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60.84% [Random Novel Ideas] / Chapter 274: Boring Summer [#3]: Make Sure

Bab 274: Boring Summer [#3]: Make Sure

[To level up your Druid Level you need: 

Learn a level 2 Spell: 0/1

Help Nature at least 5 times: 5/5

Use Healing spells to heal 5 different living beings: 5/5

Learn at least 1 Evocation Spell at level 2: 0/1]

So, turns out learning Lvl 2 spells isn't easy when you don't know how the fuck you're gonna learn them in the first place! "Shit." So instead, Stiles decided to focus on more lvl 0 spells and hope they give him inspiration to try and see if he can either make spells or learn them himself by experimenting with the forces of nature. Right now he was trying to learn how to use magic while in the form of animals- For some reason each form he takes of an animal is the albino coloration of the animal, so here he is, a white fox with pale blue eyes jumping around and trying to cast spells! Stiles learned that with a flick of his tail he can cast [Eldritch Blast], [Air Slash], and [Acidic Bolt], but for him to use other spells such as [Earth Shield] and [Elemental Aegis] he needs a little more complex gestures than using his tail or tapping his paws on the ground! Thankfully he had Erebus flying around searching for any clue on any animal sacrifice while Nana was out doing her business, he knows she's alive still because of their pack bond! 'Maybe i should try to learn more meele spells?' He had read on the book about 101 cantrips about a few cantrips that work on close proximity, such as [Earthen Onslaught], [Ebb and Flow], [Conduct], [Boreal Blade], [Bolt Strike], and more! 

Stiles simply sighed and returned to his human form, looking down at his phone he noticed- Danny had sent him a message: 

[DannyBoi: Hey, wanna hang out today? You promised that you'd show me the spell to change the color of my clothes and body!] 

Stiles grinned- He had learned two new cantrips that both changed the color of something, they were [Color] and [Chloromorpho], one changed the color of clothing and objects permanently (or until dispelled) while the other could change the color of living beings for up to 8 hours! Stiles himself played around with both spells and changed the color of his clothes! They were great spells to play around with and Danny was clearly very excited to play with it too. Stiles sent a quick text- [SOG: Sure, we can go to the Jungle tonight and you can finally meet my drag friends! Oh, i can't wait to make you wear drag too, it's so fun!] -before he casted the cantrip [Know North] to help him find his way back home! The spell does literally what it says it does, which is really good and useful. He even started thinking about what show he might put on tonight if they make him go as Spark again, he has a new cantrip that will certainly help with things! The spell [Fearie Glitter] makes the target of the spell be covered in sparkly glitter that emits dim light for about 5 feet, which would make his drag look so much more eye-catching! Getting home was really easy, Stiles passed through the mountain ash barrier that was raised around the house and stopped once he saw his dad and Chris Argent staring at each other- Is it just him or is there a bit of sexual tension between them? "Huh, don't mind me, please continue to give each other homoerotic gazes." 

Stiles quickly ran upstairs as his dad and Chris Argent just froze- Stiles began to mess around on his board before writing in Druidic on his diary about experiments with magic and the progress he made today before he chose an outfit that wasn't plaid to go out with Danny today, they were going shopping so it wasn't a showy outfit at all but instead something simple enough. A plain white shirt and tight jeans were enough, he also changed the color of his red sneakers to green because he wanted to! "Hey, Stiles?" Turning to look at his dad while he was putting on his sneakers, Stiles grinned brightly at his dad's embarrassed face: "Don't need to explain, i recognize the homoerotic sexual tension between you two, I'll be out of the house, will come back before midnight, until then feel free to fuck like rabbits." As he passed by his dad, Stiles touched his shoulder and whispered so only he could hear: "You deserve happiness, dad." As kept on walking- He did not hear his dad whisper a "What about you?" Back to him, but he did notice how red Chris looked when he got downstairs. 

"So, I'll say it only once so listen to me-" Stiles stopped right in front of the taller and older man before his hand caught fire thanks to [Produce Flames], he grinned while using [Primal Savagery] to increase the size of his teeth to inhumanly sharp fangs! "-You hurt him and I'll go Kate Argent on your whole house, got it?" His nails were elongated as well so when he pushed them slightly over the older man's shoulder, they dug through his skin and burned him with acidic liquids. Chris managed to keep the scream to himself and Stiles just casted a [Cure Wounds] on him when he saw Chris nod, he turned around as his [Primal Savagery] dissappeared and grinned at his father while saying: "Have fun~" As he left. 

