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100% Diablo in Highschool DxD / Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Water and The Hassles That Come Alongside It

Bab 21: Chapter 21: Water and The Hassles That Come Alongside It

He stood in the center of the room, his gaze fixated on the opulent coffin. Every detail had been meticulously crafted, from the intricate carvings adorning its surface to the soft, azure lining within

If one looked closer, they could see a slight crack in the carefully arranged facade. The top lid had been raised, revealing a glimpse of darkness within, as if someone had opened it recently

With a pensive expression etched on his face, he finally turned away from the coffin, his footsteps echoing through the vast chamber. As he approached the double doors, he reached out and closed them, sealing off the room. With that he turned around and headed forward.

There were certain individuals. Certain individuals that immediately occupied Diablo's mind when he first arrived in this world. These individuals had their own particular situations revolving around them, but they had unrivalled potential, and were too useful to pass up. He had an idea of their basic situations and what would happen to them in the future, thus already having made up his mind. He would use this to his advantage. He had to have them.

Roygun was one of those, Lavinia and Kuroka too. Another of these individuals was a certain someone from the Leviathan House

Ingvild Leviathan

Born to the union of a Human and a Devil, her early years were spent peacefully in the Human World alongside her parents. However, fate dealt her a cruel hand when she succumbed to the Devil Sleeping Disease, a disease with no cure. The ailment robbed its victims of their consciousness, plunging them into a deep sleep from which they could not be awakened. As time wore on, their bodies withered, their life force gradually fading until it inevitably succumbed to the embrace of death. They could only be alive artificially.

In a desperate bid to preserve her life, her parents made the decision to relocate her to the main clan in the Underworld, where a select few nobles kept and hid her. Most of the clan didn't even know of her existence.

Anyway, what made Ingvild truly extraordinary extended beyond her inherent potential and the royal devil blood flowing through her veins, which bestowed upon her the formidable abilities of the Leviathan Clan. She held the destiny to awaken a Sacred Gear in the future.

An immensely powerful one, a High-Tier Longinus. Nereid Kyrie

It was a Sacred Gear that had the destructive potential to destroy the entire world.

Diablo was acutely aware of the potential consequences that would arise if the Leviathan House discovered Ingvild's absence. Although the likelihood of such a discovery was slim, he was prepared to confront any fallout that might ensue. The risks and possible ramifications paled in comparison to Ingvild's worth in his grand scheme. She was worth it

Now, speaking of her, he wasn't exactly sure how to wake her up and cure her Devil Sleeping Disease. In canon, the awakening of her Longinus acted as the catalyst for her revival. But, that was years away. If he and Rias were the same age, then Ingvild was the same as well. Plus a hundred years.

So if he's 11 right now, then that means she's 111 years old. So according to canon, she would wake up in the next six years.

He didn't have that much patience, though if there was no other option, he would ultimately reluctantly wait. But, he wanted to explore other ways. To wake up her earlier. That was what he was thinking about right now, brainstorming everything he knew about this world to find an answer.

In fact, he was heading to the library right now. He had to find a way...he needed to...


A boy sat upright on a luxurious king bed adorned with black satin sheets, engrossed in the book. His brows were furrowed in frustration. If one took a closer look, they would notice a towering stack of books piled beside him, an indicator of the long duration he had been doing this for.

After he had gone to the library, he had stayed there for hours, looking for anything that would help him. Even after Grayfia called him for dinner, he had quickly eaten his meal, heading straight back to the library. Clutching a stack of carefully selected books, he retired to his chamber. There, he had been scrolling through them continuously. It was almost three in the morning now

At long last, he finished the book that he had been going through. Annoyance clouded his gaze as he closed it shut with a muted thud, adding it to the ever-growing tower of books beside him. His gaze wandered, spotting a few neglected books that remained untouched, silently mocking his progress.

