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24.48% MHA: A Cat's Story / Chapter 11: Chapter 11 : Body

Bab 11: Chapter 11 : Body

*A/N*: Thanks for the stones guys! But welp I didn't think we would still be so far... Did Ghosty give me his greed? smh... Anyway, I'll change the goal to top 5 and for 2 chapters instead.

Have fun reading today's chap!

Here's the discord: https://discord.gg/pRaqNADp7C


'Today is the day' Miku thought, going down the stairs with her husband.

Indeed, today they were going to bring their cat to the doctor, one of her former classmates, whom she didn't like that much but could tolerate for Kurai.

They reached the main room, each with their own thoughts until they saw a little kid daydreaming on their couch.

He was pretty average in height, well he looked no older than 4 or 5 years old. He was dark skinned, which was pretty uncommon in Japan, same thing for his hair: a beautiful shade of purple, looking as smooth as silk in the rays of the morning sun. His eyes were golden, a stunning golden that made them think back to their cat, who was nowhere to be seen.

All in all, this kid's features were pretty much unseen in Japan, but it didn't diminish his cuteness at all. More like his difference made it better.

Miku called out to the kid, with precaution, as a rich couple they couldn't let their guards down.

"Who are you?"

A long silence followed her question. From their point of view the kid seemed lost, but truthfully Kurai just didn't know what or more like, how to act.

'Mmh... Let's go with this.' He finished pondering about it.

He tried to look like a kid, but his face showed little to no emotions, "Mama?"

When they heard his murmur, Akio and Miku who were marching toward him stopped in their tracks. It's not everyday that an unknown kid appears in your life and calls you out after all. Miku wanted to ask something but she got interrupted before even opening her mouth. They saw Kurai pointing respectively to them, "Miku-mama! Akio-papa!"

This solicited another shock from them, while Kurai was thinking if his act was good enough to fool them, 'I should probably say that I can remember important things from my cat life, umm...'

Miku didn't know what to do in this situation, but Akio's gears were working at full speed, and the only conclusion he came to was: it could only be Kurai!

"Miku, Darling, go look for Kurai in the whole house." He said looking back at her.

'Oh! Nice thinking boss, lemme help you a bit!'

"Kurai...me...?" He tried to say questioningly.

Akio approached him, waiting for his wife. "So, you're a grown up human now Kurai? Is that your quirk manifesting? Ummm... It's true that it has been close to 4 years now that we found you... When you were only a small kitten." He said, pondering.

Miku, aghast, came back after looking through the whole house, looking quite shaken. "Darling! Darling! I couldn't find him anywhere, he normally answers very fast!!" She desperately shouted at her husband.

"I know, I know, I may have found him." He answered calmly, looking at Kurai's new form.

Miku was about to lash at him for his joke but she followed his gaze and everything clicked together in her mind; the same golden eyes, how he called them, the fact that he looked no older than 5 years old, his appearance and Kurai's disappearance... Everything connected perfectly. 'Oh, and their dark skin.'

But... "Are you sure?" She asked again, she couldn't believe it. Her cat, gaining a quirk, a human one at that. He was already special but now...

"Pretty sure yeah... Anyway we have to go to the doctor, everything would then be clarified."

Miku nodded at his words. She turned her gaze to Kurai, "Do you recognize me, Sweetie?" She gently smiled at him, let it be Kurai or another kid, in the end, he was just an infant, an harmless kid.

"...Miku-mama" He nodded after hesitating, or that is what it looked like for them. 'Shit I was about to speak more, imagine a a former cat speaking fluent Japanese...' He sweatdropped.

"Hihi!" Miku rejoiced, 'If this really happened...' She thought about Kurai's situation.

'It means he's our first kid!' Miku was naturally pleased by this development, so much so that she couldn't stop herself and hugged him. Since old habits die hard, she continued to rub her cheeks on his.

Kurai hugged her back. 'Naturally, the woman is already in the bag, just gotta wake up her motherly instinct, though, I don't know about Akio. Gaining his trust would be harder.'

Miku stopped, without losing her excitement, "Anyway, Kurai! Kurai! Do you remember us, from the time you were a cat?"

While saying 'Yes' here would be the easiest solution for him, giving a 'not so sure' answer instead could help him more in his endeavour. Like bonding with them further and assuring his place in the household, for his future. He just couldn't bring himself to give up on a bright future with this rich family. Or that's what he likes to tell himself... Maybe they already affected him more than what he would like to admit...

