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41.4% Mason Aves: The Wizard(Kinda Complete.. again) / Chapter 53: The Next Adventure

Bab 53: The Next Adventure

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07.


Albus Dumbledore was conflicted. He had wanted to bring the Dark Lord, Gellert Grindelwald down, to arrest him and isolate him for the rest of his imprisoned life. He wanted to keep Gellert alive, to make him face the consequences of his actions.

The battle between Gellert and young Mason Aves was.. amazing, and even he was impressed with how fast Mason could cast spells. Grindelwald is a dangerous wizard, he personally knew that, he had experienced it. Despite trying really hard, despite giving more than 100% of his efforts, he still lost to Gellert.

And Mason still kept up with Gellert, his Magic strong enough to contend with the Elder Wand even, and his reflexes fast enough to cast counters immediately after the curse is cast. But then Gellert began bringing more tricks out, more.. Gifts. 

Gellert had used the Vinculum Sanguinis Ritual to not just abdorb Wizards, but also some other people.

Mutants, Mason called them. And each.. Mutant, had some extra gift, power. Controlling plants, creating impenetrable barriers, immunity to flames, and control over all flames. But that wasn't enough for Gellert, no, even when at least one of them was an actual child. He had to absorb a House Elf too.

For a person that was hell-bent on proving Wizard superiority, Gellert sure did abdorb a lot of Non-Wizards.

Then, Gellert had to reveal something even more disgusting, a Pact with a Demon, someone named Ikthalon. Albus didn't know who this Ikthalon was, but the small portal opening was enough to make Albus feel, that Ikthalon was a dangerous being.

Even still, through all the odds, Mason still won, using trickery to defeat Gellert. 

He, Albus, had realised what had happened. Mason had taken advantage of a drawback or Gellert's Sight.

Gellert's Sight couldn't show him Mason's fate, Mason's future, thanks to something Mason had done sometime before. But he could still See threats to his life, See dangers.

And Mason took advantage of that, hiding actual danger behind illusions of desperation. Gellert SAW danger incoming, and saw the dagger approaching. Believing it to be the danger, he caught it. But the explosion came out of nowhere, and even Albus doubted that Mason planned it exactly.

He had seen Gellert try to use the Blue flames of his to melt the Dagger, just like he had done once before, and the dagger exploded, without a single second of warning.

The second explosion came just as suddenly, and then.. Gellert was stabbed in his chest, defeated. Mason had won, although not completely intact. He had lost his Wand in the fight, and he had also lost his entire right forearm.

Albus had expected the Barrier to go down, when he had seen Gellert choking on his own blood, something within the Goblin's Silver dagger poisoning him. But when it didn't, he stood up. He was about to barge in, to break the Barrier through Blood Magic if necessary, when the third explosion happened. Only this time, it was Gellert himself that exploded.

Gellert Grindelwald… was dead.

He had absorbed multiple Wizards within himself, through his own confession, and at least 4 of these.. Mutants. If that wasn't enough, Gellert had also absorbed a House Elf, and Albus Dumbledore knew how strong the little creatures are, how strong their Magic is.

So, it was no surprise to him, that Gellert's Magic, upon exploding, caused the biggest explosion seen in the history of Wizard kind. The Barrier that he had erected to stop the ICW Wizards from interfering, was the only thing that protected the same Wizards from the Massive explosion.

Unfortunately.. and Albus was actually sad about it.. there was no saving Mason Aves, who was right at the epicenter of the Explosion.

He did not like Mason Aves, did not agree with many of his actions. He was opposed to Mason graduating early, and he was opposed to Mason going to Muggle War. Alas, he was just a Professor, with barely any decision making power.

And Mason had gone to War, thrived there even. He did get captured once, got experimented on by the Hydra, the same ones who developed almost Magical weapons, and it.. changed him, made him stronger, granting him a measure of Self healing without need of spells. 

Not many people knew that, but it wouldn't have stayed a secret for a long time anyway. Even muggles knew that fact, despite the Ministry's best efforts at keeping it a secret.

And now, the same small child that he had once introduced to the Wizarding World, had won them two Wars, one in the Muggle world, and another in the Wizarding one. Mason Lucas Aves, was dead.

As Albus regains sight in his eyes, having been blinded and deafened by the explosion, he sees the Wizards panicking, running around everywhere like headless chicken. The Barrier was no longer there, probably because of Gellert's death, or because of the explosion.

