The shepherds on the grasslands have an old saying: the strong walk alone, while the weak huddle together for warmth...
With every climate change, when it becomes necessary to migrate, the grazing cattle and sheep would gather into herds and move together in one direction, all the small animals from the road joining this group, subsequently attracting a plethora of predators.
Did they not know that this would attract predators? Of course, they did, but it didn't matter; they didn't need to outrun the predators, just the weaker ones among them.
If the expanding chaos tide could be likened to a change in climate, then the moving entity of the Abyssal Big Mouth would be a Tornado Storm, its presence stirring the previously calm Chaos Plane into turmoil.
Normally well-hidden creatures, Ancient Gods, not knowing from which crevice they emerged, fled in hysteria.
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