Unduh Aplikasi
71.42% The Soldier in MHA / Chapter 13: I'm The Captain Now

Bab 13: I'm The Captain Now

"----" Speech

'----' Thought

(----) Thought in the middle of a sentence.

*----* Sound noises


(3rd Person Pov)

Rick woke up, did his usual morning routine, and went straight to U.A. together with Pony and Izuku for his second day there.

All normal high school classes went just fine, except for one.

Modern Hero Art History.

"Hello, young boy and girls~" A woman wearing a dominatrix costume walked into their class, filling Rick with nothing but dread.

"It's The R-Rated Hero: Midnight!" The electric boy exclaimed, with not so subtle red cheeks, his fellow classmates releasing gasps, especially the boys.

His 'mom' walked (or more like swayed) her way to the front of the room, "As you know, I'm Midnight, and I'll be teaching modern hero art history." She ended with a flirty pose and an eye blink.

It was a nightmare came true.

But maybe she would have the decency to not look at him and expo-

"As you all know, I'm Midnight, and you all may call me that way. Except for my son, Ricky! You can call me mommy~" Nemuri pointed at him with a cheeky smile.

"""MOMMY??!!""" The entire 1-A yelled together and looked at Rick, whose face was cast by a grim shadow.

The audacity of that b*tch.

"… You call me Ricky one more time, and I swear to God." He got up and summons his [Stock Shotgun] and pumped the fore-end in an eerie sound of unconcealed violence, "I'm doing a school shooting. Right here. Right now."

The classroom was silent, their instincts warning them.

"O-Oi… He is not serious, right?" Sero asked nobody.

"I-I have never seen Rick like that. O-Or lie." The forest hair gulped.

The students started to sweat for real.

The +18 Hero took a step back, nothing she messed up. "I-It was just a joke, Rick. I swear to never call you that again." She said with her hands raised as a peace sign.

"… Good." The almost school shooter went back to his seat, the class releasing the breath they were unconsciously holding.

In another room, a rat can be seen laughing while looking at the cameras, his sadistic nature unleashed and satisfied.


(Rick's Pov)

What an ordeal!

Having to deal with the hag and her sudden boldness.

Calling me Ricky? Never.

Calling her mommy? I would rather become a communist.

At least the morning 'normie' classes are over. Now, the good stuff comes in.

Hero Basic Training.

"I AM HERE." A voice came from behind the comically large door. The students releasing an anticipating gasp in recognition. [1]


"It's All Might!" The electri-boy said.

"Wow, he really is a teacher!" The red hair revealed.

"That's a costume from the Silver Age, isn't it?" The frog girl spoke her mind out.

"Its style is so different, It's giving me goosebumps." Tail guy voiced.

… Are they all fanboys? Sheesh, and I was already tired of Izuku.

All Might marched his way in front of the lectern, "I teach Hero Basic Training. It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You'll take the most units of this subject! Let's get right into it! This is what we'll do today—"

The No.1 Hero squatted and turned his back at them, and then turned back with a big BATTLE card in his hand.


The delinquent was excited, and Izuku gulped in worry.

Me? I'm relieved. I can finally release all the aggression from before. Hahaha!

"AND TO GO WITH THAT ARE THESE!" The Hero continued, pointing at the wall that opened in rows, showing numbered metallic boxes. "Costumes made based on your Quirk registrations and requests you sent in before school started."

"""Whoa!""" We yelled in unison. I was anxious to get my costume! If any TF2 fan was reincarnated here with me, they will recognize it from a mile away.

"After you change, gather in Ground Beta!"

"Hai!" "SIR, YES SIR!"

The class spared me a glance from being the odd one out again. Dammit! You are the ones doing this wrong, maggots!

We changed in our hero costumes and I looked at the mirror in the changing room.

I wore my helmet, combat military pants, boots, belt on my hip and one going over my shoulder filled with grenades, and a red WW2 soldier coat with missile logos stamped on the upper arms, all made with the best materials, of course. I was the carbon copy of the TF2 soldier, but even better.

Today was a good day.

We walked to Ground Beta, where we met All Might.

"They say the clothes make the man, young men and ladies." He said as we stepped on the light.

"Be fully aware… from now on… YOU ARE HEROES!" Yagi exclaimed.

My class costumes were pretty dope, not gonna lie. And God, seeing babes in hero costumes… that's hotter than I thought, I might have just got a new fetish. Good thing today I was wearing my anti-flag tight boxers.

