Unduh Aplikasi
69.76% Reincarnated Ice Warmer (GxG) / Chapter 25: Chapter 23

Bab 25: Chapter 23

A/N: If you don't care about the topic of the schedule release, skip to the start of the chapter, otherwise continue reading.

I realized that having a 'schedule' is inefficient, mainly because it's bout to fail, it may be a cursed thing or something. Basically from now on, there is no schedule, the updates will come when I finish writing the chapters... Now, not a lot will change, it will still stay mostly weekly, except it won't be on 'only' Fridays, you see this is how I did things:

Friday - Upload.

Saturday - Free day.

Sunday to Friday - Write one chapter each day, that adds up to 6 and again upload at the end of Friday.

And repeat that process, and that's exactly how I will continue on doing things. But you see, sometimes, when I feel really great about what I wrote and want to continue writing, I do exactly that, so on those days, I write a full chapter and a half, if not two. Then there are opposite days, where I write only half a chapter. So basically the timing sometimes changes. Therefore, no more updates on 'Friday', the updates can now happen on any day of the week, but I still suspect that it will most likely happen on Weekends, more time to 'check' for big mistakes and actually upload, because it takes about 30+ mins to upload the chapters even, over the three different sites. Thank you for reading this, now... Continue on reading the chapters... Yeah!

~ Maid training?! ~

Diana POV:

Phew, almost done with my work, soon I will get some food to abuse and put inside my body. Just a few dozen more minutes until that. Can't wait.


I hear somebody call out to me and I know that it isn't Elsa, for I have her voice memorized, so even a single syllable uttered by her would let me know if it was her. So I am actually in a need to turn around and look who it was.

Well, I definitely didn't expect it to be the one that really helped me acquire this job.

"Gerda, what is it?"

"Quick, quick, come with me" She moves her hand in a 'come here' motion.


"Doesn't matter, come, let's go" She comes closer and grabs my arm, and starts walking back from where she came from. I try and follow confused.

"What's going on? Does the Queen need my immediate presence?" I ask, hoping that I am correct. But all of my hopes and dreams come crashing down on me the moment Gerda answers "No"

So I continue following in silence... Well dragged in silence, like a victim of a kidnapping incident.

And we make it to one of the common rooms for guests, it's also the same room where I was 'interviewed' for my own position.

I look around the room, spotting 9 girls, who all look older than me, except for one of them, she's either my age or even younger... All of them dressed as traditional maids... Am I getting replaced? Fuckitty fuck no way in god's hell am I allowing that to happen.

"Girls, this here" Gerda steps aside and points to me "Is Diana Frost, the personal maid of Queen Elsa"

"Uh... How do you do, fellow maids?" I say not understanding the situation, getting a few giggling reactions, also a few visible displeased ones too, it seems that I didn't make the best impression with the 'elegant' and 'serious' maids.

"Don't mind her, she sometimes says random things, the Queen said to just ignore it when she does" Gerda says jokingly.

Elsa did WHAT?!... Respectable, respectable.

"Yes, ma'am" All of them say as if they were trained military... Seriously what is going on?

"Well, as I said, she is the personal maid of the Queen and now she is also your teacher, you'll be learning from her how to be 'perfect' maids and do your jobs to the best of your ability, now, Diana take it away"

"Yes, as Gerda said, I will be your... I will be... your..." Teacher... No, no, I am supposed to teach them? Since when was that established "What in the marbles, since when am I some teacher? None of this makes any sense" I say turning to face Gerda.

"Since right now" She says nonchalantly back to me and leaves the room "Now teach them well"

"No, wai-" I don't get to finish as Gerda closes the door on me... And LOCKS IT?! "What the fuck is this bullshit!" I say to myself... Or it would've been to myself if I didn't hear quite a few gasps from behind me... whoops... It seems the first lesson I will have for them is learning how to swear repeatedly... Amazing.

I turn around to face the 9 girls, seeing quite a few wide-eyed faces... By a few, I of course mean all of them, except for one of them, the one I assumed to be the youngest, she's still yet to lose the 'perfect' and 'elegant' look... Must be a trained lower noble that got sent off to serve as a maid for the Queen or something.

