(Duskendale, The Blackwater Rush, Blackwater Bay, The Crownlands, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)
(Rogar Arryn POV)
Rogar was beside his father and Lord's Yohn Royce and Lyman Corbray, as they strode forward with Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark trailing behind them. While they were gone Lady Anya Waynwood was named High Stewardess of the Vale in their absence and Lord Nestor Royce, The Keeper of The Gates of The Moon.
The strode into Lord Tywin Lannister's War Tent, finding Ser Jonothor Darry, Ser Arthur Dayne, Ser Barristan Selmy, and Ser Gerold Hightower of the Kingsguard present alongside the Crown Prince of Dragonstone Rhaegar Targaryen, Lord Steffon had, and Lord Luthor Tyrell. Robert moves to stand beside his father, while Rogar exchanges a curt respectful nod with Lord Tywin.
''Where is Lord Rickard and Lord Hoster? The North and Riverlands are not present?'' Rogar's Father asked.
''Lord Rickard is sending the White Harbor fleet, but is unable to attend due to an increase of Wildling Incursions hindering any troop movements.
''I'm Guessing Lord Hoster is busily handling the Fortification of the Neck in case the Wildlings try and sneak past the Moat?'' Rogar asks.
''Something like that.'' Tywin says.
''What are our options?'' Asks Ned.
''Short of Surrendering or Storming the Town? Nothing.'' Says Lord-Commander Hightower.
''Maybe not.'' Rogar speaks up drawing all eyes to him.
''Go on.'' Says Tywin.
''I recently acquired the services of a group with a hidden network across Westeros. Duskendale has a den of them. If I can sneak in, met with them, they might be willing to provide information on The city we don't have access to and might even be willing to sabotage the Defenses if and when we storm the town. Only problem is they don't do this stuff for free, they will need to be paid.'' Says Rogar hoping to play off that the Order of Artys were Mercenaries in order to gain the funding needed to finance a few pet projects.
''How much?'' Asks Prince Rhaegar.
''For an Introduction usually a Hundred Gold Dragons, given that we're the aggressors here and at our current strength, maybe five thousand. To sabotage the Duskendale Defences likely a minimum of at least Forty Five Thousand Gold Dragons. Of Course throw in something of singular value and it can be less expensive. I chose that last one. '' Says Rogar.
''Set the meeting, Ser Arthur will accompany you.'' Says Rhaegar.
''So long as he's cloaked and Dawn is not hidden it shouldn't be a problem. This group has a thing for rare blades and their users, so his presence may help us actually.'' Says Rogar, who looks for confirmation to proceed from first his father and them Lord Tywin, both whom grant their confirmation.
''How long will you be?'' His Lord Father asks.
''As long as I am needed to be.'' Rogar says.
(POV Shift: Jon Arryn)
Rogar was cleverer than Jon had given his son credit for. Acquiring the services of such a vast Mercenary organization at barely eleven Namedays? An impressive feat especially as he was tight-lipped on who this group was and apparently never had been heard of before now.
Lord Tywin wanted to know more about this group, but Jon could give Lord Tywin no information, even if he had this information he most likely wouldn't give it to Tywin without a direct command from King Aerys or Crown Prince Rhaegar even if he did know.
So young and yet already making moves that proved he was capable of making calculated maneuvers most his age dont do and if they do not nearly quite so well.
Perhaps it was time to appoint him Castellan of The Gates of The Moon as a precursor test to becoming the Keeper of The Gates of The Moon.
''Lord Arryn? A Word?'' Jon turned to see Set Arthur, a measure of uncertainty on his otherwise impassive face.....
(POV Shift: Rogar Arryn)
Rogar and Ser Arthur were dressed in leathers underneath light cloaks, they entered through the Duskendale Sewers and had a bit to go before they arrived at there destination.
''I never knew this Part of the Sewers existed.'' Arthur mentions, having reviewed all possible entry points to the City with Lord-Commander Hightower and Ser Barristan before leaving the White Sword Tower.
''That's because it doesn't exist, not officially at any rate. The Order has strongholds across Westeros that have access points not on any official maps or records. Most of these strongholds were constructed pre-conquest, meaning that if it predates The Conqueror, then the odds are quite good that The Order will have a Stronghold or in it, or at the very least a dozen different Supply Caches in or around the cities or towns.'' Says Rogar.
''Why do I get the feeling that you know far more than your claim of a recent acquisition suggested?'' Ser Arthur asks.
