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80% Fate/Along The Edge (Apocrypha SI) / Chapter 8: Rough Around The Edge

Bab 8: Rough Around The Edge

{Outside the Fotress of Millenia, Transylvania. 2004.}

Frankly, yesterday's events was one of the best outcomes that I could accidentally experience, all without giving away some of the early warnings of my real capabilities.

Oh sure, the pain was absolutely mind breaking once it caught up to me, but everything lined up so fortunately that I had a perpetual grin for the rest of that day. Minus the stumbling around, of course. I was a lot better but I wasn't completely healed by last night.

No. Today I was close to 100%, thanks to my extensive abilities as a spirit surgeon. Just nudge my soul a bit here and there without aggravating the circuits, apply a steady stream of Odic force for an hour and boom - I was right as rain. My personal magecraft was good, but I didn't want to risk the consequences of fully awakening my Origin. The brain damage after Archer and Fiore healed me was localized enough that I felt confident in my chances of casting it.

It was good in small, infrequent doses. With those doses providing a miniscule...let's call it 'adaptation' that added up over the years. The worst symptoms after casting it was a slight disassociation with reality, along with some disorientation and dysmorphia, not lasting more than 12 hours. Bigger versions of it though? With my current circumstances I had no concrete idea what would occur except for some extreme scenarios.

At best, I could hope for getting a full restore followed by a Saiyan style Zenkai boost...and then immediately have my soul ejected out my body.

At worst, I'd convert into a Dead Apostle, mentally turn into a vegetable, or just straight up DIE AGAIN. Maybe even in that order.

Too much risk. This was the culmination of 7 years of my own secretive research for that one spell - Rebound. I just didn't have a proper baseline knowledge of Origin magecraft other than what little I knew of Shirou Emiya from the series. And as experiments had to be done infrequently, and usually after taking serious damage, this was the best I could hope for in this War.

But Oh. Fucking. Boy.

My head was clearer than it has been in ages. My glasses were practically obsolete if I stayed away from Servant level powers.

Looking at Rider or Archer(or god forbid - Lancer) still gave me a moderate headache, but the sight of Fiore?

Nothing. No pain. Only the restrained fountain of prana that eclipsed all of the other Yggdmillenia Masters combined. For all of a second, I had gazed at her aura without a flinch.

Truly, yesterday was a wondrous day(minus the dizziness and vomitting, of course). This Great Holy Grail War was great and worth it.

Today was a different day, however.

Today, I was going to do something that my sister would call idiotic, stupid even.

I feel like it's going to be a trend during this war. I've done some crazy shit during Zugzwang assignments, but that was without a family member to criticise whatever the hell I was doing.

"Thank you for accepting my request, Rider."

We were in one of the empty fields about a half kilometer outside the castle. It was mostly grass, some rock formations, and mounds of dirt and bushes.

"You're welcome, Master. But I do have a question."

"Go ahead." I adjusted the small metal pack strapped on my back, just between my shoulder blades. The rolls of wires inside it weighed a few kilograms.

The pair of pouches strapped to my belt clicked and clacked with 60 spirit marbles. Covering my hands were black leather gloves that were made and enchanted to help shape and control ectoplasm.

I wore a 3 piece suit reminiscent of most M.A. Enforcers. Tactically lined, magically Reinforced, and each piece enchanted with spiritual essence for that extra bit of durability and power.

This was the first time I've worn my entire ass-kicking outfit and equipment, since my first few missions with Zugzwang. It made me feel unbreakable, unstoppable, undefeatable.

One look at the woman in front of me dispelled that entire notion.

"Why do you want to fight me?"

"I want a baseline of sorts. Not just of your abilities, but also to compare my own from yours...but it's mostly curiosity. I don't want to watch you fight golems and homunculi, when they wouldn't even be able to touch you."

Medusa tilted her head. "And you think you can?"

Only if you're holding back enough for my fists to catch you.

I shook my head. "What I think doesn't matter. What does is that I can ALSO run circles around the golems and homunculi. They aren't a good enough measuring stick against a Servant with sufficiently high physical stats...so that just leaves me. Sorry if I disappoint you in the next 5 minutes."

