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38.46% You are Loki, you are in the marvel. Now. / Chapter 5: Chapter 4

Bab 5: Chapter 4

And again Loki.

Magneto's memory research provided a lot of food for thought. It should start with the fact that, in fact, he was not a terrorist ... in fact, he was not. That is, yes, in the past (and at the present time) he committed military actions, and on his account there were many premeditated murders, but, firstly, most of his victims were directly related to the Nazi camps, and secondly, directly there was no terror in his actions, on the contrary, he made a lot of efforts to cover up his tracks and conceal the very fact of the violence that had taken place. In fact, the action he planned to turn all participants in the UN summit into mutants was the first that could be called a terrorist attack, and even then, according to his idea, there should have been a minimum of deaths.

For the rest, Eric Lenscher was a law-abiding respectable citizen, heading a private charity dedicated to helping victims of the war, headquartered in San Francisco. In many ways, the fund was fake, but it provided assistance to those in need, only there were these needy mutants, whom Magneto recruited in much the same way as Xavier, and in about the same way as Xavier, had in the active membership of the organization only a few adult companions who only trained young people. In addition, Lensher was listed in several scientific and medical societies, being a certified doctor with a good track record, although he had long since retired from active practice. Such connections allowed him to study the nature of mutation without any problems and design his "doomsday machine." It got to the point that he simply ordered some complex calculations directly to academies and institutes, where the most ordinary people forged him a weapon of victory over themselves, not suspecting anything.

As for the machine itself, the history of its creation dates back to the Cerebro project, developed jointly with Xavier. Even at the stage of cloudless cooperation, two great mutants discovered that the magnetic fields generated by Eric's body were not capable of harming either fine electronics or the human brain, and indeed they were not magnetic fields (from the classical point of view). It was rather a form of gravity, but for some reason unknown to researchers, it affects only metals. Nevertheless, she had some properties of the magnetic field, in particular, friends discovered that when directed at the brain of a telepathic, Lensher's ability can resonate with the brain's own electromagnetic field and somehow enhance telepathic abilities, in the case of Xavier, allowing it to reach to people on the other side of the planet, while the usual level of Charles was limited to a radius of ten kilometers. Having begun to study this phenomenon, the mutants were never able to understand its nature, but the effects and safe limits of exposure were experimentally established. Crazy ... All on yourself, all personally. True scientists and enthusiasts. I don't understand how they didn't pile up in the process, but they pumped each other out regularly and still pushed forward.

In the end, the persistence of the friends was rewarded, and they managed to reproduce the desired effect on purely technical principles. This is how the Cerebro complex appeared. A real masterpiece of terrestrial engineering and, in fact, the first terrestrial device with neural interface functions. With his help, Charles could multiply his abilities and not only read minds, but also find anyone anywhere in the world, manually sifting out one of the billions of minds he needed.

But then the guys had a discord, but neither one nor the other forgot their developments. Professor X, obviously, improved and refined Cerebro, but Magneto went into another area, which was helped a lot by getting some information about the government project of the forties to create a super soldier serum. The same one that created Captain America. The secret of the original serum in this world was lost exactly the same as in other variations of the Marvel Universe, so Eric could not get anything significant from it purely physically, but he became interested in the topic. But since he was far enough from organic chemistry and genetic engineering, he preferred to look for his solution in the field of physics and already tested technologies of magnetic effects on the body. And, I must say, he achieved his goal.