'Three more to go'

However, as he reached for the next book, a dry sensation scratched at his throat. He was thirsty. His hand reached out to grab a water bottle on the side table adjacent to the bed, but once he picked it up, he realised it was empty

Diablo scowled as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, slipping his feet into a pair of comfortable slippers. Grasping the empty bottle firmly, he left the glow of his well-lit bedroom behind, stepping out into the dark hallway, lit only faintly by glimmers of moonlight. He made his way through the darkness, towards the kitchen.

As he walked forward, another thing came up to Diablo's mind. Day before yesterday, when he had met Roygun. After a satisfying dinner, she had told him something else. The Great King Faction had approached her once again.

Unsurprisingly, Diablo found himself devoid of surprise at the news. If they approached her before when she was still weak, then they would almost definitely approach her now that she was so strong. According to Roygun's account, they had not only extended the King Piece offer again but also promised additional enticing benefits. Roygun had requested some time to think about it, a request which the faction accepted.

Now this could turn into a problem. Rejecting the Great King Faction twice like this was bound to arouse the ire and offence of certain Devils within their ranks. This was not good. It would not only attract further attention from them, but may also come up with some negative repercussions.

Diablo had to speed up his plans. He needed more influence and power...fast

Lost in contemplation, he found himself stepping into the kitchen. Placing the now-empty water bottle aside, he reached for another, selecting a nice chilled one. He unscrewed the lid, as he stared at the alluring transparent cold liquid within. Savouring the sensation, he took a deep draught, relishing how the chilled liquid coursed down his throat. A contented sigh escaped his lips as he set the bottle down

Late night cold water was one of the tastiest drinks in existence

With his thirst quenched, he refilled the bottle and made his path back to his bedroom.

However, as he continued forward, a sight caught his attention—a partially open door. It was Kuroka's room. He tilted his head at the sight

He must have overlooked it when he passed it before, lost in his thoughts. He came to that conclusion and started walking closer to it. To close the door. Yet, as he drew nearer, he paused, his senses catching a faint murmur of soft sound emanating from within.

Sobs and sniffling. She was crying.

A wave of realisation hit Diablo.....and he felt stupid.

'What was I thinking?' He thought as he mentally chastised himself. In his mind, he subconsciously considered her as her grown up persona, however this was not the grown up Kuroka. This was a merely broken kid, who had lost everything. An abused traumatised child. Violet had been a special case, but Kuroka wasn't like her.

He hesitated, uncertainty gripping him....He didn't know what to do, he had never really consoled anyone ever.....A helpless expression plastered on his face. With a deep breath, he extended his hand towards the doorknob, gently pushing the door open.

Stepping into the room, his eyes scanned the surroundings until they fell upon her. Kuroka was curled up on her side, a fragile figure sprawled upon the bed. Her shoulders quivered with each heart-wrenching sob that escaped her trembling lips.

"Uh, Kuroka, you okay?" He asked, immediately inwardly cursing himself for the dumb question.

Startled by the unexpected voice, she flinched and swiftly turned her tear-streaked face to meet the source, her eyes widening in surprise. Diablo finally had a clearer view of her, witnessing the raw pain etched across her features, her eyes red. Despite the darkness, their gazes locked, and they could see each other well

Realising she had been caught in such a state, she hastily used the sleeves of her clothing to wipe away her tears in a rush, a gesture of desperate concealment.

"It's alright if you cry, it's completely normal," He tried to reassure her, but his words were swiftly interrupted.

"Get out....." she uttered softly, her voice trembling, her quivering lips barely forming the words. "Get out," she repeated, her tone growing louder with each syllable.


"Get out!" She suddenly raised her voice, her emotions overflowing. "Leave me alone!... please." Her voice wavered, on the verge of breaking, as tears welled up in her eyes, her struggle to maintain composure palpable.

Diablo hesitated once more, but slowly nodded, understanding she didn't want to be seen like this.

He made his way out of the room, his every movement observed by Kuroka, whose makeshift composure immediately shattered, once he closed the door. She crumbled back onto the sheets, tears streaming down her cheeks as she clutched her chest, seeking solace within herself.

