"It's so good to see you, moya kuzina," Georg says as he spots me on the bench press. "And good to see that your summer of leisure didn't diminish your gym routine."
I laugh at this and shake my head before grabbing the weighted bar and pressing it to my chest, working through ten reps before setting it back on the rack. "I know. I look good. You look as scrawny as ever, though," I joke back.
Georg flexes his bicep and says, "Scrawny? No, lean and fit and sexy, so says my woman."
"I'm sure she loves being called that," I say, still laughing. "American women love being treated as if they are items to be owned, I hear."
"You hear? You mean you haven't had an American woman?"
"I am not a monk, Georg, as you are well aware." And it's time to change the subject. "Why is the gym so empty today?"