The Supreme One Orisinil

The Supreme One

Fantasy 120 Bab 658.2K Dilihat
Penulis: priya012

4.8 (24 peringkat)

Jilid 1

  1. 1
    Chapter 1 - Secrets Of Earth 3 years ago
  2. 2
    Chapter 2 - Lord Wentian 3 years ago
  3. 3
    Chapter 3 - Shocking Truth 3 years ago
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    Chapter 4 - Death 3 years ago
  5. 5
    Chapter 5 - Rebirth 3 years ago
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    Chapter 6 - Digital Era 3 years ago
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    Chapter 7 - Only Friend 3 years ago
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    Chapter 8 - A Wierd Senior 3 years ago
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    Chapter 9 - The mysterious Ring 3 years ago
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    Chapter 10 - Special Exclusive Orb 3 years ago
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    Chapter 11 - Virtual Box 3 years ago
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    Chapter 12 - Opening of Supreme Realm 3 years ago
  13. 13
    Chapter 13 - God's Particle 3 years ago
  14. 14
    Chapter 14 - Faith Points(FP) 3 years ago
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    Chapter 15 - Skill Shop, Superpower Shop, and Item Shop 3 years ago
  16. 16
    Chapter 16 - A fear 3 years ago
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    Chapter 17 - A Pitiful Moutain 3 years ago
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    Chapter 18 - Three Stages of Devotee 3 years ago
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    Chapter 19 - Vanara Clan 3 years ago
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    Chapter 20 - Named Monster 3 years ago
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    Chapter 21 - Devil Tribe? 3 years ago
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    Chapter 22 - Mystical Infinite Clones 3 years ago
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    Chapter 23 - Demonize Evil Dragon 3 years ago
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    Chapter 24 - One Man Immortal Army 3 years ago
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    Chapter 25 - Three- Eye Fire Fairy 3 years ago
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    Chapter 26 - Divinity of Devil Mountain 3 years ago
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    Chapter 27 - Evolution, Soul Rebirth Avatar 3 years ago
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    Chapter 28 - Daitya Devil Clan Bloodline 3 years ago
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    Chapter 29 - The Four Legendary Devil Clans 3 years ago
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    Chapter 30 - Five Element Witch 3 years ago
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    Chapter 31 - Start Of New Era 2 years ago
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    Chapter 32 - Understanding of Fighting Posture 2 years ago
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    Chapter 33 - Eklavya School Of Magic 2 years ago
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    Chapter 34 - Spatial Control 2 years ago
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    Chapter 35 - The Great Lion Fist! 2 years ago
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    Chapter 36 - A glimpse of the future 2 years ago
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    Chapter 37 - Class Advancement 2 years ago
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    Chapter 38 - Level 20 2 years ago
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    Chapter 39 - Devil’s Emberthorne Village 2 years ago
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    Chapter 40 - Adolescent Mountain Devil Gecko Lizard 2 years ago
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    Chapter 41 - It's tough to be a God! 2 years ago
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    Chapter 42 - Corrupted Supreme Dragon Heart 2 years ago
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    Chapter 43 - Nirvana Blood Seed 2 years ago
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    Chapter 44 - Impure Soul Particle 2 years ago
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    Chapter 45 - Mischief Little Bhairav 2 years ago
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    Chapter 46 - If only they had listened... 2 years ago
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    Chapter 47 - Unrivaled Mighty Tail 2 years ago
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    Chapter 48 - Human emotions and spirituality. 2 years ago
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    Chapter 49 - Devil System 2 years ago
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    Chapter 50 - Hello World! 2 years ago
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    Chapter 51 - Shameless Bhairav 2 years ago
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    Chapter 52 - Talent - Gene Devourer 2 years ago
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    Chapter 53 - Asura Devil Clan 2 years ago
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    Chapter 54 - Fate 2 years ago
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    Chapter 55 - Return to Real World 2 years ago
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    Chapter 56 - Rebirth? 2 years ago
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    Chapter 57 - Double Battery 2 years ago
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    Chapter 58 - Devil! 2 years ago
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    Chapter 59 - School Discipline Committee 2 years ago
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    Chapter 60 - Unknown Legacy 2 years ago
