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18.42% Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures / Chapter 137: CH6 (136), What Happened/Rose Field

Bab 137: CH6 (136), What Happened/Rose Field

Well, let's see today was Giratiday the 26.18.2178, and Rose's birthday was on 20.17.2178, so it was 37 days ago that we went to visit her and her family for her 10th birthday.

Now, this year that date happened to be a Mewday, but since schools were closed from 01.17.2178 (end of the previous school year) till 01.20.2178 (beginning of the new school year) that was no problem at all.

It wouldn't have been a problem for me either way, but for every other kid, it would have been one. My father took two days off from work for the occasion and we left our house a bit before 9 a.m.

Normally it would be considered rude to arrive more than 15 minutes before the party began, which was at 3 p.m., but we were special like that so by 11 a.m. we rang their doorbell.

Naturally, they had been expecting us, so they invited us inside before they asked if we wanted a late breakfast. We declined and with the formalities out of the way, I went up to Rose and hugged her before I wished her a happy birthday.

My parents congratulated her after I was done and after that, the parents began doing their thing while Rose began to drag me to her room. Now, here I have to say that the growth and maturity of humans on Terra were pretty confusing.

Well, correction, for everyone else it was normal, but for someone like me who had experienced the one from the earth, it was confusing. I mean, on paper I knew the age, body, and mind table by heart since you know I literally had it inside my head.

However, reading about it and witnessing it were two "slightly" different things. At the age of 8, or nearly 8, I should have looked like a 10 to 11-year-old, but due to my aura and early maturity, I was one step ahead of the curve. I actually looked as if I was 17.

Now, take Rose, for example, her actual age as of that day was 10, and her body looked like that of an 11-year-old. However, it had looked like that since around her 8th birthday and would continue to look like that until she was around 13.5 years old.

Accepting that was actually not that hard since there were always early bloomers and late bloomers that went through either of those. At least the ones after the second birthday were like that and on Terra, it was just the case for everyone with both happening at certain ages.

The part that made the whole thing a lot more confusing at least to me was the growth/maturing of the mind. In our Rose example, she turned ten, looked about 11, but had the mental age of a 20 to 21-year-old.

At least that's what it was supposed to be like on paper, but here one fact shone through. Not all 20 to 21-year-old people were equally mature even on earth.

From what I had seen until now, nearly all children/teens at this phase belonged to the pretty childish category. You know capable of complex thinking if necessary but mostly behaving pretty childish, young, and a bit naive/innocent.

The type of young adult that had not gone through any hardships, did not have any bad experience, and had yet to face any pressure or leave his/her teen mindset. They behaved like people much younger than they actually were, as that was how most children on Terra were like during this phase.

She may have the mental age of a 20/21-year-old but her behavior was mostly that of a young teen due to inexperience. She was however capable of complex and critical thinking if compelled by certain factors.

So, yeah, the whole thing was a bit complicated in my opinion. Well, for them it was normal, and by the time the next maturity happened, they were undoubtedly prepared for their journey. Their education actually helped them mature mentally.

The education during tertiary school and the practical year they did afterward fully educate them in such a way that nearly all of them began behaving close to their mental age (25). It gave them the experience and knowledge they needed to really mature.

Now, all of these factors together with my psychic talent were also why my behavior did not look that unusual to my parents. Especially since the older I got, the less unusual it seemed, since the growth of mental age was such a fast and "unsteady/flexible" thing.

The differences that may slightly pop up occasionally were explained through the influence of my psychic and/or aura abilities/talents. Ahem, I went off tangent again going from a to z to f.

Anyway, the reason I mentioned all that was to explain that no matter what was said on paper, the behavior of Rose and most of her peers mostly fluctuated between that of a 12/13 to 17/18-year-old depending on the topic while being as serious as a young adult if absolutely necessary.

It also explained why an 11-year-old looking girl that just became 10 was dragging a 17-year-old-looking boy that was actually nearly 8 to her room while talking the way a 14/15-year-old would.

Tricky, right? Now, the whole reason I began from this far back when I was talking about Rose's visit to our home two weeks ago was that the next part caused that visit. Otherwise, they would have waited for my birthday for their visit.

So, we entered her room chatting about how we were, stuff like that, and once inside I saw her 3 Pokemon who all greeted her as well as me upon our entrance.

Since Rose and her family lived in a Tier 6 Major City, she had to strictly adhere to the Pokemon limit for civilians. At least until she began her tertiary education which only began in 2 years since the following school year was her last year at secondary school.

Rose had decided that she definitely wanted to become a trainer. She had however not decided what kind of trainer she wanted to become yet. Still, exactly because of that she knew what kind of advantage it was to start training/bonding/growing as early as we had.

That also made her slightly envious of me due to me not having to stick to the 3 Pokemon limit like she had to. Not the bad kind of envious but the harmless kind.