She lay there, engulfed in her own sorrow, as time seemed to stretch into an eternity. Yet, amidst the deafening silence, a faint sound suddenly started reverberated in the room. She paused, her attention drawn to its source, the still-closed door. It was humming, and she immedietly recognized the voice behind it. Confusion mixed with her pain, and a glimmer of annoyance flashed across her face.

'What is he doing? Can't he just leave him be?' She thought in annoyance.

Initially she tried to ignore it, even resorting to grabbing a pillow and covering her ears. However it still persisted, no matter what she did. In the end, she couldn't take it anymore.

She angrily got herself out of the bed, her feet landing firmly on the floor. Moving foward, she paused in front of the closed door as she confronted the source of the maddening humming. The melody seemed louder than ever, and she could distinctly make out that he was sitting, leaning against the door from the other side.

Only Diablo knew the identity of the tune—a rendition of 'He's a Pirate' from Pirates of the Caribbean.

She contemplated hard wether to open the door or not, but in the end decided not to.

"What are you doing...?" she questioned, her voice betraying a mixture of confusion and annoyance.

The humming ceased, replaced by the sound of his voice resonating from the other side of the door. "Oh, hey there. Don't mind me. I'm just keeping the door company," he nonchalantly replied.

"Wha-?" She let out in bewilderment, before letting out a groan, "Didn't you hear what I said!?Can't you just leave me alone!? Take the damn hint!"

"Jeez, jealous much?" he quipped. "Not everything is about you, you know. This door is literally my favorite door in the entire mansion. We're like childhood friends."

Kuroka's face twitched in frustration, "Ugh, FINE. Do whatever you want, I don't care" she retorted angrily, turning away. But her movements halted abruptly as a particular utterance reached her ears.


She turned back around, annoyance etched on her features. "What!?" she spat out

"Stay here, join me for a moment... me and the door," he proposed.

Irritation played across her face as she questioned his motives. "And why would I do that?" she sarcastically inquired.

"Listen," he began, his voice adopting a more persuasive tone. "If you go away, I'll still be here, humming away to my best friend until the sun comes up again. So how about you join me for a moment, and I'll leave once I'm done? The choice is yours: you want me stuck to you the entire night, or do you want me out of your hair as soon as possible?"

Her brows furrowed as she stood there in silence, her emotions a total mess.

Finally, she sighed.

On the other side of the door, Diablo maintained his patient stance, leaning against it. A smile crept across his face as he felt the subtle shift, a presence settling on the opposite side.

"By the way," he began, "I'm still up for teaching you horse riding. I think you'll enjoy it. And if you want, I can even arrange for you to ride that horse that made you to fall."

She didn't say anything

"The offer stands," he continued, undeterred by her lack of response. "Just let me know when you're ready."

She remained quite, silence slowly engulfing them

Diablo broke it, "Like the song I was humming before? Curious about it? I'll let yo-" He stopped himself from offering her to watch the movie, as he realised he didn't even know if it existed here, "It's a pirate shanty, got a really interesting story behind it. I'll tell you about it later" he changed it

Kuroka sensed the change in his words, a flicker of curiosity sparked within her. Yet, she held her tongue.

"You want to know something interesting, I almost got murdered in that room once"

Now that got caught her off guard and got her attention

"What?" She finally uttered out something, her voice laced with shock and surprise

"Yeah, the room you're in. It was an assassination attempt when I was just a baby" He continued nonchalantly, "My assassin was a former maid of this place"

His words hung in the air, their gravity sinking in as Kuroka processed the information. The absence of any other servant in the mansion, except Grayfia, suddenly made sense

"She entered the room in the dead of night," he recounted, "I was just an infant, peacefully sleeping in my crib. She took a pillow and tried to suffocate me. Thankfully, help arrived just in time... and I survived."