His machine for transforming ordinary people into mutants was an eminently interesting project. To begin with, it was "sharpened" exclusively for Mr. Lansher with his talent for generating pseudo magnetic fields. The main trick was that the machine forcibly reconfigured such fields into pure electromagnetic radiation, but also very specific, which, when exposed to the human body, provoked an avalanche-like cell mutation. For Magneto himself, this was again a black box, according to the principle "I know that if you send such and such a signal to him, you will get such and such an effect, but how this effect is realized inside, I don't know", but after studying the state of the senator Kelly, I had a hunch. And the longer I thought about her, the more I found her confirmation in the knowledge I had about this reality. Most likely, it was the notorious X-gene. The locals did not know what it was, because the human genome had not yet been deciphered, let alone the genome of mutants, with their widest range of abilities, all the more so they denoted with this term some hypothetical root cause of natural mutation, assuming that a set of nucleotides is really present in the DNA molecule responsible for the acquisition of a particular ability. Nevertheless, if we rely on the statistics of an increase in the population of mutants, which I hinted at in a conversation with Magneto in a helicopter, these same X-genes should already be present in a very significant percentage of people, just being in a recessive state for now. And here the principle of operation of the Lenscher device becomes immediately clear. Radioactive radiation, even if it is unknown, cannot in any way take and rebuild a formed organism, it is like trying to rebuild a house, pouring a stream of flame from a flamethrower on it. That is, it is possible to cause damage, but to shift the roof in this way is no longer. It's another matter if the "potential" has already been laid, Loki's knowledge of genetics not only admitted, but also had clear examples of such a restructuring. Starting from the banal mechanism of molting and changing wool depending on the season in a number of animals, ending with them themselves, with the transition to the jotun state under the influence of extremely low temperatures and the return to the aca form under normal conditions. The problem was that humans didn't have such a mechanism. The recessive gene could pass into the dominant one, but only in the next generation, in a natural way, so to speak. However, the field generated by the Magneto machine artificially brought the desired region of the genome into the dominant in an already mature and formed organism. As a result, the restructuring went on, but here the analogy is already appropriate, when a wall is broken through with a battering ram in a house, a window is somehow put in place of a hole, and the old one is hammered in with fragments. That is, it is already possible, but the beauty and strength of the entire structure will leave much to be desired. So it is here. Being exposed to radiation and striving to survive, the body activates everything it can, in an attempt to adapt to aggressive radiation, moreover, the radiation itself actively helps it in this, but after the process stops ... we get a disabled person with an activated genome, but completely destroyed due to instant restructuring by the cellular structure, which in itself will strive to "fall apart from one sidelong glance", and if we consider that the processes of cell division in such a body must simply go wrong, then the further, the more errors will accumulate in the body, while , in the end, it will not safely fall apart with a piece of twisted mutated biomass. Well, or the new genome will not throw something out, incinerating, turning the "buggy" organism into dust / water / air and so on. In general, the idea itself is very good, but the execution lets us down and requires serious revision. Now, if we could make this process smoother and stretch it for seven to ten years, so that the body changes as a result of natural renewal, or, at worst, the mechanism of DNA variability, as, say, with the same molting of animals ... and here it turns out neither there nor here.

In addition, the minuses of the car did not end there - there was also a "reverse thrust" hitting the operator. More precisely, the device tried to "phase out" the "donor" of the original pseudomagnetic fields along with these very fields. As a result, the organism of this very donor is experiencing the wildest stress, and with prolonged exposure it will also go haywire, which is why the donor has a non-illusory chance of being bent.

And here lay the most important irony of the situation. Erik could not improve the machine so that it does not harm the operator, having banally rested on the "ceiling of technology", and even without being able to collect statistics normally, since he would have died much earlier than collecting the necessary data in order to initially grope where exactly to move in the design. And due to the same impossibility of collecting statistics without risking his own life, he could not find out that the mutants being created are natural living dead. In total, three field tests were carried out, and all three were on the garbage, which Magneto himself used to consume, barely convinced of the manifestation of their abilities. So it turned out that, driven by the threat of the adoption of the law on the registration of mutants, the radical decided not to bother and simply find a suicide bomber with the ability to magnetism instead of himself, or, even better, such as Rogue, who can copy his own ability and die in the name of the future of the whole species.

However, it didn't matter anymore. I remembered the drawings of both this device and Cerebro - it will fit in the farm, and with the addition of the capabilities of the aces, all the above disadvantages can be leveled, and these are such prospects that there are simply no words. Now it remains to wait for the prof and ask what he thinks to do with all this bedlam.

