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I'm not interested!

Song Yu Qi was surrounded by several boys who looked at her with large smiles on their faces. She wondered what they wanted since she didn't know any of them.

"Fairy Yu Qi, do you want to team up with me? I promise to protect you with my life!"

"Fairy Yu Qi, don't listen to him, he is just a weakling. Join me and I will protect you!"

"Fairy Yu Qi, we already are a team of five. If you join us, we will help you find treasures!"

All of the boys started asking Song Yu Qi to join them and were making all kinds of promises to her. Even senior disciples were among the group surrounding her and wanted her to join them. Of course, they were more interested in being in the presence of a beauty rather than anything else...

"So, you are the famous Fairy Yu Qi? My name is Xiao Bing and I'm already at the seventh level of the Eight Meridians Opening realm. If you join me, I promise to share what I find with you." Said one of the senior disciples.

"Hey, didn't you promise the same thing to my sister?" Said a boy next to him.

"Well, she is not as beautiful as her..."


In the distance, a few girls were glaring daggers at Song Yu Qi, jealous of all the attention she was getting. In their heads, they were calling her a bitch, a slut, and an attention whore! They wanted to strangle her to death!

Song Yu Qi, for her part, felt like she was having a headache... She wanted to tell them all to fuck off and leave her alone but she didn't want to make enemies with all the boys in the sect.

Should she just tell them that she liked girls? Yes, that was the best course of action. At least, she won't have to deal with annoying boys and jealous girls in the future.

However, just saying 'I like girls' was not impactful enough, they would probably think that it was a made up excuse to reject them. She needed to show them to convince them. Unfortunately, she didn't know if Tan Yanyan and Xia Zilin were ready to declare in front of so many people that they were lesbians, they never talked about making their relationship public before.

Song Yu Qi looked at Tan Yanyan and Xia Zilin who were standing behind her, and, like they were able to read her mind, they both nodded and smiled, giving her their silent approval.

Seeing this, Song Yu Qi happily smiled and made up her mind.

"Thank you all for your invitation. However, I'm not interested!" She announced in a loud voice.

After saying that, Song Yu Qi turned around and placed her hands around Xia Zilin's face before kissing her passionately for a few seconds. Then, she got closer to Tan Yanyan and kissed her with the same intensity.

Every boy around looked at them with widened eyes and mouth agape. The fairy of the outer sect was swinging that way?! How could it be? They felt like all their dreams and fantasies were crushed in front of their eyes!

Of course, most of the boys were extremely disappointed, but some were also excited to see girls kissing each other, and a few were disgusted by such a shameless act. However, none of them could say anything anymore as they all understood the situation.

Well, except for one.

"It's not a problem at all! You three can join me!" Said Xiao Bing, looking lecherously at the three girls.

Song Yu Qi clenched her fists and had to use all her willpower to not punch the face of this stupid guy.

"Thank you but no thank you." She said with a fake smile.

"You are just a new disciple, do you think you can survive this place without my help?" Asked Xiao Bing, losing patience.

"Of course, we can." Answered Song Yu Qi, rolling her eyes. The guy was being too persistent and she was about to lose her cool...

"You! Are you looking down on me? I..."

"Brother Bing, that's enough. Can't you see that you're making her uncomfortable?"

"Brother Lei, it's you!" Said Xiao Bing, surprised.

The person who just intervened was Wang Lei. Among the senior disciples, he was the strongest, the most respected, and the one with the highest status so no one dared to go against him.

"You should apologize to her." Said Wang Lei. It sounded more like an order than a suggestion.

Xiao Bing clenched his fists and gritted his teeth before slightly bowing in front of Song Yu Qi.

"Junior Sister, I apologize for my rude behavior." He said.

Song Yu Qi simply nodded and Xiao Bing left the place, ashamed.

"Junior Sister Yu Qi, it's been a long time." Said Wang Lei, smiling.

"Senior Brother Lei, long time no see." Said Song Yu Qi.