And where Gellert Grindelwald once laid, with Mason Aves standing over him, now existed just a giant crater, over 100 meters deep, with only the Barrier protecting the ground outside. Even a large chunk of the Nurmengard fortress was missing, having been inside the Barrier.

And as expected, Mason Aves was nowhere to be seen, causing tears to leak out of Albus's eyes, involuntarily.

'If only I had taken Gellert down before he could do all this, then young Mason wouldn't have died.' Albus thinks to himself, feeling sad for him, for his friends.

Albus puts a finger in his ears, to stop them from ringing, and shakes his head a few times. As sounds start returning, he realises that he was very lucky. Almost everyone there were bleeding from their ears, their eyes red.

'It seems, even close to death, you still wanted to protect me, old friend. If only you hadn't done all this, we could have been happily living together.' Albus thinks, as he limps towards the Flamels.

He had lived with them for half a decade, when he was apprenticed under Nicholas. And Perenell had healed all his injuries, before everyone had just decided to spectate on his student fight his one time lover.

"It's over." He whispers, as he sits down next to Perenell, who was looking at the crater with sadness in her eyes.

He could understand that, he knew Mason had met them a couple times, but he didn't know when, or how.

"He's gone?" Perenell asks, whispering the question.

"MASON?! MASON?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" The familiar voice of Auror Darla White, one of the best Aurors in the force, despite being a Muggleborn, sounds all over Nurmengard.

Albus sighs, feeling sad for the girl. They were best friends, despite being in different houses, and Albus had always admired that about Mason. He says, "Mason was standing right next to Gellert when he exploded, there is no coming back from that."

Perenell sighs, and starts standing up. He knew she was sad, but the Flamels were old. Too old. Tears probably no longer even came to them thanks to the many friends they have already seen die.

Perenell says, "Be a dear, Albus, and help me down. We better get the girl before she does something rash."

Albus nods, and holds on to Perenell, as they start climbing their way down the steep slope. But then, suddenly, they stop, seeing something floating in the air, above the crater.

Sparks glow, as they start spinning. Albus smiles, seeing the familiar Magic of Sorcery Portals forming into the air. And when it opens, someone drops down from it, towards the crater's bottom.

Albus smiles, seeing the familiar figure of Mason Aves falling through the portal, as the portal closes. But then, instead of falling down legs first, Mason does so on his back, crashing harshly on to the ground.

He's unconscious before he even hits the ground, and his Auror friend is the first one to run towards him. Perenell gets out of Albus's hands, and immediately apparates towards the body, a wave of her hands sending all the approaching crowd flying away, save for Darla White, who looks at her with hesitation.

Perenell barely glances at her, and says, "No one come close, he needs space." Holding her hand over his chest, Perenell closes her eyes, casting diagnosis charms at the injured soldier. Opening her eyes, she turns towards Ms White, and says, "He is okay, not too injured. His face is burnt a little, and the frost bite on his arm is still there, but over-all, he's as far from dying as can be. I'm taking him with me, to my home, you're welcome to come with my dear."

Ms White nods, as the two stand up. And then, all three of them disappear from the spot, at the same time that Albus sees Nicholas disappear too. 

Sighing, he looks around, to see the Aurors looking confused at all that had happened just now, the ICW officials even more so.

"Did we.. win?" Someone asks, causing everyone to begin mumbling to each other.

And then, "WE WON!" 

Immediately people begin cheering loudly, hugging each other at the war won. 

Albus sits down at the edge of the crater, staring the Fortress in front of him, the words, 'THE GREATER GOOD' taunting him from the walls. He then blinks, seeing something move in one of the towers.

There were bars, on a small window, barely big enough for a head to fit through. And through those bars, he could see a hand waving, with no sound coming out. 

Albus wandlessly casts the Sonorous charm in himself, and says, "Aurors? It's not over yet, there are prisoners in the Fortress still."

It takes a while, but the Aurors start breaching the Fortress wards, encountering not a single guard in the way, as they begin rescuing the many people kept there. 

Nurmengard prison held a total of 200 prisoners, more than half of which were these.. mutants and muggles, while the other half were Wizards and Witches.

As the prisoners get rescued, Albus smiles. The War was finally over, after 30 years of fighting.


Slowly, consciousness comes to me, and I open my eyes. I didn't recognise the room I find myself in, but I do recognise the Magic here. The Flamel Island.