"And yet, you sound confident of your better chances against me. I am a Servant, Master. A battle between me and a human will only end with one result." Her tone wasn't scathing, only repeating the facts provided to her by the Grail.

And with the Greater Grail providing a stronger vessel for the Heroic Spirits than those offshoot Grail Wars, even a Caster could probably match and surpass my physical abilities.

Outside of exceptions and extenuating circumstances like your average Type-Moon protagonist, a modern human, mage or not, cannot hope to defeat a Heroic Spirit in single combat.

"I know, but that doesn't mean I won't try with all my might. And hey, this is a great opportunity, don't you think?"

"And why would that be?"

I rose my arms in a beholding fashion, a yorokobe pose, if you will.

"Both of us are in top condition. Rested and uninjured. Ready to test the other's mettle. We're even supervised by Fei and Archer in case we go overboard." I pointed to the Fortress in the distance, specifically the pair standing on a balcony.

I could barely make out their faces from this distance, but I could clearly feel the glare Fiore was burning through my skull.

Maybe I should rephrase myself from before. Fiore wouldn't call me a stupid idiot; she already did, and was probably saying it as we speak.

A thunderclap echoed in my mind, circulating the meager amount of prana through my circuits for a small boost of energy control.

Rider was unfazed, naturally.

"No element of surprise that puts one side at an advantage. We're fully equipped with our best arsenal on hand. All of this...in a controlled environment. When else can such a situation present itself?"

I took off my glasses and threw them behind me. They'd just get crushed while in my pockets or something.

My eyes immediately ached at the sight of coiling tendris of black and red.

"If it makes you feel better, you can hold back. But I'll warn you right now-"

I shifted to a stance, levelling my balance, left fist forward, an open right hand leveled with my hip.

My breath's rhythm and depth changed, along with my body's connection with nature. Flow State enhancing my mind, body, mana intake, and magical power to beyond the norm.

For a brief moment, I saw a twitch on Rider's face as she summoned her weapons - a pair of large nails with chains connected to them, ending in...metal collars. I guess there were weirder weapons for a Heroic Spirit to wield.

"I won't."

My left hand opened in a pushing motion, 12 spirit marbles flying out in tandem as I dashed right for Medusa.

"Anima. Sibat."

10 marbles formed into transparent falcons; half of them joining my charge, half of them flying high to circle the field.

2 marbles remained in my right, forming ectoplasm into a spear shape. Another marble flew into my left hand, free form ectoplasm ready to be-

-a horizontal glint flashed in my sight-

I ducked under the chakram which sliced 2 charging falcons like paper.

10 meters were cleared in a single stride. With 6 left, I saw more clearly the telltale movement of black and red aura that preceded Rider's movements.

She sent her left chakram in an overhead swing, pulling back her right arm-

-black/silver flashed behind me-

I sidestepped the returning chakram that sheared through a pair of falcons.

A single step before contact, my left arm came forward, bringing along the mass of ectoplasm like a makeshift shield.

The knee she threw broke through it, shattering it into cubed splotches.

My body trembled from the sheer physical impact and whiplash. All my movement decelerating to a fraction of what it was, even as my spear grazed the skin on her shoulder.

I didn't see the other leg until it hit me.

It was honestly...exhilirating to finally fight at this a level. Not even 5 seconds since this fight started, and I'd already crashed into a tree and expended a quarter of my prana reserves. Oh well, I recover quickly anyway.

I pushed myself off the demolished tree trunk and landed on the ground. Hopping in place for a few seconds, my Breath caught up and strengthened me back to full.

Medusa stood there, weapons in hand. Her cautious aura betrayed her casual stance. Strands of ethereal black and silver writhed around her form in frantic but controlled movements - my headache pounded once more.

I couldn't rely purely on my physical senses to guide me. Luckily, that brief exchange allowed a glimpse to what my Pure Eyes could now show me, especially when my eyes couldn't keep up with my spatial awareness.

"Let's do this! Brazo."