Especially, since she was actually thankful to me because I caused her to get involved with Pokemon at a much earlier age than she would have normally done.

On top of that, I got her interested in training them even if lightly which helped them get stronger from a rather young age resulting in a big advantage for her.

They were not that strong compared to mine but since she got help from her parents and had them for 4 to 6 years they were strong enough to give her a head start.

Especially since there were still 5 years till her journey which meant they could get even stronger until then. That would make the beginning of her journey much easier.

I naturally checked the status of her Pokemon and they had been like this.

Name: Princess

Species: Vulpix

Gender: Female

Type: Fire

Potential: Green

Stage: Iron-stage (high)


Name: Ivy

Species: Eevee

Gender: Female

Type: Normal

Potential: Light Green -> Green

Stage: Iron-stage (high)


Name: Boom

Species: Whismur

Gender: Male

Type: Normal

Potential: Light Green

Stage: Iron-stage (high)

About as strong as the Pokemon of a lucky and talented trainer a few months into his/her journey. So, they did a relatively good job. Whismur could actually evolve but he didn't because she decided to take a page out of my book.

Her parents supported it and it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she thought Whismur looked cute and his evolution not as much. Anyway, we talked a lot until it was time for the party to begin about many things.

I told her about my Pokemon, some of the training we did, some funny moments, interesting places I've been to, or cool Pokemon I have seen. I may have also told her about how awesome Parvati was and how great she looked when I saw Rose cringed her face when I mentioned my Beedrill.

She had the "I don't I believe you" look, that showed that she didn't want to believe me but was also curious about it. Anyway, she told me a bit about the training they did, and I threw my two cents in whenever appropriate.

She also talked a bit about what was happening at her school and about her future as a trainer. She mentioned being unsure if she should be a classic trainer or a coordinator, or if she should become a performer.

I honestly told her that she did not immediately have to settle on a choice, she did not even have to choose after she began her journey. She could first spend a year or two just traveling trying out all options, taking part in some battles, participating in some contests, and some performances.

As long as she didn't do too bad she should be able to support herself just fine as a trainer while just experiencing what the different options are like. If she did finally, come to a decision it didn't even have to be a single path.

Whatever she decided to do, as long as she kept up her current training she and her Pokemon should be ready to support her through all of them. She hugged me, thanking me for my advice. I naturally returned the hug and pat her on the back.

So, we just spent a few hours talking and once it was time for the party her friends from school and some family friends came over. Everyone was talking, playing, and stuff. The best part was it was easy to fit in since nearly everything revolved around Pokemon, at least among the kids.

We played games (cards, boards, etc.), we ate some party food, we sang a few songs, we played some more before the birthday cake was brought out and a birthday song was initiated by yours truly.

After everyone had some cake it was time for the presents. Now there are generally two ways such a situation can go. Either one opened them before everyone or one kept them for later and opened them after everyone left.

Option one could result in someone being embarrassed simply because his gift did not seem to keep up with the others since he did not come from an affluent household.

Not his fault and not really something bad, but kids could be cruel no matter how high their mental age was supposed to be. Option two was the safer option since no one got potentially embarrassed and Rose still got to see them either way.

So, Rose could not decide what she should do and some of the kids seemed to want to see some gift get unwrapped, so I decided to act like the gentleman I was and help her out.

I proposed to open up the gifts of someone and leave the rest for later since opening everything would take too long. We settled on my/our (parents and mine) present since it was my suggestion.

I brought the package over and Rose carefully unwrapped it. When she was done three T-shirts and a bracelet could be seen. The three T-shirts were yellow, green, as well as blue and each one had a Pokemon picture on them.

The yellow one had a Vulpix, the green one an Eevee, while the blue one had a Whismur on it. The bracelet had three small figures of those three as well.

She happily showed them off and thanked me for it. Everyone got to see something interesting and no one wanted to compare gifts anymore. All in all, it had been a job well done.

After that, we played a few more games before the party started wrapping up around 7:30 p.m. and everyone but us started leaving. Once we were alone everyone helped with cleaning up and Rose got to unwrapping the rest of her gifts.

We watched a movie before everyone went to sleep. The next day we went out to the city together and after lunch, we went home. Now a few days passed before we got a call on 10.18.2178 from Lily.

She asked my mother if we were available during the weekend and after receiving a yes, she told mom that they would like to visit on Grouday. My mother agreed and just a few days later on 16.18.2178, the Field family showed up at our door.

They came at around 9:30 a.m. and after the hugs as well as greetings, the women/moms prepared breakfast which we all promptly devoured. Once we were satiated Rose excitedly began to drag me to the garden.

She called out her trio before focusing on me, urging me to let out mine as well. So, I did just that. One by one I acted as of I was pulling out the balls from my waist pack to let out the Pokemon everyone knew I had except for Stan since there wasn't really enough place for my big boy Gyarados.

