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92% HP: I Have "Pure" Magic / Chapter 160: Chapter 157: Family

Bab 160: Chapter 157: Family

The twins names: Selene and Cythia or nicknamed as Sally and Cindy

(It was written on patreon, but forgot to write it here, and now some might be confused since I only edited it now, and many have already read this chapter so I'll also write this in the beginning of next chapter.)


After meeting his mother, Chris went to Dora's room. There, he only found Nyxie and Selene. Dora had left for her home along with Cindy.

Upon his entering, Nyxie stood up eagerly, ready to be taught more magic. For the whole first year, Chris had mainly taught her English and French letters, and mostly educated her about common sense and right and wrong, and not much magic was taught.

The obedient girl had learned everything, but she was still incredibly fed up with the boring stuff. Now Chris had slowly begun to teach her the fun stuff. Thus she was currently wagging her tail excitedly.

Selena slowly slithered over through the air and coiled her cerulean blue body around his neck.

Chris stroked her head which was two small horns and a very small blue Jewel in the middle of her forehead which glowed rainbow from inside.

"You didn't have to stay," he said, but Selena licked his cheek with her little forked tongue, making him laugh.

But then he sighed. He's been trying not to get too attached with the two babies since he can't take them to Hogwarts with him. He already has Nyxie, and he's standing out plenty much as it is. It would be too much if I also asked to keep an additional snake or snakes.

So, it's better to not be too attached to them since the separation will be difficult for both him and them.

He seems to have succeeded to some extent in Cynthia's case, but Selene has still always been about as affectionate towards him as she is towards Dora. This girl wants equal attention from both mommy and daddy.

Sighing, he went into the basement and gave Nyxie some work to do. Then, he started his own training with Selene wrapped around him.

The first thing he tried was to do what his mom asked him to do, only hiding his scent.

He concentrated hard on only erasing his scent. Slowly, a familiar magic covered his body and erased his scent. But... he also turned invisible.

"Che—" Chris clicked his tongue. This is going to need some work. He wondered what he even needed this for. And more importantly, wtf was the matter with his mom? How the hell did she know that he had hidden his scent and how did she know it was different from normal scent-erasing or scent-masking spells.

Chris recalled all the times she had known about his presence even before he arrived. He had always been puzzled by this ability of hers. But now it seems that it had something to do with his scent.

"So... that's why she's a clean-freak," he muttered, recalling the times she had him clean himself whenever he came from his workout. It makes sense if she had a strong sense of scent.

"Damn it," Chris covered his face in embarrassment when he recalled the pre-cum which had leaked in pants when he was kissing Dora.

'Did she smell that too?'

Of course, she could tell something was up. And all the times he's been sneaking around in disillusionment? She must have. detect his scent already! So she knows he can cast seventh-year magic flawlessly.

"Well, it's good that she doesn't seem to blame me or seem angry with me for this," he muttered. That was a relief.

So, Camille had the ability to detect his scent. Now the only question was... how?

'Well, I'll find out eventually,' He shrugged and went to work.

There's a special event two days later. It's Gabrielle's birthday. And unlike the last time, when he'd just met the Delacours, they're family now. He's realized this when he found himself getting overly angry at Louise for harming Fleur.

And now that he's called them family, you never hold back for the family.

Thus, he's currently making some more pieces of jewelry from the new stockpile of precious materials which he got from looting filthy rich french bad muggles. You just have to look into their minds to find out whether they deserve it or not.

This Jewelry, he's going to give to the Delacours for their early birthday presents along with Gabrielle.

He has found that the Delacours is a truly loyal and trusting family, all of them. They even decided to support the Martins against Voldemort. And if they're going to get into danger in the future, there's no point in not helping them be prepared from the beginning. """After all, he isn't Dumbledore."""


Gabrielle's birthday was a low-key event. The children of powerful and influential families are only introduced formally to the social circle only after 11. And Gabrielle also didn't want to get meet unfamiliar people. Thus, only Martins, Dora, and the three familiars were invited.

The Martins also only invite the Delacours for Esmée's birthday. Both families don't need to keep up appearances with or suck up to anyone. It's quite the opposite. The other families usually such up to them.

The fireplace blazed to life and Chris stepped out of it, only to see Gabrielle run at him in silver a princess dress.

"Oh! A very Happy Birthday to you, princesse Gabrielle," he did an exaggerated courtesy.

Gabrielle laughed giddily as she bear-hugged him, "Do I really look like a princess?!" She asked eagerly. She only reached his waist so she was looking up to him.

