Ange instinctively side-stepped, allowing their opponent's fist to pass under their armpit. Seamlessly, they grasped his wrist, and with the precision earned from thousands of years of training, Ange pressed the Face Purification Technique onto their opponent's face.
Locke was stunned by this elegant manoeuvre. Just as he prepared to elbow back, he felt a slight push against his face. He lost balance, leaning backwards and unable to muster any strength.
By the time he managed to stabilise himself using his waist strength, he found that the other's palm was still pressed against his face, a divine radiance overwhelming his entire field of vision.
With reflex, his hands clasped on the opponent's forearm. He immediately felt a surge of strength. His whole body, like a bundle of straw, was entirely lifted and thrown to the ground.
Err, what happened? Where am I?
It took a while for Locke to regain his senses. He propped his upper body and looked at Ange, stunned.
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