Sighing, I sit up, and immediately turn towards my right hand.. or where my right hand used to be. My elbow was bandaged, the frostbite and the Magic of Ikthalon's Dimension stopping my Healing factor from working there. 

The rest of my body, however, was completely healed, most probably helped by whatever Potions Aunty Nelly gave me.

Swinging my legs down the bed, I brandish my left hand to the side, conjuring the sword, my Galadmagol, in my hand. 

"Mason?" I hear a soft voice asks, making me smile.

"Gods, I missed you, Darla." I whisper, looking at my closest friend. She was looking at my sword, a bit warily, and I can't help but smile. I really did miss her, a lot. 

Before she can reply, I swing my sword, and stab it into my right bicep, wincing as it stabs through.

"MASON! MADAM FLAMEL, QUICK! MASON'S JUST STABBED HIMSELF!" Darla yells, as she runs towards me, and holds her wand over my arm, casting episky again and again.

I chuckle, and say, "Darla, love, I'm fine. Really, just.. give it some time."

I could feel it, the Demonic Magic of the Boreas Dimension leaving, my Light Sword, my Galadmagol cleansing it.

Hearing a very soft crack, I turn towards the door, and see Aunty Nelly walk in, already looking at me in disapproval. I wave at her with my left hand, my sword still stuck in my right arm, and say, "Miss me, Aunty Nelly?"

Frowning, Aunty Nelly says, "You couldn't have been any less dramatic?" She then turns towards the flabbergasted Darla, who's still trying to stop my hand from bleeding, and says, "Get away, dear. He's a Healer, he knows what he's doing."

"But.." Darla begins, but I place my hand on her shoulder to stop her. Shaking my head, I say, "You'll see why I did this soon, Darla. Don't worry."

Darla takes a step back, allowing me some space to breathe. Pointing two of my fingers towards the sword, I hold it Telekinetically, and forcefully pull it out of my right arm, immediately storing it in the Nowhere. 

Seeing the wound heal right before her eyes, Darla sighs in relief, and I smile. Aunty Nelly offers me a glass of water, which I gratefully take, and drink.

I then say, "You saw me get struck by the Magic beam from the other Dimension, I'm guessing?" When the two nod, I say, "The Magic of that Dimension was poisoning my body, stopping my Healing from working. My Sword, the one I just stabbed myself with, is enchanted to Cleanse all manner of Dark Magic, doesn't matter how Strong, or what flavour it is. Divine, Demonic, Wizard, Sorcerer, if the Magic is harming me, my sword cleanses it. The stabbing was just to.. speed things up."

"So.. your hand will regrow?" Darla asks, sounding doubtful.

Smiling, I say, "Yes, not yet though. Regrowing limbs isn't as easy as regrowing smaller organs, or Healing cuts and stab wounds. Left as is, I will heal within three days, becoming intact once more. If I take the Skele-gro, and the Org-grow, then I'll be complete in a few hours."

"Amazing. And this is one of your.. gifts? What did you say the word was again, Mutant?" Nicholas asks, as he walks into the room.

Nodding, I day, "The gift is called a Mutation, and the person having it is called a Mutant. I'll explain more later, but first tell me.. how long has it been since I had something explode in my face.. again.. and is the War over?"

And then, as the Flamel's elf brings me some juice, and some breakfast, the three begin explaining everything to me.

The Battle of Nurmengard, as the public is calling it, happened two weeks ago, which means I've been unconscious for two damn weeks. The War was won, at terrible costs. More than half the Aurors that came with us lost their lives, including Darla's Team Leader, Madam Crickerly, and a few of her team mates.

Madam Crickerly lost her life to one of Grindelwald's acolytes, when she was fighting and defeating two other acolytes at the same time. A Killing Curse to her back killed her.

At the end, over 1700 of the opposing army, the Dark Wizards were arrested, the other 1300 or so were killed during the battle. Our side, meanwhile lost 850+ people, and the rest survived, albeit not uninjured.

After celebrating a little, the Aurors then breached Nurmengard, the actual prison, and rescued hundreds of other prisoners, the majority of which were mutants. There were even a few with visible mutations, like animalistic faces, tails, scales, etc.

The muggles, including the mutants, were all obliviated, their memories changed to show that they were kidnapped by Hydra, and dropped to their respective countries, to be taken home. 