And that cheating girl wore almost nothing. Normally that would be a good thing, but anything that resembles Nemuri pisses me off, and her style is a little too familiar… she is going down. One Midnight is already too much.

"That's great, everyone. You all look cool!" All Might said with his trademark smile.


Izuku, who was late, finally arrived.

"Oh, Deku?" Ochako called out as she walked towards the grenette.

"Urarak-!!!" The green mop was frozen in his tracks, seeing the girl's tight costume. *Sniff*… he grew so fast…

"That looks cool! Really down to earth." She continued, completely missing the boy's distress.

"I should've written what I wanted… Mine ended up being a skintight bodysuit. It's embarrassing." The brunette scratched her head.

Talking about costumes…

I pulled my phone and messaged my girlfriend.

> You are in a private chat with [4PPL3_Pi3]!

[S0Ld/3r]: GF! Are you in the hero class right now? I'm already wearing my costume. *Sends Selfie*.

[4PPL3_Pi3]: Woah! It suits you so much! We are also in our hero class, combat training! Here is my costume. *Sends Selfie*

She wore an orange costume with white spots and gloves, with horse riding belts and accessories, even a saddle on her back. Heh.

[S0Ld/3r]: Pony, you look amazing! But I have to ask about that saddle.

[4PPL3_Pi3]: My horse-like body allows me to sprint on four, a saddle will be useful when rescuing people like that.

[S0Ld/3r]: I see… I'm still feeling a little betrayed, you see. I thought I was the only one who could ride you but I guess I was mistaken. What a sad life I have…

[4PPL3_Pi3]: It's nothing like that!!! (⁄ ⁄◯⁄Д⁄◯⁄ ⁄)

[S0Ld/3r]: (ᗒᗨᗕ)

[4PPL3_Pi3]: Uuu... We will continue this later. Bye!

> [4PPL3_Pi3] is now offline!

Hahaha! That was fun. I will use this saddle thing and ride jokes for a long time. Maybe I can even strike a deal on how each person who rides her, I have to ride her too, albeit in another way… heh.

I turn off my phone and look to All Might who was holding a yellow box. Crap! I missed the explanation!

"Izuku, my bro. I… zoned out for a little. Can you explain to me what happened?" I asked him.

"Ah! We are going to fight indoors since while most of the time villain fighting takes place outside, the numbers show that the worse ones fight indoor at a higher rate. We will be split into villains and heroes and fight 2-on-2 indoor battles." He continued.

"Villains have to hide a nuclear weapon somewhere in the hideout, and heroes are trying to dispose of that. Both teams can win by capturing the opposing team, and villains can win by the time running out, while heroes can win by touching the bomb. That box is to draw lots to form the duos. The situation feels very American, right?" [2]

"It sure does! Perfect!" I said. Thanks to my Bro, I'm filled in.

The duos were chosen.

Team A: Ochako and Izuku (the universe really want them together, huh).

Team B: White-Red hair and Weird head guy (Koji Koda)

Team C: Cheater stripper girl and multi-arm boy.

Team D: Delinquent and engines.

Team E: Acid girl and Frenchie.

Team F: Me and Big guy (Rikido Sato).

Team G: Eletri-boy and plug-in ears girl.

Team H: Frog girl and Bird boy.

Team I: Tail guy and invisible woman.

Team J: Red hair and weird elbows.

"Wow, it must be fate! I'm counting on you!" Said Ochako excitedly, much to the embarrassment of my bro.

"THE FIRST TEAMS TO FIGHT WILL BE…" All Might picked one ball from a black box and the other from a white box, with an A and D on them "… THESE GUYS!"


Crap. Delinquent and Izuku are gonna fight. This will probably not end well since they seem to have a history, bad history.


"Hai!" "SIR, YES SIR!"

The classroom went to said room, with a big ass screen on a wall, showing the building in which the training would take place.

They were given five minutes before the break-in started, and when it has finally begun, shit went flying.

Delinquent ambushed them and went straight to Izuku, which in turn activated [OFA: Full Cowl] and predicted the explosive boy punch and used its momentum to throw him on the floor, judo style, all the while saying to Ochako to go in first while he dealt with the explosion boy.

The class complained about Delinquent's surprise attack being 'not mainly' and other stuff. Bunch of amateurs.

Ochako then gave her position by laughing at glasses being all mental and acting like a villain.

