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50% A New Life As Ben 10 / Chapter 13: Ch 13 Respect my Authority

Bab 13: Ch 13 Respect my Authority

After cleaning himself of his blood, Ben used the Omnitrix to give himself some shorts, before exiting the bathroom and going to sit down at the table with Max.

Hearing Ben leave the bathroom, Max looked toward him and saw his muscles. His jaw dropping in shock, Max stared at Ben. "Ben- How did you become so muscular?" He hadn't noticed it much before, because Ben usually has baggy clothes on, but seeing him now, Max couldn't understand how his body had changed so much.

Ben sat down and casually looked back at Max. "I have an extremely strong adaptability. Training and fighting makes me stronger, faster and smarter, very easily. In general, whatever I do, I seem to learn and improve in, with ease."

Max continued staring at him with a shocked expression. "Don't you think you've been overdoing it...?"

Shrugging at the question, Ben didn't think so. "My body is healthy, so I don't think that it's a problem. Though, I guess it might seem like it, considering how old I am." He explained to him with some half truths, but felt that he should add to the lies to seem more convincing. "Plus, I believe I know why I'm so good at fighting and instinctively do so."

Raising an eyebrow, Max inquired. "What is it then?"

"It's the Omnitrix. Within every DNA sample, there is genetic memory, which makes it so I pretty much instantly know how to use their abilities." Ben laid out the details for Max, using scientific fact. "In a person's DNA, there is a collection of memories from their ancestors. When the Omnitrix fixed my own genetic make-up, I believe it unlocked portions of the genetic memory from my own ancestor. Which would explain why I'm more mature, smarter and skilled than I should be."

[Acting increased to Lv-3]

Sighing, Max shook his head with exasperation. "It's becoming harder and harder to believe that you are only ten years old..."

Wryly laughing, Ben scratched his cheek a little. "Yeah... But then again, I've never been a normal kid, have I?"

Max didn't really know how to respond to that, as his Grandson was right, he'd never been normal. After such a long and stressful day, Max was tired and showed it when he began rubbing his eyes.

Ben saw that he was tired and thought it was a good time to end the conversation, as he had other things he wanted to do. So, he looked at Max in a relaxed manner and said. "Anyways, you seem tired Grandpa. Why don't you take a nap and I'll wake all three of you up for dinner?"

Max rubbed the back of his neck with a weary look. "Yeah... I think I could use one, with all the shock you've given me today..." He then got up and moved to the front passenger seat, where he took his nap.

Now that Max wasn't there to question him on anything, Ben closed his eyes. This wasn't to sleep, but rather to speak with Gabriel. 'Gabriel, would you buy a book that will help me learn both the light side and the dark side techniques of the Force."

"Sure." As she was doing as he asked, she went silent for a moments, before speaking up. "You will have to get one book for the light side and one for the dark side. They aren't cheap either, going at 100,000SP each."

Ben felt a tinge of pain at the price, but he was sure that it would be worth it, so he answered. 'Go ahead and buy them...'

Receiving his final decision, Gabriel bought the guides and they were deposited into his inventory. "You can read them whenever."

'Thanks.' He gave his gratitude and immediately began browsing through the books in his mind. As he did this, he got curious about something. 'Say, Gabriel, do I have a midi-chlorian count? And if so, what is it?'

Gabriel immediately replied to him. "Yes, you do have a midi-chlorian count in a sense. Your midi-chlorian count is 10x the amount of Mana you have."

'...' Hearing this, Ben was astonished. 'If I remember correctly, Anakin Skywalker's midi-chlorian count was 27,000 or something... So, not only do I have more midi-chlorians than the FRICKING CHOSEN ONE!! But I can also increase the amount I have, constantly making me stronger in the Force?"

"Yup!" Answering his rhetorical question, Gabriel had a chipper and amused tone.

A massive grin spread across Ben's face, even while his eyes were shut. 'I kind of wish that I could go to the Star Wars universe is somehow, just so I can go flex on those plebs and their tiny midi-chlorian counts. For now though, I should get to learning how to use my new powers.'

With that thought, he began meditating. Splitting his attention between circulating his Mana and reading up on how to utilise the force.


After a few hours, Ben stopped his training and made food, before waking the other three up to eat.

