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78.91% Different Royal Pony. / Chapter 130: Super Cheesy Marefriends Squeezy

Bab 130: Super Cheesy Marefriends Squeezy


A longer chapter, quite fun to be honest, I almost didn't even realise when it was over 2k words and would have gone for more haha. Quite interesting plot. Covering what happened with some minor plot point and another fun part that came to me completely randomly but that's how I write after all. The best stories come to me at random haha

Hope you like it and like always EEEENJOY!!!


"Howdy partner! Lovely Day, ain't it?" Applejack walked over to Starfall when the Stallion arrived at the farm gate.

He looked over the snow-covered fields and apple orchards before turning back to Applejack.

"Indeed Jackie. It's quite nice." He agreed walking over and kissing her forehead.

Applejack blushed and invited him through the gate.

"So what can ah do fer ya?" She asked as the duo walked towards the farmhouse.

"Ah nothing much. I wanted to see you, and say Hello to everypony. I was hoping for a bit of a change from my usual hiding in the cramp underground." He said with a wry smile and Applejack laughed.

"Ain't that true! Haha! You're gonna turn into that Diamond Dog thingy one of those days Star. Ya really need to get outa the Lab more often. We miss you." She said in good humour, playfully bumping his side with her flank...

"Haha, you're right. I do need to go out more often. But there so much I want to discover, so much I want to do..." He sighed to himself and Applejack couldn't help but smile as she snuggled into his side.

"And ah love it bout chya Sugarcube. Ya work so hard and clearly love what you do. And despite that, you're never too busy not ta help us out when we need chya." She said remembering how he would often visit to help around the Farm...

Starfall smiled, feeling warm in his chest. He was doing everything in his power to make his family happy. He wanted to learn from his mistakes and be a person or a pony, that his previous life's self would have been proud of. And hearing such praise from one of his loved ones was something he could only dream about before. Now, it was something he aimed for...Well not that he really needed the praise. His main goal was always everypony's happiness, but he did appreciate being acknowledged from time to time...

His eyes suddenly stopped on some weird contraption buried under the snow.

"Huh? That's..." Starfall stopped and muttered to himself, but Applejack noticed his look and


"Ahh! That thingy...It was called Super speedy Cider Squeezy, or some other shmuck buck name. It's a pretty funny story ta be honest." Applejack explained surprising Starfall.

The Flim Flam Brothers were already here? When? How?

"Huh. Do tell. Now I'm curious." He stated and Applejack smiled.

"Well, it was like this..." She began, explaining the entire event.

Apparently the two scammers visited the farm during the fall, trying to drive the Apple family out of the cider business with their automated machine. What they didn't took into consideration though, was the fact, Applejack was a Marefriend of a Prince. Not only had they had to compete against the Apples in terms of speed of manufacturing and quality of their beverage, but also against the Townsponies general dislike to the two outsiders, love for the Apple family, and respect for the Royalty...

And apparently the two brothers had no idea about Applejacks status in the eyes of the Ponies until the very end, which makes it so much more amusing for Starfall. He might still be able to use their ignorance against them, whenever it is they come back to cause trouble again.

"Hahaha! This is great Jackie. Though you could have called me, and I'd have readily helped with driving them out. To be honest, from what you told me about them, I might have even employed them now that I think about it..." He mused to himself, receiving a scandalised look from applejack.

"What! Why would you!? They are scammers and swindlers!" She asked shocked receiving an amused look from Starfall.

"They might be, but I'm sure if I gave them a product actually worth selling, and had them obey some strict rules, they'd have been amazing at their job, and you'd never have to worry about them again." He explained, already imaging how awesome the two could be as his personal salesponies... They could incite the ponies into buying his products and they wouldn't even have to lie, not like he would let them, but still... He should probably try to catch them next time they try to scam Ponyville... It's a shame he missed the Cider Squeezy event...

"Huh...That ain't such a bad idea. Ah still don't like it mind you, But Ah guess Ah could forgot mah dislike towards them if ya can really pull it off..." She said with a small smile and Starfall laughed.

"Don't worry. They'll be law abiding citizen the next, next time you see them." He winked received a giggle.