"Ahem..." I clear my throat to get their attention as I also straighten up "Now, ladies, I know that I was introduced, but I think that it's important to introduce yourself. So, I am Diana Frost, some of you may know me already"

"You're the men stealing Crimson Tramp" One of them interrupts my speech... And what an interruption, I'd give her an Oscar for it.

"Well, that's a new one, I haven't heard it before" I say back at her.

"Oh? Of course, you haven't" Says another one "You were too busy leeching away the men's attention to realize that a lot of women of Arendelle hate you"

"Yeah, so if you haven't heard that one" Says the third one... Seems that somehow three friends wound up as maids for the castle, what a coincidence "Then you most likely don't know about the others"

"Oooh? What might those be?" I ask actually interested, no publicity is bad publicity, you get exposure anyways... Though not everybody might agree with that statement.

"Crimson Tramp, which you just heard. Evil Harlot, The Red Wagtail, and my personal favorite Bloody Whore"

The 6 remaining maids are looking back and forth between the trio and me, even the one I presume to be a noble girl sold as a maid can't stop herself from doing it... It seems that the power of gossip is so much stronger than the power to keep up appearances.

"Niiice, I have to agree with your favorite pick as well, others sound pretty weak. But, bloody hell is Bloody Whore a decent one" I say flashing them an excited smile.

The trio stare at me perplexed, so does the other ones, did they really think that something like that would hurt me? Yikes.

"Lookie here, ladies, say what you want about me, call me whatever you want, but at the end of the day... I am more important than you could ever hope to be and the fact that I get the unwanted attention from the men of this queendom proves that statement, not to mention the fact that mostly everybody in Arendelle at least knows of me, while nobody has or will ever hear of you... Oh and also the fact that I am the personal maid of the Queen, who is here to supposedly teach you a thing or two... So, let's begin with the first lesson" I say and walk up to the trio who looked at my blatant disrespect with open mouths and wide eyes.

"None of you are even close to being on my level, none of you are even on the level below me. And I could fire you right here, right now, stating that you're just unfit to work here in the castle even with my immense superior knowledge and teaching ability. But... That'd be too 'low' of me, a superior lady like myself, would just look at you and mock you while being untouchable. So, ladies, that is your first lesson from me, your teacher. Don't screw with somebody when that somebody is so far out of your league. Oh and I'd be glad to give you the men to you, I don't want them, you can keep them... That is if they wanted you to begin with"

Was that necessary, absolutely not, did I want to do it? Most definitely, am I feeling bad because the trio looks like they are about to cry... I want to say no... But my heart tells me yes.

"Hey, hey, no crying in front of me and the castle of the Queen, this place is meant to be of happy emotions only. So how about we forget all of this has happened and we begin... Whatever it is that I am supposed to do. Besides, after learning from me, you will have the power to get yourselves a man... Not that I know why you'd want one to begin with... But that's not the point, how about it?" I cooe the trio of ladies as if they were kids... Which they might as well be. They look at me with teary eyes.

"You can even brag about knowing me to get a favorable standing with a man" And just like that they stopped their waterworks, of course, I knew that they were 'playing' me, so I did the same back at them "Of course, if the man says to prove that boast, I guarantee you that I won't show myself to them for you... Besides if I did that, wouldn't I just steal them away again?" And just like that their smirks turned into frowns again seeing my logic, basically, these women are somewhat screwed in this regard... Well, not my problem.

I walk back to where I was previously standing "Ahem, now that the first lesson has been settled with... And yes, that was a real first lesson, because why not. We are back to the topic of introductions, I said that introducing yourselves is an important thing to do and I meant it. I could easily read your documents that you were supposed to give to Gerda or Kai for inspection" As I finish saying that, I see one of the maids gulp, now was that just out of natural body activity... Or is there something more to it "And I could get to know you that way, but some of it might be false facts and basically fake, So, go ahead, introduce yourself"

The girls look between themselves for a few moments and one of them asks "All of us?"