And then, everyone went home, to celebrate, to spread the news, to blatantly break the Statute of Secrecy.

Coincidentally enough, the day after I defeated Grindelwald, Hitler killed himself, with Germany surrendering to the allies. Just one day's difference, and two assholes died, and two Wars ended.

The Muggle world was still wondering where I am, but I have no doubt that the Leaders of the Nations, including the MIS, already knows that I'm alive and well, the Wizards in contact with them making sure of it. Well, now that I've killed Grindelwald, they will make up excuses for me, for why I disappeared. The MIS might expect me to make an appearance at Buckingham Palace, though.

Now that the War is over, I'll be free to take care of them, anyway. So them knowing is not a problem for me.

The Wizarding World, meanwhile, was.. turning me into the Canon Dumbledore. I already had an award ceremony scheduled in a week, where I was going to be awarded an Order of Merlin 1st Class, as well as a seat on the Wizengamot.

There were talks of making me the next British representative for the ICW, as well. I had to shake my head at that, wondering if I'm going to be offered the Headmaster's post now too, pushing Dumbledore completely to the side.

Obviously, I'm being sarcastic. I'm not a teacher, I don't have the patience for it.

Speaking of Dumbledore, he was.. silent. He had spent a few days in the crater, looking for something, and I have a pretty good idea what. 

The Elder Wand. It is supposed to be.. difficult to destroy, just like any other Deathly Hallow. Artefacts of Death cannot be defeated by mortal means, and the Gellert bomb was just that, Mortal.

And thankfully, I'm not afraid of the Wand falling into wrong hands anymore, even his. I know exactly where it is.

Dumbledore, after not finding the Wand, had retreated to Hogwarts, to continue teaching. There were still a couple months of school left, and Dumbledore is a teacher. He also probably had a new wand now, his Wand destroyed by the Gellert bomb.

He was also given an Order of Merlin, Second Class. Everyone saw him fight, and everyone knows that fighting an enemy like Grindelwald for almost half an hour, keeping him busy, was no easy task.

There were even some talks that Grindelwald was tired after fighting Dumbledore, and that's why I managed to defeat him, but I don't mind that. I didn't defeat him fairly, I know that. I tricked him.

But Grindelwald.. well, he was a dangerous enemy, very dangerous. He was a Wizard, a mutant with multiple mutations, and a Sorcerer, a Proper Sorcerer, unlike me. So, yeah, I had to use tricks to defeat him, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

Soon, Aunt Nelly hands me a vial of Skele-gro, while I bring the Org-grow from the Nowhere. I always keep my Potions handy, inside the Nowhere, brewing them almost monthly.

Drinking the two potions, 50 ml each, I lay back down on the bed, as Darla leaves for England, back to work, and the Flamels leave me to sleep. 

As soon as they leave, I smile, happy to finally be back here. Back to my own time, and back to my own identity.

---Flashback: Just After the Explosion of Gellert Grindelwald---

(Grindelwald explodes, sending all his Magic flying outwards. And before I can even try to shield, I'm consumed by the explosion. Something in my jeans pocket explodes thanks to the flames, and I feel myself flying, falling, and hitting the ground.

My head hits something hard, and I lose consciousness, my eyes still blinded from the explosion, while my other senses were similarly helpless.

And then.. nothing.)

- Ch 52.


Consciousness is very slow to return to me, but as soon as it returns, I feel the hard ground beneath me. Groaning, I shift my body, slowly, causing a few rocks to poke my back, and sit up, opening my eyes as I do so.

The first thing I notice, is that I was outdoors, somewhere in a forest, but the temperature was too high to be anywhere near the United Kingdom. I was in a small crater, about as deep as I was tall, and thrice as wide, probably caused because of my fall, but my body was healed up nicely.

Well, almost healed up. The right side of my body still hurt, a lot. Bones were broken, muscles sore, my right eye bleeding, and my right hand.. still amputed.

And I knew the reason for it all, the Dark Magic of the Boreas Dimension, Ikthalon's Dimension. Ikthalon is a Demon, not amongst the strongest, but he is pretty strong. He is made up of pure ice, and so is his Dimension, the temperatures going as low as Absolute zero.

And he's a Demon, which means his Magic, the Magic of his Dimension, is Demonic. That Demonic magic was currently inside my body, thanks to the attack that struck my right hand. And that Magic was stopping my Healing factor from working properly, or at all.

