Unduh Aplikasi

Chapter no.3 Class

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Naruto would have continued scanning the rest of the class but his teachers chose that moment to enter.

[ Name: Umino Iruka ]

[ Role: Academy Instructor ]

[ Level: 11 ]


[ Name: Touji Mizuki ]

[ Role: Academy Assistant Instructor ]

[ Level: 12 ]

Naruto was starting to like the names above their heads. This time though he noticed there was a leaf symbol next to their names.

[ Name: Umino Iruka ]

[ Status: REDACTED ]

[ Title: REDACTED ]

[ Level: 11 ]

[ Class: REDACTED ]

[ Race: REDACTED ]

[ HP: 1000 / 1000 ]



[ Lineage Traits: REDACTED ]

[ Class Features: REDACTED ]

[ Feats: REDACTED ]

[ Stats: REDACTED ]

[ Allies: REDACTED ]

[ Equipment: REDACTED ]


[ Description: Umino Iruka is a dedicated Academy Instructor finding his life fulfilled teaching the next generation of Shinobi. ]

[ Note: Umino Iruka's level is greater than the player's. Removal of redactions is possible through engagement in combat or leveling up. ]

Naruto tried on Mizuki and the results were the same. It told him there was a limit to his ability while his own level was so low.

That raised several other questions.

How could he level up?

Was it only quests?

For that matter what were his own stats? Then it occurred to him that if this was a game he should be able to get a command prompt of some kind right?

"Profile," he tried first. "Pause. Menu. Status-" the last one popped up an orange menu.

[ Name: Uzumaki Naruto ]

[ Status: Chakra Imbalance (Difficulty in controlling chakra, -100% performance in executing simple Jutsus) ]

[ Title: Academy Student ]

[ Level: 1 ]

[ Class: Unselected ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ HP: 300 / 300 ]

[ AC: 10 ]

[ CP: 10k / 10k ]

[ Lineage Traits: N/A ]

[ Class Features: N/A ]

[ Feats: Observer ]

[ Stats: ]

- [ STR: 8 ]

- [ DEX: 8 ]

- [ CON: 8 ]

- [ INT: 8 ]

- [ WIS: 8 ]

- [ CHA: 8 ]

- [ VIT: 8 ]

- [ LUK: ? ]

[ Stat Points: 27 ]

[ Allies: --- ]

[ Equipment: ]

- [ Weapons: Basic Kunai ]

- [ Armor: Standard Academy Uniform ]

- [ Gear: Basic Ninja Tools ]

- [ Magic Items: --- ]

[ Exp: 0 ]

[ Description: Uzumaki Naruto is the dead last of the Konoha Academy having failed the graduation twice before while clearly not prepared to graduate. His past is shrouded in mysteries for him to uncover. ]

"It's over 9000." Naruto screamed as he looked at his Chakra points.

"You need something, Naruto?" asked Iruka.

"No, Iruka-sensei," said Naruto hoping the man would move on quickly.

"Then you can tell me what I just said?" asked Iruka.

"You introduced us to Mizuki-sensei?" asked Naruto, hoping he was really lucky.

"I guess you were paying attention," said Iruka moving on.

[ Your Luck holds out and you save yourself from detention on the first period of class.]

Naruto had to restrain himself from jumping up and down and cheering. He checked his status again and his LUK stat was still '?'.

So either it was really high or negative if it could go negative for that matter.

What the hell does LUK do for him anyway?

Naruto tapped the '?' symbol in the top left corner of his Status window. Instantly several small boxes appeared in black with greenish yellow writing and yellow lines were drawn pointing to each area of the status window.

[ Name: The name of your character. It's how they are identified in the world. ]


[ Status: A character's current condition, influenced by gameplay events. Statuses can be temporary (like 'Stunned' or 'Poisoned'), or permanent, reflecting unique abilities or afflictions. Permanent statuses can be innate or acquired through specific actions. ]


[ Title: Titles are accolades your character earns. They reflect achievements and can provide various benefits or recognition. Titles can change or be permanently attached based on your character's actions and storyline progression. ]


[ Level: Represents your character's overall progression and experience. Higher levels unlock new abilities and increase overall strength. ]


[ Class: Defines the role and skill set of your character. It determines the abilities they have and how they approach challenges. ]


[ Race: The species or ancestry of your character. Each race has unique traits and abilities that influence gameplay. ]


[ HP (Hit Points): Represents the health of your character. If HP reaches zero, the character is incapacitated or dead. ]


