In midst of the panic, Mo Li and the other doctors jumped out from the bus. The scene which greeted them was shocking. The road ahead was blocked by many large rocks and soil.
A bus had turned over on its side on the road. Fortunately, help was already being administered to rescue the bus and its passengers. At first glance, there didn't seem to be any heavy injury among the passengers.
However, in front of the bus, at the edge of a steep cliff, an off-road car was teetering. The driver probably tried to avoid the landslide and thus skidded out of the rails. The slippery road didn't help either. Currently, more than half of the car was hanging out of the cliff. It was terrifying to see.
It was a young woman who was in the driver's seat. She was scared but her expression was proud and calm. In contrast, the other passengers were already shivering and weeping.
Another white lotus?