The left side, meanwhile, was relatively okay, not hurting too much. My Mutation given Pain tolerance was taking care of it all.

I was thirsty, hungry, angry, but most of all, I was naked, and the rocks were really killing me.

Putting my left hand on the ground, I start standing up, stumbling a little. Once I do, I start walking, first to get out of the uncomfortable ground, the crater. It takes a while, but my (as of yet unmastered) Telekinesis was more than enough to raise my body over the crater.

Then, I sit down, this time on soft grass transfigured into a large cushion. Focusing within myself, I remove a few things from the Nowhere, the first of which, are clothes. 

"Thank God for over-preparation." I mumble, as I wear the clean underwear, and then khaki pants, and a black half sleeved shirt.

I might not feel the temperature too much, thanks to the Feral side of me, but I did feel that the atmosphere here was drier, and hotter than the UK. I was definitely somewhere near the equator, so either South America, Africa, or South Asia. The trees didn't seem familiar, but I haven't exactly travelled too much.

Waving my hand, I conjure a glass full of water, and drink it. Refilling the glass, I drink it again. Water, the only consumable substance able to be conjured out of nothing. And thank God for that.

As I drink a third, and fourth glasses of Water, I walk forward, now wearing Dragonhide shoes, and lean over the crater. The crater was deep, which means someone definitely saw it happening.

I don't know how long it's been since I fell here, wherever here is, but I cannot stay here too long. Which means, I need to leave, ASAP.

It is then, that I notice something, two things in fact, inside the crater. The first, was a sword, which was obviously my own sword, Galadmagol. The Sword that had stabbed, and defeated Gellert Grindelwald. It was just laying there, probably landing behind me as I fell.

Pointing my left hand at it, I summon the sword towards me, and heft it in my hand. Just by taking the sword in my hand, I could feel some of my pain receding, as the Dark Magic, Demonic Magic, was being cleansed out of me. 

It was not happening fast enough, though, since my sword was in my left hand, and the Demonic Magic focused around the right side of my body, mostly my right arm. The elbow, which had been the last spot on my right arm, still intact, was black, thanks to the concentration of the Demonic Magic.

I look at my blackened elbow, the forearm missing, and then I look at the sword in my right hand. 

And then, I keep the sword on my back, conjuring its scabbard from the Nowhere as I do so. Pointing my left hand towards the crater, I once more cast the summoning charm, bringing something else flying towards me.

"I.. can't actually believe you survived." I whisper, looking at the 15 inch long piece of Elder wood, with six small protrusions resembling dried Elderberries along its length. 

The Elder Wand, the Wand of Death, the Deathstick, a Deathly Hallow. 

I place it flat on my palm, and observe it for a moment. The handle was made of Elder wood, just like the rest of the wand, and it seemed as if it was just.. one piece, unlike my previous wand, where two different pieces of Acacia wood were used to make the handle, and the wand.

Unlike my Acacia wand, this one also wasn't smooth at the handle either. The handle consisted of a flattened protrusion, about half an inch thick, then a centimetre thick straight cylindrical part, then another protrusion, and another. All of this counted at just four inches of the Wand, counting as the handle.

There were Runes carved on the Wand handle, but none of them made any sense to me, since the language was completely unknown.

The only reason I know they're Runes, and not just squiggles, is that the carvings have a certain curve to them, like cursive handwriting.

The remaining eleven inches of the Elder Wand had four protrusions, each one separated by a an inch and a half, and each protrusion was just a bit smaller than the one before. This left about two and a half inches of plain Elder wood, pointed at the top, for the wand tip.

Spinning the wand in my hand once, I place it inside the Nowhere, and lift my sword back up. I just lost my Wand, I'm not going to start using a new one so soon. I need to get over this loss first.

And I need to get the fuck out of wherever the fuck I am, and find out where this place is.

Spinning my sword in my left hand, I once more glance at the blackened stump on my right elbow. Galadmagol, the Light Sword. While not as Light, as Healing, as the original Light sword, yet, the Sword did have healing properties.

It was also enchanted not to harm me, unless I do it myself. So I could still cut myself, but only if I actually wanted it to, and just for that single moment.

With a single swing, I cut the sword through my bicep, cutting off the elbow, and some of the Bicep. 

"Ah! Goddamn son of a bitch!" I wince, whispering in pain, but not yelling. 