[ AC (Armor Class): Indicates how hard it is for enemies to land a successful attack on your character. Higher AC means better defense. ]


[ CP (Chakra Points): It represents the character's chakra reserve. Used to perform jutsu and other special abilities. ]


[ Lineage Traits: Special abilities and characteristics your character has due to their race. These can include physical or magical traits, unique skills, or resistances. ]


[ Class Features: Abilities and skills specific to your character's class. These define how your character functions in their role. ]


[ Feats: Special talents or abilities that provide unique advantages or capabilities to your character. They can be chosen or earned. ]


[ Stats: Your character's core attributes, impacting various aspects of gameplay. ]

- [ STR (Strength): Physical power and carrying capacity. Affects melee attacks and ability to handle heavy objects. ]

- [ DEX (Dexterity): Agility, reflexes, and balance. Influences ranged attacks, evasion, and stealth. ]

- [ CON (Constitution): Health and stamina. Affects health points and resilience. ]

- [ INT (Intelligence): Reasoning, learning, and memory. Boosts knowledge and spellcasting. ]

- [ WIS (Wisdom): Perception and insight. Enhances awareness and intuition. ]

- [ CHA (Charisma): Social interaction and influence. Improves persuasion and leadership skills. ]

- [ VIT (Vitality): Overall health and endurance. Determines stamina and recovery rate. ]

- [ LUK (Luck): Affects the likelihood of fortunate events and successes in uncertain situations. ]

[ Stat Points: Points allocated to your character's stats, shaping their strengths and weaknesses. ]

[ Allies: Characters allied with your character, assisting in quests and battles. ]

[ Equipment: Items your character carries for use in various situations. ]

- [ Weapons: Tools for combat, each with unique properties and uses. ]

- [ Armor: Protective gear to reduce damage from attacks. ]

- [ Gear: Miscellaneous items for various utility purposes. ]

- [ Magic Items: Enchanted items with special powers and effects. ]

[ Exp (Experience Points): Indicates progress towards the next level. Gained through completing tasks, overcoming challenges, and defeating enemies. ]


Naruto couldn't help but sigh. It was a lot of information for him to process. Naruto closed the menu and tried to pay attention to the lecture but quickly zoned out as he daydreamed about all the kickass things he could do with his new ability.

"Okay, students, please read this booklet and then we'll head out to the practice range to work on kunai and shuriken bukijutsu," said Iruka.

Mizuki then began passing out the booklets to each of the students.

"Why do we have to read this again?" complained Kiba. "Every year we get this damned booklet."

"Because every year we like to refresh our students so they don't get sloppy or lazy in their technique," said Iruka, his glare quickly silencing the Inuzuka boy.

Naruto sighed as he looked at the booklet in front of him.

He grabbed the book and made to open it when a new pop up appeared.

[ Notification: Opportunity detected to acquire skill 'Kunai and Shuriken Bukijutsu'. ]

[ Action Required: Confirm acceptance or declination of class skill. ]

Naruto nearly tore his hair out at this.

He knew how to throw damned Shuriken and Kunai.

What the fuck was wrong with this game?

Naruto tapped the 'Acceptance' just to see what would happen.

[ Alert: Unable to learn skill 'Kunai and Shuriken Bukijutsu'. ]

[ Requirement: Please acquire 'Shinobi' class to proceed. ]

Naruto, feeling a mix of frustration and curiosity, navigated back to the system screen.

His focus zeroed in on the 'Class' option. With no class currently assigned to him, he wondered if the system would allow him to select one.

Naruto's anticipation grew as he clicked to select a class.

Instantly, the system screen transformed, presenting him with an array of class options.

- [ Wizard ]: Masters of arcane magic and spellcasting.

- [ Barbarian ]: Fierce warriors with unmatched strength and rage.

- [ Warlock ]: Wielders of dark, often forbidden powers through deals with mysterious entities.

- [ Shinobi/Rogue ]: Stealthy and agile, experts in espionage and surprise attacks.

- [ Spirit Warden ]: Guardians who draw strength from their bond with nature and spirits.

And several others, each offering a distinct journey and skill set:

- [ Paladin ]: Holy warriors driven by a divine cause.

- [ Ranger ]: Skilled hunters and trackers with a deep connection to the wilderness.

- [ Sorcerer ]: Innate casters with unpredictable magical abilities.

- [ Monk ]: Masters of martial arts and inner energy.

- [ Bard ]: Charismatic performers wielding the power of music and charm.