Izuku ran around the corridors until Bakugou caught up to him, and pushed a pin in his grenade-looking gauntlet that sent a massive explosion towards the green boy.

They fought for a bit until Izuku used his full power and 'smashed' upwards breaking a hole on the ceiling, or rather, all ceilings, and giving the brunette the chance to grab the bomb, winning the match.

It was pretty intense since we could all see the fight was personal instead of professional.

Izuku broke his arm again and exploded his other one by using it as a shield like the madman he is. And they say I'm the crazy one.

All Might asked about why Iida was the MVP, which cheater girl, like the smart ass she is, answered in deep analysis.

"We should always start with the basics to develop depth of learning. We must strive to devote ourselves wholeheartedly. Otherwise, we cannot become top heroes."

We all get it, you are smart. Shut the hell up!

Delinquent stood there all traumatized and shit. Pretty sad if I actually cared. Welp, the next match it is.


So it's me vs. Cheater, huh? And I'm the villain too. Nice, God seems to hate her just as much as I do.

Me and the big guy I'm a duo with went to the building, plotting on how to destroy our enemies. BUAHAHA!


(3rd Person Pov – Team F)

Rick and his teammate went inside the building, using the 5 minutes before the test started they talked with each other.

"I'm Rick May! A soldier and part-time hero trainee. You?" He asked.

"I'm Rikido Sato, nice to meet you. Soo… I'm not really a plan maker, do you have any ideas?" The big teenager asked back.

"What's your Quirk? Mine is [Gun Summoning], which as the name says, summons guns, more specifically rocket launchers, shotguns, grenades, and some melee. Those have special effects normal weapons don't." He declared while patting his trusty [Stock Rocket Launcher].

"My Quirk is [Sugar Rush]. If I consume sugar, my strength increases five-fold for ten minutes, but I gradually become as dumb as a door as time goes by." Sato answered.

The helmet-boy put a hand on his chin, "Hmm… let's see. We are up against a multi-armed guy with enhanced strength and a cheater who can literally make whatever she wants, as far as I know. Let me think for a bit."

'How do you deal with an enemy capable of literally making anything? Think, Rick, think! Sun Tzu, I need your insight to win this battle!' The American boy thought with his eyes closed. He sat on the floor and started remembering 'The Art of War', the ultimate book of warfare. [3]

A phrase appeared on his mind as a lamp in the dark, 'If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.'

'Know yourself, know your enemy…' He ruminated this wisdom over and over until he got his answer, 'It's big brain time. Thank you, all-powerful master Sun Tzu.'

"I know what to do! That girl is a stuck-up smartass with an unlimited arsenal. She will come up with a plan to get us by surprise and make our lives hell, and multi-arms won't be the real problem, the only danger he poses is of sneaking his way to the bomb." He voiced his plan.

"I have a gut feeling that they, or at least her, won't use the front entrance, but rather the ceiling." Rick pointed to the sky, "I say we hide the bomb very close to the roof entrance since no one expects their objective to be right beside them. Also, each second we let the girl free, she might set up all kinds of traps for us, especially in these many corridors. We need to cut her options, and let her play in our terms." Rick continued.

"Let's break all paths except one, so that they have to follow it regardless if they enter from the roof or the ground. We could also blow the bomb's room entrance up so that neither we or them have access to the bomb, and do this to other rooms so that they will have to dig through all of them before finding it. As soon as we see them we rush at them, leave them no room to even breathe, but your role will be restraining the multi-arms, leave the cheater to me." He finished with a scheming grin.

Sado nodded, but was a bit astonished at the plan, "That was, uh, pretty good. How did you come up with all that?"

All he got for an answer was an "All paths lead to Sun Tzu".

"MATCH START!" All Might yelled from the earpiece.


(3rd Person Pov – Team C)


Momo and Shoji started the attack plan they previously discussed. Momo would enter the building from the roof with Shoji who would alert them of the enemy's location and the bomb. She would set up traps on the way to ambush them by leading Team F to them.


A bunch of explosions and breaking sounds rang out all over the building. Momo couldn't make sense of what was going on.

"Shoji. Let's continue our plan. I still think the ceiling is our best option to break in." She declared, getting a nod in response.

The tentacle teen climbed the building while holding his partner, bringing them to the roof.

As they entered, they saw a corridor filled with debris. All the other paths and rooms were completely wrecked and blocked by the stones.