Then, I float the sword in front of myself, Telekinetically keeping it there, and cast an Incendio charm at my fallen flesh and bone. Sniffing, at the smell of my own burning flesh, I turn my head back towards the sword floating in front of me.

I sigh, and mumble, "Let's just get this over with." And then, the Sword, my Galadmagol, speeds towards me, and stabs into my bicep, going fully through.

I immediately feel the effects, as soon as I get used to the pain of having a sword sticking out of my arm, while bleeding through the stump, and through the stab wound.

The Dark Magic immediately gets absorbed by the sword, getting cleansed by it surprisingly fast. Within a minute, my bleeding stops, as the Dark Magic is completely removed from my body, and I take the sword out, placing it once more into the scabbard on my back.

As the sword stab wound heals, and my bones begin healing, I start walking towards East, after casting a Point Me on a stick I picked up, keeping my Telepathy active. Hopefully I'm not somewhere dangerous.


Half a minute after beginning the walk, my stomach reminds me that I'm still hungry, and I sigh.

Unfortunately, I never prepared anything edible to be stored within Nowhere, since food doesn't stay fresh inside. Time still passes, and stasis charms are not permanent. I definitely should have tried something, though.

Teaches me not to be overconfident.

Sighing once more, I look around, trying to see if there are any fruits available, while at the same time keeping my eyes and ears open for any animals, and telepathy to hear for any approaching humans.

A half hour later, I happily munch on a few guavas, while having also found more than a few wild bananas, and oranges. Hearing something running across the forest ground, about a hundred meters in front of me, I stab my left hand forward, the right yet to heal, and cast a stunning charm.

The charm hits the small animal perfectly, dropping it down. Waving my hand, I summon it towards me, and see that it's a Hare. I had smelled it, yes, but the Hares of wherever I am do not smell the same as the mountain hares of Scotland.

Well, time to eat. Waving my hands, now about a kilometre away from the crater I had created by my possible fall, or my arrival here, I cast a few wards. Muggle repellent, a few Privacy wards, and an illusion ward that showed the place exactly as it was, before I came here.

I couldn't exactly go to the Mirror Dimension anymore, since my Sling Ring was also destroyed by the explosion, which was also why I was yet to take a portal home. Which means, I was limited to walking, flying, and apparating, and I doubt even Merlin can apparate across the oceans.

After having a light lunch, since the sun was right above us, I continue my walk, staying completely vigilant. I had gotten my lesson twice now, once when Tim died, and now, when I almost died.

I still have no idea how I survived, since I didn't do anything to save my life. There was literally no time to do anything! One moment Gellert exploded in my face.. not like that.. and the next, I'm falling on the hard ground of this forest, creating the crater.

Well, puzzle for another time.

About three hours later, after a few apparitions, and more than a few focused Telepathy probes, I finally find a few humans, travelling through the forest. Invisible, I stay on top of a tree, and observe them, while also using telepathy to read their minds.

The people were white, but they wore.. old clothes. Their armours were similar to what I had seen Roman Centurions were, except with less red and gold. Instead, these people wore steel armour, and a brown tunic.

And then, there's their thoughts. Those were even weirder. They were hunting animals, with spears and bows and arrows, with a party of 20 men. Some were here for food, some for extra money, and some just for fun.

Either.. these people were all Schizophrenic, with the same fantasy of being Ptolemy XII's Soldiers, or.. I'm.. not exactly in the time that I belong in.

And knowing my luck.. well, fuck.


A/N: FYI, I'm not trying to copy anyone, but some things are bound to overlap. I had already planned on sending him to the past, since there are a few goals I wanted him to complete while in the past.

You'll know them later.

I had first written Mason waking up in someone's house, but it felt.. wrong. So, this version came to be. Him waking up in a forest, alone, and then moving forward, without anyone's help.

He doesn't have a Sling Ring. He cannot create portals without a Sling Ring, and he definitely cannot do so to exit the Mirror Dimension. So, he's forced to go through this Dimension itself.

He won't stay in the past for long, or at least I hope so. It won't be like him staying in the past, and living through these 2000 years.

FYI, this is the era just before the last Cleopatra, around 50 BC. Why this era? Even I don't know, it just came to me.

Currently, Mason is in North Africa, but not too north. Too North is deserts, and Egypt. He's outside Egypt, in forested regions.

Well, the rest will be in the next chapter. Hope I didn't make the last part too long.

Thank you for your support! Tata!

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