Kuroka stayed silent, absorbing the enormity of his revelation

"Hey," He interjected, his voice lighter this time, "When's your birthday?"

She stayed quiet for a while, contemplating her response. Finally, she spoke, her voice filled with apprehension. "...I don't see how that's important right now."

"Oh, come on," he pleaded, his tone gentle but persistent. "It's your birthday."

Just like that he pleaded, but his words fell upon quite air, unmet with any response. But he remained undeterred

"Kuro-ka" He called out, breaking her name, attracting her attention, "Black Song.... It really is a nice name, reflecting your hair and tail colour. Meanwhile, I'm just Diablo, the Devil....pretty lame in comparison"

She remained silent, her thoughts concealed

"Never understood the meaning behind my name." He grumbled with genuine frustation, "And considering my species is a Devil, it's downright ridiculous. Who even comes up with that!?" He genuinely complained, inwardly cursing ROB for the lack of naming sense, "And don't get me started on lack of creativity, Diablo is literally the most cliché name ever. It's like they ran out of ideas and decided to slap the most obvious name on me"

If Diablo could see through the door, he could see the faintest of smiles on a certain someone

He continued in exasperation, "Diablo, the Devil. It's like naming a Nekoshou Catgirl! Can you imagine? How would that even make sense? Rather name me Jimmy or something.."

A stifled chuckle escaped her lips, who's eyes immediately widened at that, as she hurriedly closed her mouth

But Diablo heard it nonetheless, he smirked but didn't say anything

"Really unfair...." he ended, the tension dissipating from his voice. Once again, silence enveloped the space they shared, yet it felt less burdensome than before.

A soft voice broke it, "October 1st," she murmured.


"October 1st....That's my birthday"

Understanding flickered in his eyes as he smiled, "I'll remember"

"You know, Kuroka, our lives are like a series of doors," Diablo spoke softly, his voice carrying a gentle warmth. "Just like this door between us.

As you open one, you experience something completely unique. Sometimes it might be happy or sad...but you always have to open the next door, because no matter what happens, you have to push on. If you lock yourself in, not opening it, you're left all alone in darkness.

I know it might be intimidating to open it, even frightening..... but I believe you can do it.... Every closed door holds the promise of new and undiscovered opportunities that I know you will grasp. And I'll promise you this, whatever happens when you open this next door, I will be with you. Wether it's something good or bad."

He paused, "Kuroka, I don't know the exact shape or size of your pain. I do not know what happened. But I do know that within that darkness, there's a door waiting to be opened, waiting for you to step through and move forward. Once you open the door...I can help"

He ended as he stood up once more, facing the door, "So Kuroka....Will you open it?"

Silence wrapped the room like a delicate shroud. It stretched, seemingly eternal, and Diablo thought his words had failed. But then, the doorknob moved, the sound barely audible, as if it carried the weight of a thousand decisions. Slowly, inch by inch, the door creaked open.

He carefully entered, crossing the threshold into the room where she sat, her back against the wall, staring at particularly nothing. He approached her

"Can I sit here?" he asked, his voice gentle yet firm. She responded with a slow, hesitant nod

He settled beside her, the warmth of his presence subtly seeping into the space between them. She couldn't help but turn her gaze towards him

"Why?" She muttered out the moment he sat down, her voice trembling with a mix of confusion and pain, "Why are you doing this? Why, for me? We don't even know each other. We were practically strangers a while back, so why?" Her eyes beseeched him, longing for an explanation

"Hm, why, huh?" He repeated, before smiling, "Would the reason 'because I'm a kind person' work?"

She frowned as she nudged him with her shoulder, "I'm serious"

Diablo stared at her slitted eyes, before sighing as he turned to face the wall, "Well, you're right. We had been strangers not too long ago, and we don't have a long-shared history."

He leaned his back against the wall, "But, such is life..." He shrugged, "Things happen unexpectedly all the time, connections are formed from the most random of things. You never know what will happen. Perhaps the reason that I'm kind might be true, perhaps not. Perhaps, during these months, I might have even grown a little fond of the adorable yet grumpy kitty that I have housed.