"Ah were here." She said as they reached the house.

They walked inside, only to be greeted by the sight of Granny Smith and Apple Bloom standing by the kitchen counter, and Big Macintosh sitting at the table.

"Ah! Look who it is! Starfall my dear! Come in, Come in!" The older mare noticed the Stallion beside Applejack and greeted him cheerfully.

"Mr Starfall! Is Spike with you!?' She asked excitedly before getting bumped by Granny Smith.

"Sorry. hehe... Good morning Mr Starfall!" She apologised sheepishly, and greeted Starfall.

Big Macintosh stood up from the table and walked over.

"Good morning Granny, Apple Bloom. Hey Bug Mac. Good to see you." Starfall said to the two mares before approachi Mac and giving him a bro hoof.

"Eeyup." He said as his usual, before leaning over to say more.

"Hope you're treating my sis well Star." He gave him a warning glare, but Applejack found this moment to but in.

"Stop it Big Mac, ya know Starfall. He's a Sweetie." She interrupted their talk, but Big Mac just snorted and winked at Starfall.

"I know that...Sweetie." He grinned at Starfall who groaned. he wasn't going to live that down...


"Well hello there Sweethearts, What would you like today?" Asked Mrs Cake as Starfall and Twilight walked into the Sugarcube Corner.

"Hello Mrs Cake. We'd like a set of hot chocolate for the two of us and whatever you recommend from the cake selection." Starfall replied to which Mrs Cake nodded cheerfully.

"You'll have it in a minute Darlings. Please take a seat.

"Thank you." The pair left to find a seat, which wasn't that hard considering the place was rather empty today, with everypony being out and about doing their own things, or huddling in the warmth of their own houses.

"Thank you for bringing me here. I really needed to have a break." Twilight said with a small blush, receiving a laugh from Starfall.

"Twily, you had all the freedom to go out whenever you wanted. No one forced you to work on your artificial beach, nor with helping Whooves with his projects." He pointed out receiving an embarrassed blush from the mare who looked away.

"Well, what can I say. It's just so much fun..." She said sheepishly and Starfall laughed again remembering what he said earlier this day to Applejack.

"So, how is it going anyway? Any progress?" He asked and Twilight perked up.

"Oh yes! We made some progress in genetic modification of Parasprites! We actually created a variant that eats dead plants and soil, and turns it into fertilizer!" She explained making Starfall surprised and slightly amused.

"So, what you mean to tell me, you transformed a Parasprite into a giant, flying, spherical earthworm?" He pointed out causing Twilight to stop in confusion, before finally understanding the similarity and laughing alongside Starfall.

"Haha, I guess we did. We've been doing research and simulation on this new variant and we believe it should be safe to release on farmlands in a couple of months, when we figure out how to decrease their birth frequency. They could become the favourite pets of every farmer!" Twilight said excitedly.

"This is great Twilight! I'm really impressed with you." He praised her, having to agree that it was quite the discovery.

"And what about the old project? I admit I have been slightly neglecting it lately." He asked, and Twilight's expression slightly fell.

"Ah well, we're still struggling with a few things, We know what we want to achieve but there are some things that just stumps us and slows down the work for days on end. At this rate it might take a few years before we can truly make it work as intended..." Twilight said and Starfall nodded not that surprised. It wasn't a simple endeavour, though he had an idea how to speed up the research...But for that he needed to visit the world behind the mirror. At the moment that was the only place where he could put his hands on an actual computer... Then it only leaves figuring how it works and making it better with magic... Regretfully Equestrian console games were way too low tech for their current needs...

""Hey Starfall!!!"" A pair of Pink Mares broke him from his thoughts as they placed their order on the table and kissed him on both his cheeks.

"Hey girls. How are you doing?" He said with a blush, realising how everypony in the Sugarcube Corner looked at them in amusement.

"Oh were great! There's not much work-" Said the Pinkie with Cotton candy like mane.

"-so we can sit at the back and-" Continued the straight maned Pinkie...

"-Work on our Magic Candies!" Finished the first Pinkie, While Starfall could already tell he was going to have a headache with those two. They were clearly training to speak like this on purpose...

