from here."

Reysera collapsed on the ground as she watched in amazement as the group sprang into action. Two hulking minotaurs covered in thick armored plating lowered their reinforced horns and charged across the bridge while Rictus swiftly levitated Miruma and all the others out of the way. Seeing the charging minotaurs trample the falmor distracted her for just a moment before the buildup of magic drew her attention. Various destructive spells started raining down as the other mages with Rictus made their presence known. Above them all, Rictus watched everything with a critical eye as he levitated in the air. Suddenly, the bridge itself came alive tossing falmer to the ground far below or smothering them in stone. Rumbling crashes filled the air as the walls of the canyon of the other side moved like water, crushing everything that drew Rictus ire.

Reysera slowly relaxed as she saw the few remaining flamer try running away before they also met a grisly end. Seeing the others of her party being healed by Danica Pure-Spring, Reysera knew they would all be okay. Feeling healing magics wash over her, she felt the little wear and tears disappear. She gave Rictus an appreciative glance when she noticed him beside her.

"Thank you. I was worried we were not going to make it."

He gave her a comforting smile.

"No problem at all. I wasn't too worried though. You were here with them, and I trust you."

Pride filled her as Reysera couldn't help soaking in the praise. The fact he could say that with a straight face after seeing what had become of her group astounded her. How he projected a sense of sincerity and honesty in his words while actually caring about his people was just another reason so many Restored would follow him anywhere. No one had inspired the same amount of loyalty in her as he had, all the amazing new spells were just a nice bonus. At the same time though, she hung her head in shame at how none of this would have happened if she would have acted correctly from the beginning.

"I don't think I am cut out for leading groups out in the field like this. It hasn't gone well any time I have tried. Good thing you are here though. It means this is all your problem, and I can go back to experimenting with magic."

Rictus chuckled at her complaining.

"You have lived through it all and gotten stronger and more determined after each time though. I will take your complaints under consideration, but you will probably have some more field work in their near future. I'll try and put in a good word for you, but I hear your boss is a real hard ass."

Seeing his big smile and exaggerated wink made Reysera chuckle as she further relaxed. Rictus nodded happily at seeing her change of attitude.

"Your thoughts and insights on this place will be a big help I think. I don't want to damage or change things too much here, but I think it could still get a little more…Restored."

Reysera snorted at his terrible pun. She told herself it was just the post battle high and not that she found it humorous. Rictus smiled at her as he stood back up.

"Get some rest Reysera. I have some big plans for this place. We have a lot of work ahead of us.

Reysera couldn't help smiling herself. She was looking forward to it.


[AN]: And there is a little chapter from Reysera's POV. I am not sure how much actual base building will be detailed since I myself am not sure what exactly I want to happen here. Next chapter we will be back with Rictus though so I suppose we will find out.

Pepey_LePew Pepey_LePew

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my story. Please let me know if you have any ideas or know how I can make it better. I love reading comments and using them in my story.

Here is something I bet not many people know: You can now get a headstone with a QR code. Called “Living Headstones”, they show pages with photos, video biographies, and comments from loved ones. Kind of strange, but to each their own I suppose.

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