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25% Demigod Records: The Chronicles of the Son of Aphrodite / Chapter 8: Leaving for the Quest

Bab 8: Leaving for the Quest

Albert didn't take too long to pack, time was a scarce resource for him and the others. He changed into an all-black outfit that made him look like a special forces guy. His bow and quiver did not turn into pens so he had to carry it the old-fashioned way. Silena was the only one he made a note to properly say goodbyes, not because she was the voice of reason at cabin 10, but because she was still the counselor.

Silena trusted him with a celestial bronze dagger, in case he finds himself in a situation that called for something like that. He felt touched and thanked her.

Albert also loaned some dollars and golden drachmas from the camp store, he could pay them when he got back and called his dad. The camp drachmas were made out of pure gold because the gods accepted no less than the best, but most of these things used to be made out of silver in ancient times according to the girl in charge of the place. The dollars were for mortal needs that might arise on the way, like food or another mundane thing. Chiron gave each of them a canteen of nectar and a Ziploc bag full of ambrosia squares, for emergencies only, in case they got seriously hurt. It was the Gods' food, he reminded them. It could cure and heal some injuries and diseases in demigods, but it was deadly for mortals, they would suffer from spontaneous combustion if they drank it. Even for them, they had to be careful or the effect would be for the worse with high fever and hallucinations, if they overdosed they would burn too.

Annabeth was taking her magic Yankees Cap that allowed her to play pervert with people at camp, which she explained to them had been a gift from her twelfth birthday from her mother, the Goddess Athena. She showed them a book she carried in her backpack on famous classical architecture written in Ancient Greek, to read when she got bored, a long bronze knife one of her favored weapons (not that it mattered too much since Albert had spied on her with the system and she had [Telumkinesis (limited)], which basically allowed her mastery over weapons), she kept it hidden on her sleeve. 

Grover was wearing pants to hide his goat half, he said the Mist would work better if he wore them, they were magical too. The satyr boy had a green cap, because when it rained his curly hair flattened his little horns could be seen, but deep down Albert questioned of he needed it at all, the Mist could take care to hide them, but maybe he had some satyr-complex with little horns. He was wearing a criminally bright orange backpack where he kept metal scraps and apples to snack on, he was so happy and giggly to show them to the rest of the group that Albert bit his tongue to avoid unnecessary comments. Grover was cute to have around.

Percy was wearing, jeans and a blue t-shirt, with a green flannel shirt above it. His black wavy hair was nicely kept, he had tanned up after training with Luke under the sun and it matched his green eyes nicely too. He was only carrying his basic needs in his blue backpack, his sword turned into a pen which was convenient to carry on his pockets. Albert thought for a moment and whispered for him to go fetch something else for their journey, it seemed to have caught him off guard and he asked why, but Albert said it might come in hand.

Before they left camp some campers came to wave them goodbye, and most of his siblings showed up, including Silena and Leonard. They crossed the strawberry fields, the Big House, and went to Half-Blood Hill to the tallest and lonely pine tree.

"She is saying goodbye to the tree?" Percy asked with a weirded-out look.

"That's Thalia," Grover replied with a face.

"Who's Thalia?" The boy asked in shock.

"Zeus' daughter," Albert explained, "Silena told me about her. A forbidden child, like you, came to camp with Annabeth and Luke, but they were attacked by monsters and she got hurt saving them. Her father transformed her into a pine tree and she holds the magical barrier that protects this place. Tragic, right?"

"Wait, you're kidding...." Percy looked at him in disbelief, "So you are saying that the most powerful being in the universe, turned his daughter into a tree?!"

"Thalia was a hero and she died like a hero!" Annabeth suddenly stated in an almost desperate tone to explain, "She met a hero's fate!"

"She met a pinecone's fate," Percy said.

Albert and Grover exchanged tired knowing looks, that denounced the beginning of a long journey with those two. Chiron was waiting for them when they got out of the woods into the closest road, next to him stood a dude that looked like an Australian surfer. Grover quickly introduced him as the camp's head of security. This form was made with the Mist, his real form was too scary and could send people into madness, eyes all over his body. The guy was dressed like a chauffeur, with very little skin showing.

