I silently waited along with the other cramped members of my personal platoon, Legion, Overlady Jack, and the once and future Queen of Omega, Aria T'loak,. Both women wore highly protective, strength enhancing, and biotic amping armored suits made by the geth on Tuchanka using the best materials and research available, and bearing arms of similar caliber.
When the Stealth Spike shuddered and the alarm flashed and blared we all lit up our tech armor and other tech enhancements. The front of the Spike split open and we rushed onto the Atlas Station alongside scores of other Stealth Spike boarding vessels the Kruban Bound had launched, while our fighters and fleet waited patiently to kill anyone attempting to leave the doomed Cerberus headquarters.
Similar operations ran simultaneously at Sanctuary and all the other Cerberus bases I knew of save Omega. I'd deal with Omega myself after this.
The fighting was fierce but I never even got to swing the new glowing hot omni blade axe my hammer projected. It felt like I'd been jipped but the sight of my sons tearing the Cerberus force to pieces as we calmly walked uninterrupted to the Illusive Man's office was a joyous one.
We barely got the chance to hear Martin Sheen's voice by the time Jack biotic yanked him from his seat and I'd cleaved him into three floating pieces.
It was the work of moments for Legion to get through the minimal security on the Illusive Man's workstation and he was soon transferring Cerberus's immense liquid assets over to our accounts and sending the locations of all of the organization's other bases and assets back to Tuchanka to scramble a second and final series of attacks. The fact that our forces would also strip every physical resource meant a major windfall during this final month before the reaper's reached the relay network.
Lastly, Legion would send the identity and information of every Cerberus agent and supporter to every known government.
Fuck these guys.
While our geth pal put the kibosh on Cerberus, Draug sent me the visual confirmation of Henry Lawson's death. With that I dialed up Oleg on Jack's personal communication system. It took ten minutes for Oleg to make it to the call center they set up on Omega but that didn't bother us.
"Oleg!" I called out to him like an old friend.
"Overlord Gatatog Grunt." Oleg sighed, "Then you have taken Atlas Station."
"I'd bring Jack in on this conference call," I lifted the portion of the Illusive man with his head and shook it a bit, "but he has really fallen to pieces."
"He deserved far better than such callous indignity." Oleg shook his head in disgust.
"From a view of pure achievement, sure." I agreed with the able General, "From a moralist view we should throw all the pieces in a fire and dance around it."
"The same can be said of you." The General growled.
"Indeed." I agreed again, "Henry is dead as well. You're the last head of the dog. Cut off from both funding and reinforcements. The next stop for my fleet is Omega. If you are still there when we arrive then you have chosen your fate. Flee and we won't follow."
"Won't follow!" Aria objected loudly, "Oleg will die for daring to take Omega from me!"
"This moment" I told the pissed asari, "is when you show the whole galaxy the value of your life, of our daughter's life. Oleg had you dead to rights, had our daughter too, and he let you both go. If you don't give him the same chance it proves that your lives have no value, and they have value to me."
"Even cut off, you won't be able to take Omega from me." Oleg denied the offer of his life, "The defenses we installed on this station will tear any attacking fleet to shreds."
"I find your lack of faith disturbing." I told him as I cut off the call.
"What the fuck made you think you could make that offer without consulting me?" Aria growled.
My army, my fleet, my ultra awesome cock you have been riding since you showed up as a supplicant on my doorstep.
"My debt to Oleg has been repaid." I shook my head at her audacity, "And his defenses are going to do jack shit against the Stealth Spikes."
The Stealth Spikes were designed for Halo drops onto hostile planets and penetrating enemy ships and stations. Imagine emergency evacuation pods shaped like railroad spikes, armored to hell and back, and fired from the Kruban Bound's main guns. They could be retrieved, but had no propulsion systems of their own.
We ended up back in our spike waiting for retrieval before long. The operation had been a one sided success. Shepard and friends took this station with faith, trust, and pixie dust. We smashed them with hot muscle and cold steel.
Aria chose to withhold her pussy from me, but the joke is on her cause Jack and I do our best work without distractions like her coming between us.
Our fleet met up with the forces Aria managed to call up for this battle and we quickly engaged the blockading Cerberus fleet. The defensive laser cannons Petrovsky set up took their toll on our ships, but the Kruban Bound easily came into range to deploy the Stealth Spikes, landing a platoon near every emplacement and on every notable strategic position on the station. Our own Spike deployed us at the front doors of the Afterlife Club.
I remember how much bullshit Shepard and Aria had to go through to get here, and now I managed to land two hundred krogan warriors right at the end to the campaign. I'd soon find out how badly Petrovsky shit himself when we came out of the spike in a blaze of omnitool orange, shields out and hammers primed to ruin the day for all the half husk Cerberus soldiers.
Now this was what I was hoping for. Oleg had turned the club into a stronger fortress than the Atlas station ever could be. Heavy machine guns and mechs supported by Cerberus's brain washed cyborg soldiers and their custom Rampart Mechs. Cerberus contested every inch and made us pay dearly for them.
My shield and axe worked tirelessly against the defenders as my sons dealt with the machine gun nests using heavy grenade launchers. I emptied my own grenades blasting down the Rampart Mechs, the incendiary grenades eating through their heavy armor and leaving them either destroyed or close to it.
There was fire and blood and screams and explosions. I saw my own sons dying around me, always pressing the enemy even with their entrails hanging down from their bodies or limbs blown off. Their lack of self interest and hyper focus costing us more casualties than the enemies skill at arms. Despite that, the overwhelming pressure caused a cascading collapse of the Cerberus defenders and we secured the exterior of the club, my remaining sons stomping any survivors to death.
"Let's kill this mother fucker." I growled and I would have spat if not for my helmet.
"Damn straight." Aria agreed.
"I never miss an opportunity to slay some Cerberus dogs." Jack grinned under her helmet.
We led a single squad into the club, all of them carrying arc projectors to swiftly deal with Oleg's ambushers. The presence of the Adjutants made the fight far harder than the other enemies, but we slew them all and would burn the remains later.
Oleg begged for his life after the death of his defenders, but I had no pity in me for people like him. I shut down the laser defense system from his command console while my boys poured ryncol down his throat.
For us a magical beverage. For a human, ground glass. Oleg died in great pain choking on his own blood.
Aria took off her helmet and spat on him.
"Oleg was mine to kill." she told me.
"No." I shook my head, "Omega is yours, because I am giving it back to you. Oleg and all his men and machines and monsters are mine."
"You want me to drop to my knees and thank you?" Aria growled at me.
"I want you to feel thankful." I told her, "I don't care what words you say, so long as you haven't become conceited enough to no longer understand when you've been given a free ride. My son's and I took back your home and with the death of the Cerberus fleet outside they are going to land in the thousands to purge this place of their filth and corruption."
"Fine." the reinstated Queen said, "While we wait for the cleansing krogan wave, I want to make another baby."
"Now that is something we can both enjoy." I grinned.
The things I do for my galaxy.
We have now seen a situation where the Tankborn's focus and aggression delivered absolute victory and one where that focus and aggression cost them dearly.
If Grunt is a Spartan 2 then the Tankgrown are Spartan 3's. Strong as hell, but disposable.
With Cerberus completely gone before the start of ME3, the victory conditions are easy to meet. I think their are only two chapters left of Mass Effect. Grunt and his pals are going to drop their fat krogan balls on the Rachni and then the Reapers are going to get fucked by a max power Crucible.
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