Ever since her family was chosen to be the Dragon Speakers, the ancestors have been constantly warning the next generation: never to disturb the giant dragon while it's in deep sleep because it's very grumpy when it wakes, and will burn anything to ashes.
But the problem is, the giant dragon sleep erratic, sometimes sleeping for years, sometimes for decades.
Once, an ancestor became a Dragon Speaker when the giant dragon was in deep sleep. The dragon still hadn't awakened when the ancestor was on his deathbed, sadly making him the only Dragon Speaker who had never seen the giant dragon.
Now, your lost child has come looking for you, and even if you're cranky, you should hold it back, right?
Sofia believed in what Negris said up to ninety percent because Naeli had indeed discussed Zero Degree Island with her ancestors, mentioning it was the place of her first sweet memory, as to what was the first time, Naeli did not specify.
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