"Yes, a very energetic, enthusiastic, and cute princess," said Dora who had appeared after him with Selena and Cindy. Gabrielle was already a fan of Dora, so she had personally requested for her to come multiple times. Thus, Dora had to agree.

After that, Gabrielle greeted everyone enthusiastically including Selena Cindy, and Nyxie. Now only Esmée was left.

Gabrielle came in front of Esmée who was waiting with a present in hand. This time, Gabrielle didn't move to hug her and only waited.

In the end, Esmée pouted a little but stepped forward and hugged Gabrielle,

"Happy Birthday," she said in a small voice.


Gabrielle began jumping up and down while hugging Esmée.

Then Gabrielle opened the gift from Esmée, which was a drawing of the both of them playing hand-in-hand.

Gabrielle wiped her eyes and hugged Esmée again. Esmée rarely shows it, but she really cherishes Gabrielle's friendship.

Chris greeted the rest of Delacours and even threw in a compliment for Appoline and Fleur, which earned him an eye roll from Dora.

They settled into the dining room and everyone gave their presents to Gabrielle opening quickly.

"Open mine later," Chris demanded.

Gabrielle's eyes widened, "No! I've been waiting for so many days!" She said as if it was impossible to wait.

She got a pat on the head by Appoline who smiled at Chris,

"She'll wait," she declared and sighed dramatically.

Chris smiled at Gabrielle, "Princess, the queen has spoken. So now you must wait. But... it will be worth it! Believe me," he said, recalling the time when Gabrielle was complimenting Esmée's jewelry.


Later that night, as soon the last person left,

"You can open it now," said Fleur to Gabrielle and Appoline helpfully handed her the present. It seems Gabrielle wasn't the only one curious.

Gabrielle, who was going to run and do the same, suddenly stopped,

"Ok... I'll go open it in my room," she said mischievously as she took the box.

This made both Fleur and Appoline annoyed. 'Where is this girl learning this from?!' Of course, who else could it be but her new idol who just left?

"Oh for come on! Open it already, I'm dying to see what's inside!" Exclaimed Sebastian.

Sebastian always goes quite easy on Gabrielle and even tries to take her side when her mother scolds her (the keyword being try) Thus, Gabrielle agreed.

"Here it is!"

She carefully opened it, and everyone unconsciously leaned over to see what it was. And the Delacours' eyes widened.

Inside were very beautiful Jewelry sets, and ornaments like bracelets and lockets, all of them carved with very small runes and the metals shined quite brightly.

"Wowowowowow!!!" Gabrielle began jumping in excitement.

"It's almost as beautiful as the one Esmée has!" she exclaimed.

She quickly picked up a locket and put it on and what happened next surprised everyone. Since the allure which she always emits suddenly started to reduce until it died down.

"Ooooh! It's so good!" She exclaimed feeling the comfortable sensation slowly spreading throughout her body.

Appoline and Fleur were also very surprised. This seems to be the same type of jewelry which they saw Camille and Dora wear every day. Both of them had also always wanted one, but Camille and Dora had always kept shut about it.

So, Chris was the source.

Both of them experimentally tried one on.



Both of them found their allure relaxing and stabilizing slowly as the magic took effect.

Appoline fell back on a couch, "How is this possible?!" She exclaimed. The allure was a problem that couldn't be properly solved even with occlumency since they can't keep their occlumency shields active all the time and be robotic and passive shields weren't able to completely block it.

Thus, it's always been one of their biggest problems. And somehow, this piece of Jewelry can stabilize it.

Though their surprise was nothing compared to Sebastian's.

As soon as the guy touched a ring, he's been in shock and the hand which held the ring kept trembling.

"How... how... how... how..." he keeps muttering like a broken record. The magic of the ring was helping him strengthen his occlumency shields, and it was also very slowly healing some of the cuts he'd gotten on his finger from artificing today. He could also sense that the Magic would have more miraculous effects if worn long-term.

He couldn't begin to imagine how this was possible. There was no magic spell for augmenting occlumency, not to mention an enchantment. And he had a hunch that healing wasn't the only other thing it'll provide.

He quickly began to check all the runes inscribed, only to find that he couldn't read even one.

Gabrielle picked up a note from the box, "There's a note!" She announced and Sebastian snatched it from her hands before anyone could react.

He began reading it out loud for everyone to hear,

"—Everyone, I hope you guys aren't too surprised It's just another awesome thing from your awesome Chris. You guys ought to be used to it now, right?

