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80.76% Mass Effect: Project Hybrid / Chapter 21: Ch.21 - Peak 15: Deeper in

Bab 21: Ch.21 - Peak 15: Deeper in

Our fresh encounter with Rachni had the squad analyzing the experience rapidly.

Personally, I was having… difficulties distancing myself from their emotional states.

I could feel a degree of intelligence, but it was like they had been… lobotomized.

Each was missing a key part of themselves and it was driving them to madness. Making them lash out and act on pure instincts due to not having any higher brain functions to control them.

The cause was obvious to someone like me, my empathic abilities telling me that none of the Rachni we had killed were linked to a Hive Mind as they should be. Meaning that their Queen was dead or they were somehow disconnected from her control, the latter being more likely due to the fact that those working in this facility had lost control of it, indicating a high number of the insectoids, and they had been working on ways to control the Rachni, which their Queen wouldn't have appreciated.

Missing this link that was intrinsic to their very existence, it was no wonder the situation had become so dangerous.

Whilst I pondered, I could feel Wrex's strong rejection and anger over the presence of the Rachni as Liara grew more nervous in regards to her mother's role in all this. The others either couldn't fully understand what was happening or chose not to dwell on the matter, although the Commander was emitting steely determination.

In silence, we made our way past the snowed in area and reached an elevator which deposited us in the VI main core facility. The one which was announced as being offline by the repeating auto-message.

There were a few Rachni 'Workers' which crawled out from around the room, but they were splattered with light damage thus posed no threat to a group as accurate as ours.

Passing by the new stains on the floor, we made it to the VI's main core.

"Neo, Garrus, can you reboot it from here?" The Commander inquired.

"Without the proper juice, it wouldn't be able to use most of its functions." A mildly frustrated Garrus answered.

"We can reboot the station's intelligence, but additional repairs elsewhere would be needed." I agreed with a nod. "Such steps are likely in place to hamper any cause for a station wide shutdown."

"Alright then, Neo, if you could." She gestures towards the mainframe lift, allowing me to step forward and down to the proper consoles to reboot the systems.

It was not difficult since it was made to be easily returned to at least minimal functionality like this. I did take the opportunity to permit deeper access into Peak 15's systems though.

Swiftly finishing up, I returned to my teammates, stepping back with a nod to give the Commander the front as the VI materialized itself.

Identifying itself as Mira, Shepard quickly gains access by using her Spectre credentials.

"Is Matriarch Benezia still in this facility?" She then immediately asked.

"Lady Benezia departed on the Tramway to the Rift Station subsidiary labs." Mira answered easily. "User alert! The tramway system is currently inoperable."

"Has it been damaged by the storm or the Rachni?" Shepard followed up with narrowed eyes.

"One moment. Diagnostic scan in progress." The VI responded. "Critical Failure. Main Reactor shutdown in accordance with emergency containment procedures. Manual restart required.

Critical Failure. Landline connection disabled. Passenger Tram systems are offline.

Report complete.

Do you have any additional system inquiries?"

"Stupid junk wasting time. Stopping me from killing those quadless whelps who brought back the bugs." Wrex grumbled irritably.

"Splitting up to fix both issues would hasten matters." Garrus suggested as we did have enough team members and skill sets to do so.

"We should download the necessary data to fix both issues before doing so." I advised as I sent a package to both the Commander and Garrus regarding what needs to be done.

Getting into the Database whilst fixing the VI was not difficult, allowing me to bypass most security features directly and earning me a lot of interesting data from this facility, especially since I had already given myself executive access back at Port Hanshan's offices.

As soon as we could reconnect the mainframe to the sub labs, I would be able to access most systems remotely, allowing us much easier access across the facilities.

"Got it." Shepard confirmed as she looked over the necessary steps to allow us to continue. "Neo, you take Ash and Wrex to the roof to fix the Landline connection.

Garrus and Liara, you're with me to the Main Reactor."

"Understood Commander." I acknowledged with a quick look to my squad mates.

"Let's go kill some bugs kid!" Wrex heartily grinned.