I was expecting the arrival of the X-Men delving into the stuffing of Magneto's invention. Not that I needed it, because I literally saw all the stages of its design and construction through the eyes of the chief designer, but it was still interesting to feel what I saw with my hands. I was not worried about the prisoners, by magic I plunged them into a deep sleep and left to keep an eye on another illusion. The presence of three controlled phantoms, engaged in independent affairs, began to be felt, but the brain was still coping with the parallel distribution of attention. But about forty minutes later, a futuristic-looking dark gray vertical take-off aircraft flew up to the lone island used by Eric as a base. Having circled over the rocky coast for a couple of minutes, he carefully rubbed himself on the helipad next to the transport that brought me here, after which the long-awaited heroes got off the open ramp.

Jean stayed at school to look after the children, Senator Kelly and another phantom of mine, which I created to monitor the state of the aforementioned senator, but the rest arrived in full force, even Logan showed curiosity and now went down the ramp on a par with everyone, with interesting looking around.

"Where is Eric?" The first thing Xavier asked, as soon as the wheels of his chair touched the ground.

"In the helicopter," my illusion echoed, following alongside. " I was too lazy to look for living quarters, and I laid him right on the armchairs. His assistants are there."

"And they won't run away? Storm glanced at me with concern."

"I put them in a magical sleep" they themselves will not wake up.

"I have to talk to him," Charles said decisively, directing the chair towards the helicopter.

"I don't mind," answered my second illusion, which was guarding this very helicopter until the first one was dispelled so as not to strain my brain any more. "Just before that, I recommend that you find out from me how it all could end here," I smiled. " Well, what if you need arguments?"

The professor looked through the open door, making sure that his old friend was lying in the helicopter's cabin safe and sound, and even with some comfort, unlike the Toad, who was knocked down on the floor. The Mystic also received comfort, but the telepath only gave her a fleeting glance.

"I'm listening," Charles turned to me, calming the darkest fears (although I assured them that I had not done anything to them).

"Well, make yourself comfortable, and I will ask especially impressionable ones to sit down," I smile in the faces of the mutants and begin my story ...

Eric Lanscher, somewhat later.

The man woke up with his head on something soft. The eyelids raised with difficulty, revealing the vaguely familiar ceiling ... of the helicopter saloon. How he got here remained a mystery, to which memory stubbornly refused to answer, but when he tried to rise, the back of his head was shot through with pain.

"Hello, Eric," a painfully familiar voice greeted him, immediately provoking an avalanche of memories.

" Charles …" savoring every sound, said the mutant, slowly taking a sitting position. There was no helmet on his head, on the opposite side of the helicopter saloon Mystic lay insensibly, and in the aisle between the chairs a Toad lay in a sack. "So you outplayed me." At the exit from the salon, he really found Xavier, behind whom was one of his students. With a blood red visor on his face. " Who was that?" and not thinking about using his forces, although there was enough metal around, he touched the back of Magneto's head with a smile.

"I'm afraid you won't take my word for it," his counterpart returned a mirrored smile.

"Why not?"

"It's hard to believe that fairy-tale legends from history textbooks have real roots," his old friend answered incomprehensibly. "I'd love to tell you about it, but now we have a more pressing problem.

"Yes," from the face of the mutant disappeared every hint of fun, "you prevented me from securing the future of our species."

"I prevented you from making the worst mistake in your life," the telepath shook his head. "If your plan succeeded, not only the leaders of more than two hundred countries, but the entire population of New York would have perished without surviving the forced mutation," Charles leaned closer, looking into his eyes seriously and without any falsehood. "Eric, your invention does not make ordinary people mutants, it initiates a mutation gene that is already in the human body …"

The friend's story dragged on for a long time. Senator Kelly survived a twenty-foot fall in the rocky surf and was able to swim several miles to shore, but all only to die in front of his captor, disintegrating into several liters of water on the medical table. The video was taken while they were talking with Charles, and Magneto saw the whole process with his own eyes from the laptop screen. One could suspect the production, but such a blatant lie was never in the style of his friend. Moreover, the new information about the latent X-gene was not at all what Xavier would have joked about. Even if we assume for a minute that the friend's prediction turned out to be correct and that the fate of Kelly would await all exposed people ... after such a destruction of a multimillion city and world leaders, the law on compulsory registration would seem like a child's play. The mutants would simply be shot on the spot.