"Yes" I answer back.

"But..." The same one that asked starts, but shuts up right after.

"What is it?"

"There's quite a few of us, is it smart to use so much time for something small as introductions, when we could... Work and train?"

"Good point, before I answer, are there any other complaints?" I look around the girls.

"There is one more, Lady Gerda said that not all of us might actually stay for long as castle maids and would get to leave, so isn't introducing ourselves before we are guaranteed to stay... Well... Kinda a worthless thing to do?" Asks one more.

"Okay, to answer all of that... Absolutely not, you shouldn't even care about any of those 'problems' yet"

"Umm... What?" One of them asks while the other ones are staring at me confused.

"Let me spell it out for you. There is no way I'd work with people with whom I don't know anything about, I can't just call you, 'hey, you girl' when I try and teach you something, same goes for teaching if you can't follow my 'lessons' and actually introduce yourself as I instructed, then what's the point of me keeping any of you here? And yes, you heard me correctly, me, I am the one keeping you here, Gerda gave the job to me, even if I didn't know about it, but because that's my task, I will do it, so I get to decide if you'll work here or if you'll pack up and leave. Ladies, this isn't an alley or a street, when not knowing anybody doesn't matter. This is the castle, where the majestic Queen Elsa of Arendelle lives, you will need to have a name to be called after if you even think of staying here. So again, introduce yourselves, or just leave, I don't really care to be honest, because if you leave, none of you will be my responsibility that way, but if you do stay and listen to me, well, you girls, will be turned into the castle's invaluable assets all for the single purpose of living for the Queen" I finish saying and now just wait for somebody to start introducing themselves.

I see a lot of uncertain looks from a multitude of the maids and only hear silence, as I am about to shake my head in disappointment, finally, somebody starts talking and it's the girl who I theorized to be a noble.

"My name is Josette Tia Fletcher, a daughter of a Baron and Baroness"

"Good, good, a pleasure to meet you, Josette, now tell me a few things about yourself"

"About myself?"

"Yes, yes... Well, I guess I will give an example for you to follow, but in general, it can be anything that you're comfortable sharing with a bunch of... strangers" I say, and after a pause continue "Okay, so I've already said my name, but I will do it again, just to demonstrate a full introduction that I'd like to hear. Ahem... I am Diana Frost, a personal maid of the Queen of Arendelle, in my spare time, I like creating different kinds of foods, so I could succeed in my quest to make the Queen like my cooking more and more, therefore feeding the failed attempts to the select few... 'willing' subjects, anyway, I like reading books of any kind, I sometimes even quote them, so expect to hear something you most likely never heard before and... None of you will ever get the position of being the Queen's personal maid, so don't even dream of it... That's it, I hope you liked my introduction, so go ahead"

"The only thing I got out of it... Is that you really like to talk about the Queen" Says one of the trio from before.

"Heh, you'd be absolutely correct, well almost... I like to talk about the Queen way more than you expect. Anyways, Josette, could you please continue?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Ooh, no, no, please, none of that, that just sounds wrong, not only am I the youngest in the room, it just sounds ridiculous when I am the one being addressed, leave that for Gerda or something, just call me Diana, or Frost if you're quirky like that"

"Uh... Okay, yes Diana, I can continue" Josette fixes herself, with some slight confusion being visibly seen on her face.

"Mhm, go ahead"

"I like holding tea parties with some of my lady friends" That almost makes me roll my eyes, did I seriously meet a noble lady stereotype.

"I like practicing how to dance and doing embroidery" I visibly cringe, which prompts Josette to stop 'introducing' herself.

"Oh, no, no, continue... With... Whatever this is" I say not knowing what to call 'this'.

"Excuse me?" Josette says lost.

"Before you continue, answer me this quick question"


"Is any of what you just said actual truth?"

"It is...?"

