Edward carefully placed the sphere containing the Black Clover World before heading toward his next direction. He did not have to go to the Star Trek Worl since he received a message from Olivier that the clone took a World Gate and returned home on their own. So, Edward decided to go straight to Konosuba.
"Morgana, let's test the new Travel System."
In the past few years, Edward finally completed Rowena's research for using Void Energy to travel in the Void.
"Starting the Void Core Engine," said Morgana as a holographic screen appeared in front of her. A few seconds later, she said: "Everything seems normal so far. Let's begin the launch."
She instructed the Void Energy in the core engine to take them to their destination, and it did so.
The Gate disappeared before reappearing, traveling an unquantifiable distance.
"Did we succeed?" asked Edward.
"Let me check," replied Morgana as she tapped on the keyboards floating on her. "Our calibration was off. We are now three days away from the Konosuba World."
"Three Days? How long would the journey normally take?"
"With the Floating City, three months. With the World Gate, five years."
"A significant improve, but the technology has a long way to go."
His desire is that he can travel to any world from his memories by instructing Void Energy. However, so far, he can only go to places he has the coordinate to, and he still did not instantly arrive at his destination.
"Did you find the errors we made?"
"Yes, I've identified the problem, and there should be no problem fixing them before we return home."
"Alright, I'll leave it to you. Let's descent."
The World Gate entered invisible mode before entering the world. Immediately afterward, Morgana picked up a signal from the Floating City, so she locked on its position and directly teleported to its location.
Edward found himself on top of a castle. After sensing the position of the Floating City and the others, he finally descended.
Someone jumped on him as soon as he exited before suffocating him with a pair of soft things.
"I would gladly die like this," said Edward with a muffled voice. Fleur finally let him go.
"I miss you."
"I miss you too," he replied while holding her. " Already Tier 7? It seems you guys benefited greatly from this trip. "
"We did alright," answered Fleur with a smile.
"Where are the others?"
Before Fleur could respond, the others walked out of the room.
"What's wrong with you two?" asked Edward after seeing the disheveled states of Hermione and Lily. They had heavy bags under their eyelids as if they had not slept for long.
Not sleeping for dozens of years is not a problem with their strength. So, their situation could only be explained by stress and pressure.
"They did this to themselves," said Fleur while gloating.
"What happened?"
"Lily suddenly got competitive and wanted to finish her research before you arrived. Apparently, this began because of an argument with Snape. As for Hermione, she got into something above her weight class."
Lily and Hermione gave her a dangerous stare, but she did not care. Hermione got into Edward's arm, taking a comfortable rest: she snuggled him like he was a giant teddy bear.
"Alright, let's talk inside."
The group walked inside before talking about their experience. Edward spent almost 50 years in the Black Clover World, so his story was quite long. However, only ten years had passed for this group, so their story was briefer than theirs.
"Something tells me your experience was not normal," said Hermione.
"Old Merlin probably chose that timeline to test me. Apparently, I disappoint him in the final result."
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, but I should follow his advice. We need to prepare in advance for the worse."
"I see."
"So, where is Filius?"
"After defeating the Demon King, he became a bard for a while before we send them to the other dimensions under the Gods' control," replied Fleur.
"Oh, what are they like?"
"They are essentially the other Isekai Worlds that you often mentioned from Primordial Earth."
"So, this world is a combination of many Isekai Worlds? And the Gods are responsible for sending people from Earth into these worlds?"
Edward nodded before saying to Lily and Hermione: "You two need some sleep."
"Indeed," muttered Lily before leaving with Snape. Then, Edward tucked Hermione into bed before spending some family time with Fleur. He was amazed as her Succubus Bloodline seemed to have evolved, granting her some ability that brought him to cloud nine.
Then, after Hermione rested properly, she joined in on the fun; the couple did not leave their bedrooms for the next week. Finally, Edward walked into Hermione's lab to see her research.
She handed him the data while explaining:
"In the past few years, I've managed to recreate Konosuba's Magic System. I can recreate them all, whether it is the Adventure Card, the Job Class Bloodline, the Skill Points, or others."
Edward looked at the data. She created a pocket dimension for her experiment and modified it to be similar to the Konosuba World. Clones were then sent to change class and level up, and they succeeded.
'Karma Empowerment too?' thought Edward.
"So, what's the problem?"
"The problem is after discovering the other dimensions. I've since realized that the limit of my modification was only Tier 3. No matter what I did, I could not raise the ceiling of this world."
"The other dimensions have a higher ceiling?"
"I've found a dimension with a power ceiling of Tier 6, and they used Karma Empowerment or Karma Energy as well in the form of a system you often see in Isekai."
"So, you've tried to recreate the System and failed?"
"Basically, and it's driving me crazy since I succeeded with Konosuba."
"To be fair, Konosuba's System is a knock-off version. They do not have Status Window like in the others and must rely on the Adventure Card," said Fleur.
Hermione glanced at her and decided to ignore her.