"Your son is terrifying." Chris said, John could only nod in understanding. 

"So... You want coffee or something?" 

"I'd like that."

"So wait, you're Fae!? That's awesome, no wonder you're so gorgeous!" Stiles grinned happily at Jammy, also known as Diamond Dust, who looked at him with surprise and glee- Surprise because no one has ever reacted so positively at the news that he was a Fae before, most people either reacted aggressively or with a great degree of mistrust, but Stiles? He reacted with glee, happiness, and pride that had Jammy, real name Jammor-Gvuhn Halloky of the Unseelie Court of Winter, not only surprised but rightfully delighted! "Thank you darling, you're also very gorgeous." He could see how Stiles dismissed his praise with a self-depreciation joke low enough for them not to hear. Danny was with Judypop, or Adrian who was helping him choose a cute crop top while Gaia, or Howard, helped Vikky Essa, or Keaton, on their task to find good high heels for Stiles. 

They had to get him used to walking on them after all! 

"Well, you're Fae and I'm a Druid, we both like nature so it's okay in my eyes, you're a friend so i wouldn't care if you were an insatiable flesh-eating monstrosity." Jammy could only smile at that, being a Fae has its cons and pros, one of them is being able to see through lies of others unless they magically hide their lies or they are Fae themselves, well, mostly because Fae cannot lie but that's a whole other story. "Well, what about this one?" Holding out a cute pink skirt to him, Jammy waited until Stiles analyzed the whole skirt and smiling: "Well, i wanted a red one but i can just change the color." And indeed he did! The moment he touched the skirt, it became red as blood and Jammy couldn't help but squeal in excitement, attracting the gaze of all the other queens and Danny himself! "Oh. My. God!" Jammy placed both hands on Stiles' shoulders and looked deeply into his eyes: "If you change the color of some of my clothes i swear upon my name that you'll have a home in the Unseelie Court, you and your children." There was a few moments of silence before Stiles placed both his hands on Jammy's shoulders and grinned: "You have yourself a deal, my dear." 

And soon, the other Queens and Danny wanted him to change the color of some of the clothes they bought, and Stiles was happy to do so! He even made his own skirt into a rainbow pattern to 'show off how gay he is' and even showed them he could, in fact, change the color of make up! He became their best friends, and yes, all the Queens knew about the supernatural. Jammy was Fae, Howard was a Selkie who had lost his pelt long ago and was forced to marry an abusive woman (Stiles offered to kill her, which Howard explained to him that she was in a coma now, and since he was married already, no one could force him to marry again), Keaton was only human but he knew about the supernatural because his family was a family of nature witches (Stiles offered making business with his family by selling them some herbs he collected and grows, which Keaton gave him the contact to his grandmother), and Adrian was from a family of old hunters, in fact, he was a deserted from that family and did not associate himself with them anymore. 

Then it came Stiles' time to tell his story, and by the end of it, he had four angry queens ready to castrate an Alpha Werewolf with their bare hands. "It's not okay, but i don't want you guys to hurt the guy i love, i want to do that." And that had them calm down, Jammy had even given him a throughout explanation of how shoving a shoe down someone's ass could be the worst kind of death while Adrian offered him some wolfsbane and mistletoe he had which had Stiles talking with him about creatures he knew were real and some he was curious about. In the end, they went to the Jungle two hours before opening to prepare for Danny's introduction to the Drag Queen lifestyle! Stiles easily got on his drag costume and even played around with a few spells to see if they could be used on his show! Then came the beautiful solution in the form a 1st level spell named [Fearie Fire] that Stiles learned by trying to cast [Fearie Glitter], it could create a 20 foot cylinder that would cover anything in shining beautiful lights of blue, green, and violet, creating this psychedelic pattern! "Guys-" Stiles grinned: "-I know what our play can be, does everyone here know the Six the Musical!?" 

Oh. Did they? Of course they did- And look, they have six drag queens here! "I wanna be beheaded!" Danny shouted, making the other five snort. 

Well, they have a few hours to decide who is who- Since they'll sing Ex-Wives. 