''Because that claim while true was not the entirety of the Truth. Dawn is not the only Seord formed of metals wrought from a Fallen Star. When I searched for the Talon Tome I accidentally discovered the Order of Artys, an ancient sect of men and women dedicated to the Arryn Bloodline. Warriors who were also Scholars. I learned from them that Ser Artys Arryn wore Armor and wielded a Sword forged from such metal. I saw it for myself. However while it was within my rights as their new leader to claim them, I choose not to.'' Says Rogar.
''Why not? Reclaiming ancient Artifacts of one's Lineage is a singularly noble task.'' Ser Arthur asks.
''For the very same reason not just any old Dayne may pick up Dawn. Ser Artys Arryn was House Arryn's First King and the First Knight of The Vale. It would ultimately be unfair to Reclaim the Artifacts without an earned Knight. And As King Aerys is the Only Man with the right of wearing a Royally made Crown, the Path of Kingship is closed to me. Leaving Knighthood as really my only option. We're here.'' Says Rogar as He finds the clue markers to enter
(POV Shift: Jon Arryn)
Ser Arthur had offered to take Rogar as his Squire, having saw a potential he claimed would e a injustice to be left squandered elsewhere. Jon had planned to name Rogar Castellan of The Gates of The Moon but this offer was not the sort of thing that happemed twice, and if it did, then it did so very rarely.
The Sword of The Morning and Deadliest member of King Aerys II Targaryen's Kingsguard offering to train Jon's son and Heir into a Knight? By the God's he was stuck. On the one hand becoming Castellan of The Gates of The Moon before becoming The Keeper would allow Rogar sufficient hands-on learning and experience before his inheritance of The Eyrie.
But on the Other hand his Son being Trained y Ser Arthur and potentially Knighted was such an invaluable opportunity as well, that Jon was at a loss of what to do.
It was safe to say that Rogar caused as many problems as he solved....
(POV Shift: Prince Rhaegar Targaryen)
Having finally met Rogar Arryn, Rhaegar began to see the truth of Arthur's estimates. The boy was part of a rare breed of individual. Skilled in combat yet quite intelligent. It made Rhaegar wonder if The Young Rogar might have a place in his Future Small Council. From what Varys said, and what Rhaegar himself had heard and seen so far, Rogar would be a fairly capable prospect for the positions of Master of Laws, Master of Ships, and Master of Coin. The only question was which one was he most suitable for.
Rhaegar would have to study him for a little bit longer yet, before making his decision, and he'd like to get Arthur's opinion on the lad too. Tywins as well perhaps? In any event a lot was to be done before the decision could be made by Rhaegar.....
Originally I was gonna wait till I felt less Shitty, but After you guys gave me over a Hundred Thousand views my hands were tied.
I'm just grateful that it's my legs that got hurt this time around...
Til the next time!!!
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(Order of Artys Duskendale Den, Duskendale Secondary Sewers, Duskendale, The Blackwater Rush, Blackwater Bay, The Crownlands, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)
(Rogar Arryn POV)
Rogar Arryn and Ser Arthur Dayne were in the Order of Artys Duskendale Den, but The den was fucking empty.
''I thought they'd be here, I ordered them to be here. So why in the ever living fuck is this place fucking empty?'' Rogar asked no one in particular.
''Attacked maybe? Forced to retreat?'' Ser Arthur offers.
''Doubtful, If it were we'd never have gotten inside. The Order has a scorched Earth policy of taking the invaders with them if the Den is breached. No this is something else, Ser Arthur, Don't move.'' Says Rogar as he turns and see's Ser Arthur's position and hears an audible click.
''Why?'' Asks Arthur.
''You just activated something.'' Says Rogar as a Wall slides away to reveal a hidden staircase.
''Huh, Wasn't expecting that. But alright stay here, there's no guarantee this isn't a trap and so if it is one, then it is you who stands the best chance of informing The Royalists to prepare for the worst case scenario.'' Says Rogar.
''Fine, I don't like this little Lord, but your logic is just sound enough'' Says Ser Arthur.
Rogar having ditched Ser Arthur finds his way to the true Enclave below.
''A Falcon fears but one thing, what is it?'' A voice echoes.
''A Falcon fears no one, but he does fear the possibility of never soaring the sky one last time.'' Says Rogar in reply.
Slowly Dozens of Order Members reveal themselves.
''Welcome to The Dusk Enclave. We are at your service.'' Says a man wearing the Den Leader Pauldrons.