"I understood you, Charles," Magneto said after considering the information that was revealed, "but it still won't change anything. I will continue our fight.

"I know," Xavier replied wearily.

" Will you hand me over to the authorities?" Eric grinned ironically with half his face.

"You kidnapped Senator Kelly and killed his assistant," Charles sighed, gloomy and giving him a condemning look, "but I can hardly prove it after the death of the witness.

"And if you don't want to draw attention to your school," Lanscher's smile widened.

"I believe that you are wrong, Eric," the blue eyes of his friend looked tenaciously, "but ... recently I was told that the world needs both of us, and I have to agree with this point of view. I cannot become the leader of the mutants of the whole world if we actually have to fight for survival. But you can do it. I will let you go, but please, Eric, do not resort to drastic measures if you can do without them. The war has not yet begun. We don't have to be the one to take the first shot. To those who are responsible."

"I will not promise," the lord of metal shook his head.

" But you can promise to try," the telepath did not retreat.

"Yes," Magneto nodded this time. "You know my opinion - the war is already underway, it just did not go into a hot phase. But I will not do anything that could harm the mutants."

"Hope so."

" Since we have come to an agreement," feeling that for the first time since the beginning of the conversation, the tension let him go, the head of the Brotherhood of Mutants switched to a warmer tone, "let me ask you now."

"Of course," Xavier said, closing his eyelids in a conciliatory manner.

" What happened to Sabretooth? Did you learn about my plans from him?"

"No," Charles shook his head. "I'm sorry, but when he attacked the car in which Rogue was traveling, his head was cut off.

"How?" Lansher was genuinely surprised. Hearing such a confession from the unacceptable victim of Xavier was akin to meeting the real Santa, and even then the latter would have surprised the aged mutant less.

"He was unlucky," the telepath pursed his lips. "Along with Rogue, one… man was driving along that road. With very difficult abilities. Realizing that Sabretooth is capable of regenerating damage, he decided to end the fight in the most ... reliable way."

"Wasn't he pretending to be that girl on the train?" Magneto immediately guessed, not believing that such significant situations could be coincidences.

"Yes, it was him," an old friend confirmed. " His name is Loki, and, according to his statements, which I have every reason to believe, he is a real God from Asgard …"


Oddly enough, but the history of the event, which could lead to the beginning of the Third World and the planetary mass massacre, ended very peacefully. We loaded the device aboard, I awakened Magneto's subordinates, and the high contracting parties went their separate ways. They didn't even try to squeeze back the anti-telepathic helmet. However, this is not surprising, because by himself he was completely useless, working exclusively in combination with Lenscher's abilities. The principle was the same as that of Cerebro, only on the contrary - when reflected from the inner surface of the helmet, the dispersion of the wave of Eric's gravitational-magnetic field occurred, and the resulting spectrum entered into resonance with the electromagnetic field of his brain, making him immune to telepathy. In theory, on the same technology, it was possible to create a helmet-blocker to neutralize telepathists, only Launcher did not develop in this area and did not want to do it.

But I was distracted, and meanwhile our plane calmly left the island and headed for New York, never receiving a farewell greeting in the back. In general, everyone is alive, everyone is happy, and for some reason I am sure that soon the place of Senator Kelly will be taken by one flexible lady with a blue ass, and the main guardian of the registration law will drastically change her "political orientation".

"Tell me," Storm, who had previously sat in the first pilot's seat and flew the plane with Scott, suddenly sat in the chair next to me, "could you help Senator Kelly?"