"This is Argus," Chiron said. "He will drive you into the city and...er, keep an eye on things."

Before they could do anything, a loud voice called out from behind them, "Wait!" It was Luke, the guy came running up the hill, carrying a pair of basketball shoes in his hand. "I am glad I caught up to you!"

Albert glanced over at the nerd and the girl was blushing at Luke, she did that a lot. He noticed that Percy had noticed too, but honestly, who cares? Luke was actually very attractive and cool and talented, he couldn't blame her.

"Just wanted to say good luck to you guys," Luke said to the group, before addressing Percy specifically, "And I thought...maybe, um, you could use these."

He handed over the sneakers to Percy. The boy at first didn't look like he knew what he could use these big shoes for, he even sniffed them. Albert snorted. How silly.

Luke said with a smooth and deep tone, "Maia!"

White bird wings sprouted out of the heels like magic, startling Percy so much that he dropped the things. The shoes flapped around on the ground awkwardly like fishes out of water as the wings folded up and disappeared. Albert looked at the things with a wary glance, cursed, they were cursed! That Kronos guy was truly devious paired with Luke.

"Awesome!" Grover exclaimed in excitement.

 "Those served me well when I was on my quest. Gift from Dad," The boy said smiling, before his expression turned sad, "Of course, I don't use them as much these days..."

Percy was surprised, shocked and he blushed like Annabeth. Even Grover was looking at Luke with gratitude and admiration. Albert felt like this was really too much for him. These guys truly were tragic, they all trusted Mr. Popular and had literally no reason to suspect anything nefarious from the gesture, unlike him. He knew just how much of a betrayal this moment was, even if they didn't.

Percy thanked Luke with an almost depressingly honest voice to hear. Luke for once looked very uncomfortable as he said, "Listen Percy... a lot of hopes are riding on you. So just...kill some monsters for me, okay?"

Luke and Percy shook hands. Luke patted Grover's head between the horns and Albert could swear he heard the satyr purr. When he went to Annabeth he took her in a tight emotional goodbye hug, the girl looked like she would pass out. When he finally turned to Albert, he winked. Albert scoffed and turned away, mouthing, 'You're not my type, dude.' This seemed to work just fine because Luke choked up on air and the tips of his ears turned pink, he left after that. Albert felt incredibly refreshed.

"You're hyperventilating," Percy said to Annabeth.

"Am not!" She snapped at him.

"You let him capture the flag instead of you on purpose, didn't you?" He asked narrowed-eyed.

"She totally did." Albert mischievously mused out loud.

"We haven't even left yet!" The girl said. 

"Oh boy..." Grover sighed heavily.

The girl stormed away stomping her feet on the ground like a mad bull, she got inside the white SUV waiting for them on the road. Arugus, their temporary personal driver, followed suit jingling his car keys on his fingers.

"I won't even be able to use these, will I?" Percy asked Chiron.

The immortal centaur shook his head, "Luke meant well, Percy. But taking to the air... that would not be wise for you."

"Unless you want to be struck down by your uncle's thunders. Demigod barbecue. I bet the monsters will love it..." Albert tentatively said. "It must be crispy and everything."

Percy rolled his eyes at Albert's comment and suddenly got an idea. "Hey, Grover. Do you want a magic item? I can't use it."

The satyr's eyes light up, "Me?"

Grover put on the shoes and went for a test drive. It was safe to say he wasn't very talented in flying, but Chiron said it was all about practice when the brown-skinned boy looked dejectedly at them with his big puppy-dark eyes. Albert got the clue that Chiron would like to have Percy alone for a second and politely excused himself, planning on maybe teasing the nerd back at the car.

"Hey, there perv!" He smugly said to her earning himself a glare. "Your cap is pretty useful though. I just don't like to be stalked."

"It was one time!" She argued in embarrassment. "You never let this go, are you?"

"Why would I?" He said tilting his head. "Grover now has the flying shoes. Percy has his magic sword. And I got my bow. It almost feels like we are ready to save the world before turning eighteen."

Annabeth looked mildly amused at that, before changing the subject, "I heard from Will you got the bow as a gift from your, mom. Paris' Bow, right?"

