[If you are interested in reading 10 chapters ahead, go check out my Pa.tr.eon with the link https://www.patréon.com/LazySageDao, or just type in my writer's name on the website. The plot is getting exciting there and you guys can support me in any way you can.
Additionally, go read my other novel [Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor] and [The Otsutsuki Clan: A Legacy of Blood and Destruction], it's a Naruto Fanfic with an evil MC born in the Otsutsuki clan.
Join the discord: https://discord.gg/bnsezTApeY]
After the attack, Ghilanna led the team back to the Federation's Headquarters. After a few consecutive space jumps, they finally arrived at their destination.
The Intergalactic Federation's headquarters was an enormous castle floating not on a planet but on a massive piece of land that had been artificially created.
This land mass is probably three times the size of planet Earth if it was folded into a plane, and the castle essentially encapsulated the entire floating continent.
The group landed on the designated area for the spaceships before separating. Augustus and Auron headed to their quarters while Ghilanna had to make an official report.
As she walked to her destination, she observed the entire castle. It was primarily white with a little gold added to the color scheme. The whole architecture gave up a pure and noble atmosphere.
A giant carving of a golden scale stood at the center, which was the symbol of the Federation. Countless races or species walked by the carving, all of which would take a few seconds to pay their respects.
Flying was forbidden in this place, so everyone had to walk, including Ghilanna. However, she did not mind. For hundreds of years, she has walked the roads of this castle, and each time, she marveled at its grandeur, majesty, and its symbolism.
After a few minutes of walking, she finally entered the castle. The guards at the entrance did not stop her. However, Ghilanna did not criticize them for not following procedure as she knew that the castle was enchanted to detect her identity.
If someone was posing as her, there were many ways to detect it.
While walking to her destination, everyone who recognized her would stand up and salute her, and she would nod in return. Soon, she arrived at her destination in front of an office.
She waited outside for a few seconds before the door automatically opened, and she entered. Inside was a desk full of papers, and a man was writing with a feather pen, intensely focused.
Oddly though, there was no ink on the desk for him to dip in, but he appeared to never run out of ink despite never stopping writing since Ghilanna entered the room.
"Hmm, how did the mission go?"
"Something unexpected occurred."
"Oh, what is it?"
"The Arcane Empire is not a Tier 6 Civilization but a Tier 8 one."
The man finally paused his writing and raised his head. He had glasses on and a handsome face with fair skin. He was dressed like a nobleman from the renaissance period.
In general, he looked human, except his ears were slightly pointy but not as pointed as Ghilanna's.
That meant he was a half-elf.
"Are you sure about this?" asked the president.
"Yes. When we first arrive, I felt the power of their Tier 8 weapons. I will not be mistaken." Then, she proceeded to tell him in detail about everything that occurred during their visit, including their conjectures about the Empire.
The president–Galvin Thesalor–had a pondering look on his face. He then waved his hand, and a piece of paper floated to him.
"I have noticed this Arcane Empire in the past few years. A few Casters from there had briefly shown up in many places all over the galaxy.
"They all have a few things in common: their magic system is very unique and special. It is instant and does not focus on one element, thus making it very versatile. The odd part is that most of them can use Space Movement Spell, making them deadly casters.
"On top of everything, all these 'Arcanists," as they called themselves, individually, can confront 3 to 5 Casters of the same Tier and still be victorious. And according to our information, this estimation might be on the lower side."
"Both the Arcane Emperor and Queen gave me a terrifying feeling. I had a hunch that even if I was 1 Tier higher than them, I might lose to them in a confrontation," said Ghilanna.
"Come to think of it, even the ambassador who received me gave me the same feeling."
"A genius that can fight higher Tier? I did not think I would meet someone like this in such a backward galaxy," said Galvin. He knew that as a Divine Mercenary, Ghilanna was granted the ability to sense danger by her God.
So, he trusted her words.
"If this was only one person, talent could explain this phenomenon. But 3 of them, something is obviously wrong," continued the president.
"Any ideas on the reason?" asked Ghilanna.
"The only explanation I can think of is that their magic system is unique and powerful. You said that their society was a combination of magic and technology?"
