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Bab 15: Chapter 15


Felicia yawn with her hands on her face, covering her mouth.

The three walks to the cafeteria. Attracting people's attention, especially Belle. although some people wonder who's the new girl with a blond but quickly realize it was Aminah.

As they sat down, couple of men started approaching them.

"Hey Belle, are you free later?" the men ask, leaning his body toward with his hand place on the table.

As he leans his body, he covered Artemis sight. Artemis slightly narrowed her eyes but still continue to eat her lunch.

'Eating food is also important as well as sleep' Artemis thought, putting the food into her mouth gracefully.

Just as she finishes munching her food, her plate suddenly knocks over by the man who are talking to Belle.

Artemis look over at her spilled food while Felicia who sit beside Belle, notice the situation, causing her to gasp.

Belle heard Felicia's gasp, she looks over and saw Artemis's eyes narrowed, looking coldly at her spilled food.

Belle and Felicia was shock, they didn't expect to see Artemis having that kind of expression.

'It's okay…mission is more important' Artemis thought, trying to calm herself.

Her cold eyes turn back to gentle look that she put when she's Aminah. The man notices Belle's attention suddenly changes, he looks back to see who Belle's looking.

Luckily for him, he didn't see the coldness that Artemis emitted earlier. He saw Artemis food was spilled; he notices his arm near to Artemis food.

"Oh Shit! I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean it!" the man apologizes, although he felt not so apologetic unlike his word but he felt he should sound much more apologetic as Belle is watching him.

"…No, it's okay" Artemis coldly said while fixing her glasses with her middle finger, as if she's insulting him.

The man secretly gritted his teeth, he knew what was Artemis was doing. 'That bitch, luckily Belle is here or I might…ughh!!' he thought.

Belle chuckle silently with her hand covering her mouth, while felicia look at the man with a furrowed look on her face.

"Hey! At least pay back Aminah's food!" Felicia stood up, she shouted at the man with an annoyed look on her face.

"No, it's fine, I'll be right back in a moment" Artemis said, she stands up and look at Belle and Felicia with a slight smile on her face to reassured them.

Artemis walk out with her plate on her hand. Just as she's about to leave, she bumps into one of the delinquents.

"Hey!! Watch where you're going you bitch!!" the female delinquent shouted at Artemis, grabbing Artemis collar out of habit.

But due to the height difference, the female delinquent had to stand in her toes to look more taller while struggling to pull Artemis's head down.

Artemis head stayed the same while the back of her neck hurt due to the delinquent struggling to pull down her collar.

Artemis is already in a bad mood when her food was spilled, this incident didn't help it as it even make it worse.

This scene was seen by all of the people in the canteen, including Belle and Felicia who's about to help her.

Artemis look down and coldly stare at the delinquent, as if the delinquent was the one who was supposed to be bullied and Artemis being a delinquent.

[Agent 3L1: that female student is one of the people who join the plan]

Agent 3L1 mentioned when he saw the scene with the help of the CCTV camera.

"Let go" Artemis ordered her with a cold voice, narrowing her eyes as she glares at the female delinquent.

The female delinquent can only see Artemis expression as Artemis back is facing the people's sight while the female delinquent face can be seen clearly.

"Che!" The female delinquent clicks her tongue and let go of Artemis collar before walking out.

Artemis look back to see the female delinquent's back walking towards the east side, not towards Belle and Felicia.

Just as she turns her back, she saw five delinquents entering while some of them holding a bat and a hidden gun.

The delinquents didn't recognize Artemis due to the new color of her hair. They walk pass her and walk towards belle, as they walk, some delinquents smack their bat on the table to fear the students.

Belle saw them walking toward her direction, her eyes narrowed as she observes their actions.

The delinquents arrive at Belle's table, they gave her a creepy smile before taking out a knife from his back pocket. The man points his knife at Belle's neck, he took a step closer while having a wide creepy smile on his face.

When this happened, the man who was "flirting" with Belle immediately took a step back to help Belle, trying to be a hero but just as he spoke, he was punch in the stomach by the other delinquents.

"Hey!! Get your knife away from he—ugrghhkk!!" A clean punch was made, he punches right in the gut causing him to lose consciousness after a second of getting punch.

While Felicia stood up, she picks up her plate but before she could throw it into the man's face who was threatening Belle with a knife, someone grab her at the back, putting her arms on below Felicia's soldier to stop her from throwing the plate.

"Move one more time bitch and I'll also make you unconscious like that dickhead" the woman who are holding Felicia threatened her as she put her hand on Felicia's neck, actioning to strangle her.

While this was going on, the student who witness this scene was terrified to help them while the other student attempt to leave the cafeteria only left to see other delinquents guarding the exits and the entrance.

"If you're thinking of leaving, you might as well leave this world" the man who's beside the other man who are threatening Belle spoke, he laughs as he spoke.

"Belle I'll let you off if you go on your knees and pant like a dog" the man holding a knife said with a creepy smile and his eyes narrowed in a creepy way.

Going back to Belle.

Belle didn't have an ounce of fear on her as if she didn't have a knife pointing at her neck.

The man who lost consciousness woke up, he coughs as he tried to speak but the man holding a knife glance at his other delinquent and ordered him to kick his body until he loses consciousness again.

Seeing that the man was distracted, Belle immediately grab his wrist and squeeze his hand causing to loosen his grip to the knife.

"ARRRRGGHH!! You bitch!!!" the man yelled in pain as he tried to get Belle's hand off of his wrist, which is a bad move.

Belle immediately kick the knife away from them, she was about to kick the man but she felt something pointing at her head.

