The God of Arbitration dared not move, and Ange was stuck. Thus, they both remained in a standoff.
Streams of believers came non-stop offering their devoted donations, every day was like a sacred ceremony, consistently harvesting an abundance of faith.
Devoted believers are one thing, but even more was the devotion of the worshippers. They strengthened their beliefs and fervently embraced their faith.
The disappearance of the gods and the destruction of heaven inflicted the most damage to these worshippers. They had devoutly followed the Gods of Light from an early age, grew up to assume religious positions, but they faintly felt that the gods did not exist?
They aren't fools, those who became worshippers aren't intellectually defective. They naturally gleaned the abnormalities from all the hints.
Some people sought power and interest, chose to muddle along, burying their inner yearning for light, but some waited painfully or fell into despair.
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