"From what little we saw, it appeared so."
"That is concerning."
Magic and technology could be considered two extremes that perfectly suit one another in terms of development.
Magic relies heavily on individual talent to develop, while technology relies on a large population and time.
A magical civilization could remain stagnant for hundreds of years on some planets in the universe. Then one talented individual showed up and rapidly advanced that civilization by hundreds if not thousands of years in just a few decades.
However, the moment that individual dies or disappears, said civilization could once again become stagnant and regress.
Meanwhile, technology will usually progress linearly. One individual could rapidly advance their civilization, then the people he left behind will pick up on his work and improve on it.
That way, through countless generations, technological civilizations can slowly progress--unless they destroy themselves first in war or some dangerous inventions.
Another difference between these two paths is how they view knowledge. Magical civilizations believe that only the talented/wealthy are worthy of gaining access to knowledge. This is in part due to how rare magical resources are in general.
Meanwhile, technological civilizations advocates for education and widespread knowledge for everyone.
In a world where knowledge literally equates to power, having many people educated and mastering extraordinary power is not beneficial to the current ruling class of the universe.
As such, techno-magical civilizations are considered one of the civilization models with the most potential in the universe. Especially if they managed to reach the stage where they can mass-produce magical resources.
The concept of mass production is essentially non-existent in magical civilizations since they focused so much more on individualism; they valued individuals with a high potential above everything else.
As such, any high-level techno-magical civilizations are usually placed on a watch list of the Gods and are often targeted for eradication once they appear to be pausing a threat.
"Sir, what do we do about them then?"
Galvin pondered for a moment. "I remember in the information we gathered, and it was stated that some of these Arcanists left the Empire because they could not accept how much control the Emperor had over them. We could try to contact these people and see if they could join our side and learn something from them.
"We will also try to find the source of their Tier 8weapons."
Ghilanna nodded, but she did not think things would be that simple. The feeling that the Emperor gave him was that he was very meticulous in doing things.
She even suspected that her attack was orchestrated by him for a reason.
"How is the current situation with the rogue Death God?" she asked.
"The situation has worsened," replied the president with a big sigh. "Based on the recent information, the entire Milky Way Galaxy was blocked by a powerful magical weapon, preventing anyone from entering or leaving.
"Right now, we cannot contact any other branches, let alone the main one."
"Is it that powerful?"
"We do not know for sure. However, one department has theorized that this God might have an artifact of the Magus race."
"What? Is this for real?"
"Although there is strong evidence to support that theory, there is nothing conclusive as of now," replied Galvin while massaging his temple.
Meanwhile, Ghilanna took a deep breath to calm down.
"The Magus Race, Rulers of the Old Era. If they are involved, things will become truly complicated."
Galvin did not respond as he knew more than her about the severity of the situation.
"We need a plan to survive this catastrophe," said Ghilanna.
"You're right. Currently, our best option is to gather the power of all three Tier 8 Civilizations and band together," replied Galvin, who paused for a brief moment.
"Maybe the appearance of the Arcane Empire is not a bad thing given the current situation."
Meanwhile, back home, Edward was preparing for a very important day, a day that would be forever remembered in the history book of the Empire.
Next Chapter Title: Live Broadcast
[If you are interested in reading 10 chapters ahead, go check out my Pa.tr.eon with the link https://www.patréon.com/LazySageDao, or just type in my writer's name on the website. The plot is getting exciting there and you guys can support me in any way you can.
Additionally, go read my other novel [Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor] and [The Otsutsuki Clan: A Legacy of Blood and Destruction], it's a Naruto Fanfic with an evil MC born in the Otsutsuki clan.
Join the discord: https://discord.gg/bnsezTApeY]
To all the people of the Empire living in different Star Systems, today was a momentous day. Most workplaces were closed or replaced with golems for this day, giving all citizens a free paid day.
People from all walks of life, from the most powerful Tier 6 Arcanist to children in their 3rd to 4th year of school, from politicians in the Council to business people in charge of corporations worth billions of Arcane Coins: all of them turned on the television at the same time to wait.