The boy hummed, feeling oddly comforted. Ever since he got the thing, he had been honing his skills and getting more and more proficient, "It is cool, thank you. Percy's sword is special too."

"Oh, you know about that? He didn't say anything to me," She raised an eyebrow, "He said it was a gift from his father before he even knew who his father was. 

"It's called Anaklusmos, Riptide. The sword is celestial bronze. Forged by the Cyclopes, tempered in the heart of Mount Etna, cooled in the River Lethe. It's deadly to monsters, to any creature from the Underworld, provided they don't kill him first. But the blade will pass through mortals like an illusion. They simply are not important enough for the blade to kill, but demigods like him and us can be killed by either celestial or normal weapons anyway". 

"How do you know that?" Annabeth asked with skeptical eyes, "By the way did you dress up for what? You love the attention, don't you? The Ares kids aren't enough and you are going to charm the monsters next?"

"Chiron told me of course, how else?" He looked at her like she was stupid, looking exasperated. "I will let you know that I do love attention, it's my nature, as you can guess, genius. At least, I am dressed like a professional and not like a kid going on a school trip when we are going to the Underworld!"


Argus turned out to be sweet, and then the dude drove them out of the countryside and into western Long Island, a new place for Albert who had never been to this country before and didn't get the chance to explore before going to Camp. It felt weird to be on a highway again, Annabeth Grover and Percy were sitting next to him as if we were normal carpoolers, and not going on a suicide mission. After two, almost three weeks at Half-Blood Hill, the real world seemed like a fantasy and he guessed Percy was feeling the same. He found the boy staring at every McDonald's, every kid in the back of his parent's car, every billboard and shopping mall with a weird look of nostalgia and distance. He felt that too. A world they used to be part of but now can never really return to since their eyes were opened to a new reality.

"So far so good," Percy told Annabeth. "Ten miles and not a single monster."

She gave me an irritated look. "It's bad luck to talk that way, seaweed brain."

"Remind me again—why do you hate me so much?"

"I don't hate you."

"Could've fooled me."

Albert poked Grover beside him and asked in a whisper, "Pet names, seriously?" The satyr gave him a helpless look in response.

Annabeth folded her cap of invisibility on her hands awkwardly. "Look . . . we're just not supposed to get along, okay? Our parents are rivals."


She sighed. "How many reasons do you want? One time my mom caught Poseidon with his girlfriend in Athena's temple, which is hugely disrespectful. Another time, Athena and Poseidon competed to be the patron god for the city of Athens. Your dad created some stupid saltwater springs as his gift to them while my mom created the olive tree. The people saw that her gift was better, so they named the city after her."

"It's so much more than that!" Albert stated, before staring at Annabeth with an annoyed look, "You are right about Athens, they had hardly any use for saltwater when they were so close to the Aegean Sea at that time. You can't say that about the first part you know?"

"What are you implying now?" She snapped at him.

"Guys!" Grover exclaimed for them to stop.

All Percy said was, "They must really like olives then."

Something called Albert's attention suddenly, he smiled and said, "Look, look! There, that outdoor! That's my family's company, my dad runs the branch here in the US. "

"No way!" Grover said. "You're family owns Elysion?!"

"Yes and the ELY Group too, well, mostly anyways," Albert chuckled, "Granpa always complains about the shareholders when we have lunch. How do you know about us, Grover? Well, no offense, but I never saw a satyr use a ring even at camp, so I figured jewelry wasn't your thing."

"Oh, you're like... rich?" Percy asked timidly.

"His family are billionaires Percy..." Annabeth explained and looked at Albert like many pieces of the puzzle had clicked into place before shaking her head in resignation. 

"Oh... It is not," The boy laughed, "It's just that we know about that company. I heard the Elders talking and Uncle Joseph does too. He said he was a friend of the CEO and they are like using their money to fund some great preservation and reforestation projects across the continent! I wish I could talk to your dad too I have so many ideas! Pan will be pleased!"