"I thought the problem was the energy level of the dimension. So, I expanded its size and inserted a lot more mana. But it was useless. Then, I thought the problem was I needed more karma. So, I developed an enchantment to gather Karma from the people of Earth and added it to the Dimension.
"This plan did show signs of removing the limit, but it still failed in the end, and I cannot find why."
"What is the difference between the Konosuba Dimension and the others–besides the ceiling level?" he asked.
"There are many, but the main one is the others do not require a bloodline for different job classes. If someone meets the stats and levels requirements or only does a specific quest, they can change class.
"Furthermore, there are some dimensions where the concept of class is non-existent. With enough skill points, you can learn any techniques or spells.
"So, what do you think? Do you have a solution?"
Hermione found Karma Energy fascinating. It's quite the versatile power, with the ability to increase stats with no repercussion, and allows individuals to instantly master knowledge and use it as if they were reflexes.
If such a power were used wisely, the Empire's overall strength would grow at an alarming rate. So, she wanted to succeed.
Edward did not answer her but looked through the data, analyzing everything. He also studied Karma, so he was knowledgeable in the subject. A few minutes later, he said: "What you need is Karma Authority to serve as the core of the Dimension."
"Yes. With the Karma Authority, you can modify the dimension similar to Law Manipulation Power. You establish the rules and boundaries of that dimension: how much Karma can a person receive after killing a creature, how much is required to level up, what can Skill Points be used, and what is the highest level, etc.
"I've brought a group of creatures–devils and angels–who can naturally generate positive and negative karma; they would be perfect for reinforcing the dimension and making it operate smoother."
"Devil and Angel?" muttered Hermione, her eyes lit up as she figured out something. "The same role that the Gods and Devils of this world plays."
"Your idea is good and all, but I do not meet the Willpower requirement to use Conceptual Magic. So, how am I going to access [Authority]?"
"Have you really become stupid?" said Fleur. "You can cast a weapon like the Time and Death Staff."
Hermione slapped her forehead. "How could I forget this? It's really not good to work while sleep-deprived. Alright, let's get started on designing this thing. Let's call it Karma Staff. No, that's too basic, but let's use it for now."
While talking to herself, she began to type something, ignoring these two. She also scheduled some sleeping time for herself; she did not want to return to the previous state.
"So, how is your research?" asked Edward.
"Excellent. And I might have found a way to complete Project Dragon God."
Fleur displayed her data to Edward before she continued to explain.
"You know we've been struggling to recreate the other Dragon Kings Bloodline, most likely because they are alive. However, after studying the bloodline of an ancient dragon in this world, I found many subtle differences that may be the result of the different laws of the universe.
"So, I plan to use these differences to create a new set of Dragon King Bloodline before fusing them. And I've already got some success."
Edward looked at the data. Fleur had already recreated the Fire Dragon King by combining the bloodline of the Konosuba's Ancient Dragon and Harry Potter's regular fire dragon. She also researched the dragons in the other dimensions and added them to her research.
She even compared the complexity of the Dragon Fire King's bloodline to the Albion's Thunder Dragon King Bloodline and the Water Dragon King Bloodline back in the Empire. And so far, there were no problems–especially in terms of potential.
The Dragon God Project is Edward's possible way of reaching Tier 12, so he played great attention to the final result.
"So, what do you think?"
"There is no detectable issue as of now," replied Edward. "The only problem is the Dragon Race's inherited memories and Dragon Chant Magic."
"The Neo Fire Dragon King can pass down its magic through inherited memory, but it has no access to the memories from our universe. I've taught him how to use Dragon Chant, and he quickly mastered it since the magic is tailored for his kind.
"However, since we do not know all the Dragon Chant's knowledge, I don't know its limitation."
Edward did not answer her. Instead, he frowned as he analyzed the data deeper.
"If you're worried about that, we could probably find a way for the Neo Fire Dragon King to replace the one in our universe and access the Dragon Clan's inheritance. Well, maybe not replace, but tricked whatever system they used to access that knowledge."
"Great idea, but this is not what I'm worried about. You overlooked something."
"Oh, what is it?"
"We know the Dragon Kings can reincarnate after they die. As long as another dragon in the universe has a bloodline pure enough, they will inherit the title, memories, and powers of the Dragon King, essentially replacing the dead one.
"Your Neo Fire Dragon King is missing that aspect in his bloodline."
Fleur looked at the hologram, focusing on the part he pointed out.
"You're right. However, isn't that a good thing? We don't want the Old Dragon Kings to use our creations to reincarnate."
The Neo Dragon King has an extremely pure bloodline on par with the old ones, so they are the perfect vessel for reincarnation.
"Your worries are not unfounded. But, it would be best if our Neo Dragon Kings had a similar but separate Reincarnation System. That way, once one of them dies, we do not have to spend a lot of time and resources to recreate them."
"That's a good idea. I'll work on that."
Now that she had a direction for her work, Fleur was extra motivated. Then, she suddenly remembered something and said: "Don't forget to go meet your new wife?"
"I have a new wife?"
"Of course, Wiz. But you have to woe her."