Then, the screen changed to Edward, who had a scrub on with gloves on. A table was in front of him with a black cover over it. Medical tools and a few floating magic circles are displayed around him and in the background.
"Hello, my fellow citizens. How has your day been going?" began Edward with a smile.
"Today, we will begin a new education program spear towards removing some of the common myths, fears, or ideologies you may have towards certain things or species in the universe.
"And for our first episode, we will begin with a God."
After saying that, he removed the cover, showing the thing underneath: it was Herpo. His body did not have his cloak, and he was as pale as white paint, close to 3 meters tall, and very skinny.
After hearing what the Emperor said, the people were shocked, but their attention and intention were piqued.
"Gods are known in the universe as supreme beings that elicit worship and awe of all races and species. They are mighty, and they can be considered the ruler of this universe."
Edward paused for a moment to let his words simmer a little:
"However, if you think about the information regarding them logically, there are many odd things regarding them. Mortals can worship them, and after they die, their souls can ascend to the Divine Kingdom of whatever God they worshiped.
"However, a little piece of information not known to many–or should I say purposely hidden–is the fact that these Gods require the faith of people to become powerful. The more people who believe in them, the higher Tiers they can reach.
"In essence, they are a parasitic species that require other living creatures to grow and even exist."
The citizens watching at home or in other places became even more fascinated; The Emperor revealed the universe's secrets to them, which was a genuinely intoxicating feeling.
In the future, the Empire will come in contact with the Gods. Some wise people could see the other significance of this live broadcast. If any of them try to spread faith in the territory of the Empire, well, they would be in for a rude awakening.
This broadcast will ensure that no citizens of the Empire have any awe or respect for these Gods–except for maybe their strength. If you want them to revere any God and dedicate their lives to them, all they would think about is how their Emperor once used such a being as an example for an education program.
"The God in front of me is a Tier 8 one, which means that he can destroy the Solar System with one attack. Although he is not considered one of the upper ones in terms of strength, he is still in the middle-upper level."
His words shocked people as the knowledge up to Tier 6 is currently publicly available to ordinary citizens. However, the people had to quickly focus as Edward did not give them time to process the information this time.
"We will begin the dissection by cutting his skin."
A scalpel flew into Edward's hand, and he tried to cut off Herpo's skin vertically from his head down to his torso. Unfortunately, the scalpel only created a slight white dent on his skin.
"As you can see, the skins are very durable. This scalpel is made of one of the hardest metals currently available. Now, let's try a highly concentrated laser scalpel."
A scalpel with a short red laser appeared in his hand, and he tried to cut the skin again but to no avail.
"Preliminary analysis is that this God is immune to physical damage and some technological weapons. The level of immunity is yet to be determined. Now, let's try magic," commented Edward before a few more scalpels floated in front of him, and he tried each of them.
"Note: this God also has high immunity to magics like Wandcract, Draconic Chant, and Sorcery. However, Arcane Rune Magic seemed to be functional."
With the final scalpel, he finally cut off Herpo's skin, and blood trickled down after the process. However, a few seconds later, the cut healed itself.
"Even incapacitated, the subject has a natural healing factor. The color of its blood is golden instead of red. Now, let us see whether a high concentration of mana can negate the healing factor."
One of the magic circles in the room activated to inject mana into the cut that Edward made, preventing it from closing. So, he removed all the skins from Herpo's body.
"The muscles of the subject are black, which could be because it controlled the power of Death. However, more data is required to prove this conjecture.
"Additionally, based on basic data gathered by the magic circles, the density of the subject is between 3000 to 400- times that of an ordinary human, granting it unimaginable physical prowess."
He then cut other parts while people all over the Empire watched with fascination, unable to remove their eyes from the screen. Thie individual being dissected was a mighty God, and this fact has not entirely escaped their mind.
Meanwhile, Edward was already profoundly concentrating on the task at hand:
"No magic veins, energy veins, or organs of similar function are detected. The bones are also black, and the density is a few thousand times that of humans.
"All bones are connected with no cartilages or connective tissues. However, the bones seemed to be very flexible for all types of intricate movements despite their density. It is to the point that it is comparable to elastic.