Moving on, these artifacts help in occlumency a lot and there are some other great benefits, my family already has them and I consider y'all as my family as well, thus, I don't want any rejection and mom and dad also feel the same.

Also, I can't tell anyone where I found them, not even my family, so don't ask. And Sebastian, don't try to dig into it... that precious thing will explode and no one wants that—"

"Che!" Sebastian clicked his tongue. He was eager to find out. He got a whack on the head by Appoline.

He got back to reading the letter, "—Anyways, consider these my Birthday presents to you all, and once again, Happy Birthday Gabrielle,"

"Sigh..." Appoline sighed, "Looks like we're even further indebted to that boy,"

Fleur was also feeling the same, especially since she knew about what he did for her at the Selection tournament. He didn't even claim credit for it. Only protecting her from behind the scenes.

*Cough* "There's a bit more," said Sebastian as flipped the letter,

"—P.S. Don't feel indebted to me or anything. My receiving end is broken. I don't want anything in return. Besides, there are no debts among family, only favors,"

"Damn," Sebastian saluted, "This guy's a mind-reader,"

But Appoline still shook her head as she made a hesitant expression, "But... we can't accept this just like that, we must give something in return,"

Sebastian scratched his head in embarrassment, "Ah... there's more..."

Appoline popped a vein on her head, "Read it in one go," she ordered.

This he read, "—But... oh wait! There's actually something that I want from you guys. Just keep your occlumency so good that even the best occlumens can read your mind.

Don't let Gabrielle meet eyes with anyone or even go in front of Legimencers. Soon I'm going to have something which can defend against Legilimency attacks, I want everyone to prevent their minds from being read by chance meanwhile.

Don't go in front of anyone who's older than a hundred since you don't know who might be a hidden expert (just look at me for example). Yeah, so keep this all a secret, that's what I want."


The days passed by quickly for Chris... far too quickly for his liking. He really wanted these amazing days to never end, but what's he to do? He doesn't have Time magic.

Nothing particularly remarkable happened in these days except for the fact that Sirius Black had escaped the Azkaban.

In these days, Chris settled into a routine. In the morning, he'd make up—if he'd slept at all— and start the day with intense body tempering, then he'll try to gain enlightenment in the dao of sword, then he'll try to refine his own Pinnacle Grade artifact—the Chriscalibur.

After that, he'll exchange pointers with two Jade beauties senior sister Fleur and his dao companion Dora under the guidance of the Patriarch of Martin family.

Then, he'll play with his little sister Xiao Esmée, Xiao Gabrielle, and his contracted spiritual beasts Nyxie, Sally, and Cindy.

After dinner, he'll try to convince his dao companion to walk on the path of Dual Cultivation with him, only to be rejected time and time again, but he was still able to make breakthroughs of several minor realms in that department.

The path of a cultivator is indeed filled with hardships.

That's why he always thanks the heavens for bestowing him with young master fortune. The protagonist is already his sworn brother. The final boss doesn't have any particular aggression against him.

Thus, these days were truly golden for him. But alas, all good things must come to an end. 'Tis the law of the world that everyone must follow.

'At least until I break it,' thought the arrogant young master.

(Turning off the Wuxia switch)

Tomorrow was the first of September, the start of the new term. Thus, he had to leave.

"Can't you just stay here? You can learn from my dad. Just tell Moody to go alone," said Chris as they wandered around outside in the manor's grounds in the morning while holding hands.

Dora looked at a raven who was sitting on a tree branch as she made sad face, "Not possible. The things that are left in the training are all different in British and French Auror training. So I have to learn from Moody," she sighed, "But you really are a rule breaker, aren't you? To think that the Vanishing Cabinet can even by-pass HOGWARTS WARDS!" She shook her head in disbelief.

Dora was so surprised when she'd first heard that.

'This guy can visit home anytime he wants!'

But... it was SO like Chris. The guy really never followed the norms. Even the supposed impenetrable Hogwarts wards can't stop him.

Chris sighed, "Then it's our last day together," he said, drawing her closer. He can't just give her the Vanishing Cabinet since if Moody found out that Hogwarts wards can be penetrated then his hack was done for.

Chris held both of her hands and drew her closer. This time, Dora had her down in embarrassment but she still came close. She knew what was coming.


A.N.: 2 of the Advaned chapters on patreon are R-18. I'll post here if I get the Powerstones.

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