"If we don't die I will Iris-Message him and introduce you guys then," The boy reassured him, "I am not aware of the projects, but last I heard about it was like months ago back when I was still in Brazil. Grandma was talking to the neighbor about how the company bought some abandoned farmland and is restoring the place with the native flora. You'll love it!" 

"I wish there were more companies interested in that," Grover said wistfully.

"Do we get expensive gifts on Christmas then?" Annabeth hopped in with a sly smile, Albert had created a monster. 


The traffic slowed them down in Queens, the place was truly packed with cars. By the time we got into Manhattan, it was sunset and starting to rain. Argus dropped the group at the Greyhound Station on the Upper East Side, not far from my mom and Gabe's apartment, from what Albert faintly recalled.

Taped to a mailbox was a soggy flyer with my picture on it: HAVE YOU SEEN THIS BOY? Percy ripped it down before Annabeth and Grover could notice, but Albert saw it and they crossed eyes awkwardly. Argus unloaded our bags, made sure we got our bus tickets, and then drove away back to camp, Annabeth explained he couldn't leave the security stuff unchecked for long, the eye on the back of his hand opening to watch them, as he pulled out of the parking lot and waved goodbye.

Grover shouldered his backpack. He gazed down the street in the direction Percy was looking in with a lost expression, "You want to know why she married him, Percy?"

"Were you reading my mind or something?" The boy replied.

"Just your emotions." Grover shrugged. "Guess I forgot to tell you satyrs can do that. You were thinking about your mom and your stepdad, right?"

Percy nodded, probably wondering what else Grover might've forgotten to tell him.

"Your mom married Gabe for you," Grover explained. "You call him 'Smelly,' but you've got no idea. The guy has this aura. . . . Yuck. I can smell him from here. I can smell traces of him on you, and you haven't been near him for a week."

"Thanks," Percy said offended. "Where's the nearest shower?"

"He is telling the truth, Jackson. I think it sounds stupid too, it is what happened." Albert explained. "Ms. Jackson knew you were a demigod, didn't she? Your stepfather smells so repulsively human he could mask the presence in the Mist. Even Grover can tell. That guy has been the only reason you went so many years undiscovered by monsters. Even if he wasn't aware of that at all. Your mother, just like my father, chose to have us with them instead of sending us off to camp. Dad had come up with his measures to keep me away from bad things."

Percy had a look of confusion and guilt all over his face, but it would be better if he knew that his mother liked him enough to put up with that guy and risk getting Ugliano as her married name one day. 

Grover looked at him in gratitude, before adding, "She was a smart lady. She must've loved you a lot to put up with that guy—if that makes you feel any better."

Percy definitely didn't feel any better, but I forced myself not to show it. He sucked at hiding his emotions. 

"Your mother is not gone," Albert said.

"You-you how do you know that?" Percy asked. "You saw what happened to her too!"

"It was just a suspicion before, when mortals die they usually leave a corpse behind, Jackson," He explained calmly, "Your mother turned to dust. Just like a monster does, but she is just a mortal. It made no sense. I had a theory back then, but I wasn't sure. I think the King of the Underworld kidnapped her in the nick of time, he is probably the only reason she is not dead. After all, if he wanted her dead, he would have her soul instead."

"I think..." Annabeth said. "I think he is right, Percy."

The truth was simple to Albert. Percy didn't care about retrieving Zeus's lightning bolt, saving the world, or even helping his father out of trouble. He was just a thirteen-year-old boy who wanted his mom back. He must resent Poseidon for never visiting him, never helping his mom, and never even sending a lousy child-support check like Albert had commented before.

Percy had only been claimed because the Sea God needed a job done, Gods were not humans. Albert had been thinking about this since he discovered about his mother, Aphrodite. Alongside what he knew. He could safely say it was too hard for him to understand the intentions and feelings of them. What was love to the gods? What was care for them? What was the passage of time? Did they care about all the dead children killed by their enemies? He didn't really know, but what he knew was that a mortal's life span was less than the blink of an eye for them. Immortality was numbing even for them.

Finally, the bus they were going to take arrived. Albert was alarmed and his hand was caressing the hilt of Silena's dagger. Grover was sniffing something weird in the air. This is about to get messy, he thought.

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