"Fascinating. There are no other organs besides the heart."
After opening Herpo's rib cage, a heart seemed to be inside his body with blood vessels connected to his skin, bones, and muscles.
"There are no respiratory systems, no reproductive system, nothing besides the heart that pumps blood."
Then, he proceeded to dissect the heart to analyze it.
"The blood seemed to be created and transported from the heart. Additionally, a large quantity of divine energy is discovered inside each drop of blood. However, this amount is still small for a Tier 8 individual.
"Now, let's check the brain."
Edward proceeded to open Herpo's skull before dissecting it.
"The subject's brain appears to be no different from a typical human's brain with a few changes. The main objective seemed to be holding the entrance to the Soul Dimension.
"Based on the data gathered, both the heart and the brain seemed to have little effect on a God. If destroyed, they might be slightly weakened, but it is not deadly to them. In general, the entire body seemed to have no purpose except for being a container.
"There is a very high chance that Gods are Soul Creatures whose flesh served only as a container, and once destroyed, will not lead to their deaths. However, it is also possible that their Souls cannot exist without flesh for an extended period.
"Unfortunately, there is not enough data to determine whether this is the same for all Gods or those with high Tiers. Now, let's check the soul."
Then, he activated the magic circles in the room to access Herpo's Soul Dimension. However, as soon as he entered, he discovered a small struggle from Herpo's sealed soul.
So, he secretly controlled the vast energy in the Floating City to reinforce the seal inside. Edward had to admit that the Empire's Sealing Magic was mediocre.
Edward found himself floating in the sky of a large white space. Underneath him was a golden ocean so vast that he could not fathom how enormous it was.
At the center of that ocean was what appeared to be an altar with a Golden Flame burning bright gold.
"Fascinating," commented Edward to all the people viewing inside the Dimension.
"The Gods used their Soul Dimension to store divine energy. If we can find a way to imitate this method to store mana, a new magic path could be open.
"Additionally, this method can also decrease the speed at which Arcanist can reach Tier 8."
Edward's eyes lit up with anticipation. This method was indeed feasible. If Arcanists could absorb and store mana in both the magic core and the Soul Dimension, the time it takes them to reach Tier 8 and higher would indeed be drastically reduced.
And if he could find a way for the mana absorbed in the Soul Dimension to be aether and of the same purity as the magic core, that time would decrease again.
Although divine energy was different from mana, he could still learn from it.
Meanwhile, Edward's words had people going crazy–both Arcanaists and ordinary people. With each new magical system discovered or created, people will have more options and a high probability of becoming Mana-wielding Arcanists.
After all, if one system does not fit, people could choose another method instead.
As for the Arcanists of the Empire, they were also excited. With the Arcana Flame, the Emperor has already opened an easier path for them to Tier 7. Now, once this idea comes to fruition, they will not have to worry about Tier 8.
As such, people all over the world became excited.
Meanwhile, Edward continued his dissection. He explained how the altar and flame in the middle of the ocean were the Divine Altar and Divine Flame of Gods.
The Divine Flame is used to purify the faith of God's Believers, and the purified faith can be turned into divine energy through the Divine Altar or used for other things.
Once he was done, he stated his concluding words for this broadcast.
"Thank you for coming with me on this learning adventure. I created this program to facilitate a new sense of enthusiasm for knowledge and the pursuit of truth amongst all the citizens of the Empire, no matter what race, ethnicity, or star system you are from.
"As citizens of the Empire, we all have the duty to ask questions, seek answers, be curious of the unknown, and uncover all veils of mystery until all truths of the universe are revealed.
"This will not be an easy task, nor one we may ever achieve in our entire life. In this journey, we will face many adversities, many people who wish to stop us, and we will often doubt ourselves and our capabilities.
"Despite this, we will never stop our journey; we will never give up our pursuit."
He paused for a brief moment to salute: "The Arcane Truth will be our guide until the end of time and beyond."
All the citizens of the Empire stood up and repeated:
"The Arcane Truth will be our guide until the end of time and beyond."
Next Chapter Title: Cronai
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