The other three got up and made their way to the table, sitting down with a solemn atmosphere coming from the girls. Even when Ben had put the food in front of them and sat down, the girls didn't touch it and just stared at it.

Ben looked at them and saw that they were down. "Why aren't you eating?"

"We're not hungry..." Gwen answered sadly, while Keira nodded in agreement.

Max looked at them with worry. "Come on you two, you need to eat..."

"Don't feel like it though..." Keira pulled her legs to her chest and began sniffling.

Becoming a bit worried about them, Ben softly questioned them with a concerned expression. "Why don't you want to eat?" He understood what was wrong, but he wanted to prompt them to talk about it.

Hitting the table, Gwen stood up with a shout. "You left us! Again!!" She pointed at him with tears in her eyes. "You said that you wouldn't keep leaving us, but you did! You did and you were almost killed!!"

Ben was somewhat shocked when he heard her outburst and was able to feel her turbulent emotions through the Force. "Gwen, I-"

"Shut up!" She cut him off and her tears began to fall. "You left us and we had to watch you almost die! We could have helped you!!"

Hearing this, Ben felt a bit bad, but decided that it was time for some tough love. He stared at her emotionlessly and spoke coldly. "And how is that?"

Gwen froze hearing his voice and panicked seeing his emotionless face. Max saw this and concernedly lifted his hand. "Ben-"

"No." Looking at Max, Ben shut him down and turned back to Gwen. "I'll be frank, you three are weak." Being called weak, the girls winced. Ben crossed his arms. "I just took on an army and won. I fought alone, because I was confident in my own ability to survive and because I have the Omnitrix, which I didn't even use during the fight."

Hearing that he didn't use the Omnitrix, the three of them looked at him in shock. "You didn't use the Omnitrix!?"

"No." He looked at them coldly. "Because I didn't need it."

The girls looked down, feeling like Ben was saying that he was better than them.

But, Ben wasn't done. "I didn't win just because I'm strong, but because I'm smart and skilled. I planned and prepared myself to fight them, something you three couldn't have helped me with. By using superior weapons and magic, like the Charms of Bezel, I beat them all and came out perfectly fine, which wouldn't be possible if you three were there. There is only one Charm of Restoration and it only works on one person, so I would have had to leave it with you. Having any of you there would have distracted me, because I would have to worry about you being hurt or killed, which would have just gotten me hurt or killed."

Gwen's head sank as he berated her. She bit her trembling lower lip, trying not to burst into tears.

He then finished up, easing his expression as he did. "All I want, is for you two to be safe. You are both young and aren't prepared to fight such forces. Given time, you can master your powers and grow stronger, so that you can take on armies. But, for now, just leave the big fights to me. Please..." Giving them a pleading look, curtesy of his Lv-3 Acting skill, Ben made them unable to refuse him.

The girls both began crying loudly, so Ben got up and hugged them, as they returned the hug.

Meanwhile, Max was thinking over how Ben dealt with the situation and coming to a realisation. 'Ben is really good at controlling the flow of a situation when he wants...'

Once Ben had calmed the girls, he continued to hug them and made a request. "So, will you please eat? I'll make you both something else if you want..."

Gwen and Keira sniffled while wiping their tears away. "Mhm... We'll eat our food..."

"Thank you." Smiling, Ben stroked their head and then sat down to eat his food.

After eating, Ben had to spend the rest of the day with the girls, comforting and cuddling together as the three of them fell asleep.


The next day, Max got up early and started driving to god knows where... Ben made breakfast while he was driving and on the way out of California, Ben asked Max to stop next to a wind farm to eat food.

When he had finished his own food, Ben went outside and did his daily mission. By the time he'd completed it, the other three had finished eating and exited the RV.

Given that they had the time, Ben suggest some training for the girls, which they agreed to.

So, he transformed into Diamondhead and created some crystal soldiers, controlling them to attack the girls.

Being attacked, the girls tried to defend themselves, but got their asses handed to them. If Ben was being honest, he was being kind of harsh on them, but he hoped to prove how weak they are.

In the end, it would either make or break them. If they see how weak they are, they'll begin working hard to get stronger, or they'll give up.

As he observed them getting knocked down, he saw them get right back up. Grinning, Ben was happy to see them not give up and he started giving them advice on how to improve.

With his guidance and their own perseverance, the girls started rapidly improving. After all, Gwen had practiced martial arts and Keira had been in street fights before, so their experience helped them.