"Gonna be right behind you and Wrex, Chuckles." Ashley lightly joked as she checked her riffle. "I actually use my gun at range instead of putting it on targets."

"You're just too squeamish about bug guts." Wrex mockingly snorted.

"Hey! Gross is gross and I really don't want any of… whatever those things are made out of to seep into my gear." Our human squad mate rationalized, much to the elder Krogan's amusement.

Access to the roof was directly across the VI terminal, making it a rather short walk to the elevator bringing us to it, but it was mildly amusing to listen to the two… poke at each other in a light manner.

"I feel 4 larger presences outside this door, with a dozen lesser ones." I informed them both as we reached the door leading outside. "Ashley, please cover us from here.

You are not as resistant to cold and acid as myself and Wrex.

We will grab their attentions, but make sure they do not encircle us."

"Got it Chuckles." She acknowledged. "You and Gramps can have your fun."

"Uh huh. Just wait here while the big boys take care of the scary bugs girly." Our red Krogan teased back, opening the door, letting the cold of Noveria sweep through, stopping Ashley from retorting as I joined him with shotgun in hand.

Unable to counter, Ashley channeled her indignation into aggressively shooting at the furthest Rachni Warrior as Wrex and I formed a tag-team of carnage against the initial trio before us using our shotguns. Powerful blasts kept them at bay whilst they were ripped to shred in an almost methodical manner, making sure to shred off the acid spitting spear-tipped tentacles to limit their means of countering on top of it.

It took us less than a minute to end all three as Ashley kept the fourth at bay and killed the Worker Drones trying to sneak up on us.

Not one to be left out of a fight, Wrex [Charged] the remaining Rachni Warrior and then proceeded to rip it apart with his biotic infused hands in a show of savage ferocity as Ashley and I cleaned up the rest of the Workers. He only stopped once he managed to work through most of his aggression out of his system, leaving the Rachni as a pile of toxic flesh instead of a corpse.

Still, I felt a degree of…pity towards the Rachni, even in their madness and after what I know their race had nearly done. These had not chosen to exist as they now did, driven insane due to the acts of 'intelligent' and 'civilized' men and women attempting to twist nature for their own purposes, not caring what they broke or killed along the way.

Similar to how I pity those turned into Husks by the Geth.

But I shook those thoughts off.

I had a mission to accomplish.

Letting Ashley and Wrex sweep the area, I moved to the Landline terminal and began reconnecting them to the main facility.

"Connection restored!" Mira announced as her terminal came to life. "Processing Data.

User Alert!

Unable to connect to hot lab facilities."

'That is not ideal. Let us see if I can work around this.' I thought as I began working on my omni-tool.

"What are you doing kid?" Wrex queried as he wiped away some Rachni remains from his guns.

"Attempting to bypass some damages to gain a clearer understanding of our destination's current status." I answered without looking up.

"Well, can we hurry it up? It's freezing up here and I'm not built like a damn Jötunn unlike some people here." Ashley pointedly complained as she glared at us.

"I did not know you had knowledge of Norse Mythology Ashley. I was led to believe you were of Christian Faith." I noted with a slightly divided attention.

"The hell's a Jötunn? Sounds fun to kill." Wrex curiously asked.

"Basically Ice Giants, which might have been some kind of alien now that I think about it, but they aren't real as far as we know. They're from an old religion on Earth." The Gunnery Chief quickly explained, taking her mind off the cold. "And yes, I do believe in God.

Is that a problem?"

"Not to me." Was my answer. "Although I do not believe in a higher power, possibly due to my education, I do not bemoan those who do."

"You know… pretty sure I can remember some humans praying to this God of yours when I'm killing them, or when I… tasted a few." Wrex grinned to himself at both memories. "He anything like the stupid shit people believe around the univers? You know, like how the Hanar worship Protheans and crap like that?"

"Not that I know." The woman hesitantly responded as I could feel some discomfort over 'alien' beliefs. "It's kind of a belief that God created everything and that when we die, depending on how we lived our lives, we join him up in paradise, suffer until we wash away our sins or are eternally punished."