"Oh... Because to me sounds as if you were asked by whoever sent you here to rehearse saying such things. Because if you actually enjoyed such things, then do tell me, why is a noble lady, albeit of low rank is here in the castle dressed as a maid and being taught by a 'peasant' that's not even from Arendelle instead of holding said tea parties and embroidering random things?"

"Um..." The girl looks at me with some fear in her eyes as her eyes jump around the room in frantic movements... Wait, fear? Why is she afraid, I don't bite... Okay, that's a lie, I can bite and a lot... But not in this context.

"Is everything alright, Josette?"

"Umm... Y-yes, everything is f-fine"

"If I said something wrong, I do apologize, but I don't want people to be dishonest when working with me, yes, lying is sometimes necessary and fine, but dishonesty is not something I appreciate all that much. So if you can tell me that what you said is the truth, I will let this go and we will continue with somebody else, but I do hope that it's the actual truth and not some stupid spiel that got drilled into your head, I want authenticity, no matter what any of you might like or do in your spare time, not stupid stuff like 'trying' to fit in or seem like somebody that you are not, whatever it is that you might like, I will never judge as long as you stand by it, be it a random thing such as collecting different stones, or hating on birds, that's fine by me"

That seemingly has let Josette relax. She breathes in and out a few times and then glances at me, seeing me patiently smile at her in wait, she gets back her confidence and resumes her introduction.

"Okay, then I am going to reintroduce from the start. I am Josette, just Josette and nothing else, I was 'disowned' from the family because I liked different things than what nobility or at least noble ladies should. I liked things that supposedly only men should like. I love horse riding, handling a blade and I wanted to be a knight. But my parents didn't like that and gave me a choice, either I drop all of the so-called 'nonsense' out of my head and do what they tell me, or I get thrown out of the family. At first, I was afraid of the consequences of me being thrown out of the family, so I complied with their wishes, but for the year that I was 'forced' to do it, I can't remember the last time I smiled out of the heart, instead of 'necessity' to show everybody that I am a lady, so I couldn't handle it anymore and resumed training and riding the horse, it didn't take long for them to know about it and... Here I am, sent away to work at the castle, just like I always wanted, but not in the way I wanted to, my parents... Ensured that I'd never have the chance to hold another sword again and instead be a maid and because I have nowhere else to go, I need to do this"

Well, it seems I was almost correct at my initial assumption... "Josette, that wasn't a choice, it was an ultimatum given by your worthless garbage of parents"

"Worthless garbage... Huh..." Josette mutters to herself.

"Anyways, how about you sit down, oh and all of you do so too because this might take a while for all of you to introduce yourselves. But if you do it like Josette here... Well, it can obviously be shorter, you will be guaranteed to have a big chance of staying here for work. Now while you talk about yourselves who goes next and please do so, I'd like to see teamwork from the people I work with, so this is also a lesson. Anyways, while you do that, Josette, come here if you can"

The other maids sit down and start talking to each other. As Josette comes closer to me, I point to the sit right next to me, she sits down bowing slightly, I do so too. And now she's looking at me.

"Well, Josette, I hate to say this" As I start, I see the girl starting to get the same fearful look back, she thinks that she will get sent away... That'd be ridiculous of me, no, no, I have quite a magnificent plan for this gall.

"I hate to tell you this, but I think you might even thank your parents for making the choice of sending you here"

Josette's fearful look changes into pure confusion.

"You see... They made the bright idea to send you to the castle, which is led by the best Queen in existence... So not only are your parents literal trash, but they are also stupidly incompetent. Anyways, my point is, I won't allow you to work as a maid in the castle, oh, no, no, you'll be training to be a proper knight... Congratulations to you, Lady Josette, for from now on, you are a knightess in training"

"W-what? But... How?" She questions in disbelief.

"How I can do that and how do I have the right? Well, technically, I don't... But the Queen has, so don't worry about it, I can be pretty convincing when it comes to... Well convincing, so you're more or less can just take off that maid outfit and put back your armor and boom, there we have the first female knight of Arendelle, so how about you just sit back, have some refreshments, while the other maids introduce themselves and after that, you come with me to personally meet the Queen"

"I-I... Thank you" She says getting teary-eyed.

