The World roars with the War God's wrathful growl, "Despicable God of Shadows, why did you betray us!?"
The God of Shadows appears like a large humanoid light bulb, gathered from the luminescence into a mass of shadows, similar to a person carrying a huge magic lamp on their back.
Because the light is too intense, one can't discern the details of the shadow, glimpsing only what possibly might be the movement of eyes and nose. The somewhat perplexed voice of the God of Shadows rings out: "Why are you still alive?"
"The king, he sheltered us. The War God and the God of Forging formally pledged allegiance to the Undead King in exchange for his protection!" The War God roars.
The voice of God of Shadows sounds, "You, you've abandoned the Light in favor of serving the dark wraiths. You are guilty."
The War God grows irate: "Damn you, Kvada, you were the first to betray us. Say it, why did you betray us? Weren't we allies!?"
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