Elena took a single look at my face and, with a mix of empathy and pity on her face, told me to rest some before coming back. I fell asleep even before my head could touch the pillow of the luxurious guest bedroom I was shown to.
A loud knock on my door pulled me out of my sleep, dreamless, black and sticky like fuel oil. It clung to me even as I reluctantly rubbed my crusted eyes open and went through a moment of confusion of not remembering where I was. A single look at my phone told me that whoever was knocking, it was waaaay too early for it.
"Diana, wake up!" the voice from the door brought back memories, and not much of them pleasant. Gruff and low and sharp and somewhat angry. Captain. "Elder Elena wants to see you!"
"It's not even nine yet… I've slept for how long?.. Five hours total? Ugh." With great reluctance, I sat up in my bed and stretched to make my blood run around the body. "I'm awake, stop breaking down my door! Let me dress, will you?"
Nooo, not the nine in the morniiiing~