"Huh. Guess I'm screwed, so might as well keep doing what I want then!" The Krogan laughed at what Judeo-Christian beliefs would mean for him if they were true.

"Well, the Bible does say you don't get judged too harshly if you didn't know about it." Ashley shrugged as she wasn't 'in your face' about her beliefs and knew very well that not that many actually still held them since humanity 'discovered' other intelligent life.

"Then why'd you tell me?" Wrex barked in confusion at the paradoxical nature of that particular area of the Gunnery Chief's faith.

"You asked." She shrugged before grinning at the large Krogan. "Plus, you're a thousand year old geezer who sleeps more often with his shotgun than a woman, no way you weren't going to Hell even before I told you about God."

"Fair point." Wrex acquiesced. "You done there kid?"

"Indeed." I nodded, closing my Omni-Tool. "I have confirmed a fair amount of information regarding the situation at the hot labs and the remaining sub facilities.

Commander Shepard shall be updated upon our regrouping."

"Finally! Let's get out of the cold then." Our human companion exclaimed in relief as she hurried back inside, followed by myself and a chuckling Wrex.

One simple ride down the same elevator we used earlier brought us back to the main VI core room. The pathway towards the tram systems was now operational as well, indicating the Commander's success on her end, although two Rachni Warriors had breached the area whilst we were gone, charging at us as soon as they noticed our approach.

Without hesitation, Wrex and I placed ourselves between them and Ashley, knowing the human female was the most vulnerable to direct physical assaults between the three of us, drawing our shotguns anew, although Wrex did activate Incendiary ammunition whilst I activated my Omni-Tool Blade, slicing off the spear-like tip of the tentacle striking at me with a smooth blueing motion as I shot the Rachni in its cranial region using my other hand.

Ashley followed Wrex's example of using Incendiary ammunition as she peppered the closer Rachni I was engaging, causing it to shriek out in greater pain before I put it out of its torment via a stab through its damaged skull.

"That's it kid! Up close and PERSONAL!!" The Krogan roared in approval as he smashed his head against his Rachni to end it.

"I don't think anyone should be that… personal with giant bugs, old man." Ashley grimaced at the green liquid on Wrex's face.

"Bah! You just don't know how to enjoy killing these things." He disagreed with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"It is an efficient method for those who can afford to utilize it." I supported as I pondered on close range combat options.

Shields are easy to bypass at close range, although [Tech Armor] could be a hindrance.

Something to ponder about later.

Maybe as a side project.

Humanity does have many cold weapons and martial arts which could inspire me. Other races would as well.

"Looks like you guys keep the place bug free." The Commander's voice sounded as she and her squad walked through the door leading to the Main Reactor.

"There were a couple more on the roof, but nothing really fun." Wrex nodded casually.

"We had Geth in the Reactor room, keeping the place offline." Garrus revealed, which was interesting

Benezia was likely going to us them to reconnect the main facility to the hot labs once done here, allowing her to come back regardless of the ongoings with the Rachni.

'I should ensure no one can maroon us in the sub labs.' I thought as I activated my Omni-tool anew to allow for remote access and locking down the paths to the reactor and landlines.

"What's wrong Neo?" Shepard queried with a raised eyebrow.

"Ensuring no one can trap us in the sub labs later." I answered as I finished up the minor task. "Also, according to their systems, survivors have been identified outside of Matriarch Benezia and her Commandos.

Sensors have picked up gunfire, indicating active resistance.

Possible contamination beyond Rachni due to a project relating to the Thorian called Thoros-B; a project formed to create a biotoxin capable of killing the being and its spores. They even went a step further and aimed to have it affect more races due to it not being 'profitable enough' if it only harmed the formerly unique being.

I recommend full armor sealing."

"Noted. Any information on Benezia or her Commandos?" The Commander acknowledged as the team did begin fully sealing their gear.

"All data indicates that both groups are in the deepest parts of the Rachni Hot Labs, near the Queen." I seriously revealed, earning a piercing look from Wrex and Garrus. "However, I have not found any clues regarding her purpose here.