Lead wires emerged from the metal pack on my back. Enveloping my upper back, to my shoulders, down to my wrists - turning into lustrous gray-blue sleeves for a consistent layer of protection and a little extra weight to my hands.

"Full Cowl." Five marbles, all of which were wolf spirits, broke into dust inside the pouches.

Amber tinted ectoplasm flowed across my body, adding another layer of armor and a small physical boost, the viscous aura ended in sharp spiking flares around my hands that could be molded and sharpened to tear steel like butter.

I didn't bother using the more intermediate spells of our family - the ones that were truly rooted in the complexities and systems of modern magecraft. Rider's high level Magic Resistance would outright negate any and all of it. So could every knight class Servant in this war.

But the impact of a simple mystical substance? A magical conduit for prana that had no distinct use of Thaumaturgical Foundation?


This is what would allow my attacks to reach them.

I charged again, ready to sharpen myself against the snake shaped whetstone.


Fiore groaned. Face buried in the palms of her hands as she reviewed the past few minutes in exasperation. She watched the ongoing battle in the most convenient way possible - using the link between her and Archer to see through the Servant's eyes.

"He's not performing THAT bad, Master." Archer voiced his opinion. Another crash and boom echoing from a kilometer away. "His style and methods are definitely rough around the edges, but it's clearly a lack of experience against opponents stronger than him. Frankly, I think it's enlightening to see someone of this era grow and adapt so fast against an opponent so much above his level."

He chuckled as he continued. "The last time I've seen someone push their limits and grow so quickly was when Achilles first survived dodge training, avoiding my arrows from sunrise to noon."

The heir of Yggdmillenia groaned again. "That...really isn't what I'm upset about. Wait, on second thought - that's part of the reason I'm upseta."

"...ah. You think this is only going to incentivize him into believing he can actually hold his own against the opposing faction's Servant's."

"Exactly. It's so...so foolish. He's getting beaten handily, yet he keeps getting back up with more bruises each time. His tactics are sound, and I have much faith that Cal can defeat other Masters using those same ones. But he's fighting a Servant! And by our observations, HER, a strong Greek legend. They've been at it for 5 minutes, yet he's still fighting while injured and...is his eye closed? Is it bleeding!? Is he so deluded by his arrogance that he thinks beating a Servant is a realistic result!?"

"And what if he can?"

She blanked at what he said, taken aback by the question.

"Pardon? Archer, if this is a joke- if you're actually joking-" She halted, trying to wrap her head around whatever the wise sage was going to expound about. "Please stop."

Archer gave that same chastising, yet gentle, look that she was beginning to see often. Right now, it served as a slight annoyance. "Master, I feel like you aren't giving your brother enough credit." He turned toward the clashing figures with a contemplative expression. "Rider, at that beginning exchange, she may have underestimated Caules a bit, but at this point she has adjusted her physical abilities to a level below her maximum. She is fast enough to be several steps ahead of him...but Caules is just at the level strength needed to inflict real damage against her. He is even matching Rider's rhythm to a formidable degree. That's not the key factor here, however."


"To reiterate, he is adapting fast. Responding to Rider's attacks a blink before they come, intercepting others, and rolling with the hits that do land on him. His Mind's Eye is being honed, and the harmonious balance of his breath and body is what is allowing him to keep fighting at the state he-"

One last shockwave blew from the battlefield, before they heard a faint "Ow!" in the distance.

"-and now his tibia is broken. Truthfully, he fought well while he lasted." He nodded appreciatively.

Fiore sighed. "Oh thank Root." Then she blinked, as horror set in. "...wait, tibia? HIS LEG IS BROKEN? Archer. Injured brother. Infirmary. Now."

Why was he even going this far!? Wasn't this only supposed to be a spar!?

"At your command, Master." The mentor of heroes chuckled in reminiscence.


"5 minutes...I barely lasted...5 minutes." I panted on the ground, bruised, injured, yet oddly satisfied.

Countering a kick with a kick of my own was probably not the best move I could've done. Especially when I was fighting someone clearly stronger and more durable than me.