Akio, seeing him 'hesitate' answered in his stead. "Miku, Darling, it's the same as asking a 4 year old kid if he remembers when he was only one or two year old... Except here we have a former cat. What I think would be the most probable..."

Miku was looking at him attentively, it was concerning her boy after all. Kurai, though, was nodding along with Akio's explanation.

Akio seeing him, smiled. 'He kept his smarts, but didn't yet adapt to human speech I guess.' He then continued his speech, "The most probable outcome is him having pieces of memories on a more instinctual level. Maybe… I'm not sure... I don't know how his quirk affects him..."

He concluded his talk, and patted his head too, keeping his habits like his wife but Kurai froze and showed his small canines.

"Oh sorry! I didn't know you don't like them in your human form!" Akio immediately apologized.

'Tsk, obviously I couldn't do anything when I was a cat, but the only people that can pet me are good old milfs recuperating after an intense session...' He sneered.

"Don't worry we'll help you adapt to your new environment Kurai! Or should I say Rai-kun now? Fufufu" Miku tried to tease him to change the awkward mood.

'Whatever, but no patting!' He nodded reluctantly.

The family went out to the car. This time Kunishe broke his record.

Last time, he equaled his record by raising a single eyebrow because of the surprise, and that was the biggest reaction he ever had, but today, after learning the news from his masters, two of his eyebrows went up. Therefore breaking his previous record.

He nonetheless recovered his professionalism very fast, and drove to Hiroshima. During the trip Miku and Akio were explaining things to Kurai. Things he knew, but had to act like he didn't. They also tried to make him 'learn' Japanese. Fortunately, they thought of him as someone smart so he could 'learn' it pretty fast.

They also tried to tell him to call them Okasan and Otosan but... 'Nah, no way in hell! Too cringe for me!' His roots weren't white and red after all... [1]

"Mama! Papa!" He shouted with his small voice. 'It's the least I can do without cringing.'


Both parents sighed, it looked like they both gave up, for today at least...

"Anyway." Akio interrupted, wanting to change the subject. "We are nearly there."

Indeed, in a few minutes they would reach the doctor's personal house for the quirk measurements. That way the results will be more private than in a public hospital.

"Pfff..." Miku exhaled.

Akio looked at her, "It's not that bad Darling. He's a nice man, very kind too. He'll be pretty understanding toward Kurai." He said, finding it pretty normal.

"Moouh, you don't understand~" She murmured back.

While Kurai, who was in her arms, found it weird, 'Could he be a monster? Maybe that's why she looks so uncomfortable...' Akio didn't hear her.

They finally arrived before a nice looking house. And rang on the door.

A 'man' came to greet them.

Externally, Kurai's face was showing close to no emotions, having learned to never overreact uncontrollably, but internally he was pretty surprised. 'A monster ? Pretty close guess hah, is that his quirk? Human lower-half but cicada upper-half... Interesting'

"Ooh! Akio-san! Miku-san! Please enter!" He greeted them before settling his eyes on the kid with them, his mantles constantly moving left and right.

"Weren't you supposed to bring a cat instead of a kid? Don't tell me you cheated on Akio-san and brought a kid back with you Miku-san?!" He continued exaggeratedly.

"Hello." They both answered first, albeit Miku more stiffly, while Kurai only nodded.

Akio then took the lead, "About that Cacida-san... He's the cat in question... But things happened, can we enter first?"

This seemed to catch the cicada-man off guard. He looked at Kurai for a second before nodding. "Of course! Of course! Please do so!"

Kurai followed the group, holding Miku's hand, who was gripping a little bit harder. So Kurai caressed it to reassure her. 'Like a little kid being scared of spiders, but here we have a half-cicada man instead, huh.'

Miku glanced at him and forced a smile at his gesture. They reached the operating room where Kurai saw tons of different devices, some were off, others on. Some were even beeping. And a heavy smell of disinfecting alcohol permeated the air. 'Looks a bit scary, but professional.' Kurai commented.

"Welcome to my humble abode!" Cacida said, spreading his 4 arms.

Settling together on a nearby table with the family, he asked, "So what's the deal with the new kid?" It looked like he turned on the serious mode after putting on a pair of 6 eyed glasses.

"It's like this..." Akio started the explanation. After finishing retelling everything, before Cacida could talk, Miku asked. "Everything is under medical secrecy, are we clear?" Her eyes looked threateningly at the half-man half-cicada.

"Yes! Of course!"

Cacida continued, "Anyway, I think I pretty much understood everything from what your husband told me. His previous speed demonstration was due to the quirk, which was about to awake soon. And the said quirk is probably something like 'Human quirk' but we'll be assured after some scans."

