We lounged in the smoke filled room and sipped on a thick sludge that was supposed to be coffee.
"Do you like it?"
"It's shit," I said.
Leonell chuckled. "But you drink it still."
I sniffed the glasses rim and while it smelled like coffee it tasted like it was mixed with acidic chicken dung. "I can drink shit coffee." It had caffeine after all. I peered at him. "How am I supposed to find the artifact."
Leonell leaned forward and whispered. "If I had a map it would not help you."
I wondered if discussing a heist in a thieves guild abode, which I assumed the black cloaks were to some degree, was a wise idea.
I scanned the room checking for healthy cores or signs of someone using a technique. It was quiet. Maybe the deal with the expensive coffee lounge was a place of anonymity where you discussed your next crime. The only person using a technique was Leonell himself.