At the Fallen event, Gemini was about to arrive!
Josh trailed behind the old woman until they reached a large castle ballroom. It was so sumptuous that the little girl accompanying them couldn't help but utter excitedly.
"Wow! It's like a true fairy tale!"
Was all this nothing but a deceptive front? Dario hadn't given him any news yet, and no one seemed to realize that there was anything wrong.
Josh's gaze darted everywhere. There were only happy people in colorful clothes, dancing to the music.
"They should be there any second now." The old lady softly mumble.
That's when the lights went out, and the music abruptly stopped! A spotlight then lit up as a man slowly appeared in a corner. Josh instantly recognized him as that one recruiter from Gemini who had looked down on him.
This is why I hate mobs. One idiot will scream something dumb, then another idiot will scream something even dumber. After a few rounds of retarded screeching...Bam! There's a crowd that wants to beat me up because I resist poisons. Fuck them! No, seriously, fuck them!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)