While fighting the crystal, Gwen learned to slightly empower herself with her Mana, while Keira managed to cover her hands with an absorbed material.

The training session only lasted fifteen minutes or so and then they'd run out of energy, while also being a bit bruised up.

Seeing this, Ben was going to detransform, only to suddenly be cover in light and teleported to a dark place, with only a spot light on him. A voice then resounded. "Presenting our newest challenger of planet Earth."

The surrounding then lit up and he saw that he was in a fighting arena.

Looking around, he saw hundreds, maybe thousands of alien spectators. As he looked, a manic grin spread across his crystalline face, before he broke into laughter. "HAHAHA!!! OH, YOU ARE ALL SO FUCKED!!!"

With a thought, he transformed into Upgrade and started merging with the spaceship he knew he was on. As all the Aliens saw him transform and begin spreading across the ship, they were shocked and some panicked.

As he covered more of the ship, something tried to electrocute him, but it didn't work and he just cackled evilly as he continued to expand.

While merging with the ship, he started creating weapons and killing everything in sight, storing the bodies so that he can unlock them in the Omnitrix.

Ben soon took over the whole ship and had killed everything inside.

[You have gained a total of 119,420xp]

When he saw how little experience he got, Ben was disappointed, but considering how basically non of the Aliens he killed put up a fight, he wasn't too surprised. He could more or less guess that civilians don't give as much experience as combatants.

Fully absorbing the ship into himself, he shrunk his body back to its normal size and used the same teleportation technology to return to the Rustbucket.

Appearing back in front of the Rustbucket, Ben saw Max and the girls panicking about his disappearance.

Cancelling his transformation and creating a burst of light, he drew the attention of the other three, who shouted. "Ben!!"

"Yo!" With one hand in his pocket, he did a small two finger salute. "Sorry about that, some Aliens kidnapped me for their stupid slave gladiator matches. They're gone now." A cruel smirk appeared on his face, but he quickly changed to a casual smile. "Anyways, let's get back on the road, shall we?" He then began entering the Rustbucket.

The three of them sighed in relief that Ben was okay and followed him inside, though Max could help thinking about the smirk Ben had. 'He definitely killed them...' He frowned, but said nothing.


After Ben's brief kidnapping, they got back on the road.

Ben decided to take the time to meditate and continue learning how to use the Force. Seeing Ben meditating, the girls joined him in training.

While he meditated, Ben thought of all the bodies he has in his inventory and was pondering how to get all the DNA samples into the Omnitrix.

Fortunately, he had his system, which seems to be able to do just about anything if he has the SP for it. So, he inquired to Gabriel about getting it done. 'Gabriel, I don't suppose I can use the system to put the DNA of the Aliens in my inventory into the Omnitrix, can I?"

Gabriel immediately replied. "Yeah, should I do it now?"

'Yes! For the love of God, yes!' Like he'd received the greatest news in the world, he dramatically shouted to her.

With an amused giggle, she did as he asked, spending 100SP for the task to be done. Ben saw the notification, but didn't pay attention to it and began focusing completely on his meditation.


It was a few days later that they arrived at their destination, being Pittsburgh, or in other words... Across the goddamn country!!! This lead Ben to mentally scream. 'WHAT IS WRONG WITH MAX'S HEAD!!'

Of course, they made some stops on the way, but they were all boring and mundane. All Ben could do was meditate and workout.

Now that they were at Pittsburgh though, Ben could look forward to the incoming experience and possible DNA samples, which he new was coming thanks to the missions he just accepted.


Family Ties - SixSix's relatives are coming to your location. Defeat them.

Rewards - 5AP, 20,000SP

Failure - -50,000SP

Big Boom - Bomb go boom!

Rewards - Math Lv-4, Science Lv-4, 10,000SP

Failure - Earth might go boom]

When he saw the second mission, he could help sighing, with a single thought. 'So, we're back to this...'

For now though, Ben had to wait for the enemy to arrive and they were going to a museum, so he took to drawing as a way to occupy himself.

Even when they arrived at the museum, Ben continued drawing. He had no interest in anything the museum offered and neither did Keira, so they both ended up sitting on one of the statues.

Ben continued drawing, while Keira lay down with her head in his lap and napped peacefully as he stroked her head.