"Momo, this is too weird. Get behind me and let me go first. I don't think our strategy will work anymore." Shoji spoke with one of his tentacle-now-turned-into-a-mouth thing.

As they walked the path, the girl voiced her insecurity, "I-I didn't think they would do something so drastic. They didn't seem like the type to do this."

"Me neither, but as they say, no plan survives first conta— Get down!" The boy ducked on the floor together with the girl, a rocket zooming where they were a second ago.


Sato appeared from the corridor's corner and rushed at them in a straight line. The tentacle boy transformed all his tentacles into hands and blocked the incoming barrage of punches.

"Momo! Make something!" He yelled, visibly struggling against the sugar boy.

"I'm on it!" She replied.

Momo started making a cannon-like weapon out of her chest, but before she could complete it a grenade landed just beside her, forcing her the dodge and stop the construction mid-way. It was nothing more than a piece of scrap now.

They are wary of her Quirk. She would need to make something quick enough to not be stopped like before.

"Shoji, get behind me!" She yelled to her teammate, who promptly jumped behind her.

She made a taser gun and shot at Sato, but a frying pan appeared out of nowhere and shielded him.

"SWITCH!" a voice yelled from the end of the corridor, running forward at them while the sugar villain fell back.

It was Rick May, the 1st place on both the Entrance Exam and the Quirk Apprehension Test. She made a blast-resistant shield in her left hand and a staff on her other hand with a taser at the top, much like a spear. She also gave her partner a shield.

"Swallow this MAGGOTS!" He pointed a weird-looking rocket launcher and released three missiles at them, which they blocked using their shields. Shoji with his enhanced hearing could pick up another rocket being launched in the midst of the explosions, but it was nowhere to be seen. [4]

When the smoke cleared, Rick was nowhere to be seen.

"Right behind you." A voice whispered, sending a chill on Shoji's spine. [5]

Before he could react a shovel hit the back of his skull, sending him to dreamland.

"Now it's only you, cheater." The soldier spoke to her in a sadistic tone, much like a certain 'mom'.

Sato came back too. It was two big men against her. Things were critical. She would have to do a desperate move.

Momo holds her breath and produced a smokescreen laced with no-color-no-smell knockout gas directly from her skin, hiding her and maybe neutralize her opponents.

She heard a bit of coughing and then a sound of a body hitting the floor, followed by another one. She got them, she won!

The creation girl made a ventilator and blew the smoke away, allowing her to finally release her breath and see her unconscious opponents.

All Might at the coms was about to announce the 'Hero Team Win!' when suddenly the body of young Rick got up in a flash.

"You let your guard down, exhibitionist maggot."

Before Momo could react a [Frying Pan] hit her head, sending her to dreamland.

"All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near."

"You are no match for Sun Tzu teachings, maggot."

Everyone in the monitor room was flabbergast at the turnaround. Rick was just too scheming.

And why did Rick pull a trombone and started playing four low notes of failure? [6]


(Rick's Pov)

We fucking won! Hurray!

With Sun Tzu on my side, I'm unstoppable.

We headed to the monitor room with the awoken tentacle boy and creation girl.

The giant screen had a 'Person-To-Person Combat Training' and a 'Battle 2 Review'.

"The MVP of this match was young Rick! Does anyone know why?" All Might yelled with his arm raised to the sky.

I could already see the cheater lifting her arm and wanting to answer it again, but I cut her off.

"I think the best one to answer that would be me, the MVP, right?" I spared the creation girl a glance, making her hand go down.

"First of all, I must say something about creation girl over there." I pointed at her, "How do you deal with someone with a Quirk so overpowered that makes you wonder what the hell God was smoking when making her?"

"Overpowered?" She tilted her head in confusion.

"Don't play dumb. If your Quirk allows you to create anything like I think it is… You could basically destroy Japan; You are a national threat."

"Excuse me?!" She yelled at me in outrage.

"Yoyo, answer me something. Could you make a nuke?"

The entire class stared at her.

"I-I… I can't make them, it's a secret their blueprints. And my name is Momo!" The girl stuttered.

"Okay, Yoyo. But you could, if you had them, right?" I clarified.

The class took a step back from her.

"I would never do it!"

"I know. I'm just putting things here into perspective. How do you deal with someone with that kind of power? The power to do literally anything? The answer is quite simple, you don't. All you can do is to rush at her and try to deceive her, all the while analyzing her personality to predict possible moves, and desperately try to limit her options. That's exactly what I did."

