After summoning Water God Tom, Ange non-stop throw out spells, resulting in a tornado.
The pollen dissemination spell is a very low-level kind of wind magic, and if magic had decimal levels, that spell would probably rank around 0.1 or so. It uses less than one-tenth of the magic power of a level 1 spell.
That's why Ange can cast it hundreds of times in a single second, quickly pollinating hundreds of thousands of crops in several thousand acres of land.
However, the pollen dissemination spell can also infinitely amplify. As long as the center point is kept consistent every time it's cast, you can churn the tornado more significant, like stirring a water tank, until the whole world can't contain it.
But this isn't easy to do. It's simple to say keep the center point consistent, but even if we let Tyrone do it once or twice, or even a hundred or a thousand times, can he keep it consistent for several hours without his eyes getting blurry or his legs getting weak?
Ange can.
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