The hole was twice as much wide as me. I got in first. This place was at least half a story down and definitely lit. Servesta followed me. He was almost all the way in, but at the very last moment, his shoulder got shuck.
Oh boy.
I didn't think he'd get stuck. Just how the hell were the hobgoblins coming out of this place if Servesta was getting stuck?
Well, Servesta was a bit bigger than the hobs here, so maybe that's why?
But the thoughts weren't helping. But wait, I could see better inside here. I'd forgotten to take a look before I got occupied with the Servesta's crisis. I turned around and took a good look. There were pyres.
"What the hell?'
And this thing looked more like a tunnel than a cave. And it was definitely dug with care.
169 fans XD
Anyway, I held back a lot in this chapter. and I mean a lot. I got the impression that things would have gotten rather ugly (There are still possibilities so be aware). But I held back my punches for this chapter. I don't know if you remember or not but these three goblins are pretty dangerous, so yeah, things might happen. Just thought I'd give you a warning beforehand.