"As Sun Tzu said, 'All war is deception', 'know yourself and know your enemy'. With Sun Tzu, I exploited her human weakness and broke my way to victory."

The entire 1-A and All Might looked at me like I was an alien. Is this going to be a routine or what?

"Young Rick… you are a scary man." The No.1 Hero said, the class nodding at him.

"What do you mean? I'm just a soldier who read 'The Art of War'! Complain about her who can literally make anything. That power is too much. Even All Might is more balanced than that."

"WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST ME?!" Momo yelled at me.


"Now, now! Let's relax and go to the next match. Ok?" The Top Hero said.

"SIR, YES SIR!" I saluted in confirmation.

After that, all the other fights proceeded normally. And I gotta say, some kids here are very OP. Not on the Cheater's level, but like on the standard OP level.

That white-red hair froze and de-froze the entire building in less than 2 seconds!

The others were pretty chill.

The students all went back to the classroom after all matches ended. Me? I went to 1-B. I wanted to see with my own eyes how Pony looked with her hero costume.

*Knock Knock*

Like the gentleman I am, I knocked on the door before barging my way in.

"Excuse me! I'm here to see my girlfriend." I said to the surprised teens before me.

"Rick?! Why are you here?! How many times did I tell you to not say stuff like that!" The adorably irritated melody reached my ears.

"Pony, there you are! I wanted to see for myself how you looked. A photo is not enough to satisfy me. And I gotta say, orange might just be my favorite new color. It suits you like a glove." I revealed as I walked to her, sending a wink.

She just covered her face in an attempt to hide from the public embarrassment, "Y-You! Why do you do this to me?!"

"If you stopped being cute when embarrassed, I might just stop. But I sincerely hope you don't." I flirted again, mortifying the girl further.

"Excuse me, but may I ask who are you?" An orange-haired girl approached me. She wore a green oriental-looking martial artist costume and a black mask on her face.

"I'm Rick May! Soldier and part-time hero trainee from class 1-A! And you lady?" I introduced myself in a beat, returning the question to her and lifting my hand for a handshake.

"I'm Itsuka Kendo, Pony's friend. Nice to meet you. Sorry for interrupting, but you guys are kinda making a scene here…" She shook my hand and said it awkwardly. I knew we were making a scene, but it wasn't that bad, right?

"C'mon Kendo! We were having a show here, let the lovebirds continue!" A girl with dark moss green hair and pointed teeth yelled from the back of the classroom with a playful smile on her face.

"Tokage! Pony is gonna die of embarrassment if we let this continue. We should help her, not make fun of her!" Kendo yelled back.

They started arguing, leaving me and Pony there.

"Let's go somewhere else, okay?" I grabbed her hand, gaining a nod from her.

We left the room and went to the building's roof for privacy. I grabbed her hips and pushed her closer to me. She was about to say something but never came out since I stole her lips from her with a kiss.

After a few seconds of kissing, I moved back, "Pony, have I ever said how hot you look in that costume?"

She looked to the side and replied, "N-No."

(R-18 Scene Starts – 3rd Person Pov)

"Well, I'm saying it now." He stole her lips again and grabbed her ass in his open hands, fully feeling its roundness and solidness, even giving it a pinch for good measure.

"Ah!~" Pony released a moan at the action.

"R-Rick, I think it's a bit risky if we continue…" She said while staring at him. She never did anything so bold, it was almost straight from a porn video!

"Relax. I think we will be just fine as long as we don't take it too far. Besides, I think it's everybody's dream to do this at least once in their school, especially when hero costumes are involved." The soldier replied, kissing her neck while pressing and slightly twisting one of her boobs. The hot air she released in each moan only enticed him further.

He moved his kissing from her neck to her chest, and then he hips. Its final stop couldn't be more clear.

As he went down his hands never stopped, feeling every curve she had to offer.

Rick bent down at eye level to her womanhood. He lifted the skirt and took out the pants that blocked his path to glory, the only thing left is her underwear.

The American boy took out her panty and licked her crouch like a popsicle, gaining a muted scream of pleasure and a gasp.

He continued licking while grabbing her ass to push her further into his tongue. When he got enough of the outside licking, he went inside her cave in a tongue twister, no wall being spared.

"F-Fuck… Rick, I-I'm cumming!" The girl said between puffs of air, her breath becoming more ragged by the second.