Though if you want the truth, in all complete frankness, I did say it the first day I met you."

"I want you in my peerage" he confessed. She didn't show any reaction but the disappointment, hurt could be seen in her eyes, as she once more turned away from him...

Or at least she tried to...

He gently grasped the side of her face, his touch both firm and tender, and turned her to face him again, but much closer

"But does it really matter?" he asked, his gaze penetrating deep into her eyes, "In the end, does the reason truly matter?"

They stayed locked in that moment, their breaths mingling, until he finally released his hold on her. "Since we're speaking truthfully," he continued, his tone earnest, "I will continue to do so. I genuinely believe in you. That is no lie." The utter sincerity and seriousness in his voice widened her eyes in surprise.

"I also believe, that if I wasn't there, you would have still somehow made it out of this situation"

According to canon

"I have absolute faith in your abilities, your potential. You have the potential to stand at the top"

He did, he knew the future, he knew her potential. Kuroka, the SS-Class criminal, an actual powerhouse, despite the heavy cut in her original potential

"Despite anything, I truly do value you, not only for you potential but for you, yourself"

He knew about her personality, her loyalty....A die-hard loyalty like that was rare

"And to end with a cherry on top," he added, a smirk dancing on his lips, "Have you really heard the rumors about me? I'm the eccentric Horse Fanatic of the Underworld. Do you truly think I can be predictable? I do what I want."

He paused, allowing his words to settle in the air. "So yes, Kuroka. When I say that the reason I'm doing all of this is because I want you in my peerage, it's the truth. But those kind words were not mere empty flattery to win you over. They are the truth. My words are not empty, and I genuinely do believe in you"

Her eyes glistened with unshed tears, her emotions brimming at the surface.

"So, it's alright, Kuroka," he reassured her, his voice tender. "Let it all out. I'm here for you..."

And she broke down, the floodgate of emotions released. Her tears cascading onto his chest as she clung to his shirt with both hands. She loudly wailed in sadness. She let it all out, all her grievances, her pain, her struggles, everything.

She told him about her parents, the void left behind them, how much she missed her mother. She told him about what she faced in Naberius House, how hard it was, how scared she was, how she kept strong for her sister. And, yes, she told him about her sister, Shirone....who was still missing out there. She revealed the worry gnawing at her, the guilt plaguing her.

She unburdened herself, releasing the weight that no kid should bear alone, yet bear it she did.

In response, he assured her that he would assist in locating her sister and promised to dispatch his scouts first thing in the morning. His words only deepened her swirl of emotions as she cried harder and pressed herself more against him

Finally, after who knows how long, she managed to regain control of her emotions, slowly separating herself from him, though despite that they were closer than ever, their bodies practically stuck together.

A portion of his shirt had become completely drenched from her tears. As she glanced up at him, he saw her face, a hint of embarrassment tinged her cheeks at what she did, but her emotions did look a lot more calmer

Gently, he reached out and used his sleeve to tenderly wipe away her tears. "Feeling better now?" he asked

She nodded, the crimson hue on her cheek growing brighter at his intimate gesture..

He responded with a warm smile before deciding to shift the mood, recognizing her embarrassment and a sudden idea sparked in his mind. "Hmm... I don't think I have officially introduced myself," he remarked, his voice light. "This won't do."

"It doesn't matter, I already know," she interjected softly.

"No, no. Basic etiquette demands it," he cleared his throat, assuming a more formal tone. "Well, my name is Diablo Barbatos, the heir and the last remaining member of House Barbatos. Uhm, what I like are my loved ones, training, and... well shit, I've just realised my life's pretty sad... I should find more hobbies.

Anyway, now, as for dislikes... Hmm, I'll have to think on that. God, this introduction is awful"

"Wait! You said his name!"