It was a gun that was pointed on her head, the man who threatened the other student held the gun tightly.

"KYAAAAA!!!" "AAAAHHH!!!" the student started to shout when they saw the gun pointing at Belle's head.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!! OR ELSE!!" the man holding the gun yelled, looking annoyed as he glares at the students.

He let his guard down. Artemis immediately grab his wrist and took the gun, she swiftly put the gun on her back while pushing the man's face downward with her hands.

The amount of pressure she put to her hands was enough for an apple to be crush.


A loud thud was heard, the sound echoed inside the building. The students who are quiet was shock to see Artemis action and was terrified to hear a loud thud coming from the man's head when he fell.

"Guuh!!" the man grunted before passing out, his eyes turned white when he lost consciousness.

"Is-is he dead?" Felicia asks, the hand that was holding her loosen up. Felicia notices the hand loosen, she took the chance and grab the hands off her and push the delinquent before running towards Artemis side.

"Don't worry, I lessened my strength" Artemis replied, cracking her fingers.

Blood started oozing from the man's head but unfortunately for him nobody notices it except for Artemis who are secretly smiling at him.

The other delinquent was stunned to see Cris was knock out by some girl who don't look like she can fight.

"So? Do you want to fight? And became like him?" Artemis spoke, provoking the other delinquents.

"Tsk! Don't mock us!!" Matt clicks his tongue and yelled before attacking Artemis.

He straight into Artemis with knife on his hand, he thrust his knife towards Artemis.

Artemis grab his hand and pulling it forward to the side, scooting inside of his arm, grabbing his leg by the pants and pulling it upward, doing Sukui Nage.



Matt fell down with his back falling first. Due to the sudden movement, he loosens his grip to his knife.

After seeing Matt fall, Bethany rush to Artemis while swinging her bat. Artemis the bat that was swinging mid-way, causing Bethany widen her eyes.

"What?! Are you a monster?!" Bethany couldn't help but shout when she tried to take back her bat but failed as Artemis grip is strong.

Artemis only smile at her before raising her leg when Bethany backs up a little, Artemis hit her face with her leg, front leg axe kicking her.

"Agghh!!!" Bethany let out a groan, bloods drip from the corner of her mouth because she accidentally bit her tongue when Artemis kick her in the face, causing her to lose unconsciousness.

Artemis drop the bath that she's holding, she looks at her side was taken aback to see the scene.

At her side, a bunch of unconscious delinquents laying on the floor where Belle standing in the middle and Felicia on her side.

"Oh? I didn't know you know martial art" Artemis was shock and amazed, she looks at Belle with amazed look on her eyes.

"Of course, I have to because of my position and I don't like that my dad keeps hiring bodyguards for me" Belle smile, she patted her hands to get rid of the non-existence dust on her hand.

"Heh, that must've suck" Artemis let out a chuckle when she heard Belle's word.

"You bet" it was Felicia who answered, she pops her head out on Belle's shoulder.


The sound of students clapping echoed the whole room. The delinquents who were blocking the entrance of canteen are knockout by the drone that Agent 3L1 controlled.

Because of that, some students call the teachers and call the police by their phone.

"Are you okay?" Artemis ask Belle, she turn her body towards her to have a better view of her body, observing if there's any injuries on Belle's body.

"Yeah, I'm okay, how about you?" Belle responded; she asks back while looking at Artemis.

"I'm good, how about you Felicia?" Artemis answered with a smile before asking about Felicia's condition.

"I'm good, I'm good!" Felicia responds with a wide grin on her while giving a v sign on her hand.


"Thank you for your cooperation, Miss Foster" the principal thanks her privately when no one was around, he reaches his out and so as Artemis, shaking his hand.

"It's nothing, it's my mission" Artemis said before letting go of his hand and walking away, going toward where Belle and Felicia are.

"Sir, I've taken all of the student's identity, I would like their families contact for us to contact them later at the police station" The policeman approaches the principal after Artemis went away.

"Ah, yes please follow me" The principal let out a sigh before leading the policeman to his office.

"Why did he talk to you Aminah?" Belle ask when she saw Artemis walking back to them.

"He wanted to thank me" Artemis lie without breaking a sweat, she fixes her glasses as she spoke.

"Do you know why the delinquents started this?" The policewoman asks the three, she approach them and suddenly ask.

"No, but from my guess they attack because of Belle" Artemis replied to the policewoman as she looks down, she fixes her glasses that are started slipping from her ears.

The policewoman was intimidated by Artemis stare due to the height difference. She slightly tremble, she looks into Artemis eyes and couldn't help but have a goosebump all over her body.

"I assume they have someone backing them up for them do it this time since from what I've heard, they didn't attack Belle" Artemis added.

The policewoman was slightly, she didn't expect for Artemis to let out all this detail for a college student.

"Are perhaps studying for criminology?" the policewoman asks, she look up at Artemis with bright eyes.

"No" Artemis responded.

"Ahem, then how about you Miss Thompson? Do you know the reason why they attack you?" the policewoman cough, trying to hide the embarrassment, she asl Belle this time.

"No, I don't know, I've never met them" Belle answer the policewoman without hesitation while slightly look down.

"I also don't know!" Felicia added her answer cheerfully, she pops out her head to side while widely grinning.

"…Is that so" The policewoman spoke before leaving and walking toward the other students.

Silv3rRos3 Silv3rRos3

HEEEYY!! Author here!! Is the action scene, okay? If so, I’m glad! Anyway!! Thank you for reading this chapter and have a nice day~!!

i totally didn't forget to update!! (´-﹏-`;)(٥↼_↼)(「`・ω・)「

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