Soon enough though, Gwen came over and stood with her hands on her hips. "You do realise that that's a piece of art, not something for you to sit on, right?"

Looking up from his sketch book, Ben dully replied. "Gwen, sweetie, this is a foot. Whoever think this is qualified to be art, needs to get their head examined."

Opening her mouth to retort, she stopped and considered his point, before huffing a little. "Well, I agree with you on that, but can you both at least get off of it before you get in trouble."

"Fine..." Not wanting to get nagged at, he simply relented and gently shook Keira awake. As she was waking up, he picked her up and jumped off the statue.

In Ben's arms, Keira moaned comfortably and snuggled into him. She was half awake now and didn't realise what she was doing, but didn't care at the moment either.

Seeing Keira taking liberties, Gwen pouted jealously. "Keira! Wake up and get out of Ben's arms already!"

Hearing Gwen almost shouting at her, Keira woke up and finally realised what she'd been doing. In a flustered panic, she scrambled out of Ben's arms with a red face.

Ben watched her with an teasing grin. "What's wrong, Keira? Your face is all red~ You're not sick are you~?" Getting close to her, he lifted her fringe and pressed his forehead against hers.

Keira became more embarrassed and looked as though her head was about to start steaming. Gwen on the other hand, was both amused and jealous, but mostly jealous.

Going over to the two of them, she grabbed their arms and started dragging them. "Come on already, we don't have all day!"

Being saved by Gwen, Keira let out a breath in relief, while Ben just continued to smile in amusement and ignored the comments from Gabriel, about him being a lolicon.

Despite their lack of interest in the museum, both Ben and Keira had fun walking around the place with Gwen.


A couple hours later, as they were leaving, Ben and the other three had their attention drawn to the sky, as a small spaceship flew by, into the city and began causing an uproar.

Seeing the Alien attackers, Keira pulled on her hair and cried out. "Why couldn't they have come hours ago, before I got dragged through that borefest!?"

Ben sniggered at her pain and then looked around, to see if there was anyone that would see him, before transforming into XLR8.

As he was about to get going, he got jumped on by the girls. He looked at them, while they glared at him. "You're not ditching us again!"

He looked to Max for help, but received none, as Max was just standing with his arms crossed. "Fine." After saying that, he sped over to Max and grabbed him, then ran over to where the chaos was happening.

Upon arrival, he saw an oversized man-baby, a Detrovite known as Vulkanus, creating havoc and shouting about 'Bicenthium Alloy'. Other than the Detrovite, there was two purple suited Sotoraggian. A male and a female, aka, SevenSeven and EightEight.

Seeing the three aliens, Ben dropped off the other three and then transformed into Gax, the form he got from Vilgax, a Chimera Sui Generis.

Standing at 15 feet tall, his skin is a dark green, while pitch black battle armour covered his legs, torso, shoulders and lower face. His eyes glowed bright red and so did vein like gaps between his muscle-like tentacle arms.

Ben clenched his right hand and punched into his left hands palm. He looked down to his family and gravelly spoke to them. "I'll take the Detrovite, while you have fun with the Sotoraggians."

Narrowing his eyes on Vulkanus, he stomped on the ground, making it shake and then charging at his opponent.

From the noise Ben was making, he caught the attention of the three criminals, who were shocked upon seeing him and shouted in their native languages. "V-Vilgax!?"

Hearing them shouting the name of the one who he acquired this transformation from, Ben laughed maliciously.

Quickly arriving in front of Vulkanus, Ben threw a punch at his face and shouted. "WRONG!"

Vulkanus was sent flying back, into the spaceship they came in. A dent was formed in the side of the ship and Vulkanus fell down to the ground, before getting back up while groaning angrily.

This wasn't because Vulkanus was strong enough to take one of his hits, but rather because Ben was holding back so he can enjoy the fight a bit.

"I don't know who you are, but if your not Vilgax, then I don't have to care. You're gonna pay for that!" Vulkanus shouted and charged at Ben, tackling him at the waist.

Letting the fool tackle him, Ben only slid back a few inches while looking down at Vulkanus. "Is that it?" He then punched him in the back, sending him into the ground.

Ben felt somewhat dissatisfied, as he was only using about a thirtieth of his strength, which is only a bit more than what Canon Fourarms should be. Or so he thoughts...