"I am not a healer, " looking into the girl's eyes, which reflected a genuine experience on the question raised, I answer with utmost honesty. "I could have prolonged his torment for several hours, but even if I had the Crucible of Souls, I could hardly have healed.

"And no hope?"

" There is always hope," I shrug, "but Kelly was too old, and a life full of stress and without any forced mutation depleted his body. In such a situation, even Odin would not be able to do anything - except to connect Kelly's life with some powerful artifact, but this is already very specific and not worth mentioning, because it will only confuse."

" And what is the Crucible of Souls? " the mulatto continued questioning with the same interest in her eyes.

" Hmmm …" I even thought, throwing my head back in the chair. "To put it very roughly, this is a device for transferring molecular energy in space. In particular, it allows you to set a physical projection of the entire object, receiving an electron microscope of global action, which has a feedback, as a result of which changes made to the projection of the object affect the object itself. But since we're having an evening of questions and answers, now let me ask you something about your world?"

" Okay," Storm nodded, "what do you want to know?"

"What kind of cuisine do you prefer?"

"What ... cuisine?" - the girl was surprised.

"Yes, that's what I want to know.

"What for?"

"Of course, to invite you to dinner later! I think it will be much more pleasant to talk about science and other interesting topics with a glass of wine in hand and something tasty on the table, so I'm interested."

" ... " the mulatto for a dozen seconds was silent, averting her eyes. I already thought that I had gone too far and the conversation was over, but ... " I love fried chicken with rice."

" Perfectly!" I smiled contentedly. " And what restaurant in New York serves the best one for your taste?"

"I don't know," Ororo was clearly not herself, especially since some (we will not point a finger, but it was Logan) were already diligently glancing at us. Or warmed his ears like a Cyclops forced to fly an airplane. " I don't have too much experience of going to restaurants."

" It seems to me that it makes sense to fix it."

" Do the gods of Asgard have earthly money?" tried to joke about the mulatto, clearly trying to quickly move the conversation away from the embarrassing topic.

"Let's just say calling the God of Deception to play poker… is not a good idea, even if he looks like a pampered city peacock and you are the best local cheat with a cover group.

" And ... " she did not expect such an answer, "how much?"

"Oh, you shouldn't count the despicable green candy wrappers," I smile with maximum cordiality and a drop of irony. "After all, what is money when it comes to having dinner with such a beautiful Goddess?"

So, translating the topic into things much more pleasant than mutated senators and the secrets of Asgard's technologies, we flew to the secret school of mutants. Well, they completed the mission to save the world either from the Third World War, or from a general civil war, but these are details.


After the memorable salvation of the world, life somehow abruptly entered a quiet and peaceful rut. She avoided the storm to the best of her ability, hiding all day in lessons with small mutants, or running away somewhere in the city on business. They did not tell me an unequivocal "no" and sometimes even tried to make contact, but at the same time they were clearly afraid, and not at all as an annoying man. Charles conducted telepathy sessions with Logan, piecing together his memories. Logan himself did not leave his fate and, having got used to it, began to spread his tail in front of Jean Gray, which did not go unnoticed for Scott Summers and slowly led to the emergence of a canon conflict. Rogue, on the other hand, was quietly introduced into school everyday life, and although she appeared already in the middle of the school year, she did not seem to experience any particular difficulties in this regard. Well, as for me ... I destroyed the supply of cocoa in the kitchen, sometimes switching to tea and coffee, and rummaged in Magneto's car, drawing up a scheme for "X-Gene Stimulant 2.0". I didn't know yet how to replace Eric in the core of the device, but there were options for how to make the restructuring of the body smoother and safer.

