I am grateful for meeting someone like you,
Because like no other, there's something about you,
Something that understands the dark part of me,
Something that completly accepts me.
You picked me up when no one else did,
You showed me love when no one else did,
You showed up when I was at my worst,
And I am grateful for that my dear love.
For my life is now worth living,
I thank you for giving me that hope.
For the problems that I am having,
I thank you for standing by me.
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Bab 10: Gratitude
I am grateful for meeting someone like you,
Because like no other, there's something about you,
Something that understands the dark part of me,
Something that completly accepts me.
You picked me up when no one else did,
You showed me love when no one else did,
You showed up when I was at my worst,
And I am grateful for that my dear love.
For my life is now worth living,
I thank you for giving me that hope.
For the problems that I am having,
I thank you for standing by me.