In Demon Valley, a half-demon child with two devil horns on his head, rode on his hobby horse and whipped around a bamboo whip. Running noisily past, he shouted loudly: "Die, vile destroyer of fields, Lord Ange will destroy you!"
The child, playing the part of the destroyer of fields, screamed and burst into laughter, running off in all directions.
Seeing this scene, wrinkles of laughter spread across Green Wood's face. He shook his head with satisfaction and started breaking the stalk of the Fire Sunflower in his hand.
This was a magic plant similar to the sunflower. It grew in environments filled with fire elements. The colossal flower could concentrate a large amount of fire elements and grow white seeds.
And what was its use? Well, eating too many would make one prone to internal heat and laxative effects. When practicing Fire Magic, munching on these seeds could speed up the recovery rate and they tasted pretty good.
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