Who's the killjoy here? Sand thieves? All of them were wiped out, and yet some dare to come out still? What in the world is this 'King of Sand Thieves'?
The devastating impact of the Flying Knights' dragon-slaying fight on the sand thieves had left the desert scarce of them. Almost all of the ones capable of forming a group had been summoned, only to be crushed and scattered in retreat.
Surviving in the desert, dispersed and relying only on individual strength, is very difficult. So during the general battle, the casualties among the sand thieves might have been just over a thousand. But after they scattered, at least two to three thousand would have died.
Out of five thousand sand thieves, less than a fifth would have survived.
Badly weakened, it would be hard for the sand thieves to cause havoc for a while. Under such circumstances, could there still be a 'King of the Sand Thieves'?
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