Rick licked with even more fervor.

"Ah… Ah… HMNF!" She squeaked a giant moan followed by an even bigger orgasm. Her hips trembled and convulsed, her hands grabbed his head at pressed fiercely at her crouch, releasing a spray of nectar blocked by his mouth, who drank it all.

"Haah…" Pony fell to the ground with a satisfied sigh, her legs weak. She looked at Rick, or more specifically the bulge in his pants. He had to yet have his release.

"L-Let me do it for you too." She crawled a bit and opened his pant's zipper and taking his boxers out of the way, showing his trunk out of its cloth prison and into the world.

The American girl started licking his dick's head while jerking him off. She seems to take more courage as time went by, her movements becoming less hesitant and her mouth bolder. Her tongue started twisting around his shaft, making Rick let out grunts of pleasure.

"Damn, Pony. I think you might be natural at this. Uuu…" He praised her skills, giving her more confidence to go further.

Pony pushed her mouth further and further to his manhood, reaching the maximum she could put in her mouth. She started going back-and-forwards, mimicking a thrust motion, much to the delight of her partner.

After an unknown amount of minutes, Rick said, "Pony, I'm reaching my limit!"

The girl picked up her pace even more until he reached his orgasm.

He caught her head with his hands and thrust her head in his dick, releasing his load inside her throat, which she swallowed unconsciously. After a few seconds in that situation, he pushed her back.

"Sorry for pressing you at the end there, but you were just too good." The teen apologized. He read on the black hole that is the internet how women don't like the taste of it.

"No! I… it's a bit sour, but it's fine." Pony was quick to stop him.

Rick could only smile at her, "Have I ever told you how you are the best girl in the world Pony?"

"Multiple times." She smiled back.

"So here is another one for the collection."

When they see the sky it was already orange, the sun preparing to say goodbye, showing how much time they spent there.

"We spent too much time here. I think it's better if we go back. W-We can resume this later?" The mare girl said, a bit flustered.

Rick grinned at her, "Yeah. I think so too. We can book a hotel before going home. The battle training will be a good excuse for our parents."

The American girl nodded in affirmation, still a bit shy. She never thought she would ever talk about dirty stuff like this. It was so embarrassing, but she liked it. It gave her a sense of freedom, she didn't have to be a girly princess, but a true high school teenager.

They went out of the roof with their hands held together.

It was fun.

(R-18 Scene Ends – Rick's Pov)

After a good time on U.A. roof, we went back to our respective classrooms, changed our costume (let's pray no one at U.A.'s laundry has a smell enhancing Quirk) back to our school uniforms, and went to the nearest hotel.

Today is a good day.


(Rick's Pov)

The next day in U.A. already started a bit different. There was a mob of reporters and cameras at the gates.

"Hey, You!" A reporter yelled at me, "How are All Might's classes?"

I looked at the woman, "Good! His style is pretty cool. Now, I gotta get back to class, my homeroom teacher is always grumpy, so I'm not keen on getting on his bad side."

I made my way over the mob and entered the gates.

After chatting with my fellow recruits, *Cough* I mean students, Aizawa finally appeared.

He went to the lectern and started his speech, "Good work on yesterday's combat training. I saw the videos and results. Bakugo, you're talented, so don't act like a kid."

"I know." The delinquent replied.

"And Midoriya. You settled it by breaking your arm again, huh?"

Izuku looked down at his desk.

"You can't keep saying you can't help it because you can't control your Quirk. I don't like saying the same thing over and over. As long as you fix the control issue, there's a lot you'll be able to do. Feel a sense of urgency, Midoriya."

"Sir, yes sir!" [7]

"Now let's get down to homeroom business. Sorry for the late notice, but today, I'll have you…

'… take another special test?!' the entire class finished in their minds. Except for Rick who was too occupied seeing a mosquito on the window.

"… decide on a class representative." He completed.

'It's actually a normal school activity!' They thought in relief.

"I want to be class rep! Pick me!" Red hair said.

"Me too!" The electric boy voiced.

"I want to do it, too." The weird long ears girl replied.

Other students also said the same thing, too annoying to be listed by the author.

"Silence, please!" Iida told the class, "It is a job with the serious responsibility of leading others. It is not a job for just anyone who wants to do it. It is a calling that requires the trust of those around you. If we want to use democracy to decide on a true leader, then we should hold an election to choose one."