"Hey, don't thank me, thank your parents... Okay, but without joking, seriously, don't thank me... Thank the Queen who you will have to serve until death"

"Yes Ma- Diana"

"Good, anyways" I stand up and clap a few times, getting the attention of the 8 maids.

"You've had plenty of time, so, I hope you have the order of how you're doing this, now go ahead. If you also have some questions before you do so, go ahead, I will try and answer them"

"I have a question" The oldest-looking girl raises her hand, if I had to guess, she seems to be at least 30 in age, respect your elders... Unless they spew nonsense out of their mouth holes... But that applies with everyone, ahem anyways.


"You mentioned of us never getting the position of a personal maid of the Queen, how can you be so sure that you can keep it... Because personally, I don't see what's so special about you"

"Great question with even a better answer... Because none of you have one special and very specific thing that I do"

"And what is that exactly?"

"Well, obviously it's this" I point to my hair, of course, all of this is nonsense... At least as far as I know, but it doesn't matter, they don't need to know the truth, what they don't know, can't hurt them or something like that "None of you have my amazing crimson-colored hair"

"Your hair...? How is that supposed to keep you in the position... How is that... Anything?"

"Simple, I got this position because the Queen really liked my hair, it's like 70% of the reason why I am even here," I say proudly.

"No way, that can't be true" Says the one that asked the question.

"Oh, you'll find that it is, for you se-" I get interrupted unexpectedly by a voice behind me... A voice I love listening to... What is the Queen doing here?

"My maid, Diana isn't lying when she says that, but she's wrong about it at the same time"

Every maid quickly rises from their seats and curtsies in respect, so does Josette, everybody does it, even me, but I do it just to keep up appearances... If the Queen needs me to kneel or bend over... It'd be my pleasure to do so any day, hehe.

"How am I wrong, Queen?" I ask Elsa.

"Well, your hair is actually 80% of the reason why you're working as my personal maid"

"Oh..." Well damn, it seems Elsa is playing along with my nonsense... I think? Meh, even if it's true, at least there's something that she likes about me, so all is well "Does the Queen require something?"

"No, not at the moment, I just came here to check up on the new maids and their... Teacher" Elsa answers my question.

"Girls, I hope that you had no problems with my personal maid so far"

Ah, hear that? 'My' personal maid... It just sounds so beautiful to my ears.

"No, Queen Elsa, Lady Diana is friendly" Most of them answer along those lines, while some stay silent.

"That so...?" Elsa throws an eyebrow raised glance at me, she seriously doesn't believe these girls... The Queen has no faith in me.

"Yes, she's very... Passionate..." One of the girls' comments.

"Oh? And what might she be passionate about?"

"Uh..." The girls look at each other for a moment and a few nod "That would be you, she really likes talking about you, Queen Elsa"

"Yes, of course, well as long as it isn't anything bad, then it's fine" Elsa says elegantly, then turns around to face me, her back facing every other girl in the room and I can only see her rolling her eyes at me, I only smile in return, what did she expect me to do? She silently sighs and then asks me "So, Diana, have you taught anything to these women?"

"I didn't have much time and next to no preparation, but we had one lesson already and were in the middle of the second one"

"Working fast, I see" The Queen turns around to face the girls again "So, what was it that you learned from Diana?"

I may be wrong... But Elsa seems to be enjoying herself putting me on the spot, but unfortunately, I have plenty of experience for such occasions. Well good on her, as long as she's happy.

"She... Uh..." They look at me for a moment, I just softly nod at them, hoping they know what they need to do "Well, she taught us that we will never be able to get men to like us"

I choke on my saliva, bitch, what? Elsa quickly looks at me "And?" The Queen asks while still staring at me.

"That even if we were lucky to get attention from them, she'd easily be able to steal them again"

I look away as Elsa's stare hardens... That is not what they were supposed to do.

"Is there anything else?"