"Huh, what name? Oh, God?" He paused as he realised his slip up, "Oh, I did, didn't I?" He uttered out thoughtfully. "Well, damn...Hm, don't worry. It's alright, he's like my great-grandfather."

Kuroka was speechless to say the least

"In any case," Diablo continued, "My dream is... to become strong."

She shook her head as she paid attention to his next words, "Strong? That's pretty vague, what do you mean?" She asked, her confusion seeping into her words

"Exactly what I said, strong"

"Hm, how strong?"

"Strong enough..." His voice trailed off, leaving a pregnant pause hanging in the air.

A moment of silence settled between them until Diablo broke it, breaking through the weighty atmosphere. "Anyway, what about you?"

She hesitated, her mind momentarily grasping for an answer. "Uhm, I'm Kuroka... Just Kuroka," she replied

He arched an eyebrow playfully, "That's it? Come on, tell me more about yourself. What are your likes, dislikes, your dreams?"

As his words washed over her, a wave of memories flooded Kuroka's mind, the bittersweet recollections of her past. Her eyes turned watery once more as she remembered them

Sensing the shift in the atmosphere, he spoke softly, his voice laced with understanding. "Before everything else, there must be something, right? A dream, at least?"

Kuroka's dream had always been to escape the wretched confines of that dreadful place with her beloved sister, yet she had managed to break free while her sister hadn't. That was the only dream she remembered that was at most clarity to her.

But there was this vague memory, a flash of the past. It danced at the edge of her consciousness, teasing her with fragments of forgotten emotions.....

A very old memory, when things were....happy

"I-I... I want a big family," she stammered, her words carrying a mixture of hope and hesitation. "With lots of little kittens of my own. That was my dream..." Her voice trailed off, tinged with a tinge of self-consciousness. "I know it's stupid..." Her embarrassment once again leaked out

"No, it's not," He interjected gently, his eyes filled with genuine admiration. "It's beautiful." Kuroka couldn't help but be taken aback by his response, as her heart skipped a beat. He continued, his voice sincere and warm, as he stared at a wall, as if remembering a nostalgic past, "In fact, now that I think about it, that is one of my dreams as well....a big family... " He smiled to himself, as he turned to look at her once more, "It's a good dream. I promise you, I'll help you make it come true"

However, as his words settled in the air, Kuroka's entire face flushed crimson, resembling a ripe tomato. Her embarrassment overwhelmed her, and she struggled to find the right words to respond.

Diablo, met with her sudden silence and the sight of her flushed face, was confused but then immediately realised what he said. He blushed as he stumbled over his words in a flustered attempt, "NO! I didn't mean it like that! I meant... helping you fulfill that dream, not me doing it personally! NOT THAT THERE IS ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT! I mean, who knows in the future..." He trailed off, his face growing warmer with each word. "Ahhh, fuck, I'm making this worse—"

Interrupting his stream of self-conscious rambling, a sound filled the air—a soft, melodious laughter. Diablo turned his head, finding Kuroka wiping tears from her eyes.....tears of laughter.

Looking at him with her teary, yet endearing gaze, she smiled as she uttered two simple words, heavy with emotions. "Thank you... thank you for everything," she said, her voice filled with sincerity, before resting her head against his shoulder.

Despite his initial embarrassment, he couldn't help but let out a small smile


{{NOTE from Author-san:

- This was something new for me, never wrote a chapter like that before. Please feel free to tell me your criticisms on it. I also encourage ya'll to comment more, really like reading your comments and thoughts on stuff. Ask questions as well, if you have any. And yes, one more thing...MORE REVIEWS!

- By the way, share your opinions on what pieces to use for each of them for the peerage

- Age:

Diablo: 11

Kuroka: 15

Violet: 15

Lavinia: 23

- And the Kuroka revelation thing actually happened to me. I was thinking of how to make her loyal when it just hit me. SHE'S A KID.....so yeah. Bye, see ya next chapter}}

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