Oh yes, I also met the rest of the inhabitants of the estate, and ... a complete bummer. There were many familiar names and nicknames among children and adolescents, but if I didn't care about the appearance of any Iceman, Pyro or Colossus, then the appearance of the local Jubilee and Kitty Pryde ... was depressing. It was not possible to say that they were ugly - not at all: lovely and pretty young girls, especially Kitty, but they were not at all those pretty adorable from the cartoons of my childhood. Yes, attractive and in a different situation quite interesting, but not at all like those images that have firmly taken their place in my oldfag heart. In general, nothing in common, in fact, with the exception of some preferences in the style of clothing, and even there the similarity was rather arbitrary. And this made me sad - I just could not look at them and not compare with the "original'', after which I suffered from inconsistency and painful irony of fate, when you got into the world of your favorite waifu of your childhood, but it turned out that they were not here, but some completely different people who just bear the same names. Once again, the Marvel Cinematic Universe gave me a hammered boot in the balls and trampled on my lustful hopes. I hate the Marvel Cinematic Universe ...

A week passed at this pace, and then Logan got ready to go. He did not have many things with him, so this case did not drag on for a long time, and the next morning he came to say goodbye to me in the workshop. Rather, in the room that Charles has kindly allocated to me for this case.

"So, Canada again?" I summed up his speech indicating the final point of the route.

" The professor thinks that there I will find the answers."

" It turns out that he has already completed the restoration of the foundation," I chuckle with a share of thoughtfulness. "Fast."

" What are you talking about?" somehow reflexively taking out a cigar, said Wolverine.

"Memory is a very difficult thing and strongly influences the personality," I shrug. " And Charles has a fad on this topic, even a hint of redrawing someone else's personality for him - Taboo. So it turns out that, most likely, he collected the fragments of your memory, restored associative connections between them, but the final fusion of these fragments with your current "I", as well as its order, left on you. This is not as fast as returning everything by force and at once, but you will not go crazy from the abundance of information received at once. Well, at the same time, to some extent, you yourself will decide which of the past to allow the present to influence yourself, and which can be left behind. With an external connection, the priority can be set only equal …" I jerk my cheek indefinitely, "or shaman, choosing what is important to you and what is not. But this is not about Prof."

"Do you ... understand?" with the inimitable intonation "I'm trying to portray surprise, but ... who am I kidding?" Regenerator raised his eyebrows.

"Mental magic," I spread my arms with a smile, creating between them the illusion of a schematic section of a human brain, on which a woodpecker is actively working its "head". "This is very different from telepathy in the principles of action, but I can also look at someone else's memory."

" Why was he silent?"

" To look - not to restore" I was slightly deceived, but not too much. " For this better to Xavier. For him it's a profile, but for me it's a hobby."

"I see," Logan lit his cigar. "Will you stay here yourself?"

"If they don't chase me," I playfully spread my hands. "Here ... " I look around the room with a hint, "cute. And pretty comfortable."

" Cocoa?" the man smirked knowingly, having already got used to my eccentricity.

"And gorgeous mulattos with snow-white hair. We should never forget about gorgeous mulattos," I mirrored a smile, playing with my eyebrows. " Well, I just like that absolutely no one here cares about my abilities. I'm afraid it won't be so free anywhere else."

"I see." Logan blew a thick cloud of smoke from his chest, remembering something that caused his gaze to defocus. However, this did not last long, and the mutant shook himself. "Well, be it, or something, the God of Magic," they extended a hand to me for a handshake.

"I was glad to meet you," I answered honestly, shaking her, " Wolverine."

Half an hour later, Charles Xavier's office.

"Did you want to talk about something, Loki?" the telepath greeted me as soon as I closed the door behind me.

The last few days we did not communicate very often, and the first one I almost did not fit. In general, I tried not to bother the inhabitants of the estate too much, so I often even moved around the territory under invisibility.

"I don't mind playing chess with you, but yes. I have a couple of topics for discussion" I smile at the owner of the house.

"I'm listening," Charles said readily.

"I know it sounds insolent, but I would like to ask permission to dig into your mutant database. Medical records, aptitude studies, biography, - walking through the office to the guest chair during the speech, I sat down at ease in it. - In a word, everything that you have accumulated during your work. Of course, I could get into your computer myself, but that would be impolite.

" I have no doubt," the telepathic cheek twitched sadly, in whose eyes a chill settled. " But let me know, why do you need this information?"