- [ Druid ]: Shape-shifters attuned to the natural world and its cycles.

- [ Cleric ]: Devout servants of deities, wielding divine magic.

Naruto's eyes widened in awe as he surveyed the array of classes before him. His heart raced with excitement - this was like nothing he had ever seen before.

"Wow, a wizard? That would be amazing!" he thought, his mind conjuring images of casting powerful spells and controlling the elements.

Naruto clicked the wizard class.

[ Action Invalid ]

[ Requirements not fulfilled ]

Naruto growled again as the system screen flickered.

[ Please meet the following requirements for the Wizard class: ]

[ INT: 23 or higher ]

[ WIS: 20 or higher ]

[ Mastery of the Basic Mana Skill ]

[ Status: Pledge of Mana ]

Naruto blinked.

"What the fuck?" he muttered under his breath.

Naruto clicked on 'Barbarian'.

[ Alert: Requirements for 'Barbarian' class selection initiated. ]

[ Please meet the following requirements: ]

[ STR (Strength): 23 or higher ]

[ CON (Constitution): 32 or higher ]

[ Completion of the 'Rage Control' training ]

[ Status: 'Warrior's Resolve' or equivalent experience in combat ]

Naruto clicked on 'Warlock'.

[ Alert: Requirements for 'Warlock' class selection initiated. ]

[ Please meet the following requirements: ]

[ CHA (Charisma): 33 or higher ]

[ INT (Intelligence): 20 or higher ]

[ Knowledge of at least one Eldritch Invocation ]

[ Pact established with a mystical entity or power source ]

With a sigh, Naruto was bored.

"What's the point if I can't select the good stuff..." he thought, feeling a bit deflated.

Reluctantly, Naruto tapped on the 'Shinobi' class.

[ Alert: Requirements for 'Shinobi' class selection initiated. ]

[ Required Stats: ]

- [ STR (Strength): 12 or higher ]

- [ DEX (Dexterity): 12 or higher ]

- [ CON (Constitution): 10 or higher ]

- [ INT (Intelligence): 11 or higher ]

- [ WIS (Wisdom): 10 or higher ]

- [ CHA (Charisma): 9 or higher ]

- [ VIT (Vitality): 11 or higher ]

- [ LUK (Luck): Variable ]

[ Conditions can be met. ]

[ Would you like to select the Shinobi class? ]

Naruto, feeling a glimmer of hope, clicked 'Acceptance'.

As he did, his stat points (27) were automatically distributed, updating his stats:

[ Stats: ]

- [ STR: 12 ]

- [ DEX: 12 ]

- [ CON: 10 ]

- [ INT: 11 ]

- [ WIS: 10 ]

- [ CHA: 9 ]

- [ VIT: 11 ]

- [ LUK: ? ]

[ Stat Points Remaining: 4 ]

[ Congratulations! Player Naruto has unlocked the Shinobi Class ]

[ Select your clan affiliation: ]

- [.Senju Clan ]

- [ Uchiha Clan ]

- [ Uzumaki Clan ]

- [ Hyuga Clan ]

- [ Nara Clan ]

- [ Akimichi Clan ]

Naruto, eyes wide, stared at the screen. "Uzumaki Clan? Like the Uchihas and Senjus?" he mumbled in disbelief. His heart pounded with a mix of pride and curiosity. For the first time, he felt a connection to something greater, a lineage he never knew he had.

Unable to contain his emotions, Naruto suddenly stood up.

"I gotta... go poo!" he stammered, voice cracking slightly.

He dashed out of the classroom, leaving behind a wake of confusion. His classmates exchanged bewildered looks, but Hinata, watching him closely, noticed the tears glistening in his eyes. Her heart ached with worry as she silently wondered, "What's wrong, Naruto kun?"

As he ran, Naruto's mind raced.

"An Uzumaki Clan... What does this mean? Who am I really?"

Load failed, please RETRY

Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

Membuka kunci kumpulan bab

Daftar Isi

Opsi Tampilan

Latar Belakang



Komentar pada bab

Tulis ulasan Status Membaca: C3
Gagal mengirim. Silakan coba lagi
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Stabilitas Pembaruan
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • Latar Belakang Dunia

Skor total 0.0

Ulasan berhasil diposting! Baca ulasan lebih lanjut
Pilih Power Stone
Rank NO.-- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Batu Daya
Laporkan konten yang tidak pantas
Tip kesalahan

Laporkan penyalahgunaan

Komentar paragraf