"Your hand is raised the highest!" 1-A pointed the hypocrisy.

"Why did you suggest that?" Someone said to Iida.

"We haven't know each other for that long, so how can we have trust or anything?" The frog girl replied.

"If that's the case, and everyone votes for themselves…" Red spiky hair concluded.

The engine teen raised his hand forward like a businessman, "Don't you think that is precisely why whoever receives multiple votes here can be truly considered the most suitable person?" He turned to the homeroom teacher, who was burying himself in his caterpillar sleeping bag, "What do you think, Mr. Aizawa?"

"I don't care, as long as you decide before homeroom is over."

"Thank you very much!"

And so did the election begin.

On the blackboard, Iida wrote the names and results.

[Election Results]:

[Rick May – 3] [8]

[Midoriya Izuku – 3]

[Momo Yaoyozoru – 2]

[Rest – 0 or 1]

"""A draw?!""" The students spoke in unison. Cursed mind worm, I'll find you and kill you! [9]

Izuku got up from his seat and faced me, "I would like to give the class rep position to Rick. I know him for a long time. He is the one who made it possible for me to pass the entrance exam, and much, much more. He might not look like it, but I think he is the best for it… Rick? Are you crying?"

"*Sniff* I-I'm not crying! I'm sweating from eyes!" I said the truth while drying my eye-sweats.

'Right…' The class thought, clearly convinced at my reasonable explanation.

"Then, the class rep is Rick, and the deputy class rep is Midoriya." Aizawa stated as me and my bro stood at the podium (he called us there beforehand).

"Woah. It's awesome to be the one behind the lectern for once. This must be what the president feels all the time." I revealed, drinking in the glorious feeling which is leadership. [10]

The green mop just smiled wryly at me.

Yoyo looked down at losing the vote. I'm the captain now BITCH. HAHAHA!

Soon after this, the bell rang, indicating it's time to go to my favorite place in this school: Luch Rush's Eatery, also known as the cafeteria.

"There are a lot of people today, too!" Ochako said as the gang occupied a table. [11]

"That's because everyone in the hero course, support course, and management course meets in the same place" Engines explained.

Izuku let out a sigh, "Even though I've been chosen as deputy class rep, I don't know if I'm qualified for it."

""You are."" Me and Ochako said at the same time. Oh no, did the mind worm is controlling me too?!

"It'll be fine." The dark blue hair teen stated, "Your courage and judgment at critical moments make you worth following. That is why I voted for you."

"And you are smart too. Those Quirk suggestions you gave me were pretty good. If you do the same for them no one will say anything." I complemented.

"It was you who voted me?!" Izuku said startled. Four eyes really looked eager back there.

"But didn't you want to be class rep too Iida? I mean, you've got glasses and everything." The brunette questioned.

"Wanting to do it and being suitable for it are different issues. I merely did what I judged to be correct."

Woah. I went here for food but got wisdom instead.

""Merely?"" Ochako and Izuku said at the same time. Mindworm…

"You don't usually use that word…" The greenette noted.

"Oh, that's…" The boy tried to come up with anything.

"I've been thinking… Are you a rich boy, Iida?" She inquired, and right on point by the look engines' face.

"Ochako!" Pony exclaimed at the girl's boldness.

"Rich… I tried to change how I talk because I didn't want to be called that." He said.

We just stared at him.

He let out a defeated sigh, "Yes, my family has been heroes for generations. I'm the second."

"""What?! Wow!""" Everyone said but me. I'm not even gonna say how weird this is anymore.

"Do you know the Turbo Hero, Ingenium?" He asked.

Izuku started fanboying per usual, "Of course! He's a really popular hero who has 65 sidekicks working at his Tokyo agency! Don't tell me…!"

"He is my older brother!" He revealed with a proud look on his face.

"He's telling us straight out!" "That's amazing!" "Who is that guy?"

The gang just ignored my question and continued. Rude.

"He is a likable hero who honors the rules and leads people. I set my sights on being a hero because I want to be like my brother. However, I think it is still too soon for me to lead others. Unlike me, Midoriya realized the point of the practical portion of the entrance exam, so he is more suitable for the job."

"… This might be the first time I've seen you smile, Iida." Ochako broke the silence.

"What, really? I smile!" The boy argued back.

Before we could say anything further

"An alarm?!"

I immediately equipped by [Mantreads] and get ready to summon for R-Launcher.