"Quite a lot actually, she boasted about being more important than us and that we are below her... Um... what was it?... Level, yes, that, meaning that she's better than us"

"Hmm..." Elsa hums slowly. I look back at her smiling as if nothing was wrong.

"Well, Diana, is all of what these fine women said the truth?"

"Uh... It isn't inaccurate?"

While the Queen scrutinizes me with her gaze, I see behind her that the maids are thumbing me up... It seems they misunderstood my nod, for telling the truth... I guess they are learning something, never lie to the Queen. Unless you're a reincarnated individual like yours truly.

Elsa sighs again, while facepalming "Did she at least teach you anything... Useful?"

"In fact she did" Says Josette, ha, I have somebody to help me out "She taught us if we don't listen to her instructions, she'll fire us" Seriously? You're supposed to actually help me... Not help me backwards. Ah, fine, I'll do this my own way.

"And? What are the morals of these lessons?" Elsa asks me straight on.

"Simple really... I am better than all of them so the moral is... Well, there are three actually. The first one being, they try harder and try to beat me and be better than me, therefore improving, but that can be bad for the team as a whole. Second, be a team player, try to help others and be liked by most people, unfortunately, you won't have a lot of time to progress and can get stuck at the same level. Then there's the last one, give up, because you can't do it and be effectively bad at the work because you gave up, prompting for you to be released from the work position. Now why they should listen to my instructions? Because if they can't do that, there's no point in keeping them here, for they'd just waste time by being troublemakers"

The maids mutter and whisper to each other at my answer, I hear things like 'does that make sense?' and 'I think so?'. And obviously, because I hear them, so does Elsa. And while nobody she sees, she smirks at me secretly. Yep, she is definitely having fun trying to jeopardize me, well bring it then.

"Okay, those are decent lessons, but should they be taught as a 'first' lesson overall?"

"Sure they are, this way I can see who's weak-willed at the first glance of superior opposition and who is up to the challenge. Basically, if they are confident and ready to work, they are worthy to at least keep and look after. If they are here just to 'play' around and waste a place that could be better suited for somebody else, then, they'd have to go. That may seem harsh, but I'd rather have several competent people work with me than dozens of dilly-dallying lasses. Quality over quantity"

"Mhm, but couldn't they be 'trained' to be better?"



"But you can train people different skills, techniques or how to do their supposed work... But you can't teach them how to act, feel or be somebody that they are not. The more you force somebody to be that way, the more they will act out, rebel and because of such events, a lot of problems may occur. Of course, not everybody would be like that, some would try and listen to such commands, teachings and turn into yet another version of the person that was teaching them... But why would I want a mindless puppet, who brings nothing to the table? I need different opinions, different mindsets, confident people that can challenge me to be better, as well as challenge themselves to be better, yes, sometimes opinions clash, but that way, actual new ideas can be born. Case in point. Lady Josette here"

Josette quickly straightens up by being randomly called out by me, even though her confident stature is undermined by her confused expression.

"Queen Elsa, I represent you, Lady Josette, the first female knight of Arendelle... Well a trainee, but she'll get there"

"Oh?" Elsa looks at the poor young lady interested "I don't remember there being a document about somebody wanting to be a knight today... Especially not a female one" Elsa's sentence makes Josette slightly shiver on spot. I feel you girl, the way that Elsa looks at somebody... Is just so... Haaah, it can be quite unnerving and at the same time, it gets me hot and bothered.

"Now, I could tell you all about her, but that wouldn't do, if I were to speak for her to the Queen, that means she can't do that herself and that just won't do. So, Lady Josette, right here, right now, heed my teachings and introduce yourself to the Queen"

"U-uh, m-my n-name is..." Josette stutters looking everywhere but straight at the Queen, seems she may have a slight case of stage fright... Or Queen fright.

