Maybe Rita was just saying this because she couldn't take rein on her hormones, but I was tempted to agree with her. Either way, I knew I would need moral support for this. That, and I wanted JJ to meet my grandparents, anyway. It wasn't something I thought about until recently, but all the recent events convinced me we were serious enough for this.
But coming out as supernaturals at the same time was like opening a bonus can of worms on top of the nervousness I felt about this idea. After all… the last and only other boyfriend I brought to my family—to my dad—was Andrey, and that was years ago. Now Dad wasn't around anymore, and there was an additional layer of grief on the entire thing.
I was nervous to even ask JJ about him. There was an enormous temptation to put it off as far as I could, but I knew that I had limited time to clear my business before Prom Queen would set up the show. I had to move if I were to finish it before… Plus, this was just cowardly.
This chapter is slow because... I made some mistakes in my life. Just... take it. Take it. Take it.