When Canon Ben fought against Vulkanus, he barely seemed to do anything and Vulkanus didn't seem too interested in him. It was like he didn't see him as a threat, even if he was a normal Tetramand.

But now that Ben was seeing how little effort he was putting in, he was beginning to think that he'd underestimated all of the Aliens in the Omnitrix and that Canon Ben was just outrageously stupid, being incapable of showing the true potential of any of the Aliens.

With a disappointed sigh, he stood on Vulkanus' head and applied pressure. Not enough to kill him, but enough to keep him down and in pain.

He turned to the others, seeing that Max and the girls were struggling. SevenSeven and EightEight were using their aerial maneuverability to stay out of reach.

Gwen tried to use illusions on them, but she wasn't that good with them yet and when she managed to catch one or both of them, they began indiscriminately firing rockets and causing damage to the city.

Seeing that they were having trouble, Ben looked at the Sotoraggians and blasted them with his Intimidation. When they got got hit with the intimidation, SevenSeven and EightEight's bodies locked up in fear as they shakily looked at Ben.

Max and the girls saw their opponents look over to Ben, so they did the same and saw him domineeringly standing on his opponents head.

Ben raise a hand, pointing towards them and was about to say something, but was interrupted by a flash of blue light, as three more aliens appeared wearing yellow superhero costumes. There was a blue humanoid, female Tetramand and some brain octopus thing.

Letting out an annoyed growl, Ben looked at them and put on an act. "Who the hell are you supposed to be?"

Without actually looking, the leader stepped up and took a 'heroic' pose. "We are the Galactic Enforcers! Here to help bring peace and arrest these criminals!" He then looked over and saw the ominous figure of Ben standing on Vulkanus' head, a horrified expression appearing on his and his allies faces, as they made the same assumption about his identity as Vulkanus did.

In regards to Vulkanus, he was desperately trying to get up, pushing against the ground with all his strength and causing it to crack.

Feeling Vulkanus' feeble attempts at escaping, Ben looked at the Galactic Enforcers. "You want to help...?" He saw the leader nervously nod his head and then said. "You can help by cleaning up."

Ben then lifted his foot slightly and then stomped down, crushing Vulkanus' head with a sickening squelch, as purple blood painted the ground.

Turning back to the Sotoraggians, Ben jumped at them and grabbed their heads, falling to the ground and beginning to squeeze their heads, causing the both of them began struggling in his grasp and screeching.

SevenSeven and EightEight's helmets started cracking as he continued to slowly crush them.

Just as he was about to finish them, he felt and heard something hitting his leg, so he looked down and saw a small creature in armour just like the ones in his hands, but with the addition of a tutu.

When the Sotoraggian child saw him looking at her, she began shivering in fear. Meanwhile, the female in his hand started shouting in her own garbled language. "Sister! Run, leave now!"

The little alien looked at his elder sibling, before she mustered up her courage and began hitting Ben's leg again as she shouted at him. "Let Big Brother and Sister go!"

Ben continued staring at the child and holding her siblings, but he was no longer crushing them. After a moment, he clicked his tongue in annoyance and dropped the two Sotoraggians to the ground.

When the girl saw him let go of her brother and sister, she stopped hitting him and ran over to them. The two older siblings held their sister and cautiously backed away from Ben.

Staring at them, Ben growled out. "I'll show you mercy this time. Consider it calling us even for having killed your brother..." He turned away and started walking, but stopped and looked at them over his shoulder. "If you ever stand against me again, I'll separate your heads from your shoulders. Now get lost."

Receiving mercy, the two bounty hunters took their sister and hurried to the ship they arrived in, escaping as fast as they can incase Ben changes his mind.

Seeing them leave, Ben looked back and saw his family and the hero wannabes staring at him with shock. His family, because they haven't seen such mercy from him before. Though, Max would have to say, he is very happy to see Ben show such humanity. Meanwhile, the wannabes were shocked, because they still saw him as Vilgax, which made the show of mercy even stranger.

He looked at the wannabes. "What are you still doing here?"

The leader stepped forward nervously and pointed at Ben. "V-Vilgax, by the Code of Galactic Conduct, we, the Galactic Enforcers will..."