"Josette, remember, if you fail this, you will be what your parents thought you are... You wouldn't want that, now would you?" I say out loud, bringing her and everybody's attention to me, this should help her to get some courage, not only because the major attention is on me, but also because of her memories with her shitty parents "You'd also be crushing the chance that you were provided to prove yourself, that you're capable of this, so, tell me first female knight, are you going to waste it, or are you going to pull through and show to me and everybody else here that you deserve this opportunity. And most importantly, are you worthy to serve your Queen, serve the Queen of Arendelle, live for Queen Elsa. Are you? Lady Josette?" I ask even louder, everybody is staring at me in silence and so is Josette, I don't have time for this "I asked, ARE YOU?"

"Y-Yes Ma'am" Josette quickly snapping out of her daze, drops to one knee in a position of a knight being knighted "My name is Josette, previously known as Josette Tia Fletcher, a daughter of a Baron and a Baroness, but due to family issues, I've been disowned, they wanted me to be a perfect 'noble' lady, while I wanted different things, that is a knight and if I am to be allowed to be one, it'd be my honor to serve the Queen, I shall protect the Kin- Queendom of Arendelle and its Queen until the day that I die"

Well damn, didn't expect that to happen, it seems she took some lessons from other knights... Or fairy tale ones, even Elsa is speechless... Might as well continue helping out, so that this doesn't drag out and become awkward.

"As you see, Queen Elsa" My voice cuts through the silence, bringing Elsa's attention back at me "Josette is exactly what I talked about. Her parents wanted her to be some pathetic noble lady, holding tea parties and doing boring things that noble ladies are 'intended to do, most children would listen and try to appease their parents, forsaking their wishes. But not her, she couldn't keep the sword down out of the courage for her own dream of being a knight, a lot... If not everybody, might disagree with the decision to endorse even the slightest idea of having a female knight, they might say that it's crazy, that it's madness... But, I am not 'everybody', so I say screw all of them, what do they know besides how much more money they have than other people, so on behalf of me, would you agree to allow Lady Josette to be a knight in training?" I say curtsying and bowing my head in wait while putting a hand on Josette's shoulder. This is way too extravagant, but what can you do.

I feel the girl's body shaking from different things at the same time. Adrenaline for doing something as crazy as this, it's almost on the level of my acting. Fear for the rejection that her mind is telling will happen and the slight euphoric expectancy from her heart beating that she will get the answer that she so seeks.

"Stand, Lady Josette" Elsa finally says, I release my hand holding the girl, just as she raises to her feet and looks at the Queen, I keep my head down, just for added effect, but I do slightly raise it, so I can see Elsa's lips out of the corner of my eye.

"Due to your courage of facing even the odds and expectations of your gender, because of your wishes and my personal maid's... Convincing speech. I, Queen Elsa of Arendelle, beseech you the position of a knight in training. Congratulations"

I raise my head fully, to check the girl's reaction... Seems she's about to faint... Noble lady stereotypes in the nutshell. So why not make it even more ridiculous. And so I just start clapping. Which prompts the other maids in the room who were silent witnessing the situation to also clap.

Elsa raises her hand in a stopping manner and all clapping ceases "Now, ladies, I will be borrowing, my personal maid. Your lessons will resume tomorrow, for today, just wait for Gerda to come, she will show you to your temporary rooms, you don't have to do anything else, so you can familiarize yourself with the castle, if anybody says anything, tell them that the Queen allowed you to wander around for a while. But since it's not technically your 'free' days, you will have an assignment of cleaning your own rooms... Now, Diana follow me, let's go"

"Right" I agree and start following her.

As I close the door, I hear something falling to the ground and a few of the girls shouting 'Lady Josette'... Well, the Queen's presence strikes again, it's so frozen that it freezes the bodily functions and makes humans drop to the ground.

"Now..." Elsa starts as she walks in front of me "Was all of that really necessary?"

"Was what necessary?"

"Haaah... I didn't expect to be a part of an impromptu knight ceremony today..."

"Well, that would've not happened, if the Queen didn't decide to challenge her humble maid to a battle of wits... But who am I to tell what the mighty Queen should do"

"Of course... Fine, I would've let her be a knight anyways... But, seriously, was the clapping a necessity?"