Well, actually, I could call him out outside the water as well but he wouldn't like it and I felt calling him out would be overkill, better to let him stay together with his kin inside Utopia.

That's what I had recently begun calling the main space since it actually produced the ideal living environment for everyone and kept growing in size. I thought the name fit pretty well.

Anyway, the first who appeared was Horus who nodded at Rose when he saw her. She happily returned a verbal greeting. After him came Mothra who gave and received a pretty enthusiastic greeting. Rose ended up hugging her.

Then one by one Optimus, Seb, Gaia, Nyx, Enji, Osiris, Mars, Hera, Manami, Prime, and Parvati appeared. A gathering of future deities and their attendants indeed. I had actually not told anyone about the 7 newbies until even today, so they stayed in Utopia.

Jokes aside, Nyx, Enji, Hera, and Manami received an extra enthusiastic greeting, and just like every time she gushed about Manami's graceful and beautiful appearance. Lapas were after all right up there at the top with Milotic as far as beauty and grace standards went.

She saw Prime for the first time since she had not seen him, Parvati, Osiris, and Mars until now. She briefly flinched a bit when she saw him but greeted him in a somewhat cheery tone as well.

When she saw Parvati she actually got stunned for a bit. She looked at Parvati, then to Prime then back to Parvati, then to Mothra, and finally back to Parvati. I had to chuckle at her astounded behavior.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw our parents watching us and the Fields looked mightily impressed by my Pokemon as they should. Once her focus had returned to Parvati she actually excitedly greeted Parvati telling her that her crown motif and her mane looked really great.

Anyway, we, our Pokemon and us, played for a while before we held a few mock matches between Rose's and my Pokemon. Actually, to call them mock matches would be an exaggeration.

We let them demonstrate some moves, showed possible counter-attacks that her strategies could invite, and some flaws they exposed. They never really stood a chance since the disparity was too great.

Yet, even after we stopped the "battles" we talked about things that they could have done better and some things they should focus on. After that, we spent some more time outside before we both recalled our Pokemon and returned inside.

The rest of the day until the Field family left, which they did after dinner, was spent watching some performance, coordinator, and battle videos, with the parents occasionally giving their two cents on the content.

For dinner, we grilled and all I can say about that was that my dad had pulled out a mean Tauros steak from somewhere. That with some mashed potatoes and sauce, just remembering it makes me salivate.

Ahem, after dinner we said our goodbyes and the Fields left. That was pretty much the whole chain of events that happened.

Now, here are some scenes on how the events happened from Rose's perspective.

Day of Rose's Birthday.

I woke up and excitedly freshened up.

'My tenth birthday it's going to be so much fun. Mika's going to arrive soon with his parents I should get ready and change' she thought before she quickly finished and changed.

Once she thought she was ready she left her room and moved towards the living room. She saw her parents sitting on the couch talking with each other.

"Good morning, mommy, daddy." She enthusiastically called out causing her parents to turn in her direction. Her mother quickly approached her and hugged her.

"Good morning to you as well, honey, and a very happy birthday too. My precious little girl is growing up faster and faster." Her mom returned her greeting before adding a birthday greeting.

"Mou. Mom, I'm not little anymore. I've turned 10 and next year I'm going to start tertiary school." She fake complained a bit with a teeny tiny pout.

She could hear a chuckle behind her she knew came from behind her and then she felt him softly pat her head.

"You'll always be our little girl, sweetheart. Doesn't matter if you turn 10 or a hundred, that will never change." Her dad said before hugging her as well after her mother let her go so that he could hug her.

After her mother let her go she looked at her with a soft smile on her face.

"Your daddy's right, dear, you'll forever be our little girl. No matter how much you grow and bloom you'll stay our little Rose." Her mother supported her father's statement and both of them chuckled a bit.

She had to stop herself from giggling a bit as well since she loved her parents and was happy when her parents showed that they loved her just as much, even if she acted as if she wasn't as happy as she was.

"Happy Birthday Princess!" her dad said happily after he stopped chuckling and she thanked them both. Her mother joined their hug as well for a bit before she let go once more.

"Alright, Arya and her family will be here by 11 so we better eat our breakfast and prepare for their arrival." Her mother told them and they began setting the table.

A bit before 11 a.m. the doorbell rang and her mother opened the door to their apartment. Mikail and his family came inside. They put aside things like bags and a medium-sized package that definitely contained her gift.

Her mom asked them if they were hungry and they answered negatively. Once that was done Mikail came up to her and hugged her.

"Happy Birthday Rose!" he congratulated her and she thanked him while reciprocating the hug. They broke up the hug and after a nod to her parent she dragged Mikail to her room, and they began talking about some small stuff.

Inside her room Princess, Ivy and Boom greeted them both and she saw how he gave them a few scratches at their favorite places making her trio pretty happy. After they settled down they began to talk about nearly everything that she could think of.

