"Unlawful assembly and affray, go back and assist in the investigation. If it turns out as you say, we'll release you then," the Sheriff explained kindly.
Luther also smiled kindly: Trust you? No way.
He glanced at Ange without a trace, found that Ange did nothing, but there was still plenty of time. Let's go and see what they are up to. If they dare not to handle this case properly, he would tear down their sheriff station then.
Luther, holding Little Angel and Little Zombie's hands, followed the Sheriff to the station. If he didn't hold them, Little Angel would start fighting right away, and that would be a mess.
Not only did he have to hold their hands, but he also had to whisper, "Don't start, wait till we're at the place."
The group arrived at the sheriff station, the pretended thieves that had been brought back were locked up in another room.
The sheriff smiled at Luther, "May I ask where are you from? What are you doing here at Rex? How many people are you?…"
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