"Oh, definitely not, but it added... flavor"



"It seems telling Gerda to ignore some of the things that you might say was the right choice because she once came to talk to me and started speaking random phrases just like you..."

"Ah, so that's why..." I mutter slowly, as I stare at something... very interesting.

"So you only talked about me?"



I don't answer the Queen's question as I am somewhat preoccupied at the moment...


"Huh, what?"

"Why did you go quiet all of a sudden?"

"Oh? Nothing, I was just enjoying the perfectly majestic view"

"Okay... Wait, What vie-" Elsa stops walking, causing me to stop too, I raise my head just as she turns around, I smile at her as she only glares at me.

"So, that's why you always walk behind me, from now on, you are ordered to always walk in front of me or to the side"

"But I can't do such a thing, what would people think if a maid walked ahead of their Queen"

"Well, I will take a lesson out of your 'book' and just tell them, that you were ordered to do so because you yourself said that the Queen needs to be protected, so you're a human shield... just in case"

I look at the Queen open-mouthed, that is definitely something I would do...

"And besides, I'd rather the people talk, I can handle it, than my own maid perving on my backside every time she walks behind me"

"No, but who will now appreciate such a majestic royal posterior, such elegantly noble hips and such magnificent queenly legs from now on"

"Well, certainly not you" Elsa says nonchalantly, not caring for my drama.

"That is unfair"

"Deal with it"

"In that case"

Elsa stares as I walk in front of her and turn around, so my back is facing the way we were going and my front is facing her front... And I start walking backwards.

"I will just gaze upon the amazing body of the Queen from the front"


"Oh, I am the most serious, I've ever been"

"... You'll fall"

"Nuh-uh, I am the backward walking champion, I can do this for days, no probl-" Just as I say that I trip over something and fall over.

"Backwards walking champion, eh?" Elsa asks me smugly.

"Har, har, laugh it up" I look at the ground where I tripped and see nothing... I blink in slight confusion.

"You tripped over nothing, champ" Elsa continues to mock me.

"Something's fishy here..." I hum as I look at the ground and as I get up, I fall instantly again... I see now... I guess my backward walking title reign is over because there's one specific ice fairy interfering with it.

"Oh, look, you've tripped over nothing yet again, does the champion need help getting up?" Elsa says, mockingly extending her arm for me. In all other circumstances, I would take that chance just to touch her... But not this time.

I quickly stand up, straighten up, look at the smug Queen and turn around to start walking.

"Oooh, what? Did the champion lose all of her charisma because... she... lost?" Elsa starts strong, but ends weak, due to spotting me look back at her through a mirror, while I walk looking forward.

"If I can't be a champion of walking backwards, I will be a champion of mirror watching"

"That doesn't even make sense"

"Maybe not, but I will still be one"

"Ugh..." Elsa quickly throws snow over the mirror, blocking the sight.

"Ha, nice try, Queen, but I have maid's best friend to help me... cleaning supplies" I dramatically pull a paper tissue out of a small pocket and clean the snow off of the mirror and resume my Queen spotting.

Elsa's eye twitches in annoyance, making me grin proudly, she won't win against me that easily, I am ready for anything.

Elsa passes me and resumes walking in front of me again, she gave up? Well, don't mind me then...

"No way..." Okay, I wasn't ready for that...

"What?" Elsa calls out innocently.

"Fine... You win this one..."

"Well, it seems, that you are not even the champion of the mirror watching" She mocks me pridefully.

"Certainly not" I comment as I look at my own reflection... Elsa just made a rectangle block of ice behind her that follows her, which acts as a mirror, effectively blocking my view of her.

"Now I can't watch the Queen's hips... And they certainly don't lie"

"What does that even mean?" She questions me, turning around.

"Nothing, it means nothing" Elsa stares at me for a moment and sighs right after, dropping the ice block from behind her.

"Anyways, we had enough of playing around, there was actually a reason why I interrupted your lesson with the maids"

"And that is?"

"A person came to the castle today, in the name of Rosa, you're being summoned for something"

"Huh..." What does Rosa want?

~ End of Chapter 23 ~

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