'Almost there,' Aito thought, hacking his way towards the exit, occasionally using his shield's shock wave ability for an easy clear. Even if it didn't kill, it was great for hurling small fries.
With Ogoro and Sheyla on his toes, he quickly arrived ten meters away from the staircase's entrance, only to see that elementalists, protected by warriors, were getting ready to fire.
'Not this time, you fuckers.'
"Sheyla, shoot them!" Aito exclaimed, creating breathing around them. "Ogoro, cover the rear. I'll take both flanks and front."
At first, he didn't really expect them to follow through with his orders. He couldn't blame them since he wouldn't trust in someone else's judgment, someone he had met recently.
New tier available tomorrow! 5 additional chaps! (Yeah not much but that's all I can safely manage for now xD