Kurai, silent until now, sneered in his mind, 'Heh, you couldn't be more wrong.'

The couple nodded. Cacida then pointed to a device. "There little guy, go lie there, and we'll do all the tests."

Kurai agreed naturally, it wasn't like some human device could find out the truth about his gift from literal gods.

Then, for a good hour Cacida scanned his body, asked him questions, though for the questions Kurai only nodded or shook his head to signal 'Yes' and 'No'.

Finally after finishing everything and before showing the results Cacida asked Kurai to try if he could go back to his cat form. Kurai nodded since it was something he wanted to try too.

Unfortunately he stayed immobile for a few seconds before the doc interrupted him.

"Don't think too much, it's a natural process."

'Um... There's nothing helping me in Yoruichi's memories...' His concentration reached its peak.


Out of nowhere 2 black cat shaped ears appeared along with a long and soft tail, of the same colour.

'Shit is hard, I'm spent already...' He let out a tired sigh.

But people around him had a different mood altogether, particularly Miku who had stars in her eyes. Shota and Cat Boys were her favourite tags in manga after all...

She excitedly shouted after seeing him, "Ooh Kurai!! You're the cutest! Come here to Mama!" She opened her arm in a welcoming hug but...


It all disappeared... 'Dang, now I have something more to train during the night...'

"Look, Darling, this was exhausting to him, he's still new to all this!" Akio said, signalling Kurai to his wife.

Miku came out of her daze, to her disappointment her boy didn't have his ears and tails anymore. Then, after becoming aware that one of her fetishes came out in public, she blushed out of shame.

"Uwuwuwu..." She murmured while covering her eyes.


Cacida coughed to end this embarrassing moment, "Anyway looks like you can't control it yet, and with your small body it takes a toll on you."

'True, though, I felt better, more like that demi-human form felt more natural to me.' Kurai added in his mind to the doctor's conclusion.

Akio nodded, understanding his words.

"Now, the results of the scans..." He purposely made a pause in his sentence, looking at each one of them.

He stopped at Kurai, settling his documents down. "Here, look. It's pretty fascinating to be honest. I never analysed such a case before."

They all bent their necks to see the said files, but there was too much 'medical crap' like Kurai thought.

Seeing them lost Cacida continued, "After scanning, what came out first was his improved physical abilities as a human; speed, strength, agility, dexterity and intelligence."

"For all those traits he's way above a 4 year old kid." He stopped to let them digest the news.

While the couple was pondering the weight of his words, Kurai rejoiced. 'He didn't find the electrical part, that's nice. Must be the Gods doing. I always had a hidden sleeve in my previous career, same here I guess.'

'Though, I think the intelligence part is bullshit, but I welcome it with open arms. The reason should be my soul having kept its memories. This way I can explain easily the things I do, and cover it all under a genius disguise.' His internal monologue ending, Miku asked a question.

"What about his cat form then? Will he have any problem in the future?"

Cacida thought for a bit before answering, "Um... Like I said previously, his strength and speed a few weeks ago must be because of his quirk awakening."

"So, I'd said 'Cat quirk' or 'Human quirk' must be his quirk depending on the perspective. What do you say little guy?" He continued, looking at Kurai.

"...Cat quirk" He said, acting meekly before his 6 eyes.

"Alright, I'll write that for you! Shishishi! As for the future... Don't worry about him, let it be in his cat or human form. He's above average, so I see no health problems there!"

Hearing the most awaited words Miku let out a breath, "Thank God!..." Akio took his wife's hand, gently.

"We should thank you too, Cacida-san!" Akio released his wife's hands and shook his free hand with Cacida's.

"Shishishi! No biggies, it was my pleasure! Come let's drink coffee at our reunion!" He added, taking off his glasses and pointing to the salon.


'All in all, it went pretty well huh? I kept most of the secrets about my quirk, and even got some benefits out of this visit.' Kurai was thinking while looking out of the window.

They were on their way to meet Miku's friend in Hiroshima, just as Akio suggested, to give her a few books.

Coincidentally, Miku was texting her, "Dear! Dear! Tell Kunishe there's an issue with the meeting!" She voiced out urgently.




1 : - Mom and Dad in Japanese.

- White and red, the flag of Japan. So yeah, talking about his origin.

WolfStar14 WolfStar14

Thanks for reading! See you tomorrow for the next chap!

Here you can join discord if you want : https://discord.gg/pRaqNADp7C

There are enough lewd pics for everyone, a poll for the Hero name, and finally your handsome author whom you can talk to freely! Ahem...

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