''I can't speak long but listen up, in this year A lone Kingsguard will scale the wall and sneak into the city disguised as a beggar, I will join him, the night before it happens I will have The minstrels play the Rains of Castamere seven times over seven hours. That's when you ready yourselves to let the Royalists in. You Drop the bridge, Slip a slow acting poison into the water supply and food stores of the local Barracks hours prior, and get the Darklyn newborns to the Den in the Eyrie any child older than 3 you leave behind. Oh and one more thing get a way into the Red Keep straight here to Duskendale. Specifically the chambers of the future Princess Consort of Crown Prince Rhaegar. I want them to have an escape route if necessary. Good day.'' Says Rogar before he turns around.
Not five seconds later Ser Arthur has arrived.
''Well?'' Asks Ser Arthur.
''They're not here, but they left me a means to contact with them. Let's get out of here.'' Says Rogar. As Rogar moves to pass Ser Arthur holds a mailed hand up in his path.
''Your lying, you used me to get you here in one piece., and you ditched me under the pretext of me being in the best position to escape. Now you're gonna tell me why.'' Says Arthur.
''I can't tell you unless you swear a specific vow.'' Says Rogar.
''Give me the words if it means you'll speak truth.'' Says Ser Arthur.
''Swear upon the Seven that if you break faith with me by telling anybody you will run Dawn through the belly of Ashara, Allyria, and Arnolf. That you will then do the same to yourself if you tell a soul without my permission? Including The King or The Crown Prince, especially the Crown Prince? Swear This and I won't have you slain by the Order.'' Says Rogar.
''You walk a dangerous line boy.'' Says Arthur.
''So do you old man. Swear me this and I swear to you that I will never lie to you.'' Says Rogar.
''So be it. By the grace and the name The Mother, The Maiden, The Smith, The Crone, The Father, The Warrior, and The Stranger I swear to honor your wishes and that if I break this trust that I will run Dawn through Arnolf's Belly, Allyria's Bell, and.....and Ashara's Belly. This I swear.'' Says Arthur very hesitantly as far as Ashara was concerned.
''Good. Come on out.'' Says Rogar as his Order appears half a second or so later.
''Ser Arthur Dayne, meet the Order of Artys Arryn, the single longest living Secret society in the living world. The Order of Artys is an ancient sect of warriors and scholars who at the orders of an Ancient Arryn King went into hiding. I rediscovered them searching for something else. They answer to me, not my father. They keep the armor of Ser Artys and his Weapons. It is my goal to become a Knight before I claim my House's Ancestral Armor and Weapons. I refuse to shame the Armor and Weapons by not at least being Knighted before claiming it. Hence why taking control of the Order is almost half as important as maintaining its anonymity..'' Says Rogar.
''I don't follow.'' Says Ser Arthur.
''The Armor and Weapons have been forged from Meteorite Ore, just like Dawn. They are the Armor and Weapons of Ser Artys Arryn Westeros's Very First Knight of The Vale and King of Mountain and Vale. As such I can only bring myself to claim said Artifacts as a King or a Knight. To do it as anything less would be tantamount to walking into Great Sept and pissing in the Ashes of Every Targaryen King since King Aegon The Conqueror.'' Says Rogar.
''You do not feel worthy of claiming them yet.'' Ser Arthur realizes.
''Correct.'' Rogar replies rather simply.
''Now come, we must return to the Camp, no doubt father is worried sick, and King Tywin is anxious for news.'' Says Rogar deliberately calling Tywin King to try and provoke a response from Ser Srthur, who apparently didn't notice his ''slip up''.
(Ser Arthur Dayne POV)
Rogar was an odd one, he creatively mixed words to reach an emphasis on what he felt. He could have just said it didn't feel right claiming The Armor and Weapons of Ser Artys I Arryn, but he instead said claiming it now would be tantamount to walking into the Great Sept of King Baelor and pissing in the Ashes of Every Targaryen King since King Aegon The Conqueror.
This showed two things, a level of immature maturity I'm one so young, and it also showed he placed great emphasis on not bringing even a little bit of dishonor - imagined or otherwise - to such precious Artifacts.
Ser Arthur was very keen to have the boy squire for him now...
And with that part 4 is done.
I apologize if it seems a little disconnected from the previous chapter, but I didn't want to leave you guys in the wait again because tomorrow I have a ten K walk uphill with my Duke of Edinburgh group.
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