If it was allowed,
I'd go and take you out,
On a date you won't forget,
Even if it's the first time we met.
I'd go and take you out for coffee,
Or the arcade if you wanted,
Even the cinema, watching a movie,
Or just watch ourselves get bonded.
I'd take you on several more dates,
Because I want to know you,
And I want you to know me,
Plus you get to see the sweet side of me.
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Bab 8: Date?
If it was allowed,
I'd go and take you out,
On a date you won't forget,
Even if it's the first time we met.
I'd go and take you out for coffee,
Or the arcade if you wanted,
Even the cinema, watching a movie,
Or just watch ourselves get bonded.
I'd take you on several more dates,
Because I want to know you,
And I want you to know me,
Plus you get to see the sweet side of me.