"I want to be convinced of one of my theories. You see, the question does not bother me in any way: why some mutants perfectly control their powers and do not even have any special difficulties with their development, despite, at times, very extensive possibilities,"I nod at Charles with a hint, telling the pure truth, " while others are not able to influence them in any way. In addition, in a number of cases, I may well be able to help."

"Do you understand genetics?" most of Xavier's gaze was gone, replaced by business interest.

"I'm afraid there is no such concept in its purest form in Asgard. In our country, all areas of knowledge are called "magic" and are rarely separated - a long lifespan does not imply the birth of a narrow specialization, but the answer is yes. The area of ​​knowledge that you call genetics I know quite well. Although, to be honest," I propped my cheek with the fingers of my right hand, "I am not a great connoisseur of the Earth's biosphere, and correcting this will take time."

"Well, you convinced me," the invalid closed his eyes. "And thus …" but the professor's words were interrupted by the opening door.

" He stole my motorcycle!" burst into the room Cyclops with a mixture of indignation and confusion on his face.

"What's up, Scott? The professor turned to him in bewilderment." Who stole your motorcycle?

"Logan! I just walked into the garage and he's not here!" Summers looked so amusing that my lips began to curl dangerously, barely holding back the bursting laugh. As luck would have it, stills from the film and the contented face of Wolverine came to mind. "It's not funny!" the young mutant noticed my condition.

"I fundamentally disagree," I declare a resolute protest, with an effort of will still returning a semblance of a sedate expression to my face. " And you must admit - he was consistent."

"What?" Cyclops did not understand.

"Remember what the main claim he made to you back in Canada," I gave a leading hint.

"Um," the guy clearly found it difficult to isolate something central from all those disputes, " that he has to leave his things?" he made an attempt.

In response, I simply snapped my fingers, and in the center of the room there was an illusion of a snow-covered Logan with a very displeased face and extended claws:

"My car has never been so protected from attacks," exuding gigatons of brutal skepticism, said the phantom, looking at Scott, and immediately disappeared.

"Kham!" cleared his throat Cyclops, looking away from me and the professor.

" Agree, it was expected," I smiled with a share of sympathy. "But thanks for reminding me. This is just the second topic that I would like to discuss, and I think you will not be superfluous in this conversation. Charles?" I look at the telepath, with a glance asking permission to continue.

"I'm listening." Realizing that the unexpected invasion was temporarily settled, he chose to complete the first mutant case before proceeding with the rest.

"You have a terrible security system," I said bluntly. Since I registered here, I was not going to allow that assault from the second film under any circumstances. Of course, before raising this issue, I looked around, but the conclusion was disappointing. - It is enough to lure you away from the school personally, and one competent special forces detachment will be enough to clean everything here at night. They may lose a few people, - I nod at Cyclops, - but even a trained professional can do little if he was taken by surprise - I look around the mutants. - Given the recent events, I would advise you to attend to this issue, otherwise you never know? There are radicals not only among mutants.

" I ... I agree!" Barely digesting my speech, Cyclops immediately assented. " I've been saying for a long time that we need to strengthen the perimeter protection! After the Mystic went here and almost sent you into a coma, ruining Cerebro, you must agree!"

"Ah," a bald man in a wheelchair stroked his face with his palms in pain. Apparently, the dispute was indeed far from the first ...

"If you decide to install retractable turrets, I can write artificial intelligence for control," I kindly suggested. "Just don't connect it to the network, your human Internet is something terrible. Children should not be shown this - psychological trauma can lead to a manic desire to destroy your species.

"What children?" Scott was surprised.

" A newborn artificial intelligence is the same as a child. He needs the participation of a parent, care and explanation of what is good and what is bad. Ideally, it should be kept isolated for a couple of years, allowing contact with only a few sentient ones, until the personality is fully established, but this is not necessary in your school."

"Loki," Xavier called me softly, "let's talk about creating artificial intelligence another time. Better tell us what holes you see in the perimeter ...

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