The choreography was fun to do and simple, Jammy was Catharine of Aragon, Adrian was Anne Boleyn, Howard was Jane Seymour, Keaton was Anne of Cleves, Danny was Katherine Howard, and Stiles was Catherine Parr. The moment the show was to start it was about 22:00 PM and the house was full, the owner and manager of the Jungle was not here but he had given Jammy permision for him and the girls to do any show they want to do, and now they were going to do Six: The Musical! The moment the show started, all lights were turned off before a spotlight shined down on the stage where the six of them stayed, each were wearing their own costumes but their colors were changed thanks to Stiles, with Jammy's being bright yellow, Adrian's being green, Howard's being white, Keaton's being red, Danny's being pink, and Stiles' being baby blue. 

The crowd went wild when they sang and danced together- Until they started to sing their own parts, starting with Diamond Dust, then Judypop, Gaia, Vikky Essa, Spark, and the new addition: Heaven Haze! The colors were sparkly thanks to Stiles, the music was loud and even after the end of the Ex-Wives, the crowd asked for more so they moved on to individual song, starting with No Way with Jammy, followed by Don't Lose Your Head, then Heart of Stone, Get Down was next, then All You Wanna Do, and at last was I Don't Need Your Love. Stiles might've put more emotion in the last song thinking about Derek, but it only made his performance even more realisitic and better! In the end of their performance, they sang Six as the final song, which finished the night in flashy manner by Stiles casting [Fearie Fire] and setting the whole stage into an explosion of flashy light before he exploded into [Fearie Glitter] to make them all shine with glittering little shiny colors. 

After the show, Stiles took Danny home and they laughed and played around in the Jeep until they got to Danny's home, his sister was flabbergasted by the amazing make up Stiles and him had on, which was cute to watch as the little girl wanted to know how they got rainbow eyeshadow and Stiles gave her his own eyeshadow he magically changed to be rainbow. "See you tomorrow Danny!" He said his goodbye and left, when he got home the very first thing he did was search for his dad and see if he was around, he did find him on his own room lying down on the bed with Chris Argent, so i guess the night was lively for them too! Stiles grinned sharply at the sleeping couple and left them there, his dad deserved some happiness and if he finds it in Chris Argent, who is he to stop him? 

Stiles just hopes he doesn't get hurt in case it doesn't work.

[Morning, Same Day Stiles tell Danny the Truth]

The Alpha Pack was in town. 

That was dreadful- The Betas learned who the Alpha Pack was and they also freaked out a little because a pack of Alphas was very scary. "So, do they have Erica and Boyd? 'Cause that would be bad." Scott, the dumb Beta that he was, sometimes asked smart questions and say smart things- Derek really thought the world was going to end then and there, but Peter said something: "Well, it makes sense- Seize the Betas of the pack and force the Alpha to kill them is what the Alpha Pack does, but they also kill packs, so we need to be prepared and consider both Boyd and Erica dead already." Derek let out a warning growl, his uncle simply shrugged before going to do something in the Loft's kitchen. Isaac tensed up before he muttered out: "So we don't have a way to know if they're alive?" Derek shook his head as he said: "No, i know they're alive- pack bonds, I'm their Alpha so i know they are alive." This time Lydia was to one to question; "So, this Pack Bond, can't you feel where they are?" 

This time it was Peter who answered: "Of course not dear, Pack Bonds need to be quite strong for that to happen, and sadly for our little pack, the bonds aren't strong enough for that to happen." Lydia hummed while Jackson and her kept on their physical contact, of course Derek knew there was something wrong between them even if they pretended nothing was wrong: "But would Deaton know a way to find them using the pack bond? He's a druid isn't he? Doesn't he know magic?" Jackson pointed out, clearly thinking about what magic could really do- Peter this time hummed pensive, his face unreadable and blank: "I mean, it could be done, i don't know exactly." Derek sighed heavily and very deeply, he pointed out to Isaac and Scott and told them: "Go to Deaton and find out if it can be done, Me, Peter, and Jackson will check out the industrial area." Scott was about to say something like 'You're not my Alpha' or 'You can't order me around' or something but Isaac stopped him, Derek looked at Lydia and Allison, Chris was beside his daughter and looked really constipated. 

"Allison, i think you could teach Lydia some archery? And Chris, teach Lydia how to shoot a gun." No pack member should be vulnerable. 

He'll make sure of it.

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