Edward gave her a strange look while looking at Hermione through his side eye. After seeing no reaction, he calmly nodded without saying much.
"By the way, how many women did you bring this time?" asked Fleur, while Hermione also secretly listened in the corner.
"Really? I don't think you're that well behaved."
"Hehe, there were a few meaningless flings. I guess I can't say they were meaningless: happy memories, more likely. As for meaningful connections? Only one but things did not work out."
"Oh, did the mighty Arcane Emperor get his heart broken?" said Fleur as she pinched his face. Edward pushed her hand away. "I'm not that fragile."
"Honestly speaking, are you okay?" she asked as she caressed his hair.
"It's not my first rejection, and it won't be my last."
"That's a good mindset to have. Alright, I have to go back to my research."
Edward nodded before walking to Lily's lab, where she waited for him. Before entering, he saw Severus waiting at the door, signaling him with his head, to which Edward nodded back to indicate he understood.
So, he sat in front of her.
"What's going on? Why don't you want my help?"
"Honestly, the situation has nothing to do with you. I was talking with Severus about the trouble I was having in my research, and he told me to take my time. And if I could not succeed, you would help once you arrived.
"And for some reason, I suddenly snapped at him; we argued, and I wanted to prove him wrong by finishing the project before you arrived."
"I see. Did you find the real cause of your trouble?" asked Edward.
"After you arrived, I activated my Tower Spirit (A.I) Psychoanalysis Mode and discovered my outburst resulted from some problems back home."
"Yes. Apparently, I have some subconscious guilt about how I treated him. And when Severus said these words, I burst out and lashed out. Things are better now."
"So, what will you do when you return?" asked Edward.
"Couple Therapy. The three of us must go to therapy to figure this marriage out. Otherwise…"
"That's a good idea. Nevertheless, you should talk to Snape; he's worried about you."
"Yes, I do owe him an apology. I" ll talk to him."
Edward nodded before sighing. "Now that we are on the topic of apology, I would also like to take this opportunity to apologize again for my actions regarding James."
"There is no need for that, as I understood your behavior."
"Nevertheless, I still appreciate your understanding and forgiveness."
Lily smiled and nodded.
"Alright, show me your research."
Lily displayed the hologram projection to show him the data while explaining some things.
"I've reproduced most of the capability of the Divine Spark and even made some optimization."
She then showed him a design of the Arcane Spark she designed.
"The Arcane Spark can turn faith into mana. And unlike the Divine Spark, where the conversion is only temporary, this one is permanent. So, Arcanists can have another way to rapidly increase their mana through faith.
"A new magical path could even begin with this method."
Edward frowned after hearing this; he had never been a true fan of the whole concept of Godhood and Faith. If Arcanists walked the path of Faith, then it is only a matter of time before the universe reverts to its former self once he overthrows the Gods–even if faith was never poisonous to the soul.
"What's the situation about the Faith?"
"According to our study, the limit of purification that the sparks provide is Tier 7. After that, there are signs of contamination.
Edward read the research's date. The group captured the most powerful God in Heaven and the Devil Lord ruling the underworld. Both were Tier 7 and had an organ similar to the Divine Spark.
The Heaven Ruler absorbed faith, while the Devil Lord absorbed negative emotions. Their sparks can purify faith and negative emotions, but only to a limit. At their Tier, their souls have already displayed some signs of corruption.
"Any idea on how to fix the issue?"
"Yes, I plan to combine the Spark with the Divine Flame to enhance the purification process."
"Excellent idea. What else?"
"I've replicated most of the Divine Sparks abilities except for the method to use Karma Empowerment. In our battle with these two rulers, they used a Sacred Spell that reached Tier 8. We would have been in serious danger if not for the Floating City."
Lily showed the data to him. In her research, she created different Tiers clones before using some of Hermione's research to transfer positive and negative Karma onto these clones.
Then, she had them create their own Arcane Speak and use Sacred Spells. The Tier 1- Tier 3 Clones could use Sacred Spells to cast a spell one tier higher than themselves. However, the Arcane Spark no longer functioned from Tier 4 to higher. The Sacred Spells could boost the spell's strength, but it could not reach one Tier higher as the Heaven Ruler could.
Edward's eyes lit up after seeing this research. The angels and devil in Black Clover could also use their Karma to slightly boost their spells. And they could do it because of the difference in their souls. In contrast, the gods in this world can do it because of the Divine Spark.
Immediately, Edward began to combine the two research. He modified the Arcane Spark to temporarily modify an arcanist's soul frequency to be similar to the Konosuba Gods or Devils, thus allowing them to use their Karma and the perfect Sacred Spell.
"That should work," said Lily as she looked at the designed changes. Edward then sends her his research on devils and angels. "You can experiment on them independently to finish the design."
"Devils and angels? I wonder how these devils are different from this world?" muttered Lily as she gathered the data of both species to compare. Meanwhile, Edward saw she was deep in focus, so he left.
He did not forget to signal Snape that he could enter. Edward wanted to spend a little more time with his wives, but they ignored him on the account that they were busy. So, he finally went to meet Wiz.
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