An MH-60 "Blackhawk" helicopter flew away from Belgram air base. On both sides of its stub wings were the combination of AGM-114 "Hellfire" missiles and M230 chainguns for close-air-support role. It was the multipurpose helicopter assigned for Del and Anna to complete the rest of the mission from Salve Group.
Del was sitting on the opened left door of the helicopter. Behind him were stacks of FIM-92 stingers and FGM-148 launchers. All of those were provided to give him an edge and more leisure in attacking anyone that Van Bosch would send to him.
The pilot was a man. His full name was Morris Osborne. They could call him Morris, but Del and Anna would have to call him sir or refer to him as Chief Osborne in a formal event. He seemed to be chill though. Heck, he was more lax than Walter by all account.
"Did you two just land here like us? Or did you two have spent quite some times in this place?" Morris asked.
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