"[There has been a Level 3 security breach.]" A robotic voice yelled from the comms. Crap.

"[All students please evacuate outdoors promptly.]"

"What's a 'Level 3 security breach'?" Iida asked a nearby person.

"It means someone is trespassing on school grounds! I've never seen anything like this in the three years I've been here! You should hurry, too!" The boy said and rushed to the exit.

The gang was about to head into the exit too, but I stopped them.

"What are you doing, Rick? We need to hurry!" Pony said, the rest staring at me.

"No. Look at the corridors." I pointed at it, "They are almost bursting with people. It's a crowded stampede on panic, dangerous for everyone there, and a vulnerable spot for attacks. We are better off here until that stops."

"We have to stop them!" Izuku yelled. "These people are putting themselves in danger, we need to do something!"

"Who in the world trespassed?" Iida went to the window, with me following behind.

It was the press from earlier. What a shitty security system U.A. has.

"Well then, we have to say that to them then." I said and headed for the horde at the corridors.

"What are you gonna do?" Pony asked me.

I gave a smug grin in response, and equipped my sunglasses for that extra cool factor, "Being a badass."

I summoned my [Rocket Jumper] and did what it was made for, and leaped over the mob and landed just above the exit door, grabbing a pipe there near the ceiling and activated my [Crit Boost Mode] to attract the mob's attention with its glow.


Everyone froze for a moment and stared at me.

"THE FUCKING MEDIA IS THE ONE WHO INVADED, LOOK AT THE WINDOWS!" I pointed at them, making them see the truth.


The people finally got their senses back and started helping the students who fell on the ground at the commotion.

After the hectic situation at the cafeteria, we went back to class. We still had our hero class at the afternoon to be done.

But why I can't get rid of this chill in my spine? That feeling when something bad was going to happen?


Writing Notes:

[1] Did anyone get it?

[2] Izuku actually says about the situation feeling very American in the episode.

[3] TF2 Soldier actually reads The Art of War, it's his favorite book.

[4] Rick rocket jumped using the explosions to mask the sound of it. All to use the critical damage perk of the [Market Garder] that activates when rocket jumping.

[5] That's a TF2 Spy famous cote.

[6] That's the Fubar Fanfare soldier taunt. Pretty funny.

[7] Izuku spent so much time under Rick that he got a few of his habits.

[8] Rick voted on himself, and Izuku voted for Rick, and Rick's battle training teammate voted for MC too.

[9] Rick still can't understand how the classroom can speak the same thing at the same time, I explained this in past chapters.

[10] "This must be what the president feels all the time" TF2 Soldier's phrase.

[11] The gang is Rick, Izuku, Iida, Ochako, and Pony.

Author Notes:

Hey guys. Here I am with another update!

Sorry for the late update, but my mom went to surgery this week. It was not an accident, but a condition she had for a long time, that could be deadly if she left unchecked. So yeah.

At least I compensated by making this have more than 7K words, a bunch of references, memes, and pictures for them at the paragraph comments. I put an R-18 scene there too, so there is that. My writing quality also increased too if you guys see it. I actually researched stuff to improve my style and dialogues.

The next chapter is about the USJ incident.

And also, I believe you guys wouldn't like it if I literally made this battle training detailing each battle and student since we really don't care about the others except Rick's one and a bit of Izuku's for context later.

About Rick being the class president? Oh boy, I have big plans for this. Let's just say that 1-A will be way stronger than cannon 1-A. Izuku being the vice is gonna help much more than Momo could ever have, you guys will see soon why.

This rivalry between Rick and Momo is nothing serious. It's more comical than anything. And let's be honest here, if you were in MHA and someone with her Quirk was right beside you, wouldn't you shit your pants? That Quirk is terrifying, she could make the strongest bomb ever and sent the entire city to ashes. AFO and OFA can't compare to a super nuke, at least not yet.

But I promise you I'll pay it all back in the next chapter. It's gonna be original, long enough to be a book, and epic! USJ is gonna be a major turning point for the entire class and will make Rick stop being complacent about his powers and start getting in that ever-improving protagonist mindset we all like for real.

See you guys soon, have a good one.

Don't forget to comment, and reviews. This is what fuels me. Power stones are not as satisfying as reading your replies.

Though one day, I'll ask you guys to give me power stones for just 1 day and see how far I am at the rankings. Maybe next chapter since it will be a big fight.

Bye! :D

MegaMacho MegaMacho

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