Then again, I was out of options anyway. My stamina was kaput, most of this suit was torn and broken. My marbles ran out about a minute into the fight, and so did my wires the minute after.

By that point, I was only relying on Mind's Eye and my improved Pure Eyes on when to dodge, attack, and defend. But I just couldn't keep up with that speed.

If she used anything other than her pure physical abilities? Well, with the Mystic Eyes that made her legend so famous, she wouldn't need to lift a finger, let alone take a step.

It was humbling, and at least I knew where I stood on the Servant scale now - low, but not invalid.

I still had a few cards to pull just in case.

"Do not hold it against yourself, Master. You are a...surprisingly powerful human of this era. From what the Grail informed me, I would not expect a warrior of your caliber to exist in modern times."

"I am-" I huffed in, out, and in. My breath returned. "I'm built different."

"...is that an expression for something, Master? Even with the Grail's knowledge, it didn't provide much on the topic of modern- is vernacular the word?"

"Slang. Idiom. Colloquialism. Yeah, it just means that I've "built" my abilities in a direction different from what's normal."

"I see. For what it is worth, I am sorry for not restraining myself on the last blow." She reached a hand for me to grasp.

I took it, slinging my arm around her shoulder as she propped me up with my good leg. Being of similiar height made it kinda easier. She was pretty tall.

It was too soon to use Rebound again. So sadly I wouldn't be getting that immediate power up. Maybe next week at the latest, but not now.

"Again, thanks for humoring me on this, Rider. I appreciate it."

It was hard to gauge her expression behind the eye mask, but I think it was something close to mirth.

"You are the one with a broken leg and bruised all over. It makes someone question the things you appreciate, Master."

I chuckled. "It's aaalllll about the learning experience, Rider. Also, my name is just Caules when we're not on the field. And to repay this favor...y'know what, how about I pay you back with a date? We can go to Trifas, do some sightseeing, eat dinner, and maybe buy whatever catches your eye. How's that sound? The present era has much to offer...and I command you to have fun while the war hasn't ramped up yet."

...actually, now that I think about it, where the hell was the Church representative in all this? Yggdmillenia may be the supposed 'rebel organization', but under the rules set by the Church, this was still officially declared as a 'Holy War' that could only be fought between 2 oppositions.

Maybe Amakusa Shirou was being held up or something? Oh well, I'll fall over that edge when I get there.

She tilted her head in thought. "Hmm. Are you sure then, Caules? If it intrudes on anything on the schedule, or if you are still injured by then..."

I waved it away with my lone arm. "It'll take me until tomorrow night to get back to full, but I'll be walking straight by tomorrow morning. I heal pretty fast."

She nodded. "It seems so."

"And it seems my Master is once again worried over your being, Caules." Archer appeared.

"Worried? Is that you call the spine chilling glare I'm feeling right now?"

"Familial care indeed comes in different forms and interpretations."

"And I'm interpreting that I'm going to die in the next 5 minutes. Can we reschedule that infirmary visit tooooo never? I'm a professional spirit surgeon with credentials to prove it."

"I apologize. Fiore urgently ordered me to bring you over at once. It likely has something to do with the fact that tonight's dinner will have Sir Prestone announcing the faction's actions going forward."

Oh heck, there was still dinner in 4 hours. I still had to put up with Gordes and Celenike.

Archer offered a hand. "Rider, if I may?"

Rider...simply handed me over to him, to which he princess carried me at a speed faster than a formula race car.

I think I've just been betrayed.

For a split second, I caught sight of the balcony. A squad of medical homuculi stationed and ready with first aid...

...and a stone faced Fiore with an aura of roiling rage.



AN: Another month, another overdue chapter from a lazy author. And here we see your local isekai protagonist getting the shit beat out of him as training...only, he's doing it very willingly.

Next Time! Yggdmillenia plans who to meet who, outside of their homeland advantage! The readers wonder when the Red faction and the real Apocrypha protagonists will be introduced! And will the author ever have a consistent upload schedule!?

I can answer that last one! It is no!

Now time for me to watch Grim Reaper Vtuber lore. Peace ✌️ out.

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