"I see, that's good. I'm happy for you."He said with a smile, deciding not to speak up about their new way of speech as not to receive a bigger headache. It was enough with Pinkie breaking the forth wall with her weird psychic magic...And now she taught her sister a Weasley speech...

Regretfully, Twilight didn't seem to catch his hope of avoiding the topic and asked.

"What's with you two speaking like this all of a sudden?" She asked and the two grinned to eachother, somehow making Starfall a bit suspicious of something being not quite right here.

Meena seemed too happy for some reason...

"It's-" Started Pinkie.

"A rather funny story...-" Continued Meena.

"An accident if you will-" Pointed out the "Older" sister.

"-Zecora showed us a potion to share memories!-" Said the cloned Pinkie.

"-And we thought-"Pinkie...

"-why not make a new Candie out of it!- "Meena...

"-A candy to share your thoughts with another Pony!-"

"-A great idea!-"

"-An awesome Idea!-"

"-Super hiper extra idea!-"

"-But we needed to test it...-"Pinkie looked a bit sheepish as she said so.

"So we thought, what wrong could happen, we already have the same memories..." Said Meena while Starfall tried not to make it obvious that his head hurt...While Twilight was already massaging her head.

"So we ate the matching candies-"Explained Pinkie.

"-But as we were sharing our lovely times with you-"Meena said with a grin, not looking guilty in the slightest.

"-We also shared something else...-" Pinkie said, and suddenly Starfall's eyes widened as he had an idea.

"Don't tell me..." he whispered.

His eyes started to glow as he peered into the magic of the two mares.

There inside of Pinkie Pie's head, her magic showed the prophetic anomaly he found a long time ago. Be where there was nothing inside of Meena's head before, now there was the same magic as with her sister, and both anomalies resonated with eachother...

"Yeah! Now we both have the Pinkie sense! And we can-" Pinkie pie said in excitement.

"-feel eachother's intentions!-" Added Meena.

""Isn't that great!?"" They both asked at the same time And Starfall wasn't sure what to say. Something though nagged him slightly.

"I...well...I think it's not bad per say... but.." He stood up, walked over to the two, and looked at Meena with mixed feelings."Meena, are you still, well, Meena? Do you two have a sense of

individuality?"He asked hoping that it was the case because otherwise he wasn't sure he could bring them back to how they were before. Was Meena still Meena? Or was she a copy of Pinkie in an even greater extent to before?

He waited for a moment, only to receive a giggle from the two girls who kissed both his cheeks and nuzzled him.

"Silly Starfall. It's me. I'm just...happy." Meena said to him, no headache inducing exchange with Pinkie now in her speach.

"It's true Star. We didn't forget who we are. We just..." Pinkie Pie thought how to say it.

"...Got closer?" Meena finished for her and Pinkie nodded happily.

"That's right! And I think while we did influenced eachother slightly, It's not to the point to lose our own uniqueness. I'm still the most bubbly of us two haha!"

"And I'm still the more down to earth one." Meena said with a smile before smirking."Though I did inherited a bit more of the "bubbles"." She winked at Pinkie who giggled.

Starfall looked at the two and sighed in relief. He could tell that Meena wasn't turned into Pinkie or vice versa. she was just more...happy, as she said. While Pinkie wasn't as jumpy as before if he had to be honest.

It seemed they got a look at eachother from the others perspective and slightly corrected what they didn't like.

"His mage sight glanced at their chests, where a strand of the magic of friendship grew stronger than the last time he saw it.

'I blame you...' He thought looking at the magic that lightly flashed as if acknowledging his thoughts.

In the end the Pinkies joined them at the table and spend a while chatting, before getting called by Mrs Cake.

"See you later Pinkie, Meena. I want to see whether you can share your sensations in bed!" He said with a wink as the two mares blushed at the idea before giggling at eachother and as one swinging their tails around in their waitress dresses to tease him...

He looked back at Twilight who gave him an exasperated look.

He rolled his eyes receiving a giggle from Twilight.

"Only You Starfall..." She said and Starfall had no way to retort. It wasn't his fault all the weird things happened around him. Or was it?..


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