"Now I understand why you rejected me in the past, haha! Anyway, I suppose that you made up your mind and that it's useless to ask you if you want to join my group?" Said Wang Lei.

"That's right, but thank you for thinking about me." She said, nodding.

After that, Wang Lei along with all the boys around started to disperse and Song Yu Qi sighed in relief.

She smiled at Tan Yanyan and Xia Zilin and took their hands. Now that they announced their relationship, they had nothing to hide anymore.

They walked together for a few meters until they arrived in front of a large panel. It was a panel with the direction in which to go to get to a particular area written on it. To get to the White Frozen Mountain, they had to walk to the left for around a day.

Song Yu Qi was about to explain her plan to her two girls but she was suddenly interrupted.

"Sister Yu Qi!"

The person who just called her was Chen Meng Meng. The girl was walking towards her with a large smile on her face. Since they had become good friends after doing a lot of sect missions together, they were calling each other 'sister'.

"Sister Meng Meng, it's been a long time!" Said Song Yu Qi, smiling.

"That's right! I missed you. How are you?" Said Chen Meng Meng.

"I'm fine and you?"

"I'm fine too."

"Oh, let me do the introductions. This is Tan Yanyan and this is Xia Zilin. You two, this is Chen Meng Meng, the girl I was doing sect missions with that I told you about." Said Song Yu Qi.

"So you are the famous roommates of Sister Yu Qi? It's nice to meet you! I am Chen Meng Meng but you can call me Sister Meng Meng."

"We are more than her roommates!" Exclaimed Xia Zilin as she suddenly hugged Song Yu Qi's arm. There was a hint of jealousy in her voice.

Seeing this, Chen Meng Meng deeply blushed; she had obviously witnessed their kiss a few minutes ago. Chen Meng Meng was an innocent and sheltered noble lady who had grown up in a noble family in the Moon Empire. As such, she had never seen people kissing before. Similarly, she never had a friend before and Song Yu Qi was her first one, that was why she was so attached to her.

Song Yu Qi wanted, at first, to ask Chen Meng Meng if she wanted to join them but seeing how Xia Zilin was acting, she didn't dare to do it anymore...

"Sister Yu Qi's friends are also our friends. It's nice to meet you Sister Meng Meng, you can call me Sister Yanyan. Do you want to join our group to explore the Inheritance realm?" Said Tan Yanyan. She had failed to read the mood and asked the question that Xia Zilin wanted to avoid!

"Thank you for the invitation but I already decided that I will stay here to cultivate. I plan to breakthrough the fourth level of the Eight Meridians Opening realm." She declined, smiling.

Usually, it took a little less than a year for someone with a D-grade talent to breakthrough from the third level to the fourth level. So, Chen Meng Meng, with her B-grade talent and the cultivation resources of an inner disciple, could largely breakthrough the fourth level during this week in the Inheritance Realm.

"I see, it's a pity." Said Tan Yanyan, disappointed; while Xia Zilin was rejoicing inwardly.

"Then, I won't take more of your time and wish you good luck. Sister Yu Qi, I hope that we will be able to do sect missions again in the future!" Said Chen Meng Meng.

"Of course!" Said Song Yu Qi, nodding and smiling.

After Chen Meng Meng left, Song Yu Qi started to explain her plan to Tan Yanyan and Xia Zilin. She told them that she first wanted to explore the White Frozen Mountain before going to the Dark Earth Underground.

The two girls obviously agreed and the three of them immediately hit the road after that.

A few minutes later, while the three girls were walking through the trees of the dense forest at a rapid pace, Tan Yanyan suddenly stopped and looked seriously at Song Yu Qi.

"Sister Yu Qi, I have something on my mind but I'm not sure if I should ask you." She said.

"Sister Yanyan, you can ask me anything." Said Song Yu Qi, smiling.

"Well, you know, now that the three of us are in a romantic relationship, can you tell us who you really are?"

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