It has been… vexing."

"There's a Queen?" Wrex questioned with a growl.

"That is not good." Garrus softly said. "If the Council hears that there's an actual Rachni Queen, they might actually try to destroy the planet in its entirety."

"I guess we know why they have some many bugs then." Ashley grimaced at the thought of more being in their future.

"But why would Benezia need the Queen even after the Rachni have proven to be as dangerous as they are now?" Liara questioned with a frown. "It makes no sense for her to be here, especially with the current situation unless she needed something from it directly. Otherwise, she would have sent an agent to come on her behalf."

"Now that's a good point." Shepard commented as she looked towards Liara. "Is there anything only she would be able to do?

Maybe something only a strong Asari Matriarch could bring to the table that even a Commando couldn't?"

"I…I do not know Commander." The frustrated Asari maiden admitted. "It is possible that she could be attempting to gain control of the Queen, and subsequently its offspring, by melding their minds together, but even for her it would be impossible.

A single Asari, even if her subordinates assisted her, would have no hope of besting the leader of a Hive Mind species."

"Like those old women could." Wrex snorted. "Cause of that was possible, they wouldn't have used my people and then put us down when they were done."

The bitterness was obvious in those words.

And while I do not condone the Genophage and the way it has been devastating Krogans since its deployment, I also cannot think of any other way to halt Krogan aggression and expansion without attempted genocide or a Galaxy burning war. Krogans are feared for a reason after all.

What I would desire, was to not have the constantly have still-births.

Cerberus had… ideas on how to manipulate Krogans by using the mass graves of still-births against Salarians and Turians to cause division.

The ideas are not ones I believe should ever be used.

"It's a possibility, especially if the Geth came up with something to change the Rachni like they did with humans." Shepard pondered for a few moments. "But for now, let's keep our focus on reaching the Matriarch.

To do that, we just need to clear out a few 'contaminants', according to Mira, and then we can finally reach the sub labs in Rift Station."


I overlooked the status of tram boarding area.

An oversight due to how close it was.

It will not happen again.

Having finished with everything we could do here, we did all silently agree to move on.

Shepard took point with myself and Wrex at her flanks, Liara behind us for support and with Garrus and Ashley bringing up the rear.

We did not encounter any more Rachni on our way, but we did find the 'containments' in the decontamination chamber, those being a couple of Rachni Warriors with a handful of Workers.

Garrus efficiently fixed the damaged areas of the controls and flooded the chamber with hot plasma, vaporizing the occupants without any issues.

A Warrior did jump out from behind him, but it did not last more than a few moments before being killed when faced with five alert squad mates.

"That's getting annoying." Garrus commented.

"Imagine dealing with an entire planet of 'em." Grunted Wrex, leaving the group to actually do so.

"We'll leave that bit on the shelf for now and focus on making sure that doesn't happen here." Shepard firmly spoke as she lead us through decontamination chamber, taking care of a few Workers crawling beyond its door.

And like that, we reached the Tramway to Rift Station.



Hello all,

Was kind of feeling a bit of Mass Effect groove after reading a couple of Fanfics so I came back to this one after finishing my Harry Potter story.

Since Neo is going through ME1 pretty much following the plot, I'm trying to make it so he can take advantage of various opportunities to better his position in the Galaxy in general. I'm also trying to shine a light on some character interactions and trying to keep them on point based on who they are at this time as well.

Obviously they don't know exactly why Benezia is here, but I think their guesses are fairly possible without Metaknowledge.

His opinions in regards to the Rachni though, that would strike a cord in his burgeoning emotional intelligence. Neo empathizes with them and has a very, understandably so, negative view of scientists working outside of moral and legal bounds, so he's not very enthusiastic about saving the cunts responsible for reintroducing a Galaxy-level threat while dealing with a possibly apocalyptic one and seeing them be essentially lobotomized into madness.

Anyway, trying to work through this arc logically like always, gettin back into the mentality of Neo and everyone else too is interesting as always.

These are probably going to be rather casual updates in general though, we'll see.

Hope you enjoy.

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