Even though I was assured by Panda, and then by Ghost himself, that nothing happened with them or with my piece of the Seal of Absolute Knowledge, it was still a relief to come back to my own country, city and home and find it uninvaded (except for Panda, who had a permission), and people I knew to be untouched.
The next thing I did was to ask Ghost if he had any knowledge of how Staghead could do what he did, who he was, and how to stop him. While Ghost's specialisation wasn't in creating and manipulating space, he still knew a lot.
He was shocked when I told him what happened at the auction, and his face got that strange blank look Ghost had when he appeared to be unable to feel anything good about the situation.
I was told that if I wont breathe more fresh air, I might die from the lack of oxygen.
Maybe they weren't that incorrect...