"I'm going to stop you right there." Ben held his hand up and interrupted. "First of all, I don't give a damn about your Galactic Conduct. Second, you are stupid as all hell. What idiot starts prattling on about conduct and monologues in front a dangerous enemy. Third and final, I'm not Vilgax, I'm the one who killed him! And you'd do well not to forget that!" He hit them with his Intimidation, as he was displeased by them calling him Vilgax.

After thoroughly scaring the hero wannabes, Ben looked around and sensing for any presences around him, before reverting his transformation.

Seeing Ben transform, the Enforcer trio were shocked and realised that he was in possession of the Omnitrix.

Ben decided to just ignore the side characters and went to his family to check on them. "Are you three okay? Were you hurt at all?" His attention was mainly focus on the girls, making them happy that he cared about them so much, but annoyed that he was coddling them.

All of a sudden, the brain thing, like a self entitled cunt, began self-righteously shouting. "This is unacceptable! A violent, intellectually challenged being and a child, like him, shouldn't have a weapon as powerful as the Omnitrix!"

Hearing the brain thing talk, Ben and the other three looked over. Ben glared at the alien, violence building inside him. "And what are you going to do about, huh?"

The brain thing looked over and pointed at him with one of its tentacles. "I will take it from you!"

As soon as the brain thing said that, Max frowned, while the girls immediately marked him as an enemy and were ready to attack. That wasn't needed, as Ben erupted with a red aura from his magic and used his Intimidation.

Reaching his hand out his hand, Ben grabbed hold of the brain creature with the Force and began clenching his hand, crushing it. "You and what army!?" As he spoke, his voice was crackling and distorted.

Because Ben was posing a threat, the Tetramand female jumped at him, but she was stopped mid-air, as he extended his hold on to her as well.

Continuing to crush them, he extended his fingers and thrust his already extended hand forward, shooting red lightning out of his fingertips.

[Torture increased to Lv-2]

The two hero wannabes began screaming in pain. The blue leader kept a cooler head, but was worried about his comrades and stepped forward to placate Ben. "Please, stop! I apologise for my companions actions, please stop!"

Ben turned his frightening gaze on to the leader and after a moment, calmed himself and stopped electrocuting the other two, but kept his hold over them.

Moving his hand and directing it towards the leader, he pulled him close and grabbed his head. Ben then lift his left hand and pressed the Omnitrix againsted the leaders head, getting his DNA for the Omnitrix.

Once he had the Aliens DNA, Ben released him and said. "Consider your DNA as the price for your lives..." He then threw the other two, who'd fallen unconscious from the pain, on the ground. "If I ever hear him say he'll take what's mine again, there won't a third chance. Now get off my planet."

The leader nodded fearfully and tapped on his belt buckle, teleporting them back to his ship.

Ben snorted derisively, before transforming into XLR8 and grabbing the body of Vulkanus, before taking Max and the girls to the RV.

Once in the confines of the RV, Ben was assaulted with a barrage of questions about how he had telekinesis and was shooting red lightning out his fingers. To these questions, he just lied and said it was something he felt capable of after using the Charms of Bezel.

They were sceptical about his answer, but it wasn't too outlandish to believe, so they accepted regardless.

Afterwards, Ben checked his gains from everything.

[Mission Complete - 5AP, 20,000SP, Math Lv-4, Science Lv-4, 10,000SP]

[You have gained 2,000xp for; Vulkanus, SevenSeven, EightEight, Synaptak and Tini]

All in all, he was quite happy with his gains

[Status -

Name - Ben

Lv - 45 (32,930/36,000)

Title - Wielder of the Omnitrix, Anti-Hero

State - Healthy MP - 6050

STR - 152

END - 153

AGI - 152

CHA - 154

INT - 160

LUK - 666

AP - 64 SP - 1,316,850

Primary Skills: CQC Lv-5, Marksmanship Lv-5, Intimidation Lv-4, Danger Sense Lv-3, Sneak Lv-4, Mana Manipulation Lv-2

Secondary Skills: Drawing Lv-3, Math Lv-4, Science Lv-4, Writing Lv-3, Maneuvering Lv-5, Driving Lv-4, Engineering Lv-5, Cooking Lv-4, Pain Tolerance Lv-8, Bioengineering Lv-5, Programming Lv-5, Torture Lv-2, Acting Lv-3

Unique Skill: Wrath, Love and Lust, Complete Language Comprehension, Eidetic Memory, Analyse, Night Vision, The Force]

(4 Recoveries Stored)

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Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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