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    Chapter 61 - Toy Master's Request 2 years ago
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    Chapter 62 - Killing Baby wolves! 2 years ago
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    Chapter 63 -The Lost Land :The Forbidden Glory 2 years ago
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    Chapter 64 - Devil God Diary! 2 years ago
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    Chapter 65 - Ancient Alchemy 2 years ago
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    Don't Open( Copy chapter error!!) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 66 - Actual Alchemy Process 2 years ago
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    Chapter 67 - Alchemist Genius 2 years ago
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    Chapter 68 - Wolf Annihilator 2 years ago
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    Chapter 69 - Alpha Maned Mask 2 years ago
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    Chapter 70 - Serpent God Guild 2 years ago
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    Chapter 71 - Amelia 2 years ago
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    Chapter 72 - Shocking Discovery! 2 years ago
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    Chapter 73 - Super Analytics 2 years ago
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    Chapter 74 - Three-Fanged Snake 2 years ago
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    Chapter 75 - Chaos Monkey 2 years ago
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    Chapter 76 - Monkey Paradise? 2 years ago
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    Chapter 77 - Time Transcendent Rule 2 years ago
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    Chapter 78 - Eternity Accelerator (S) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 79 - Goblin Slayer Sword (Bronze) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 80 - Origin Goblin Summon 2 years ago
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    Chapter 81 - Descendent of Vanara King 2 years ago
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    Chapter 82 - Annoying Gobin Archer 2 years ago
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    Chapter 83 - The Mighty Cobra 2 years ago
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    Chapter 84 - Goblin Guardian 2 years ago
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    Chapter 85 - Magic Attributes 2 years ago
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    Chapter 86 - Goblin Great Commander 2 years ago
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    Chapter 87 - Firestorm 2 years ago
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    Chapter 88 - Commander Totem 2 years ago
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    Chapter 89 - The Forbidden Tail of the Celestial Being 2 years ago
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    Chapter 90 - The Revival of Devil 2 years ago
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    Chapter 91 - Conflict 2 years ago
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    Chapter 92 - Guild Leader Cobra 2 years ago
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    Chapter 93 - Is he using hacks? 2 years ago
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    Chapter 94 - Class Selection Hall 2 years ago
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    Chapter 95 - Supreme Bloodline Evolver 2 years ago
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    Chapter 96 - Eye Advancement Pill 2 years ago
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    Chapter 97 - Learning Alchemy from Devil 2 years ago
  99. 99
    Chapter 98 - Eye Advancement Pill: Part two 2 years ago
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    Chapter 99 - Understanding of Harmony 2 years ago
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    Chapter 100 - Boston Premium Training Centre 2 years ago
  102. 102
    Chapter 101 - Thinking about Creating a Guild 2 years ago
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    Chapter 102 - S-Rank Nutrient Syrup 2 years ago
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    Chapter 103 - Strength 2 years ago
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    Chapter 104 - True Martial Art 2 years ago
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    Don't open copy! Sorry I'm not able to Delete it! 2 years ago
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    Chapter 105 - Special Guest Instructor 2 years ago
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    Chapter 106 - Secret Veteran List 2 years ago
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    Chapter 107 - Adventure Association 2 years ago
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    Chapter 108 - Age??? 2 years ago
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    Chapter 109 - Cult of Demon God Two-Face 2 years ago
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    Don't Open! Copy! 2 years ago
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    Chapter 110- Mana 2 years ago
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    Chapter 110 - Mana 2 years ago
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    Chapter 111 - Demon God followers Secret Hideout(2) 2 years ago
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    Chapter 112 - Epic Grade Artifact 2 years ago
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    Chapter 113 - Priest 2 years ago
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    Chapter114 - A Range Skill 2 years ago
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    Chapter 115 - Fragment Of Map 2 years ago
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    Chapter 116 - Life Burning Art 2 years ago