Reviews of The Tale Of A Golem Master by Oshimura - Webnovel


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Very interesting characte and they have cool powers. Please update. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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GOD-SAMA, no no DEAR GOD! I have no word to explain how much I love this story! Please, I beg you!! WRITE MORE! I'll get on my knees, no I'll do a dogeza,no no i will hit my head against the floor until it bleeds, if it means you will make mass release! 😁😁😁

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The idea is very unique and that's it charm. Never seen a Overgeared fic this good. The story has a lot of potential to grow into something Great, but unfortunately the stability of the update is not good. Hope the author doesn't drop the fic and try to atleast drop chapter a week. All in all the story is amazing and I believe people should try it, I'm sure Overgeared fans will love it.

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I have no words to explain how much I love this story! Please, I'm begging you make more! I'll get on my knees, no I'll do a dogeza if it means you will write more! 😁

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JUST AMAZING!! I don't know any other thing to say about this story. Finally an Overgeared fanfic with a very unique story line. Way to go author 👍. Just don't drop this, coz I'M BEGGIIINNNG YOUU...

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Another shameless review from the author here! Originally I started writing this fsnfic because there weren't any fanfictions of Overgeard at all. Now there are a small amount, but I personally feel that the ones I have seen are afraid of diverging the Canon too much. If you have read any of the fanfictions I have written, you know that I like to screw over canon and toss it into orbit. That doesn't mean that there isn't any reminiscence of it, I just don't like sticking so closely too it that it makes it seem like you are just reading the original with a very slight divergence. This fic in particular takes its time to build up, but then quickly escalates and blasts off into its own stratosphere. I hope this helps anyone thinking of giving this fic and any others I have written a good read. Thank You All!

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I really enjoy this fic i do hope you continue with with after getting back to the other chapers on the other account but i dont write so idk but i hope you keep it up :)

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Very interesting characte and they have cool powers. Please update. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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GOD-SAMA, no no DEAR GOD! I have no word to explain how much I love this story! Please, I beg you!! WRITE MORE! I'll get on my knees, no I'll do a dogeza,no no i will hit my head against the floor until it bleeds, if it means you will make mass release! 😁😁😁

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The idea is very unique and that's it charm. Never seen a Overgeared fic this good. The story has a lot of potential to grow into something Great, but unfortunately the stability of the update is not good. Hope the author doesn't drop the fic and try to atleast drop chapter a week. All in all the story is amazing and I believe people should try it, I'm sure Overgeared fans will love it.

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I have no words to explain how much I love this story! Please, I'm begging you make more! I'll get on my knees, no I'll do a dogeza if it means you will write more! 😁

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JUST AMAZING!! I don't know any other thing to say about this story. Finally an Overgeared fanfic with a very unique story line. Way to go author 👍. Just don't drop this, coz I'M BEGGIIINNNG YOUU...

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Another shameless review from the author here! Originally I started writing this fsnfic because there weren't any fanfictions of Overgeard at all. Now there are a small amount, but I personally feel that the ones I have seen are afraid of diverging the Canon too much. If you have read any of the fanfictions I have written, you know that I like to screw over canon and toss it into orbit. That doesn't mean that there isn't any reminiscence of it, I just don't like sticking so closely too it that it makes it seem like you are just reading the original with a very slight divergence. This fic in particular takes its time to build up, but then quickly escalates and blasts off into its own stratosphere. I hope this helps anyone thinking of giving this fic and any others I have written a good read. Thank You All!

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I really enjoy this fic i do hope you continue with with after getting back to the other chapers on the other account but i dont write so idk but i hope you keep it up :)

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