His training, some of the things he had seen as well as some of the Pokemon, and many of the things Mika said sounded fantastic kinda hard to believe but believe him she did. She could feel his honesty and even if he left out a lot of stuff he didn't lie.

She naturally also told him about the things she had been doing with her school and her Pokemon and her training. She also told him about settling on the trainer school for her tertiary schooling in two years and he encouraged her.

When she told him about her uncertainty regarding her future path as a trainer he gave her great advice that mostly overlapped with what her parents had told her even if he added some extras here and there.

Despite his age, she knew that Mika could already be considered a pretty good and relatively experienced trainer, so she trusted his opinion a lot. That his suggestions overlapped with her parent's advice in many points only reinforced her belief. She hugged him and thanked him for the great suggestions.

After that they talked some more about all kinds of things, sometimes he mentioned his Beedrill and how great his Parvati was, but most of the time when I heard Beedrill the thing that came into her mind were the stories her parents told her about how dangerous they could be.

Furthermore, Beedrill did not look that good as far as she knew. She threw that thought to the back of her mind, it was soon time for her school friends and their family friends to arrive, so they left her room moving towards the living room that her mother, as well as aunt Arya, had prepared for her party.

The guests came and everyone had a lot of fun. While her birthday cake was being brought over Mika began singing the birthday song for her and everyone followed along.

She blew out the candles cut the cake and then everyone got to taste the yummy goodness. After she had and everyone else was finished it was time for presents and she was unsure if she should open them all right here after she got them or later.

She knew Iris and Butch's families did not have a lot of money and she did not want them to feel bad when the others looked at them after they gave their presents. Before she made a decision Mika gave a suggestion and everyone agreed.

Then he brought over the package she had previously spotted and she began unwrapping it. She did not rip the wrapping apart but opened it cleanly since she didn't want to destroy the paper.

She looked over the things inside and they were awesome. There were three T-shirts and a bracelet inside. The T-shirts were yellow, green, and blue with a Pokemon picture on each of them. The T-shirts looked amazing and she was sure that was thanks to aunt Arya.

'Mika probably had the idea and aunty chosen/ordered the T-shirts.' She mused to herself. The yellow one had a Vulpix, the green one an Eevee, while the blue one had a Whismur on it.

Each one showed one of her beloved Pokemon and even their color perfectly fit each of the Pokemon. Then there was the bracelet. It had three small figures of her trio as well and the band had a pink color. It looked really beautiful.

She thanked Mika and saw that everyone else thought the presents were great as well. Everyone gave her their presents and no one mentioned opening them so she with the help of Mika and her mother placed them in her room before they returned to the living room.

After that, they played a few more games, and then it was time for everyone to go home.

Thank you all for coming to my birthday party. Take care and good night!" She saw off the guests together with her mother. Once they were alone they tidied up the room a bit and watched a movie before everyone went to bed.

Scene jump to the moment Mikail was about to call out Prime.

'Manami looks so gorgeous and graceful! I am definitely going to try to get a Lapras as well. Maybe ask Mika for help finding one. He told me where he got his and I'm sure he could find them again once another migration happens.' Rose thought to herself.

She heard something and looked over. She saw a pretty big Beedrill that was actually a bit larger than her and she was 142.5 cm, so she was obviously a bit surprised. However, she caught herself pretty quickly.

'That's Mikail's Beedrill so nothing can happen. Just smile and say hi.' She calmed herself and greeted Beedrill like she had greeted the others before him.

Then Mikail called out his Parvati and she was surprised. She looked at Parvati, then to Prime then back to Parvati, then to Mothra, and finally back to Parvati. She heard Mika chuckling from where he was standing but she ignored him.

'She's so big. Much bigger than me and she looks kinda great, not like a normal Beedrill those look not that nice.' She went up to Parvati to get a better look and she noticed the crown muster on her head and her fluffy mane looked so soft.

She praised her and Rose could see that Parvati liked the praise. After that, they played a bit, held a few matches where Mika and his Pokemon coached them more or less. Pointing out mistakes and giving tips.

She promised herself to make sure to follow his advice since she wanted to be better at least enough that she did not get left behind even further than she already was, and she knew that it was a lot.

So, the time went by as they spent time together and after dinner which was really tasty they went back home with the teleportation service her father had called.


***A Big Thank You to Ryorka for becoming a Patron***

***A Big Thank You to ShangChi for becoming a Patron***

Advertising plug-in:

This chapter is twice the size of some of my regular chapters.

Help me stay motivated.


Azrail93 Azrail93

Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 2/6 for this week.

***A Big Thank You to Ryorka for becoming a Patron***

***A Big Thank You to ShangChi for becoming a Patron***

Those that want access up to 5 advance chapters can find them on my patre*on. Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre’on.


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